Far Cry 6: Season Pass Trailer | Become The Villain | #UbiForward #AudioDescription

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Royal Clodmus: everyone thinking Vaas was the first and best villain in the Far Cry series: *perfection* Me, a Jackal fan: *HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO MEEE*

GHOSTS RP: Farcry 4.🤩

Varun Ajay: i get to play as GOAT villains all time.....Hell Yeahh

LickableItem: Wait, what is actually being sell here?

C G: Haven’t even released the game,and are already cash grabbing with this. Despite the fact it kinda looks good,this is so typical Ubisoft. I just wait for paywalled helix credit weapons in fc6 now

gohan9294: I wasn’t planing on getting the new far cry for a while, but this has put it at the top of my list

The sand moose: My favorite antagonist is pagan. He was so relatable and arguably wasnt even the bad guy.

Rhys: This dlc actually looks good, but I swear if Michael Mando isn't voice acting Vaas again, I'ma throw hands.

Jose: This is some M. Night Shyamalan twist right here. I like it.

Ahmet Tastemur: I cant wait to cleanse thou sins of sinners

SexiieSherry: I've been itching to kill some golden paths terrorist.

pooruag: Did I ever told you the definition of insanity

andre zaro: That's nuts, gorgeus job

Super Llama: Sold

Przemuś: omfg i think, that Vaas version of "Become The Villain" is gonna be better than Far Cry 4, 5, New Dawn and 6 in one.

Kiyan Jamali: Dr Krieger and the Jackhal : are we joke to you??

hussein mohamed: I can't believe this until now

The Coon: You can get the skins of those 3 villains in far cry 5 and play as them 😂😂😂

craig keogh: I like this more than far cry 6

Brandon Powell: Wow Ubisoft. This is actually pretty neat. Anyway like we were saying before stop abusing your employees.

Everybody: What is that? Animus??

VI: You piece of beauty. I wanted to kill the golden path with pagan. I wanted to save everyone in the resistance with the father. You have made my dreams come true. Season pass, here I come

Garylol Cow: I love this company again

Bailey Nelson: Far Cry 3 is my favourite and I can't wait to play as Vass. I really hope his character remains the same as he was in the game.

Neven 2468: Every side has a story

Retzoua Zter: These look cool as hell but I feel like they're gonna suffer the usual doc problem of being woefully short and linear

Taqiy Elmaadi: finally, fun

Mr. Watch_Dog: Finally a far cry 3 remaster

3La2 3mad: oh cool, you get to play as ubisoft management

Florian Saltas: Just waiting for pyros reaction

Joey Deguelle: I think John might have gotten to me, cause all I can think is... Yes!

vDom: So what even is it though? Like it doesn't explain anything other than "playing as the villain".

sgt jasse: vaaaaaas😍😍😍

Arseny Yaroshuk: Please tell me there will be more DLCs. Including something new that we haven't seen before. Please...

Zargex: Cool but does this game have map creator?

Rouge Raccoon: Ok I get the feeling we're gonna be able to explore Rook island, Kyrat, and Hope county once again but in the eyes and minds of the antagonist and from the looks of it they're all messed up versions

R K Bro: I have played every Far Cry to date & I feel Far Cry 4 is way too much underrated.

darthnihilus1608: DLC announcements before the game is even out? What has the gaming industry come to.....

JiTHAxGoD: get Ready For My Gameplay WalkThrough Of this Game From October Onwards❤️

Tazdivil: “You are Vaas” Me:I’LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK

Luca Toretto: Avevate la mia curiosità.....ma adesso avete la mia attenzione 😍 Far Cry 6 + Season Pass, ok Molto Bello 😍 Più ancora il Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon 🥰🥰🥰.....scusate ma Far Cry 6 sarà un titolo da acquistare obbligatoriamente. Peccato solo dover attendere sino al 7 ottobre ma.....meglio così. L'importante è che di tutta l'Opera sia Perfetto 😍❤️🔝

Abhijitsinh: Joseph seed..........one of the greatest antagonist in the gaming history...

Josh: Why tf do they keep bringing back blood dragon??? It wasn't good and it was a forgettable DLC. And yet they keep bringing it back to shove it down our throats

SUICD: Lovely, so hyped

Mr Rayan: oh noooo its unbelieve

TonY StarK GaminG: OMFG

Kenneth: looks gimmicky

sportaflop !: We just gonna forget about the jackel

BullyMaguire: Pagan min!!!!!!

Miguel: Dude if rook is in this somehow...

Razzed _: СУКА ЭТО ЛУЧШЕЕ ЧТО ВИДЕЛ, Я БУХОЙ СМОТРЮ ЭТО 3 часа я не шучу, я ждал этого много лет !!!!!!!!!! СУКА

William Howard taft: Wait chorizo is a king pin bad guy?

Antonio Garcia: I’ve never played blood dragon but always heard it was good. I’m looking forward to this one regardless of graphics or gameplay. I’m excited to experience more of the far cry universe!

DANDY: Unpopular Opinion Pagan is the Best Far Cry Villain.

