Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7 - Clips Comparison

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Fraser Gibbs: This looks like something fresh of the Nintendo ds lol

Grieevous Productions: It's Scary To Think This Was A Year Ago...

regular meme Crafter: When the animators of the movies since ps1 came out they where giving their the original animation not final ahaAaa now i get it, if not it looks like ps1 graphics tho

francis future s: 2:32 Ponda Baba (Kenner colors)


Creative stop montion studio: Część

cskingen100: Good video! Migh check out mine as well. I subbed hope you can do it back!

Cy Alpha-14: Hunter: I don't think so captain, that's not our style. We prefer to go to them. Fordo:......I want those boys in my team immediately.

Angela Charboneau: Please more Ratchet and clank 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

Dylank001: It looks so different when it’s not rendered... kind of disturbing too

Derrick Tan: Did anyone noticed that they changed the eye orientation of the battle droids?

TheImperialZone TIZ: The last part really reminds me of episode 2

賢有陸: 2:07 that says Season six but the title says Season 7 Star Wars fans: *TRIGGERED*

Weapons of Mass Destruction: I wish Disney releases ALL the episodes of Star Wars the Clone Wars because if I remember Dave Filoni said that there were like 65 more episodes to make more seasons. They made Season 6 so 65 - 13 = 52. Seson 7 is 52 - 12 = 40 so we need 40 more unfinished episodes

Aves: Why did they change the boy to a girl?


RAsplez 98: They need to play it very carefully, because the clones weren't super soldiers able to take on entire divisions of droids. They were still just clones, and making them feel invincible can take away a lot of the weight of the conflict. If you water the Confederacy down to a bunch of bumbling idiots like the original movies made of Stormtroopers, it's hard to take them seriously.

Albert Speer: Cant wait to watch it in the TV but first they have to synchronise it in german but i think the waiting is worth it

onekingdom1: I waited years for this, so amazing

Kaziel KaBuki: Is it even fully out yet? Sorry I don’t have to keep up with dates of releases I’m busy with work and etc. just curious

Javier: I don't like how they do the face of ashoka

Cynical Gaming: I'm so confused. Is the season released yet? If so where is it?

SBG Nation: Top 10 anime battles

Hayden Williams: How are you watching this

雨桜: サムネがヘルダイバーに見えてしまった

Wyoming Isn’t Real: So what streaming service will season 7 be on??

Your Friendly neighborhood Poop Dealer: See, now if regular shinies did that, they would lose 10,000 men for 10 feet. Clone troopers: Stonks

RNJesus King: I want them to be added into battlefront two

iZavy_: Are these guys like the super republic commandos or something? Lol. Damn, they are badass af!

Optimus Prime: I really don’t like the Bad Batch. Everything they do seems really forced. But I guess that should be expected with Filoni OCs.

lost colony forge: Make you appreciate how much better a finished episode looks

ToO GuCci4U: Looks amazing!!!!

Seth: 2:18 OOF


Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen: It's cool and all that this show is back but the thick heavy duty plot armor that the republic has is insufferable.

ZeldaSam1: Damn...They're like the A-Team of Star Wars.

mrlostinspace: I really enjoyed these stories. Will be great seeing them properly animated and mixed

Veera _xd: like new s7 ep

New Republic신 공화국: holy, clome wars legacy now became *A FUCKING, CANON, SEASON 7!!!!*

Ryan Kufang: This was a good show but wat killed it was the droid voices

Ro5ko: When will this be released

TurbineNorShark: oh please let this season include boba fett's stand off with cad bane!

Joshua Lisciarelli: I think the real test is when season 8 rolls around and they have to write new stories. Season 7 feels right cause it was written by the original writers of the show, and season 8 won’t have those writers. And while I think season 7 will be amazing, I’m worried about the future of the show after that

Prince Farron: Now I just want to go home and play republic commando...

Jumper721: Where is my REVAN ?!!

Ringo (Skye): Are they showing the rescue arc of the clone? Because I only remember the elite clone group from that mission

Thats no Moon: Now if only we had a sequel to Commandos game where you could use those tactics, that would be epic. Could even lead into Rebel commandos, playing as elite rebels that infiltrate Empiral componds.

