Alone: Rose's 10 Multi-Use Tools (Season 8) | Exclusive | History

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HISTORY: Watch all new episodes of Alone, Thursdays at 9:30/8:30c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at

Tyler Parker: "I chose the shorter axe so that i dont expend as much energy when i use it" So we know shes never used an axe before.

Oodles of Noodles: Great historical content from the History Channel! ... Oh, wait...

Aaron Wilcox: Nice. Choosing a flimsy folding saw for wood processing and an hatchet to save energy or calories. Really, us she actually that ditzy to believe that? When processing wood you need a real axe and a real saw. Why? Because they're proven and don't mess around

Jacob Williams: Is she supposed to be the babe for this season? I guess for a 45 year old single mom that's as good as it gets. I don't think she will last very long though, she doesn't seem like she is very well studied in survival, flimsy saw, short axe, -20 sleeping bag is kinda light for that environment.

Edzherenow: definitely looks like that pot is bigger than 2 quarts!

100% Peanuts: You are to skinny. You need an extra 20lbs on you to sustian out there.

Kevin Bowling: First time ever watched one of these videos. I have a couple of quality multi-tools, and the knives on them are cumbersome to use. A solid knife and sharpening stone would be on my list. Also would have figured out how to roll everything up into a 12' x 12' tarp, instead of a back pack.

Karen Otte: Must be nice to afford boats and fancy camping gear to travel around and pretend you're roughing it LOL what's next on here

johnny llooddte: oh dear

Poli Wag: Satellite cell phone oz of weed camera and trail mix and a camel pack I’ll do photography baked until my rescue comes

Amanda Miller: Now don't get me wrong I lv the show Alone but 10 items isn't enough 2 survive 4 very long 1 of these days some1 is going 2 die & then the show will b cancelled

pickin_grinnin: When they show a Leatherman, I always want to know the model.

muffley merkin: She’s a History Channel 10.

Wendy Myrvold: Best wishes Rose! I will be rooting for you!

WhiteCollarWarrior Wall St. Fraud Examiner: Very few pack a real shovel, not a camp shovel. I can move boulders with a shovel and accomplish many other tasks with it. Through leverage i unearth the boulders, placing on shovel head I can drag and slide them into position for camp building. I believe Zack from an earlier season brought a shovel and won that season.

zone8848: she is not going to cut it , unless fortune favors her repeatedly.

John Reinburg: Good Luck!

Firebrand1967: Sheer folly. Alone has become Survivor.

Manuel Weber: Choosing a hatchet in order to "not waste a lot of energy using it" is probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard in Alone. The Gerber folding saw will not last very long either.

Jr Fuentes: You also got to have a 44 magnum on your hip.

Seth Crawford: I chose a shorter version because I don't understand how leverage works 😅

AFishBicycle: 20 degree bag? She knows it gets a lot colder right?

javier gimenez: Small axe is actually more energy consuming than a big one. ¿?¿?

james brunette: WHY MAKE THESE DUMB VIDEOS. Almost every single competitor from year after year has exactly the same 10 things, its almost asif the show supplies this stuff, they all have almost identical lists. Once every 4th person they might have one item differant, but its always exactly the same. I could tell you exactly what most of the competitors bring next season.

Phillip Chadwick: Wow, what an amazing woman! She's my new celebrity crush. Hope she does really well. So glad she picked her pot based on it's colour. The Surge looked huge in her hand, hope it was a Surge not a Wave, then she'd be even daintier. I can envisage some ol' griz calling her a snack. Hey ho...

Mike Vega: LOVE TO SEE YOU WIN ! ! ! !

john mirbach: 😎🖖👍👌✌😁

BUSHCRAFT DEE: To me, my bow and arrows will get me protection and meat, so why the snare wire? I'm leaning toward fish as my protein source. I can smoke what I don't eat. Good luck, Rose!

Fred Orman: Rose sure plans to live rough.

Hash Brown: Bitcoin liquidation Shake out the weak hands shake out the shorts..

slc308: Packing a light bow saw for heavy wood felling is a bad idea.

william keeling: Why does so few use a bow quiver. They are more convenient actually keep your broadheads safe, secure and sharp. Back and side quivers are just impractical in this setting, IMO.

runkorko: Cutting logs for shelter or firewood with ""shorter version"" of the axe require more energy than doing it with right size forest axe. Good luck

Ebay Addicts: Nice work 💪

Gray Willy: If success is cheap, every one wovld has been successful if the road to success was straight many would have been enjoying success long ago, but am sorry. Its not.! If your expecting your dreams to come cheaply. Then you need a change of mind. Success is not for people who give up easily it's not for lazy people who give excusess success come from people who are dedicated. Committed and ready to give their dreams and all it take to be fullflied. So I can ask again? What manner of person I you? Some who give up easily it's easily, or some ready to fight through the bad day to earn the days? Think about it.

offpher J: It's not luck it's determination

CURIO - CITY: I am learning new things from history channel and I also love to feed knowledge to people 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Nigel Winslow: The word important has a "t" in the middle. Its not impor-ent its impor-tent. Please enunciate.

Shilpi Lal: No one will comment in my comment!!!

Joel Catala: What state is she in?

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