Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Season 2 - Official Wrap-Up Trailer (2020)

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Jay Smith: Best Star Wars since the original trilogy and you can’t change my mind

Ritchie125: This and rogue one are the best things to happen to sw

Saint Dane: This trailer gave boba the credit he deserves. Can’t wait for the finale

Pub Exploit: Crazy to imagine that 50 mins combined of episode 5 and 6 were 100x better that the sequel trilogy...

BananaFalconMcSloth: Can anyone tell me song name?

lolblitz gaming: Let’s be honest You only clicked to see shots of the next episode

OM4C4C0 S4B10: On the next few years: “Lol this movie was dope, i cant wait to see the trailer”

Alex Jackson: wait does that mean it’s over? i thought we get an 8th episode ???

Youtube Youtube: Free grogu

AJ Baron: YES!!!

Marsh Harrier: If this was the initial trailer for season 2, everyone would be dead just by watching it.

Phish Phood: Ironically this trailer was when I realized the imperial transport captain is my friends dad.

AudioAndroid: Boba Fett could have a Kid somewhere and if he does we know he want look like a Clone so they should introduce Boba Fett's kid and have Daniel Logan play him making the Circle complete.

Jochen Binder: Interestingly, no clip from the finale...

aldirmdn: This is *Star Wars*

Brandon T.: 😭

Nawaf Alhelabi: its the guy from fortnite


Commander Rex: We already saw these episodes

Charles Fuentes: Can't get enough of The Mandelorean. Everytime I catch a fresh episode, I need to watch previous ones just to up. Keep it up Favrou/Disney👍

badreedine Djellali: is it me or the Mandarin episodes are getting really short

stanley smith: I've never been so hyped to watch something I've already seen

Minh-Duy Bui: 1 minute silence for the Razor Crest

daalmakhni: K.

Chris James: One trailer makes 3 movies look like complete Bantha excrement.

Sunil S P: Mando removes his helmet❤❤

C W: See this is cool and i'm 100% happy this came out after because it would have ruined the entire season for me

Jorge Ignacio: is the season finish? i was waiting to watch them all in one afternoon :) how many episodes?

AYE SPENZO: Was the last episode the last one of the season

Tucker Robertson: Not gonna lie, IGN burned me last time... I halfway expected a joke trailer

Sachi Pathmajan: Imagine The Mandalorian without the BGM by Ludwig would so less exciting

Cine Circuit: I came here thinking that this trailer was gonna show me just a little bit of how season 2 will end but I ended up seeing nothing.

ProviderMusic: Hard to make a trailer without spoiling it all

Paul Evertsen: Damn I love this show. Shows like this make the star wars universe feel alive

ArcTitan: I seriously hate how short the episodes were

Chris Singletary: Even without the suit boba fett still a badass

Henrik Pineapple: You disney bastard knows exactly where to attack us, not our mind, not our body, you hit us right in our hearts.

The 3 Eyed Bear: My hype for the finale just went up by 200%

The Mad Spartan: This show is a blessing.

shlomo tal: This after trailer is a treat for the eye so memorable Full of satisfaction

Ben: I see some people bitching about fillers here and there, but what do people expect? I love that they drag out the story with more content because I'm a huge fan and can't get enough of it. And the latest episode was EPIC! A lot of character development and nervewrecking moments and great script.

No Longer Amused: Needs more Mara Jade....

Pfistner: The order 66 dislikes

LLCwr41th: I just hope they don’t tie it into any of that sequel trilogy. Those movies don’t exist as far as I’m concerned.

Adeel Ahmed: Last episode has to be atleast an hour long i hope

Tomass Sepetis: from this trailer i got hyped for a season i have already seen

Angel Rodriguez: I was about to say if boba isn’t in any of these clips

Ben Wollin: Now this is Star Wars

Scythion07: How many episodes will this season have?

Dandy Dzakyesa: When will be the game trailer out??

OhMyGulay: If season 2 was a movie and the people behind its development was just a shareholders then this would have been the trailer to sell the most tickets. Spoilers and all.

