Star Wars Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer - Star Wars Celebration 2019 Chicago

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Disneyland Experience: Star Wars Celebration 2019 is here live from Chicago! For the next TWO days we will be bringing you EVERY Panel in their entity right here just like what we did back at the last Star Wars Celebration in 2017. Subscribe and enjoy all the Star Wars Fun this weekend! #StarWarsCelebration #SWCO #TheMandalorian #StarWarsCloneWars #CloneWars #EpisodeIX #TheRiseOfSkywalker #Disney #StarWarsGalaxyEdge #GalaxyEdge #FallenOrder #StarWarsRebels #Disney

har juli: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G —L—o—V—e—S—e—X—————۞———————————— 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《 !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1617894080

Ric3po Versace: When a trailer says it’s for the sixth season but EVERYONE, even the Channel who named the video of the trailer themselves, says that it is the seventh season. What is this, an argument in between the different Disney studios?

jh 64: does someone know if they will dub this season in other languages ? i hope so, please disney ;_;

Darric P.L.: Holy shit balls

Troll: What's the point of all this Maul hype when he gets butchered in Rebels

Troll: Is it just me or did rebels SERIOUSLY fuck up by killing Maul?? Like they made him so important and didnt know they would have him in solo probably sooo now they screwed up by killing him and making any arc basically useless

Raven Grey: I’ll be honest...Ahsoka needs an anthology movie all her own

Whoop ThereItIs: Video says Season 6

a z: I'm not gonna lie, not a fan of the blue. I liked when she had the different looking crystals

Professional69: why is the main character a bitch? i dont feel represented at all fuck you kathleen kennedy

Binh TC Nguyen: 1313?

Phil Tam: Why do some people call this season 6 rather than season 7

ArtakhaPrime: sad that Rebels fucked up the canon smh

IattTaCotLA: I didn't know this is still ongoing series, I must be living in a rock

Dawid Pustkowiak: NICEEEEEEEE

Lary: Kenobi, hahaha, KENOBI!!!!!!!

Marcin: Wish they'd do episodes until order 66 happend that would be perfect ending for the whole series

mysteriousfox88: fuck rian johnson, this is better than ep9

musicguy: Hell yeah. This style of animation is amazing. Another reason to subscribe when Disney+ out.

cookeycat: I love the Pykes more than my life 💖😿

M Kohls: Well, this retcons the novel "Ahsoka"

Demetrius900000: I like this time period much more than empire or first order ones. Please do more stuff in it.

ltu games: Mandalorian wars!!! Ashoka back!!! Jesse is ARC trooper!!! New 501st armor and new ahsoka and Anakin Skywalker looks!!! Omg............I'm watching and watching!!! Like this comm, if you love CW too.

ricardo martinez: I would love to see the entire episode 3 movie in the clone wars style

Spotty McBumble Fuck: The only thing from Star Wars I am actually excited for

4HN: man disney should never have canceled this show

Jonathan Ryan: So season 7, or at least this specific trailer, is Ahsoka Tano themed.

Yadev K: .... doesn't Darth Vadar kill her?

onerustybucket: Putting the War back in Star Wars

AndreNitro X1000: This trailer made me infinitely more excited than the episode 9 trailer did! And the ending with mail was way better than sidious laugh! However the art style difference is weird but hopefully the excellent storytelling is still intact

AndreNitro X1000: This trailer made me infinitely more excited than the episode 9 trailer did! And the ending with mail was way better than sidious laugh! However the art style difference is weird but hopefully the excellent storytelling is still intact

The Cool Persian: I really hope we get to see Grievous actually be a badass in this final season. Like when he attacked Coruscant in the first series.

One Nation Under God: Disney this is how you win back the fans after TLJ and how much of a disappointment the sequels have been so far. Get people that love Star Wars like Dave Filoni making great content like The Clone Wars and the fans will come back. I want the 3 seasons of Clone Wars that George and Dave had started work on but I guess 12 episodes will have to work for now.

iamfuturetrunks: It seems like it's just me but the audio and video are not synced. Video is apparently a second or two faster. Refreshed the page and still having the same problem.

niponix: "i´m was waiting for kenoby..." me too dude

trda broadcasting service: I SWEAR TO GOD DARTH MAUL WONT DIE

505Legion: Thank you

Roberto A. R. T.: I WANT MY VONGS YOU FUCKERS!!!!!!!!

