DC's Stargirl | Season 2 Extended Trailer | The CW

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Nastasia Silvi: EMMMM... And where the hell is Starman (or whoever that guy at the last seconds of the last series, who loked like Starman was). It was such an intrigue! And they, what, forgot about him???!!! But the daughter of Green Lantern??! And Courtney's brother looks so older and prettier than in 1st season!! I already LOVE this season!! :):):)

stormking989: I love how Stargirl has that down to Earth sometimes, gritty feel like the Superman & Lois series. Arrow used to be gritty during season one and two and Black Lightening also has that similar feel to it. Not the usual CW wacky over the top vibes like on the other superhero series.

Death Star Stallion: It'd It'd cool if we got to see a live action Kyle rayner since they are introducing jade but I really doubt that would happen

Shahan Ahsan: Let’s freakin go!!!!! It looks amazing

Just Pizza: can't believe this trash is getting a second season lol

Dan Eyal: While I can't say that I'm ok with all the politics that the CW is inserting into the Arrowverse, I'll still compliment them for giving less recurring villains like Shade more involvement and screentime.

leela.717 leela.717: Nahhh....seems silly with it's silly music...not getting those old arrowverse vibes from any of the new CW shows...

Samarbahadur Gupta: This is literally show for kids.. adult stay away 👹👹

Yu Zimme Kush Kazemi: Loved the 1st series can’t wait for this

ELVISDINNERSHOW2020: i'm suprised we don't see a scene with Starman in this trailer.. i'm guessing he won't have a very big storyline this season then

Pratheek905: Can't wait for them to crossover with the flash

KogleyBroDude: And here starts the downfall of stargirl. Gd i wish hbo got this. As much as i love the arrowverse.being on CW has held all the shows back with their stupid love triangle bs.

Danny Boy: I really need to finish season 1 lol. I only wwtched 1 or 2 ep.. and this looks super good

Tay_Hilfiger19: Lmfaoooo this show is so corny 💀…it’s for cringe White kids..who love crappy cgi

Meme Iselfaneye: Really hope they capture the neutral chaos of the Shade, even if he starts out as a pure villain.

Medalion: I could easily see this show crossing over with Doom Patrol.... I would love that

Medalion: Oh yes.. so looking forward to this return!

Vikram Vicky: Superman--Supergirl Batman--batwoman Starman---Stargirl Green lantern----lady lantern All are there...🤔 So I want Wonder woman-----Wonder Man or Wonder Boy 😂😉 Right now 😁

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: stargirl is one of the only dc shows cw has done justice

Ace McShane: They changed the logo. Nice! Loving the inclusion of Jade! ❤️

Almir Yandi: The Hour man should hide his Hour Glass....

Abhinash Kanda: Aws vfx And cgi well done DC

Mark Aldrin Abaigar: She' s back!!!!! I love Stargirl - the show has a lot of heart, laughs and action. Brec was born to play Stargirl.... August would be awesome for DCTV fans.

Mitchell Ries: Please have Supergirl make an appearance on this show at least once. Please?

Rodrigo Cerrutti: Falta su linterna verde del arroverso

Gabriel Avalos: Let’s goo loved the first season 💯💯💯

Wade Jr: It starts on my bday

Joe Whitehead: I didn’t actually know the trailer was released today. I just searched it up to see if it was yet, by any chance. Sure glad I was right!

John Bobbitt: Looks like we're getting the Shade! I love Shade!

yasas perera: I think season 2 will be better, I believe that.

Daniel Marrero Pernas: This actually looks great. I just hope you don't mess this up with feminism and all those stuff that have destroyed Batwoman and the rest of Arrowverse's shows. Please, learn of your mistakes. Batwoman and all your political shows are a disaster while Superman & Lois is being loved by all fans and giving you money. So please learn of that

Julia Maya: 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️

Micah Da Mic: Star girl must follow her responsibilities, she can do it!!! She just has to fight!!!

Joshua Richard: Was that her step brother with them? Does he get the genie powers??

Zahid Fahim: dear CW don't ruin this. make it fresh like Superman & Lois.

[]Kevin[] []Cruise[]: August is gonna be crazy. •Stargirl •Suicide Squad •Titans I thought there was something else, bring it on DC!

Azel Dadzie: Y the daughter tho the ring doesn't choose based on lineage soo?

Naomi King: Finally a female Green lantern😍 I hope she join the team!

Keepintouch Kumariung: Star girl is dumb but energetic ❤️ Waiting for kid flash. After all it's his place town

Theus Nerd: Earth 2: *Stargirl* *The Batman*

John Gabriel: If HBOMax were to produce DC series and then simulcast on CW, that would bring the DCU IP into a lot more homes than streaming subscribers... but that would also make CW even more obviously the DCU Network than it already is. Well, as a DC fan, sounds good to me; just find some way to restart Swamp Thing with James Wan back in the driver's seat and all is forgiven.

Drew Ryan: WOW! It still looks good even on CW...

Brion02: I was thinking - 'What young GL is in the Justice Society?' - Of course its Jade! What a great addition. I really hope Obsidian and Nuklon (Atom Smasher) appear as well.

Your_Mate_Nate: I can’t wait!!!

vijay m: Finally a lantern ....

Danny Benhur: Wish Flash and Supergirl had these effects...

