The NEW MG82 Machine Gun is OBSCENELY POWERFUL in Warzone Season 4!

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Ahmad Tayyem: The nail gun sound like a gun i bo3 dont remember what it is but i think its the kn44

Luka Milosavljevic: MG82 nerf incoming

n00b: mg82: the m13's and the mg34's lovechild

Syfy: They add fun things in the game so players can forget about what needs to be fixed like how lame

Forsaken Zhalo Supercell isn't a toy: Milano got a buff didn't it?

Abdel Majid Kassir: I love that my laptop features in this video! Haha. Top-of-the-shelf content as usual, Westie <3

MR. SKULLY: M82 is the new mac10 Yea goodbuy game uninstalling

kokoras kokora: "Naileded"

AJ TheSavageDog: Anyone else realize that he didn’t show the class load out he had like the attachment

s0api__: I like the UA Trucks. But yeah they need to make them alot slower and heavier feeling, no infinite ammo, Up armoured truck should be fast at all.

AJ TheSavageDog: Just watching Westy makes me really happy that there’s a new consult for college duty because I’m not able to play any of my games on my PlayStation because there’s a bug in my PlayStation and we’re not able to fix it so just watching this and then having a real good time actually makes me really happy for them.

SmokeyOwOs: The new truck's best counters gonna be the crossbow and Rytec with it's thermite or explosive rounds, damn.

SmokeyOwOs: Time to revisit the aug

Gaming cats: bunch of idiots will buy the Weapon to skip the grind, people will cry a week or two..being bimmed by this op shit, then comes the nerf ..same shit strategy all the time.. you got be autistic at this point to still invest money ..oh and don't forget to use the Creatore Code ;)

Iroha Nakashima: Since the Ameli appear in CoD:Ghost

Francesco canarecci: What can you do with the Harp killstreak?

NightShadow14: I feel like Westie says poggers a bit too much lol

Ray Swift: Damn I love the outro for Westie is SO GOOD

Richard M.: HARP: High altitude recon platform

Scottrak: you should try and use the APX5 holo sight with the blue dot reticle

Sinsanatis: they put the armored quad berthas in reg br? wat

aditya katharu: oh wow another meta! great:(

Error Sans: The Harp is the advanced UAV of coldwar

jaysii 97: How the hell that nail gun works without any air supply?

IEchoa1999: The ameli from ghost

mitchg91: And this is where I step away from warzone

Northern light: The Raal LMG never got released because of dumb videos like this sensationalizing and then we get to stay with m4 only and kar98 .: so tired of videos like this

Juan Dela Cruz: things were much better back when warzone was just modern warfare 🤣

Hans 24: Its The Modern Day MG42 Of Course Its Going To Be Good

Unspeakable Peeps: The nail gun is so strong, u can nail the enemies' arses on the concrete/ cement floor.

Aaron Garcia: 82 machine gun yeah it's going to get buffed a lot

WOLFDawg 606: Imagine this gun and the Fennec? Insane! I tried it out and I got a 23 Killstreak!

Aquaprank 74: Oh lord the alda is in warzone

Tom Woods: This is why I hate battlefield’s step towards COD. Especially the change from classes to specialist.

LMG MASOCHIST: M82 & the FiNN are both Ameli's but slightly different I'm glad to see this gun again and I missed it

Anggito Abimanyu 2: ~Westie upload a new video Me after watching : I'll do it

Green1: You people can't keep a secret. Westie is a snitch. Now we must take action. Shouldn't you be playing Battlefield? C'mon Man

Mŕ Lunatics: Dang this is my favorite gun for years sad to see it get nerfed

Red Hunnid: Awwwe this is the Raven Software I remember have to put a broken gun in the game The Bruen 2.0. Trying to keep the attention off THE NEW BATTLEFIELD GAME COMING OUT NOT HAPPENING RAVEN!!!!!!💀🤣

Georgesamefound: Is that l g better than the ram 7 in your opinion?

Chives Chivian: The Bruen’s son is here...

