The Clone Wars - Season 4 - Extended Trailer!

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Manor: daaamn memeories

KrissFliss: "I will attack the Naboo"

Sky knight: I remember seeing this trailer. It's a Trap !! Clone wars is what made Fridays even more better.

MythicUSA: One of the best shows ever :D

SkeletonOP: 0:49-0:50 name of the episode pls!

Vignesh S: 0:41 Love how the clone trooper calls C3PO 'shiny' when C3PO has been in existence since before the first clone was produced...

Brave Soldi3r: no maul in the trailer

Trinja: Damn I miss this show!!! I'd give up all the new movies for the rest of Clone Wars and the live action Underworld show.

DRBWildlife: This was one of the better trailers if I'm honest.

Foxhill Films: Have clone wars ended?

It's me Alvaro: ahh just watching it again brings back so many memrories. i lost it when rex put on his phase two helmet

Hi: sucks this show had to end...

Jeremy radcliff: good times makes me wanna cry :(

Daniils Eversons: / ノ)   ^ ^     ) ヽ / |  (´・ω・`)⌒(ゝ._,ノ / ノ⌒7⌒ヽーく  \ / 丶_ ノ  O  ノ、 O |/    `ヽ `ー-‘_a`ーノ     丶  ̄ _人’彡ノ     丶  ̄ _人’彡ノ not even i light saber can cut me hahahaha

Ender Movie 100: What episode is that on 1:24

Potato Slayer: WOAH. I decide to watch this trailer again, and realise it's been 3 years since I saw this, and watched the premiere of it in my country with some friends. 3 years? Already? Damn.. unfortunately, only the first few episodes of season 4 aired here in New Zealand.. nothing after that...sad this show was cancelled.

Samuel Jarvis: Anakin in a hood and 501st marching .....jedi are about to be f@#$ed up

Phil4196: Season 4 is teh best.

Keyser94: Ha, this is the bane of the original Star Wars fans, because this cartoon show how awesome the prequel universe really is.

Absolutely No one: Suck it up shiny

13east!: I still need to watch season 3!

Zach Zier: After that ending with the clones all marching together you know shit's going down.

waveyyy: is Fives higher rank than Captain Rex? because by the looks and comparison of Rex and Five's armour it seems that Five's is higher rank than Rex, correct me if i'm wrong :)

waveyyy: i think this is the most actioned season in the whole of the SWTCW series :)

Kotaro Seta: They should stream these episodes with ads so they can get money to make more episodes. Sucks it was canceled and I couldn't see it.

PepeIsNotASymbolOfHate: I think they should have included a tiny clip of "The Box".

jenni dema: I only have 1 2 and 3 seasons I hope I get that season

Zarik: Best season!

MrSkulltag: What that Desann? 0:14 (The final boss of Star Wars Jedi Out Cast)

kevin verlinden: season 4 is the best season in the season 5 where there no big battles

Mihajlo: Can't wait!

Tigerpaws9097826: The sad thing about how Star Wars tales have evolved is that they have become to science-fiction productions what rap music is to music - all machismo and violence, with minimal real focus on understanding and a quest for peace as was presented in the original Star Wars film.

Knight Artorias: BURN

Stevan Savić: Shut up!

gatekeeper88: strange how my only major issue with this is blasters & sabers don't work underwater.

Briefer Storm Productions: I wasn't. I also hate Disney with every regret of mine.

Galen Marek: Don't fuck me, fuck Disney for doing so.

Briefer Storm Productions: FFFFFFUUUU...

Galen Marek: It's cancelled...

Briefer Storm Productions: What do you mean?

Galen Marek: Only if the next season exist...

Briefer Storm Productions: Am I the only one who thinks that the Next season should include General Kota and Starkiller's father?

I am a Phoenix: I wonder if there ever gonna show anything about the clones betraying the jedi. I always wondered how they were gonna get kids to get close to clone characters and Anakin when they are going to betray everyone.

I am a Phoenix: I love you're name.

KPL88: You're very welcome.

