DC Refused To Let Harley Quinn Season 3 Show Batman Going Down On Catwoman

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Phoenix Clouden: LET BATMAN EAT!!

Cross: batman goes down on all the women....bruce wayne is a ladies man. u dont get all the girls having the hots for u and not be a beast in the bed. ur gonna have to go down

Sven M: Reminds me of Bruce Timm talking about how they got things past the censor on the Batman animated series. Or showing prostitutes. But that was something that I would not show kids, too.

jalabi99: New song from Elton John: "Don't Let The Bat Go Down On Me"

Rudi van der Meer: Well. They would probably sell some form of 'toys' if they went that way

Madeline puppy: I would let them do it. Have they read there own comics.

Kika S.: Can I just say this is my favorite topic/question on this show from all time? 🤣

Zach Couch: I get it.

WhiteWolf496: Honestly I don't care that much that it was cut. I love the show, a lot... and its not like this would've been the most outrageous thing to happen in the show. But I'm not mad that it won't be in there. 🤷‍♂️

Unworshipediety: I think they're still suffering PTSD from the Batgirl rooftop scene.

Aayush dangol: MY burning question would ROB buy a limited edition figure of batman going down on catwoman... lol

Quinton Hale: I rather not see that 😥😰

Ned Slass: The show is called HARLEY QUINN, why do I want to see how Batman make baby? just saying. If you want to do that, do that in Batman show. Our fandom community need to calm our ass down on this shipping nonsense, who fuck who shipyard

Sparkageddon 318: but batman n batgirl had sexual relations in THE KILLIN JOKE

Matt McClain: I always wondered why it was called “The Daily Hero”

Zacary Bruner: because nothing in this world can be good anymore.

Whatsupdoc: "Kids aren't watching Harley Quinn". Wanna bet?

Bad Wolf Media: There are two audiences buying toys, and NEITHER of them should be affected by this scene in the show. One type of toy buyer is the adult collector. They want to fill in their collection and may want to be a completist and get EVERY toy. And they're (presumably) old enough and mature enough to understand the toys and the show are not connected. The other type are kids. They're not buying the toys, but their parents are. But those kids? They shouldn't be watching THIS version of the Batman universe anyway. And if they are, then their parents are the ones responsible, not the writers/creators of the show. It's a lame excuse coming from some prude in the DC/WB marketing office.

rakisyc: Because Falcone will sing "south of the border, where the tuna fish plays" when he sees Batman 😅🤣

Andres D Lopez Gil.: Who sees Batman gping down om cat woman and says " Yeah i wont buy batman toys anymored becaude of this" 🤣🤣🤣

TheDCbiz: I wouldn’t put a restraint like that on to that show specifically. Any other medium like the films mass marketed and kids demographic heavy cartoons of course not. But It’d boost ratings with shock value and free publicity and would help hboMax subs which need the boost so this 1 specific circumstance I feel DC execs don’t know what they are doing...again. I don’t think they understand the Batman ip vs their directors and writers

orm woden: I mean they gave a thumbs up to batman sleeping with a young batwoman in killing joke movie so... whatever

Proto: Apparently showing that Batman is still a human being by the end of day is illegal

Andre Betita: John, I just wanted to notify you that Youtube has chosen the action you do with your hand at 3:24 to be the thumbnail preview. And, well, with no audio, and out of context, and with THAT video title? It just looks a certain way, yknow?

michael jeacock: why are they discussing toy sales in a show KIDS SHOULDN'T BE WATCHING!

Ricky Spanish: Which way would u have them go? "Down"...Oh Robert 😆

shakil0071: I agree with John completely. he's right... and kids don't watch Harley Quinn at all so that's a dumbass excuses from DC

Sebastian Sebastián: Batcat is really stupid this is dumb

mat s: What about Batman the killing joke with Barbara Gordon scene

wyllyam johnson: Why is this shit even a story?

Dark Nexus: I think there's a possibility that "showing" something like that could potentially be offensive for certain people!? If you want to think of Batman in a positive and noble manner, showing him do "things" like that can alter a person's attitude towards him and question their love for the character.

Luis: if DC wants to sell toys, well there many different kinds of toys.

Heroes Fan Productions: 7:18 what a perfect response Rob 😂😂

Truth Typer II: Rob is a master debater.

kevaughn merrill: Can't wait for the first scene of the new season to be a 2 minute cold open of Batman cleaning his plate

LucasRomeroVA: THE FUCK DC!!!! Batman goes down on Batgirl on top of a rooftop!!!’ In THE KILLING JOKE ANIMATED MOVIE!!