Scott Wright: How come every YouTuber is using the new weapons with every attachment unlocked so quickly.

Beardly: I'm fine with the new guns being powerful although they should both have a bit more recoil to balance them. Both of these guns in real life fire 7.62x51mm NATO(.308cal) rounds and that cartridge has a significant amount of recoil. That's actually why soldiers pretty much never fire the FAL/M14/SCAR on fully automatic(FAL/M14/SCAR fires the same bullet in real life as these new guns) because outside of a light machine gun its pretty much impossible to control the recoil of 7.62x51 NATO. I was hoping the C58 or whatever they're calling the new G3/CETME rifle was gonna be a semi auto gun like the FAL. Both of these guns should be powerful enough to be popular because both of them were extremely popular during the Cold War all around the world but especially in Africa at least as far as the CETME/G3 is concerned. The MG82 in real life was called the MG3 btw. The freaking nail gun should be nerfed into the ground. Try shooting a nail 10 yards and see if the nail has that much power when it gets the nail gun doesn't even have an air hose connected to it. That thing is supposed to be powered by an air compressor... I'm also fine with armored and armed vehicles in squad based modes. In fact I wanted them to add guns to the cars for a long time. I hope the truck isn't the only one with guns, I want the tac rover and Jeep to have guns as well. They shouldn't have infinite ammo though. They should have like 100 round belts that you have to reload and the reload should take a bit of time like it does with all the LMGs. The guns should also overheat just to keep things balanced. They could add a barrel change mechanic for when the gun is overheated to basically make using the gun for a long period of time basically a cool down ability. That'd be fine, it'd be balanced and realistic.

Blaze Elimz: 11:23 they put fortnite mechs in the game

pavel galantic: Fun fact those bikes are front wheel drive. What a joke. xddd

Pamela Wiles: there is a red door close to summit

lunchpin: Those emotes are so bad man

Hamdy Cyan: I chocked from reading obsecncy

Todor Todorov: How did you unlock the battle pass so quickly? Pls tell me

SNAKEY 06: You guys nailed it today😂

Knoppers 259: When I see this with the truck and those new guns .. feels like they just want to destroy warzone

Marcel: disgusting

Grot S: I’m having flashbacks of the Ghosts campaign…

jordan Randall: I hate that warzone is now just an extension of black ops, preferred it when the guns that you could use and the operator skins didn't look like something out of a 4 year olds scrap book. Bring on battlefield 2042, I'm done with Warzone

cryowarrior1: well shit here comes the new metas!!!

STANFIELD UK: Dice please

Ciaran Bailey: I love how raven and treyarch think that weapons designed in the 60s+70s are more effective killing machines than modern firearms...🤦🏼‍♂️ Not to mention an automatic nail gun with no air feed...

Grifter72: Lachy’s constant whinging is just so annoying. Pls get Tomo instead

Bjxreaper: All Raven have to do is drop the raag lmg and cx 9 to counter the msg and the nail gun but they wouldnt do that they want us to use more guns that why the nerf the amax FOUR TIMES

kablammy: ventriliquist perk

Brett Penninh: Westie just watched the film war game from 1983 m8 the rader station bleeps sound the same as the film

George Howlett: HARP? High altitude recon plane? A guess and I cannot be bothered to look it up

Pritpal. Chana: But just imagine hacks with this now ugh no

Arshdeep Singh: 4:10 this hurts me eyes coz half the screen is thermal and other is not

Big Wully Boly: Yeah the average viewer has £1300 for a gaming laptop lol

Tsiki Bombos: G I V E S O L O S T O Y O U R P E O P L E

TheFileSharersRedux: he actually uses the gun finally at about 4 minutes in.

Krd452: This is more like the mg42 from ww2

Jeremiahii Triguerosii: Honestly this is bullshit because they know these New weapons should of been better balanced.

Pietro Ferrari: Since I don't have the CW multiplayer I'll just use the Finn with adverse barrel

J F: The NEW MG82 Machine Gun is OBSCENELY POWERFUL!!!! Continues to only use the nailgun.....