Hanz Hanafi: it was supposed to be a laugh but it suits him to say "mothafucka" lol

dylan helsing: its a trap

Toolala: Oh my god 0:51 Killed me xD

dominicbennett14: Disney stopped the clone wars order 66 episode and the next 4 series and they thought that would gain them respect from all us star wars fans

EagleSharpPro: I just want to see how they play out order 66 in this series.

KPL88: It's not in the condensed soundtracks made for the prequels as they only contained select tracks. However TPM had a full soundtrack titled "The Ultimate Edition" which I happen to have. On there it was titled "The Tide Turns/The Death of Darth Maul". It plays in RotS aswell when The Invisible Hand (Grievous' Flagship) crashes on Coruscant. Unfortunately, AotC and RotS did not have a full soundtrack. However the OT did.

Galen Marek: I think he said "I will attack the Naboo Hahahaha"

xrentabrainx: 16 yeah


Galen Marek: That was probably Rookies. One of the best Episodes of the entire series.

Galen Marek: Well, I think the theme sounded more like a Prequel theme than the original. I really don't recall hearing the theme in the Original trilogy. Maybe try finding the extended version of the track here on youtube.

Galen Marek: I believe it was an Episode I soundtrack when Anakin escapes from the droid control ship. Sorry for the very late reply btw.

feelfreetoagree: Hey I'm 27, and I agree. High five?

Galen Marek: Unknown fate for Rex yet. And there are no clone generals.

Galen Marek: Matt Lanter played Anakin. And you're missing out, the series has gotten damn good.

sn0wmana: Season 4 is my favorite

TrimmerUniform9: The 501st became Vader's Fist until Vader dies in episode 6. After that they were disbanded.

moscraciun9: What happens to Rex and the other clone generals after anakin turns into darth vader?

Jon Klick: Its better if you don't know

greenster1: Love it!!!!!

EpicPwu™: What is Ewok Adventures? I'm curious.

EpicPwu™: True bro, true.

dawn kaplan: so stupid

dawn kaplan: omg

Ozzik Sturn: I want star wars underworld NOW

Jack Murphy: God, i hate ewoks.

TRENEX 379: I've been troll fighting for too long and I need to rest.

PlumShadowProduction: ha.

Papa Lannister: If Anakin turned to the darkside and killed Ahsoka, that would be hilarious

The Name's Christian: Man the Clone Wars has gotten darker and darker...

Alex Arriaga: Apparently Anakin approaches the dark side of the force

TDItaly98: I need this in DVD!

Brayton Vanhorenbeck: suck it up shiny

TRENEX 379: You know what I'm not even going to argue you over it.

TRENEX 379: What makes the Halo universe "gay"? For real man explain this one to me.

Nexerous: And you sound like a piece of shit.

Someone: You're never "too old" to watch this show. You're crazy.

maldicientin: This sucks major cockatoo

TheRealTron: I saw season 4 and five I need six

TRENEX 379: How come they can't do a Halo TV series like this.

Stevan Savić: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

HitosumeGiant: Did Grievous say I will attack the naboo motherfucka!?

Gallowglass: Why would you have to be young to watch it? o.O I don't understand your logic. XD

Gallowglass: It's funny how an animated character with a voice actor can portray Anakin in a better way than Hayden.

Fudgel: You're right, hiding who you are because of fear of other opinions isn't living.

New YT Account in Channel: What's the music that starts at 1:27? :o

Garrus Vakarian: I love your picture. MARRRRK NUUUUUUTT!

Zen Zeno 2011: This premiered on cartoon network.

Zen Zeno 2011: I agree, I hated when people insult others just because they like different things.

Zen Zeno 2011: I have a bad feeling about this.

Darth Zetros: Darth Maul is on the cover and not in the trailer? xD

Jerry Jiang: Suck it up shiny :) lol

Pointer Musician: the ONLY thing i dont really like about the clone wars is the sper battle droids they look a little TOO huge. but besides that the show is epic:D

Pointer Musician: in season 5 or 6 its GOING to practicly be about the EMPIRE

Rasmazz: I am looking forwards to this season when i get it, season 3 for me was a little slow because it didn't really focus on fighting but politics, this season looks good though.

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