Shalutos Skratos: Can’t wait,

Guns'n Games 1226: Correct me if I'm wrong but this new season hasn't been uploaded to the app yet, right?

WitheredKnight: When was it released?

Jordan Ries: When does this actually air?

Dashawn Wilson: she was running like sonic

Lucas 31: A episode is already out ?

Droid Control Ship: I can't wait for Disney to steal the souls of everyone who pays to see this show on their pathetic website. I also can't wait to see how many of the prequel fans are stupid enough to get hyped for this. It's the last season, yeah goody. The show died the minute they said they weren't releasing the final season for me. Also note: The previews had far more droids , which would've been nice to see for once, just some absolutely ludicrous numbers like on Malastare.

ImPosTeR Blockade: I wonder what became of the bad batch there are other elite stormtrooper squads made up of some clones but thats just a small percentage i hope whereever the bad batch are as of the empire era i hope they're alrigh

Magallan Simp: when will this be released? i mean what is the release date?

Shamar Soule: I love his voice 😍😍😍

Jairo Arrieta: Did it come out already? And if so where can I watch it

Cj Kix: Am I the only one who cried there eyes out when I realized that the Bad Batch’s Squad number was in tribute to 99? (Actually, fun fact, the Bad Batch inspired me to make my own Clone Squad)

BlazerWitt: Where are we able to watch season 7? Netflix?

Craig The Dank: They're basically Commandos on steroids

BOIIII: Where can I watch full seasons?

Alan Antriainen: So is it footage of unfinished season 6 or footage for new season 7?

Mr_H: The finished product looks great! Too bad it was all just a ploy to get us to buy thier crappy streaming service.

AJ Ward: Echo will return.

Bigg Wassup: When is it coming out on cartoon network

Michael Caesar: I’m so excited for this show!!!

KratanDeKarton: Y ë s

Noah Bathgate: When is the released date?

mc_gabriel_rock: Oh shit is out already!?

Alexis Kitsos: Nice!😎

Nicholas Damiani: Thank you all for 200,000 views!

JJO117: That Ashoka Scene gave me those 2004 vibes. I think it's possible to keep the Nostalgia vibes with most games and films you just got to do it right.

Delta Squad: Another happy landing

Neoncat: Please let the Cad Bane Boba Fett story be in this. Cad Bane deserves his story to get a solution

Jor will12: When will the season come out

Freerider: WAIT ITS OUT?

Sir Raulzito: Wait, It's already out?!!

Ive not watched 1 episode of Naruto: For what its worth they wouldnt have survived such an encounter without plot armor

Aqua 2k: Can’t wait for the clone wars new season

Alex: I still can’t believe all those shots didn’t go through the little slits

Randy Cheow: I hope they gave us figures of the bad batch

Selene Jocelyn Luna darkmoon: Snake?....Snaaaaaakeeeee

MonkeyBricks34: Glad they had another season

Greg 2187: Do you know where to watch this in full and free any sites?

Bowen Orcutt: Y'know, this'd be a lot more impressive if they weren't going up against B1s, amirite?

unfair gaming?: Did season 7 come out already?

Churlie: Ngl I like that Filoni is using the Rebels model for the B1's, I prefer them than the older cartoony models, plus biker Ahsoka gives me life lol

Kimwer: Lol why not just make the emp grenades timed? Then you wont have to shoot them for them to explode.

Амир Леонов: Когда выйдет 7 сезон , подскажите пж

Prime Brix: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Jonathan Hunter: It's beautiful

Milan Yadav: When is this season coming out?

joey burger: They used the rebels battle droids, not the original ones

Oscar Johnson: I am so fucking pissed Nyx Okami got replaced with two girls. COME! ON! MAN!

Dass Jennir: Are they Clone Commandos? At least the leader's armor seems like it.

Romellenios Daemos Λανσε ランス: 0:14 Who the hell are these guys, I never seen troopers execute an attack like this.

Jacob Cohen: Please stop I can only get so hard

Zade spartan 109: When does this come out?

lockdod: is it just me or are the droids look . . . different?

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