we were absolutely FRYING these lobbies.. (Apex Legends Season 7)

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Luke S: They should add a guy named fuse

LazyNinja49: Please solos.

Lincoln Amparo-Done: I will like solos back and costumes games

Christian Durango-Lopez: Im a little late on this, but I wish they would bring a face-off mode (like gunfight or 1v1 in cod). I feel like the fighting in apex really lends to that and all they would have to do is choose small sections of the existing maps as arenas. No dropping in. Then within that mode they could cycle through different things, like sniper only, mozambique & Lstar only, or pre-selected legends/loadouts, etc. I feel like it would be great to do in between br rounds to take a break or cool off. That and solo's but that'll never happen.

Darys Blyth: Apex needs to bring back the disrupter round

PapaCaustic2k19: an account refresh setting,hours played counter,apex packs opened counter,and similar to what you said,the skins and charms idea,oh and better ingame voice chat,it seems to be pretty crap,but maybe its just me

its hermit: I think the goolog is a really good idea

oopoop: how come jankz gets a win every time it is really cool but how does he do it

oopoop: I think they should also skill-based matched making because I keep dieing to sweaty boys it is really annoying.

oopoop: i think they should release apex legends switch

Tinkie Winkie: I want to see wall running in apex. I know that there aren't many areas in the maps where you can wall run, so I think the devs should make a map specifically for wall running.

Vegito Blue: “Download raid shadow legends”

PeepStomper: YouTube notification system is the reason people don’t get views. I got this notification just now.

Jack Ryan: I think it would be cool to have a buff to the hemlock

Momin Malik: A Gun in every care package.

Wish 4 first Cmon: You like lulu ?

VioletKnight: nice games

Colin Duff: I wish overwatch and apex would do a colab. Just so loba can get a widow maker skin

Jerry Ringleb: Pick your own map you want to play

Terrance Walden: I want solos bc my teammates quit anyways

Noah Livingston: I would love to see gunfire and grenade audio reduced so you can't hear a fight from 4,000m away

xX_Tiago07_Xx: they should add a ultimate counter next to everyones name so you could stack ultimates better or at least a way to say that your ultimate is ready

GAEL MARTINEZ TRONCOSO: Peacekeeper floorloot

Chance Detwiler: I wish that the banner time was longer, it is never enough time to get it when you are in the middle of a fight

Sir Zamu: I want the PK back

Ripunjay Narang: Able to access the map and ping on it even if one is waiting to be respawn

Aaron Nehring: team mates footsteps, gunfights are to loud, also for the game to not get worse with a new update they had it good for 7 1/2 seasons and one takeover event ruins the whole server and everyone's having problems. id like that fixed honestly

Max Swantko: Octane buff!!!!!

SOCIO PATH-_-: Og kings kanyon back

Hossein Farshchi: All I want for christmas is fair SBMM why me with 1.5 K.D get in the same match with someone 5K.D or higher?

Tommy Lee Wright: You can make games last longer if it wasn’t so easy to get across the map. Especially in Olympus you can go across the map in 45 seconds

Shadow Beats: i'd love to see the peackeeper be a pickup weapon like back in season 2-3

Logan Bastarache: I agree with Mckneely, its really annoying,but I would also like them to maybe add custom matches like overwatch and stupid fortnite...... I think it would be really cool

Barbie Dolls: I wanna see a game of you using a level 1 backpack the whole game that would be sick

Henry Snyder: A new character that has a passive ability that lets u climb walls mini ability let’s u leap hella far and main ability put web all on the ground and it sticks to peoples feet. It’ll slow them down or stop them. This is like a spider person I know but I just thought of it and was like hmmm cool

animashov: A shake down so when you nock some one ,there is a opportunity to shake the down but u. An also stop it

David Chapel: You member Mortal Kombat how you could change your characters skin just by pressing a different button??? That would be sick

izaiah bonilla: Let me chose the map I want to play I started in season 4 so I only really enjoy worlds edge and Olympus I dont enjoy kings canyon

black wolf: This is a dumbass idea but what if EA combine all three maps would that be nice cause we have to sit hours to wait for our favorite maps