8-Bit Modern: Okay, in Jason's original model his hair was tall, but this model they just lengthed it by double the exaggeration of the original

Jack: Finally we can play as the good guys

ARKA BHOWMIC: @Ubisoft u r just killing it🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Nicholas Wyatt: God there are few things that ruin a game as quickly as announcing DLC WAYYY before the game is even out.

Yunior Gamboa: They probably are going to divide the DLC into 3 categories where you are placed into a rather small area based on each game just being the bad guy which would likely take less than 4 hours to complete. Just my thoughts, although I don't know about Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Maybe a remaster...

Yunior Gamboa: YEAH baby FAR CRY BLOOD DRAGON!!

Andrey Mokko: Absolutely hot 🔥

b. slims: I guess this confirms The Jackal wasn't really a villain?

RREDITZ: What is this. I can't understand. Fc 3 remastered coming?

Dio: Yes! I can't wait to play as Joseph!

Delusional Gaming: Yo this is sick you get to play as the best far cry villains and one of the best far cry games with the voice actors returning this is truly a miracle Ubisoft is stepping up

Leviticus: Ubisoft, give us a Far Cry 3 remake with same characters 🙌

Bengala Atômica: I feel really sorry to say that this is not Audiodescription. These are captions for deaf people.

Sebamatic Studios: Joseph: Speak no evil Vaas: Hear no evil Pagan: See no evil

mfjess: disappointed that ubisoft just forgets about far cry 2, i would've loved to see the jackel :(

How About NO: Does make me wonder if theory about Vaas surviving plus Ajay letting Pagan go, and the Walk Away ending are all considered canon now. Especially since the main writer for FC6 explicitly stated the Resist Ending and ND were a what-if scenario. Also wonder if the Rakyat and Privateers will return as enemies since we do see warped versions of the Golden Path and White Tails fighting Pagan Min and Joseph in the trailer.

NoisyAF: when a season pass is more exciting than the full game lmao

casey obrien: These dream sequences are stupid

Mario1234 Pl: I love how for Vaas they are going into the whole symmetry thing to show how Vaas and Jason are alike

Toxic Man: “Ok, we need ideas for a season pass.” “Remaster Blood dragon again?”

Jens Andree: These DLC's actually looks way more interesting than FC6 itself!!! My Far Cry dream game is set in FC3 environment with dialogue, story and characters like FC4 and made with FC5 engine - without the ranking system from FC New Dawn. (which really sucked because as soon as you upgraded weapons rank the enemies scaled up so you gained nothing :/ ) Just hearing Pagan Min's voice again is enough to make me open my wallet and pay the $100 for the Gold Edition - but only after reading the reviews. None of those pre orders here! Sadly no Hurk which is a bit sad since he and Willis are important - and often annoying - parts of the Far Cry family, but doing the same time after time after time does get predictable and perhaps they'll introduce some new interesting characters to join the family? I hope the DLC's aren't just some small handful of simple quests on a small map and that's it...?! Not acceptable for a $100 game!!! Let's just hope we get a smooth and bug free (-ish) release because we're all still recovering from the CP2077 malarkey, but I doubt any game studio/publisher dares to release any game in a poor state for many years, and that's how it should be! ;) (well, apart from Bethesda that is... bugs are just part of their infrastructure... Hahahaha!)

The TR Nationalist: Cant waittt!

[-Psycho-]: A surprise to be sure, and a welcome one.

ChargingStag: I would honestly play an entire trilogy of full length villain prequel games to be honest. The villains are obviously always the defining feature of Far Cry games, and to be able to play the full backstory of Vaas, Pagan and Joseph would be potential incredible storytelling. Especially as they already released a bunch of extra backstory out-of-game for Joseph etc

Sage c: This is probably going to be a waste of money.

Maximo Olivera: VAASSSSSSSSS

BRØLAPE: Meanwhile poor Hoyt Volker is crying as nobody remembers him💔😭

ViKatamari Sandbox: Not gonna lie: Jason saying "did i ever tell you the definition of insanity" to Vaas gave me goosebumps

Marshinz: Interesting Concept.

ProjectAtEvansGate: Our Father has returned!! I knew God wouldn’t let him be taken. Everything is unfolding according to God’s plan

Francis Net: Hoyt is crying

ADOLF HITLER: I hope they show us how Joseph knew about the end did some one tell him did he really speak to god or something much bigger

Merwin Bagano: *moves rock 0.01mm to the left* The entire timeline:

the real Zeus: how will this work exactly?

Spartiateism: Boring 🙄

Drago: I hope all three dlcs aren't just playing as past villains, it's cool but I'd prefer something like Vietnam dlc or more zombies

- TARI -: Noone wants to be joseph

James007HungerZone: This better be on the Playstation versions as well. I never got to play Blood Dragon.

Keelan Channavy: Yet, here I was thinking you could play as a "Blood Dragon" at the end

caguko: Very interesting, having Vaas relive what he did to the player.

Bruva Galathos: Why does this look better than the actual game?

K. Y.: Good grief.

Philippe Beauchamp: I just want a Far Cry 2 remake. Not even remaster. REMAKE. PLZ

PvP-Frozen: When im more hyped for this than the main game lol

M.Abdullah Ejaz: Far cry Blood Dragon, my absolute favourite.

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