MrHoldbrook: Batman ate catwoman cat…lol

Corey Levine: Were Adam West in movies call young Lady chatterley 2 and the happy hooker goes Hollywood

Jack Witcombe: This made my day.

Ryan Keefe: I bet anything there’s some one who’s gonna be someone saying “see Batman doesn’t do it” to his wife/girlfriend

OllieBlazin: Bruh, literally in Issue 1 of Catwoman’s New 52 run, they both fuck.

The Guardian: Release the Quinn cut!

vahig Melk: Let the man bring the filthy calm the fuck on man! I’m a fucking adult let me watch my fucking shows I’m sick of censorship 😂

Chase Schleich: Best.... segment.... ever

RMB 13: Have the people at DC ever seen kids play with their superhero toys? How many times do you think Batman has visited Barbie's dream house on the sly and gotten it on with Barbie, or Ken, or Barbie's horse? ;-) Kids are creative and curious when they play.

Shakeem winn: I go down. You go down. WE ALL GO DOWN! LOL!

Brophy Time: It’s like they wanted to sell a toy with 👅 licking action 😆

Karl Der Grobe: So catwoman can use her mouth on batman, but batman can't use his mouth on catwoman? Why are we as a society so scared of women receiving sexual pleasure that is not also giving pleasure to the man? Why are women masturbating so scary, but men masturbating is fine, and every rated R teen comedy would not get studio funding without a man masturbating joke? Why is giving head to a woman not "appropriate" but women giving head is always allowed in every rated R/TVMA movie/show?

Braedy Dilger: His ears would be great love handles

WMH WHM: Also I feel John is more rational than Rob in this topic. He is 100% right, DC should let those showrunners to use Batman, or any big characters they had. I just want to add one more point, DC shouldn't even allow this thing survived to third season. And no, not everyone is aware this is 'not Batman'. Sometimes parents could just be very busy and let their kids to pick some cartoons. Imagine the disaster that their five years kids clicked Harley Quinn and got all those disgusting things Batman did as their first impression. Of course DC worries. But again, I'm with John. DC shouldn't let them even use Batman in the first place.

Margaret: I don’t think we have enough of the scene to make a judgement. Maybe the interaction comes off as nonconsensual and I don’t want to see Batman that way, even in a comedy.If it is implied, consensual going down, yeah, they should include it. I don’t want all the humor in the show to become sexual after though. I can just watch Amy Schumer for that.

Rickest Ricky: DC Head Offices: No!!! Batman can't 'go down' on Catwoman! What are you thinking?! Creators: How about getting with his best friend/surrogate father's daughter ... ? DC Head Offices: (Palpatine voice) Do IT!!

Jim Mark: Harley mad at Batman for stopping her from committing a crime and she’s venting to Catwoman about it. Harley, “ God he is such a party pooping, no fun, all about the rules, pain in the ass! How can you sleep with him? He must be such a bore in bed. A 3 minutes of missionary, no tongue kissing bore!” Selina smiles and says, “ Oh he’s actually the opposite. When it comes to the bedroom there are no rules with him.” She then turns and walks away leaving Harley’s mouth agape in surprise. Harley, “ Wait! You can’t just drop a bombshell like that and walk away. I need details. Details!” Selina just waves over her shoulder and keeps walking.

William Valentine: No restraints, Batman eating Catwoman’s Cat would just sell more product/make more people watch the show!!

IG: World of Comix: Bruh...Batman doesn't go down on anyone because he's BATMAN!

TOSStarTrek: Should not matter. There is no OFFICAL prime timeline in DC anymore.

Highlife: Remember. Smell it. Before you eat it.

Kurth Kovacevic: Go Down!!!! HAHAHA, in the comics and animated films Batman has crossed some lines that this "position" shouldn't be an issue. Just bring on the filth!

BushidoBrownSama: After letting Batman smash Barbra going down on cat woman isn't a big deal

Botz: I'll bet if it had been Catwoman blowing Batman they would have allowed it.