GG griffinGOAT: A random legend option

Just Clownin Around: A Pilot Legend for all the Titanfall nerds

masoud fatah: Watsons first good buff or atleast something with her i mained her but ye where are the buffs

Crazy V0rtex20: I hope they remove the ending lab from Lola's tp

GamingDagger: Heirloom finishers

monsss s: I want solos so fucking bad . The game is BR . And idont think there is a good BR without solos

Mathieu Levesque: I want pk back to normal loot

Wazza Gg: I would like to see solos tired of carrying noobs

Xenos F2: Lifelines drone should follow her when she walks (not run) so she isn’t a sitting duck. You should be able to see through your teammates smoke. For Bangalore and caustic that way they can change caustics passive. Like his gas surrounds him when he walks through his gas traps and his ultimate it lingers like a 1 foot around him when he leaves just for like 2 second. Probably call it Mad Scientist Observation

Laggy Penguin: Like Zeus said, fix the audio so there’s not so many third parties meaning longer games. Audio fixed in general. Maybe skins for a gun or two you choose that you get for reaching a certain rank , incentivizing playing rank etc.

Chris Grant: Kill cam , damage meter , prowler back and peacekeeper

Phelps Lewis: When looting guns from death boxes the guns should automatically come out with the attachments instead of having to scroll down to click 20 times for all of them. The gun icon at the top of the list should show what’s currently attached.

Jacob Walker: Feels like something that should be in an arcade mode or something, but what if every member of your team shared their passive abilities with each other? Pros and cons?

WalnutOpossum HD: Can you play with Lulu some more you guys are such a great team!!!!

Dan Koerner: She is the most annoying person you plan with Jankz. Hands down.


Logan Andrews: I want to see Bangalores heirloom because as a bang main I've waited to long

Weak 37: respawn: "just forget about solo, we'll never do that, too hard to balance" damn boi whats so fucking hard to make a solo mode with one single legend for everyone to use like in dummies LTM. make it LTM and see what happens, maybe?

WINGED BEAUT: I want diffrent game modes like team death match

Caden Grover: I would like thier to be a bigger height difference apex doesn't have enough cities. The other thing I would like to see is have a double wall jump like if you wall jump once you don't have as long a delay to climb

Keith W Moore II: I’m late but I think it would be pretty cool if respawn made finishers for the heirlooms. For example it would be cool if we could see a wraith finisher where she’s using her kunai. Because just like they release a special banner frame for the heirloom they could also give you a finisher. Not to mention each legend only has like 2 or 3 finishers and they aren’t talked about much but finishers are pretty big in apex to me because not many games have something like that.

Devin Curiel: Gold sight for Ar's

Poncho: I’d like the pk on the ground and that maybe kings kanyon can get a break from getting demolished

chicken chongla: I would enjoy having a legend with invis again personally

Mia Taylor: maybe to counter the sqauds dying so quick before zone 1 is done add more sqauds eqauls maybe longer games

Jeremy Smith: To make the games last longer, more squads. Even if they just added 15 players. Going from a 60 to a 75 man lobby seems like it could be a good test.

Kousuke Kirito: It’s also our fault since people sometimes land where there’s a lot of people to get a lot of kills, that’s why it’s always soo fast of a game.

Grover Mitchell: I would like to see a Legend that could use other Legends' abilities. Somewhat like a Shang Tsung of Apex Legends.

boruto 108: "Okay what do you want to see in season 8 , think of anything even if it's not coming out" Solos:) "Okay let's forget about that ,anything else" Lmao

beardedshortz ___: I would like to see ranked fixed slightly. I have played countless games where im playing apex predators and master ranks. My rank is gold 1 and max rank is plat 4 in my squad)

Nazzy: Eh, I guess a proximity alert for crypto the amount of times I’m on the drone and my team doesn’t have me covered damn it hurts

space goats: I know it won't happen but I'd love a gamemode with the OG kings Canyon with bridges and cascades and skull town, that map was just so fun and fast paced

ChefMontie: Limiting your teammates to only ping a limit of 5 times....

