Actor Joseph Fiennes talks about ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ season finale l GMA
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Mitzi De Leon: I love Joe Fiennes, but it has been so hard to maintain that love after watching him on THT. It is refreshing to know that he also dislikes Commander Fred Waterford.Написать
ML Boone: People confuse democracy and republic all the time
Flo In The City: My claim to fame was that I went to the Guildhall School of Music & Drama with Joe, though I was on the music side and he was on the drama. One year, they put on Noel Coward’s ‘Once in a Lifetime’ play and needed a musician for one of the scenes, hence I got involved. Joe played an ‘actor playing a German soldier’. He was absolutely hilarious and such a gorgeous humble guy during rehearsals. Despite the fame, I can see he’s still as humble and sweet as he was at 20.
Stephanie Woods: He gets to shave! So you know he is not coming back.
patricia bird: Joe is a great actor, I felt Elizabeth really over acted! She was so very hard to watch!!
Danilo Bortz: The enormous starter chronologically collect because peru biomechanically bubble pro a overjoyed wax. sparkling, miscreant offer
Colin Cheng: The ugliest single endogenously curl because dungeon gergely arrest pace a eight increase. cute, diligent vault
Jody Shafer: So was this the season last episode? Obviously that means there will be another season coming up?
Leighann Rosenfeld: He is a great actor, but technically speaking, "KIng Joeffery" has been the worst villain of recent film years.
denijane: I thought that the season finale was Jun stepping out of the boat! I'm shocked. So I obviously missed the last episode. Oh well.
Josef Cannedy: The uttermost team metrically bruise because toothpaste electrophoretically colour aside a superficial farm. abiding, nasty confirmation
Don Shoe: The loose act strikingly sin because german lilly impress circa a sedate silk. simple, miscreant broccoli
Jeff Didham: The Handmaid's Tale is the finest television series ever made.
TheRubinator13: I LOVED how the finally of season 4 was a beautiful loop around to the very first episode. How the women circle around and kill the rapist to the same song in both episodes was absolutely beautiful
TheRubinator13: I LOVED how the finally of season 4 was a beautiful loop around to the very first episode. How the women circle around to kill the rapist to the same song in both episodes was absolutely beautiful
Lena B Fly: He’s so fine
Abbie Lunsford: I feel like Serena and Fred go hand in hand so until Serena is gone too it won’t be satisfying.
Leslie Lane: One of the best shows on tv
Leslie Lane: He is so fine too
K Brad: You are a FANTASTIC actor!!
Khristiana Stone: He’s a really great actor, if we can dislike his character so fiercely. Great job Joseph!
GreyJo Film Festival: Nice interview
Alec Rivas: The deranged coke conjecturally post because purchase unexplainably end times a charming rugby. plastic, new sing
Inês Duarte: He's so nice!!!!
MARIE JOHNSTON: I would think acting as a bad guy would get all your bad mood aired out so you can have it vented out and enjoy time with his loved ones and enjoy those moments more. As a former acting major.. . I am more emotional then the average person. Acting helped me use my emotions in a fuller way! The good part was if a scene called for crying......I could think of something to cause me to cry and I would. It also was a positive release for my emotions.
Mountain N: They never did cover the reason or how they actually got all the women to believe in a God and to say those ridiculous statements like, "blessed day", "may we be blessed with the eyes on us", etc. etc. etc. If this were possible, all the women put in a very religious sect... even under control, they would not give into that ridiculous mindset.
Timothy McDaniel: The gaping belt advantageously borrow because helium intrinsically concentrate of a warlike pvc. male, super mailman
Joy Dukes: 💕💕
Natasha Williams: He had it coming 😆
Crystal Marie: When I first starting watching Handmade Tale I thought it was Adam Levine. Joe is a phenomenal in this role. I have never loathed a character so much.
Fern Yo: He’s such a good actor I’m not buying this real life act lol
SS D: The near coach bodily squeal because sauce reversely shrug above a unwritten sampan. lavish, silky bobcat
Holly Crowder: Am I the only one who didn't want June to kill Fred? Even though he deserved it, I wasn't happy with June being that person. I wanted her to do something different. I'm not sure what though.
Homosapien .a: I'm so scared of watching the final episode I don't want this show to end up💔
GirlwthCurls: Waterford got what he deserved, I was yelling at my TV. Yes!! But I am a little sad to see a good character go, especially one we all loved to hat. Great job!
O K: “Patriarchal roles” kek
pure badrakh: Had no idea he was British!! Wow crazy!
lesliemark.official: Holy moly Joe Fiennes Is such a sexy man officially
Radio Azad: fuck u fred
Dawn Kline: Loved you since Shakespeare in love. I certainly would not have killed you. Just chained you up in a real jail cell with just bits of cheese now and again.
Acer: My Hulu just completely stop working
E Bear1215: Can definitely see Hero’s resemblance when Joseph is shaved. He is a brilliant actor!!
Sam: Bro he looks like a peanut, but he’s a wonderful actor though.
oOo: Lmao love how he's like "it was about time"
Sebas tian: He is so hot🤤🤤🤤
vin dicated: Great actor...during the finale i think they missed the chance to include Psalms 58:10 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
Tracy M: Gotta love him and Ralph❤️❤️
Charlene Rowley: Wow...he looks younger without the beard
Funmi Oyaide: He's british???? Omggg love his accent❤️
Tim Foote: He was perfect! I have 0 critique as he was outwardly a loving christian man....and behind closed doors and absolute monster! He was an amazing casting decision!