Matt Thornton: It depends on how they were to execute it. If they to actually show Batman going down on Catwoman, then that might be going a little bit too far. However if it was something like for example: Catwoman is in bed and then Batman pops his head up from under the sheets, then that would be both fine and fucking hilarious!

illwill1991: I take exception to that "selfish lover" line! There is no way batman would ever be a selfish lover. He's batman!! He gets the job done whether he goes down or not! If he chooses to go down then he's only doing it because he enjoys it! And of course he enjoys it!! He's fucking batman!!! I bet he also likes to wander around towards the back door while he's doing it if you catch my drift! Some of the ol' tounge punching the fart box. Ehh come on! It's 2021! Who doesn't like to eat ass these days!

Michael Singer: I always knew Bruce was a selfish lover. ;)

Actually Ay-Ay-Ron: News flash to Warner Brothers, those who aren’t old enough to watch the show will never know. Also those who are old enough most likely don’t care.

Jeremy Riley: Clearly DC has no idea who are buying these action figures lol

TheScarecrow78: I can understand DC's stance , but, like you said, he's already in this zany show so you are expecting a certain type of behavior from all the characters.

MetallicNole: I thought it was way worse for batman to bone batgirl on top of a roof in the killing joke

Linus Sage: I thought this was an animated series for adults?

hkr006: Batman has gotten it on with Catwoman plenty of times in the comics. I'm genuinely not sure why they won't let that be in the show. They're cool with a lesbian couple, but they can't show Bruce getting it on with Selina? And since when does this show actually have 'notes' to follow? This isn't a kids cartoon.

Mike Schneider: Compromise. Have an episode where Batman's in bed with Catwoman and refuses... stating, 'Heroes don't do that!' Catwoman kvetches to Ivy who pillow-talks to Harley who makes it a big public protest.

Phillip Siddiq: PERVERTS the lot of ya! I am dead!🤣🤣🤣🤣⚰⚰⚰⚰

Sirr Smitty: I don’t think it’s a big deal. Just like they wouldn’t allow Catwoman to give batman head. DC and Marvel would NEVER sign off on that

Demon L: Batman could not be reached for comment, apparently a cat had his tongue.

hustler3of4culture3: Hard disagree with the dc execs

Ace Cashman: Season 2 already showed footage of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy banging, so this wouldn't be any different in terms of overt sexuality

Scotty D.: Everyone knows Batman loves to go deep sea diving 😋

Ace Cashman: We've seen Batman get date raped but ass naked with just a cowl on in the comics and they're worried about him going down on Catwoman????

Paul McElligott: Guaranteed there’s going to be some puns about “eating out” and/or “going down” in some future episode.

bobby vee: When will the "Real heroes go down" shirts go on sale?

krisj827: I had to do a double take on the title of this video.😄 Srly tho I don't watch Harley Quinn so I'm nit bothered either way.

Sean Malloy: Batman's IP protection for that series went away when he started making more regular apparences

Burghtown Music Group: Robert! Watch your tongue sir! 😂😂

terryandjoe: Eh, don't care

Kabuto K: Nice use of *BRING ON THE FILTHY*

Ed M: Wait, wait, wait...WTF. may we remember "The Killing Joke" scene with Batgirl? They were ok with that, which ruin the mentor-father vision we had with her, but are not ok with Catwoman?

Thomas: Good. Batman doesn't service you. You service Batman. DC is right here.

Cj: Meet in the middle. Have nightwing do it 😂

martin cortez: Rob is a sucio boy confirmed i love it

Ekwon: DC wont let high end statue makers let them sell DC characters with guns because its for the kids... I'd like to know which kid has a spare $500-$3000 to spend on a high end statue or expensive figure

PsychJay: “Cunniling Linguist” just brilliant. 💀

Estell Van Dijk: People still watch this show? Couldn't stand it

Mike Neil: Batman can find the Joker or the Riddler, but can he find the Man in the Boat....If you get my meaning.....

Kenneth McAlpine: C'mon Mayne. You know a billionaire playboy has done it all.

Predatorwarrior18: I can understand the both points of view on this……“position”.

Dr. Amir Hisyam Yazid: Do Bats eat cats?... yes.. yes they do

mytchel chandler: Release the Bat Tongue cut.

We.Create.Productions: I can't be the only person that chuckled at "head offices" 🤣😂🤣😇

Q Who: Hang on, this is an animated show for kids?

Davon Hall: I think people are losing control more and more. Such things should not be entertained. Some sense of wholesomeness is totally being lost. No surprise. Whatever. I don't have to indulge in this kind of content. To each his own.

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