H.F Collectibles: I'm so hyped

julio guadamuz j: Oh my God Allan Scott's daughter Yeeeeaaah

carlos rivera: Oh yeah can't wait for this season to start !!

Lucas Gray: Yes finally a Green Lantern, I would love to see Obsidian as well maybe also another rendition of a Hawk as in Hawkman or Hawkgirl

judy10001: I’m so ready!!!

r hudson: How many times will we have to hear a line that begins " The staff chose me......"

Raúl Betancourt: Courtney have to learn that there is more for her then being a hero, she needs to find a balance, like Pat said.

Kal824: It's going be interesting to see Jay Garrick show up. Don't know if he's going to be the same Jay Garrick from the Flash, or a rebooted version from when Oliver/Specter's restarted the multiverse.

Raúl Garcia: lets play a game, who's is going to become the next gay, black non binary gay apache helicopter in this show

A CREATOR: Waiting for long time and now finally august 10

R James Sullivan: Red head Wally West came from Blue Valley.... perhaps red head Wally soon?

CLARKPAUL STEELKOF: Wauuuuuuu, va a estar Increíble, y eso que no he visto la primer temporada, ya que estoy esperando a que llegue a NETFLIX

Billy: LANTERN!!!!

RE H: This better not suck!!! CW's DC shows use to start sucking around season 4. Now they suck at season 2. Stargirl is awesome. If the writers screw this show up to, I'm gonna be p1ssed!

KraaZexJoKeR: DEAR GOD CW, PLEASE give this show the budget it deserves

B Man: I thought Alan Scott was gay. How does he have a daughter?

Keyanna Carter: Oooo and on my birthday too❤️❤️


Razzle Dazzle: Well based off the trailor, it looks like their budget has remained the same since they moved completely over to the CW. Fingers crossed it's as good as season 1 🤞

Sokka: YES can’t wait it looks beyond amazing

Timi Faleye: is this new

Sam S: Lots of changes this year. Not a summer show but a fall season show. Not supported by the defunct DC streaming service anymore, but only by the CW. Still only 13 episodes, still run by Johns John. Should be interesting.

sports sathish: Waiting

Joseph Sauer: Will this also be on HBOMAX because this show was originally made for the DC Universe service which has now been absorbed into HBOMAX?

TheMilitiaGamer: Please no...let this go to hbo max

N7 Engineer: If CW had something like Hbo Max or Disney +. Than I'll get it, but sadly i have to get network TV and it suck. This show is boss.

Kaneki Ken: Wow, didn't expect a Green Lantern to show up this fast! I guess this is why they had the lantern last season! Kinda bums me out that the rest of the Arrowverse still hasn't been allowed to use Green Lantern's name yet though, and that Diggle didn't become one so far.

Sinister1986: God don't let them ruin this show.

TheDarkarrow7: Nice we’re getting Jade, Johnny Thunder and The Shade!!!

Luis Garcia: Wow stunning 😍😍 But, where is Eclipso ?

TayTay is an Entitled Brat: I read it as "DC's straight girl".. I need some sleep

Tweet Phan: So excited. I'm hoping for the story be good as season one build up!!

Dyllan Fulton: Called it! And don’t forget, Elcipso exists as well

AL JOHNSON: Green Lantern's daughter???

James Shepherd: This looks badass!

MikkyLan Pemi: Looks epic! ✨

Anthony G: Dear God please don't let CW mess this show up with nonsense 🙏🏿

Professor Cat: Very super nice 👍🏻🇺🇸⭐️💫🌟✨!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tooth decay: correct me if I'm wrong but the ring doesn't go to the next person your bloodline it flies off to seek another host

Adam Grunther: I really hope the quality doesn’t change now that it’s on the CW full time.

Ryan Kang: 1:08, 1:18-1:19 The Shade. The Fan Favorite Flash villain and DC Anti-Villain is finally making his official live action debut! Yes! (Since the CW Flash version is very non-accurate).

Bryon Antcliff: I just hope they keep this seperate from the other portion of the arrowverse.

TransModeV: The Shade, nice!

Miranda Hendren: 😱😱😱😱😱Green Lantern. I thought his child would be a boy, makes sense in my opinion.

Nico Suave Regoli: FINALLY!!! A GREEN LANTERN!!!!!

Sam Sherman: Since when did Alan Scott have a daughter?

Augustin Guy Paulin: First time I saw this show,I just fall in love with all,nice serie.


The Riotxmaker: Jade! And who do you guys think will show up in The Seven Soldiers of Victory? I would like to see this Earth 2 Green Arrow now that it isn't Oliver's dad. Maybe at least Roy who might be Red Arrow and hope the cast someone pretty good if he appears. Then there's Crimson Avenger, Vigilante and Wing. We might get a tease for the group at the end of the season. maybe get some stand ins (minus Justin) in their costumes if they are planning to show them at the end

Malique Matthews: Wooooooow yesssss i love it

Freak Zeke: Been waiting 😆

W C: Pat makes a good point, courtney needs to find balance in her life. Until it is necessary to be stargirl, courtney needs to find something to do with her citizen life.

ChandaPanda 83: Finally a live action gl, Geoff Johns PLEASE DONT MESS THIS UP

corey evans: JL : we were waiting on you so long for so a years !! Green lantern : I'm sorry i m so late ! ( his hand on his neck back ) heheheheh....

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