Donathan tuttle: How dose that nail gun ever work?!?! when he inspect the gun you can clearly see that there's an air compressor tip on the end of it that thing won't even work without an air compressor

HappyTheCat: Wait how do they have the tier 100 skin already? So excited to get it!!

Rick Shade: That LMG is sooooo broken XD but then they will nerf it next week. Then come back with another broke gun after that. CoD is so cheesy these days with no effort in balancing guns lol

valleysofneptune: Don't care, just a repeat of the Same behaviour.....release, nerf and repeat . The game is dying due to cheaters and fast ttk , we all running amax anyway

intheHD: Finally Warzone again!

Jeffrey Smit: The 30th time they gives us really op weapons with skins in the store so they can nerf the hell out of it 2 weeks later. Im uninstalling the game. Its dead and with every season it getting more ridiculous..

jonmy357: So it's the mg34 (mg42)?... cold war couldn't find anything new that isnt already in the game, besides the nailgun. 2 AKs, an AK74 that can be built in MW, several m4/m16 ar style rifles. 2 RPGs, 2 MP5s, 2 AUGs, 2 1911s... but God forbid they release the RAAL and CX9

Dylan Mcgarry: Liking the update but I have to point out it seems weird to add a new batch of super fast ttk guns while actively trying to shift the meta away from fast ttk I will say that Raven has been handling the game much better recently

Famrush: I looked at the LMG in the battle pass and wandered if westie had made a video😂

yootchoobe: Every copycat sweat kid drone will see this and identical videos from other YTers and be running these guns by the weekend - just another example of why Warzone has become a formulaic, boring gaming experience.....

this account will get disbldcozi cn't change my age: this gun was in COD Ghosts and it was called all time favourite LMG.

theAparkable: The c58 is deadly at range tho

Aaron P: M82 is definitely a modernized MG42 lol

Airstream: Wesite u should try the pp bizon agian it is really good now

Marc Sherwood: That truck will force people to get back to using some launchers on a squad. All good!

FNG Unicorn9460: Hate to say, but thats not an AC-130 that flies over the map...its a C-130 which is just designed for carrying cargo such as tanks and other armored vehicles...the AC-130 is the gunship version of the C-130...its kinda crazy how many C-130s there are in just the US alone...Youve got C-130 for cargo, AC-130 for air support, and EC-130 and MC-130 for recon and for HALOs (High Altitude, Low Opening) or HAHOs (High Altitude, High Opening).

Wandering Panda: ''ThAnks RAVen for tHe Balnced MetA'' Fucking clowns

Nismon: That sponsor transition! Well done!

L?: You are so annoying playing with the most cancer load out ever I’m sorry but I thought I had respect for you

lanmi lanmi: Warzone put all that crap, because battlefield is coming. But they are full of lazy programers and money grab owners. Instead of boosting new guns, they should invest in better antihacking system, and more stable servers. Lamee

Ethan Horne: Harp is the Advanced UAV.

Bekker: Love to see that they again just broke the game...

salohcin1000: Hearing you guys talking about the trucks from Armored Royale like it's a completely new thing is driving me BANANAS! Mostly because I enjoy Armored Royale most of all and it doesn't get the love it deserves.

Diego González: They will always do this, it gets people playing and buying skins. They'll nerf it later on.

Velsiz (Christian Gordon): The better mg34 🤣

Mike Harman: Not saying it is a good idea for that armoured truck to be in there as a drop, but it's the same one with the same upgrades from that limited time mode where everyone got it right? Surely all of the guys played that mode, why are they astonished about how the truck works?

Ahmed Yasir: The mg42 was powerful in ww2 and had the highest rate of fire and shouldn't be surprised on how powerful it is

Nathan Pa1000: I wonder if you can slap some Thermal/7x Scope on the NailGun and called it Sniper

The Real K1LL3RCUSS Speed demons: I can’t play season 4 matches not working for me giving me error code ever time

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