The Rampage is absolutely TOO POWERFUL and I LOVE IT!! (Season 10 - Apex Legends)

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Wraithmain apex legends: Imagine if he pins this

arnavsanaplayz roblox: new gun sucks kandyrew i am joking it is the op

INKEDinARIZONA: Kandy, almost locked @240fps the entire game. 5950x? 6900xt? Share those sweet sweet specs please!

Robo Mech: Bro I actually try to avoid this gun because it's too easy to down kids.

Doug Wagner: Got a 9 win streak on arenas using this. Easiest wins ever. Just have a buddy buy you a thermite first round

ryan required: wait gold weapons don't come with gold barrel stablizer anymore??

Potter Plays: At this point in time I think the rampage is good enough to be a care package weapon

Raw Plays: Sad news is if youtubers keep making content and complaining about this new update Apex will make balance changes to the guns and the legend seer so nerfs will just make the game worse.

Limitless_e36: Haven’t plaid the new update yet but I feel like fuse would pair really well with the rampage

jaryl13: Rampart: Invents the Rampage Fuse: Now there’s a present for Fusey

Kaso Cheese: Wait wAit, I have....... the technooolloooggyyyyy (Proceeds to mow down a door and two poor people)

Jael Ayala: Hey Kandy! Just wanted to say love your vids and was curious what u thought about the new caustic buff?

ItsVanquisher YT: 👀 i literally was teir 12 on Valks battlepass

Rebma: I got gold rampage two really good games back to back.

Mide Fatanmi: Turbocharger

Dungeon Dude07: I would like to see you do a video on the new L-Star and spitfire and alternater and hear your thoughts on them

Camryn Morrison: They put the spitfire away to put out a better spitfire...creative

Kristoffer Joseph De guzman: Hahaha. That Three Musketeers Kandy! Got me!! haha. and the look of Octane while he's running. hahahahah. LOLOLOLOL

J. Rivera: Q: "So what kind of gun is it?" A: "A good one"

Your AsianLandLord: WHAT DID CHAKA SAY?!?!

dx31desatup: Imagine if he pins this one too

PRINCE-OF-DYING: What are some tips you have for getting better

Shaxui X: Fun fact: seer is 90 percent of your deaths

Manuel Bautista: Imagine if he pins this one too 😂

Spin It Like A Chicken: "Over time, they're gonna play doors differently." - How exactly will you do that? The revved-Rampage can just bust the door down. The ONLY option is to just leave the door, which means you can just run in with the Rampage and shoot. Not really much "playing differently" there. Honestly, one of the best options is to trap the door with Rampart or Caustic so they can't just dive in.

Billy: Rampage and Seer are going to be nerfed

Boiray gaming: Nice vid bro

xdfluffypxnda: i always turn my music off when watching kandy he's just so much more appealing to watch just love his videos they bring joy to my day how chill he is and how just great in general he is!

Vgames: you should use the new rampage gun with fuse it would be good !!

I xdGage I: Kandy, PLEASE check on our boy Caustic!

Graymaster1: The rampage just needs to get rid of the thermite thing and it’s an alright gun. It isn’t too op without jt

Alex mark: Rampage w/o thermite is easier to aim, but weaker than the spitfire. Rampage w/ thermite is easier to aim and stronger than the spitfire. If you're already a good player and have good recoil control, then this gun is pretty good.

CalvinNotHobbs: I like Chaka he says bad words

DropTheAddy: unpopular opinion: Rampage > Spitfire

Bubba: Yeah but honestly how is no one talking about the iron sights on it they are sick

Gabyz Alejandro: You should do a video using the rampage and playing fuse playing a normal game except you have two rampage guns and are stacked on thermites

Schro oo: Why is the triple take still in the crate im so sad

CW: Kandy ur hair is so fuckin cute omgwtf

Seyboo セイ: Kandy is the most casual to ever casual and I love him for it

Jo P: Honestly the ammo capacity is really high. You can shoot for what feels like forever and only use up two mini-stacks of heavy

GZTgames: missed the walljump at 0:40 seconds

Drippyprofile Pic: Hey pin this Use bloodhound ultimate get revenant ultimate Get rampage get the fire grenade go out there and shoot the hell out them

Derkka: Rampage no sight is the best

Derkka: I busted just looking at the thumbnail

mancaveproductions00: This game is so rigged new season and the algorithms resets don't pay you don't play(well)..

Mr. Coffee Code: Rampage is standing where the spitfire was in it prime.

Marco Georgoussis: The gun is insane at medium to long range but without a thermite up close it loses to pretty much every AR/SMG.