ChefMontie: A kill cam. Some of these guys I die to are suspect. And auto change your weapon skin.

madmaxjj gaming: Bro your one of the best

Jordan Sheppard: I want an heirloom for crypto and a ltm to play on past season maps

Maya Lind: I want to play one game without unplayable server lag. I know maintaining servers is hard but damn Apex has been quite unplayable the past few months.

Braeden Chunn: I would like to see a burst pistol

wolfy52 62: What if the reward was a higher chance of getting a hair loom

raul ramos: Something cool would be no time out to grab your teams respawn banner. Or added time.

wolfy52 62: I think they should fix the no reds it’s been crazy I’ve hit so many shots cause of it

Ethan Murray: Sheild refill after each kill

Tyler Smith: I like LuLu's idea for a leader board. It might help the devs see how they can tweak SBMM, so they can bleed the skill levels together properly. None of this 3 stack squad BS with more lifetime kills between them than half the lobby has all together. Most games with AI enemies have proven over decades that 3 good players can blitz through BATALLIONS of mediocre and semi tough enemies withought taking casualties. So saying you'll put a pred squad in a public lobby with maybe 10 people with decent stats, and a bunch of slapped together random teams of new players, actual NooBs, and maaaaaybe someone who knows how to actually play; makes no sense to me how that's fair and "balanced."

Tyler Smith: I'd just like to see SBMM get tweaked more towards Halo 3's sbmm. I'm sick of trying to grind ranked and getting predators in my bronze, silver and gold lobbies. I don't care if they're in bronze because they grinded Warzone for a season or two before coming back to Apex. If you have 15000 kills on a character you should NOT be allowed in pubs with people who don't have more than a few thousand kills. I'm SICK of getting aped by little squids 3 stacking 80k between them, running mastiff and 99. They have no talent, and no gumption to try and be good with anything less than a .5 second TTK weapon. And I've been ridiculously good at shooters for almost two decades. This game has deliberately stacked odds against me since season 0, whether it's having cannon fodder noobs/no teammates, to just filling my lobbies with people who have 7k on numerous characters and play 24/7. So just fix SBMM for the LOVE OF GOD. And FFS NERF THE GODDAMN MASTIFF into oblivion. Nobody needs to hit 60-100 damage from 50 feet away with a shotgun. Not when every other shotgun hits for 7-35 damage at that range. I'm looking at you EVA8/Mozam 🤬

Suad Velic: I would really to see the storm move according to how many people are left in casuals, in ranked I get it. But if there’s 3 squads left in ring 2 that’s a miserable experience looking for people

wolfy52 62: I want apex on the Nintendo switch they anounced it over a year ago and yet it’s still not here:(

Xavier Marez: What sens does janks play on???

Ryan Ripley: Now I ship them

bradley west: I want the peacekeeper back as a ground weapon and mastiff back in care package

James Heapes: To be able to play any season that’s come from apex because I miss the old nostalgic feeling of Kings Canyon - being able to play each individual change per season and seeing how it’s all progressed would be amazing to do again.

Rona Tima: More weapons

Jamser: I think solo q would be annoying as hell. Every game would have like 4 solo wraiths thirding every fight

Borthdag: An indicator in lobas ult that tells you what stuff is from your teammates box

Chase Clayton: No sbmm

Josh Chavez: lower the sound of the bullets during guns fight so that you can only hear fighting in the area not across the map. Or a legend that can do soemthing like gibby but at a bigger scale but in that bubble or whatever make it sound proof

Lawrence Borden II: Yo here me out Lifeline’s Drone Heals Shields

backqffmyjankz: Add actually good audio

backqffmyjankz: Add LTMS

Baby booon: A solo game mode permanently would be nice

Worst Gamer_channel: I want a wattson heirloom

Karstin Turley: I want wall running.

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