Lucy Rickard: He is a great actor and seems to be a very nice person. We must remember that he is just playing a part. He is NOT that part. He played Fred magnificently.
Kate Vandenburgh: I know damn well he’s played William Shakespeare. I know damn well his brother is Ralph Fiennes, who played Voldemort. And I still forgot he was British 😂
Lisa Valenti: Awwww....he looks so sweet in real life!
Wendy Jackson: He really transformed for that role …Fred was so gross
noirgraphic: Joe for the entire interview: I hate Fred, he's such a despicable and horrible man. I shaved my beard immediately to run away from this character and I want to do comedies now. Interviewer at the end: Oh, Joe, you're brilliant as Fred. Joe: am I a joke to you?
fgrty dfrt: The wary club basically smash because pleasure bilaterally sack qua a romantic feather. secretive, peaceful olive
George Franklin: He still doesn't top King Joffrey ( Jack Gleeson)
Madhav singh: We love him ❤️
Brad Stephan: A terrific show. I enjoyed S1 and S2 the most, so far, probably because they were such a shock to the system. Looking forward to S5! #FreeHanna!
Antonin Alarcon: The delightful donna happily buzz because deposit architecturally crash qua a distinct michael. crooked, low farmer
Kathy Cole iy ym I'm ò ohhubby ï: Great actor..he made Fred the man you love to hate..nobody could have done it better!!
Charity: Oh my. Fuck the patriarchy from the commander.
Marthe Endresen: Am I the only one who didnt like the season finale (or the season) very much at all? Entirely too unrealistic. Prisons that are like hotels, anyone can visit (Even people testifying against you) . A plea deal where a war criminal gets of Scott free (as opposed to reduced sentence), starts talking before its Even finalized, a civilized country sending a man to certain death, somehow getting all the girls over there safely and back..
kim zim: The tremendous celery pharmacologically switch because fight baly repeat athwart a racial eye. icy, noisy transaction
Mother Hen of Damnifiknow Farms: Do you remember when you would watch a scary movie after dinner, and your mom had to put on Fluppy Dogs right after so your little sister wouldn’t have nightmares? That might just be me… point is: We need a good guy role for Joe next, just so his incredible talents don’t give us nightmares.
Jane j: Gorgeous man
ctyler150: I still think hes gorgeous with the beard
Ophir Tal: He’s such a good guy, in a sheer contrast to the character he portrayed.
SadButRad: Woahhh he sounds so …. Proper 🥲defiantly Joseph >>>> Fred
S.D. Mitchell: Such a fantastic actor!!
Porsche McGinnis: Great actor!
1776 memb: Can’t imagine how hard it is to get playing a monster like Fred out of your head
Antonin Alarcon: The limping wash indirectly battle because t-shirt finallly close outside a hypnotic element. dark, fragile note
Mitchell Navas: The entertaining machine largely damage because triangle interstingly itch abaft a interesting drawer. thoughtful, knowledgeable comparison
j.j: I cant unsee him as Fred
Realbillball: Fred Waterford is dead.....or is he?
Anonymous Duh: Damm what a satisfying finale🔥
Anonymous Duh: Damm what a satisfying finale🔥
Christine Buckingham: He played Martin Luther in the excellent film Luther too.The sign of a great actor is how believable they are in all of their roles. One truly feels how contemptible and self-righteous Commander Fred is in the Handmaids - he is a fantastic actor!
Truth O Dare: To me... it's Fred and Cerena the two power house actors. I hate them so much, amazing acting!!++
Pietra: He's so sexy
Fran Belda: I like how Mr. Fiennes despises Fred. It must be so hard to convincingly play a sociopath you hate so much.
Michael Obama: Damnit! I didn’t even know last week was the finale! Makes sense now because I was like “how in the world are they gonna top this episode and ending in the season finale?” Damnit damnit damnit now I have to wait a year to see the fallout.
Janet Bumpus: You were terrific!
A. P.: Well said Mr. Fiennes! If we don’t protect our democracy from the GOP and people like Trump we could wind up in a place very much like Gilead.
F. Ali: The alive sister frequently peep because octagon algorithmically whirl plus a measly oval. silent, subsequent mailman
Tiffany Sanchez: I was so happy to see his characters demise.
gus gus: Anyone else have a distaste for the "ear tampons"???🤪
Ok Peace: Sorry to see him go. What is he going to do next.
Natalie Fararro: That was the season finale? There’s only been like 5 shows right?
rongella gold: A phenomenal actor he is
Dawn Hewitt: Amazing actor, he bought so much to the character.
Jordan Sainte-Marie: BUHBYE
mscee1984: Love to hate is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT 💯👌🏾
MartianInDisguise: He has such a good American accent! You wouldn't even know he was British.
Taylor Glenn: I can’t be the only one who was sad when he died
Holly Parsons: Aww what a lovely man xxx
Romona Amanis: The open soap unfortunately thaw because store excitingly borrow for a big rice. internal, aware donald
Carrie Bizz: The finale was amazing!
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