Broccoli Clips: You're cracked 😎

Seriously Grass: plus you can see people in his ult now

Seriously Grass: I think the rampage and fuse would have really good synergy plus his passive can stack two throwables meaning more thermite

jonatan Näslund: 7:12*Hears echoing in the distance"and I am your champion! "

dann_nig: The Rampage kinda reminds me of the Man O' War from BO3

Sam Livera: am i the only one that thinks this is super zoomed in.

Baku_mary: Lol I wasn’t expecting that the rampage is that powerful 👌🏻😬

Nova Rodriguez: 3:58 that should have beein in the trailer aswell

Nova Rodriguez: 3:38 - 4:06 that moment should've been in the trailer

Domino's: “The new gun is busted and I love it!” Thanks kandy now they will never nerf it😢

sven göransson: does kandy answer questions here? Someone knows what rank he is?

Bruh: If they were to nerf it they should nerf the thermite buff

Tiago Dinis Almeida: Kandy try rampage with rampart(the shield makes rampage almost give 100 damage(im not sure but i think gives like 93 damage)

jeff tom: oof i stole the 50 cal

Official Lucistic: Yay!!! Apex threw itself right under the warzone bus with the "one gun" meta. What made apex great is I could kill you with a re-45 while you have a r99, If I outplay you. Now with this rampage, theres no skill involved, just brainless shooting, why put spitty up if you're just going to 1 up it with this gun? Makes no sense

LonghornBS: but its not op. Better hope no one walks up on you with a r99 or prowler or any other smg or shotgun at close range. The gun is good, can we just have a good gun with out everyone cryin op 3 seconds into the season. I just want to have a new weapon that is good and isnt just another attachment holder ffs.

Dan Riches: Thank ypu dude everyone's saying the new guys is powerful but in low enough on console every person has the new gun

Spuukzy: Bro its good but i don’t like the fire rate but its still good tho

D'Angelo Johnson: Tbh I haven't really had much issues unless it's long range then that thing is stupid but if you can get up close, you can still out duel it.

The Faith: Why don’t you play ranked you too sweaty

JOKER: Could you make a video about caustic, he got buffet

Harshit Kujur: seer exactly looks like lil nas

70rn: There's no way the rampage doesn't make the hemlock irrelevant.

Ferdi the Tank: This gun FEELS so damn good, if you like marksman weapons, this gun will not disappoint you.

Hunt Tundra: I think rampage is op than spiltfire

UnholyChicken: Try the l-star and rampage combo the best thing ever to exist.

El Chancho: Maybe I’m using the gun wrong because it’s ass when I use it lmao L Star is op though I love it

Jake DeBoer: You guys don’t like fun, why can’t we have fun guns

nanorobat: Rampage LMG is good in long range but it is terrible in close range It is better to carry SMG

Dean Jones: 13:30 absolutely killed me off 😂😂😂boom just standing there

RespectThePep: “I never read patch notes!” Chaotic Neutral detected

treloskabalieros: With this new gun i think it will be easier to farm dmg cause of the control you can have with this slow fire rate and the high dmg it does Plus fuse could be a good legend with this gun since he can carry two thermites in one slot

worthlesszombie: Gets rid of spitfire adds spitfires cousin

ChickenManiac 123: Im gonna be real I kinda like it better when it's not charged. That way you literally never run out of bullets, it's the biggest spam weapon in the world. It's like a slightly worse scout that takes less skill and has good irons.

Matt: Now that the big Warzone crew has switched over to Apex (Nickmercs, TimtheTatMan), I'd love to see some vids with you and them.

Backfisch: On old map you could put loba ult on one of these moving boxes in sorting and the ult would actually go underground and moves so insanely fast back to the point where it comes up again

MoKing X: when you get tired of all the pros, you can always come to kandy for some quality content

Darius 05: Remember u could open a door by hitting the handle with a heavy bullet

Slade Williams: At one point they will nerf it

Uber Yeetz: 2:28 that hipfire is absurd

3 D: your title is what she said

lil ili: Imagine fuse with the rampage

Przemek X: You should use more capital letters in your video tittles ...

Ross Melow: Which R301 skin is that???

FROSTXBITEZ: It's almost terrible at close range though hip fire isn't that good and it's too slow

AJ FortySeven: This title is about to get it nerf’d

Toast yummy yum: As a. Player with toast_yummy_yum as my user I feel pain 🥺👍

Andrew P. Roberts: I feel like the rampage is the best thing to come out of season 10

phillip rangel: Check out the interaction between octane and lifeline. It's quite interesting @kandyrew

Genesis David: Fuse being able to hold 2 termites makes him holding the rampage scary

Phillip Hill: My first win with Seer last night was the best I wiped out the whole team with the rampage it's litty 👁️👄👁️

Cody Justin Fannin: Turbo charger is the most overpowered hop-up since disruptor will never be on the floor again

The Master Profile: Fuse with his ability to hold multiple thermite grenades now scares me

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