The Comic Reader N: And to people who still are wondering how boba fett escaped sarlaac pit watch season 2 episode 1

Onixy: Qué the Thrawn reveal.

blues s: there are so many spoilers thats great

Daniel Monroy: Its a recap trailer

chawin007: 720p in 2020 ?

Laxoi: Finale episode still to come right🤔🤔🤔

Extreme Ethan: Everyone: Why do we need a wrap up trailer? Disney: Because we made this six months ago but couldn't drop it and we aren't wasting it

xGamerboyx48: Fortnite guy

agelem: Star Wars is back

S Wib: I don’t want your ahmar ... i want my ahmar

praveen g prakash: Have to say The Mandalorian has really lived up to my expectations and rekindled my love of Star Wars after the disappointing sequel trilogy of movies. This is the way.

RiTcHiE Rich: Jokes on you, u haven't start watching season 2 yet.. This is a nice first trailer..

Jesse Millan: And Yet, New Star Wars Movies and Shows are coming Soon to Disney + after this Series!!!!

Carlos Carlos: This is the way

Philip Banks: This entire trailer is better than the sequel trilogy combined

Sky Walkies: Daaaamn, this is sick now, imagine someone showing you this 10 years ago. I'd faint.

Chad: mrbreast

The Viper: The star wars movie trailer we never got

MisterMAYHEM935: Does anyone know which video to find this music background trailer?

Hayden Berends: I think we can all agree that season 2 was, somehow, even better than the first one.

Eddiebert: Im glad thats not the trailer they released initially but damn, imagine the hype.

Gorban Gordajev: The mandolorian never takes off : helmet Clothes Never : Brush teeths ,shovers and shits . This is the way

Agent Prime: When they release the trailer for Season 3 I hope they’ll do what they did before?

Andre A: I love the trailers this show did. They spoiled nothing. The first fight is the only thing sort of spoiled and that happens in the first five minutes. So it’s completely fine. I’m glad I don’t know which Jedi will show up to help. My money is on Cal Kestis. Like Boba fett The actor is pretty much the right age for the timeline and his story arc is still wide open. Could be Ezra, but I think that’s for the Ashoka plot. But that’s the thing, I DONT KNOW. When your tv show is already hyped. Don’t spoil it. We are spreading the word for you.

floydpepper70: This is like a trailer for the best Star Wars movie ever.

Sam Alvey: The Force is strong with this one.

Andres felipe Caucali ballen: Hdwtsyosfrsrstw htsnGdsagbwhYSRWRWFCCSGDFAGYW G

Тимур Тыква: Umm, its Final series?

K D: why is this in 720P?

Harsha Vardhan: Patu

Mjmalone91: Not gonna lie, for a second I thought this was a game trailer, and got excited

dcnumber9: people always say they want more epic badass female this season alone i count 4...can somebody explain to me why this isnt used as an example of how to do things right in a world of ghostbusters reboots and admiral holdo

Kryptic Kodex: Season 2 went by too darn fast!

Cristian Villavicencio: The real sequel to the original trilogy.

Jordan Leopold: Greatest TV show season EVER. This is how the SW Sequels should have been handled - w/ Jon Favreau at the helm

Angel Barreras: LOVE IT

Tanjorel: The siren sound kinda gave me rogue one vibes

Ethan 🥵🐩👴🏿🧢🧂🦍🅱️👑: i’m glad they decided not to release this earlier, i enjoyed the surprise of new episodes

Raul Ruiz de amil: Desde que quitaron movidy ya no la puedo ver, vosotros tenéis alguna página por ahí por donde poder verla?

venkatesh durai: Recap ah

Victor Creed: Bill Burr shot first.

James T: this best thing to come out of star wars since 1980


KUNJAL CHARAN: A wrap up trailer? Yes, this is the way

Tomas Caceres: Which jedi do i calll grogu? Mace windu 1. Luke 2. Or another jedi 3. Put in the comments which jedi you think will appear.

Evil Gouki: Season 2 has been incredible so far...

Antonio Semeraro: WAIT?! IS THAT THE GUY FROM FORTNITE? (I'm jocking)

I don’t have Ash Ketchum disease anymore: Is this the last episode for the season?

Regal Giant: Official Wrap-Up Trailer how is that even a thing

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