SavageRicktator: Such an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan were making a comeback. Dave Filoni we salute you the true MVP in our generation


foxbean12: I am!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

Drew Askeland: I just realized that the orange helmets all the 501st have are meant to look like Ashoka

Christopher Doody: While this does look awesome, I am bummed that one of the arcs is just the Bad Batch story. I honestly was hoping we would get some new stories as we already know who that story goes.

thejahfox: I want a whole series on order 66

azuredivina: why does the ticker say it's a sneak peek for season 6?

SquirrelsRockify: It's an honor to see you again, Rex ol' boy. You've always been the king of the clones.

Marco Celebor: I hope that we will see Maul fight count doku and escaping Palpatine like the comic

Chuckles the Jester: The bad batch!!!!!!!!

STARSCREAM: Im 21 i haved tears in eyes ;-; its so god damn beuty <3

Commander Shepard: The real star wars

xxSennaxx: I'M CRYING

Captain Domino: Oh it's beutiful

Cigány JustALitle: This trailer is better then the TLJ and TFA combined lol

Ethan Robson: This place is...familiar...

The Fighting One: Darth Maul should be able to whoop Ahsoka's ass. If she manages to win in a straight 1v1 then she's a Mary Sue.

Frost: why clones have 501st armor and 332nd helmets?

The Creed Gamer: Um, it says season 7 in the desc, but the overlay says 6

onekingdom1: Where do I watch?

Insedev: I am honestly not a big fan of the new design, Ahsoka has lost her... Ahsoka. And Anakin Looks like his animation wasn't finished. The clones look badass tho

Alexa Levon: I wonder if we will be getting the arc where Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-Wan find the Sith shrine, I hope so.

Alesszered & Monel: <3

Floppa Br: I hate the 332nd and 501st mixture

RainbowKidBreylon: Did anyone notice Ahsoka has blue sabers now?

I am Alive: Is the footage following the Ahsokha book?

Lord Leto: I can't wait! I think it's fair to say a lot of people have been a little disheartened of late with Star Wars but this weekend has reignited something in me which I haven't felt since....the end of Rebels. Seeing people with real passion for what they are doing and doing not just for the fans but themselves making all this new content fills me with joy and happiness. And I'm overjoyed that EA has decided to allow a studio to make a game for a change. But let's not thank them too much, as they are one of the main reasons why our disgraceful and predatory games industry has such a disappointment. I hope this may be them turning over a new leaf.....nah!!! They want ALL the monies!

Blazing D Amazing: I am not liking the way Anakins hair looks like he’s got a forehead and it’s bugging me a bit....

VulturePilot: Isn’t the lost missions season 6?

Redneck: Nice !! :D

Leema The Joke Ruiner: is Echo going to be back as originally planned tho?

Literally God: !!!!

Potato Chan: harboro mext to start up the Clone wars action figure line again


Mythic Bricks: Wow

Bradley Saunders: Omg at the end the Darth Maul hissing theme sent chills

BrightonGamer07: #clonewarssaved

Rachel Wyld: Yes yes. Asoka is kicking Darth Maul butt. Never mess with Asoka

Lily - LunarSlayer: WANT, not a fan of darth maul back AGAIN

Ethan The Artisan: I am sooo hyped!!!

Cyber Flame: I think my heart stopped

Chandler Burns: Two questions I have. Why are Ahsoka's lightsabers blue now, and why is it that only the 501st clones' helmets are painted in the orange livery and not the body armor? Other than that, everything looks outstanding and I am absolutely stoked!

Cnw#8701: Damn man, so it looks like we're really only getting 3 story arcs. 😔

Adam Hart: Thank you, Dave Filoni!

Sentinal Entity: _“ This is where the fun begins! ”_

wes nagel: Execute order 66

Raghu Seetharaman: Man this trailer summed up Star Wars Clone Wars with a nice bow. Everything looks amazing. I love the Hero shots with Ahoska Tano and the ending sequence with Maul is actually Ray Park providing the performance capture for that fight scene with Ahsoka Tano.

Metalvortex: Let the fun begins

Shifuttanii: a suprise to be sure, but a welcome one

Apparoid Wolf: No utapau arc? Still amazing though, i hope we see the beginning of the battle of coruscant.

Reskov: Hello There

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