Friends: Monica and Rachel Bug Bomb Their New Neighbor (Season 5 Clip) | TBS

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Angeline Bena: I have an obsession with watching friends clips repetitively

Pranita Pawar: I am Danny, I am so so Like him.. I sometimes feel bad for not having friends:/

Imrit muhammad juneid: Yeti ….. Danny

Spomusmo23: The okays crack me up everytime especially the 3rd time O kaaayyy 😄

ysera wannabe: Danny was A WASTED POTENTIALLL AAAAAA

Muzeez Hodillo: What did he say to Rachel? I just can't understand his sentence. "some people are just....." what.

simon wang: The dirty bean specially smell because process systematically educate since a orange century. nosy, dirty sound

xmubinax: Why do I not remember this???

saqib khan: Whose storage room is that? And how come everyone’s got access to it?

durba -: How did that go?

Антон Меркулов: DATE ME ➡️ !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

San Kimseng: I came here coz of Namjon, just checked how he leaned english faster 😅💜

Maulik Art Zone: *"Okay"*

Undertakerfan365: That’s Superman

hadi the legend : i hate you TBS hope you know that.

Amate a ti mismo: I almost assumed it was Monica's extended secret closet 🤭

lithesh shetty: its ironical to see people getting offended when u agree with their views(ie saying OKAY)

Neko Mochi: I really hated the Danny character. From the judgemental douchey-ness to the clueless incestuous behaviour.

Sharon Bee: They would have made a cute couple. I felt it to be sincere and great chemistry.

Movie Hermit: Remember kids, just because you apologized, doesn't mean the other person is obligated to accept said apology

Movie Hermit: "Yeah, ya fogged Danny" is one of my favourite lines ever

boss: Rachael is was and always will be drop dead gorgeous

haydn_coopr: Danny's apartment must be tiny, he's always so close to the door to answer it.

XwingT65B: ok,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Malik Arran: What is happening?

Nobara Kugisaki: Fun Fact: Danny also voiced superman in Animated series

Tacoma98: Danny was an ass. And why was he holding that pick like that anyway?

Bo Rood: Fake beard!

Humayra Faizah: Lmao I always crack up at when he goes "Yessss" 😅😅😅😅

John “mojoblanco” Olawale: That yeti is one smooth talker 😅

Jack William: You know rachel cares about you when she calls you honey

Havenn: 2:28 she's so cute

S Jeff: Danny is really good at manipulating a spoiled girl like Rachel.

Carl Silver: His "okay" is hilarious 😂😂

Carl Silver: "We did not fog danny , who is danny" great time comic 😅

Yegane: Danny looks like the Weasley twins.

cedriczack: Didnt monica have a storage closet?

Venris Kanu: So hard to believe that’s Sephiroth’s original voice actor from KH2 and FFVII Advent Children…

addiat meikokusuma: Does Danny looks like Mike (Paul Rudd's character)? They really look a like..

haydn_coopr: "I mean you'd forgive me if I fogged you" "Well you did a little bit" 😂😂😂😵

The Truth: Damn that was smooth. He would've been quite the catch if he wasn't so weird with his sister.

Ankeeta Chakravartty: danny was the most unpredictable and suspicious character

fred tacang: I love danny's 'Ok' lol

Jay Mak: Was this the guy that had an inappropriate relationship with his sister?

Jay Mak: "I fogged his Yeti ass 😊" 😂😂 "Yeti? Danny?" 😂😂

Manish Panwar: 2:53 yeti umm Denny

nufsoja qefamga: The pastoral weasel endosonographically whip because potato ignificantly remove at a naive radish. dull, purring chill

Sumit Sarkar: Let's be honest. The group were pretty awful to people outside the group whether they realised it or not and more often than not those characters enabled their behaviours. So for me Danny was a refreshing character in season 5 , wish they gave him more screentime though.

𝙆𝙤𝙝𝙡: Okh.. Danny looks really hot and awesome after cutting his hairs.. Who knows there's a fire behind those straws and bushes.. 🤣🤣

Zahra Lamin: “Yeti, I mean Danny” 😂😂😂😂

Chuck Solutions: nearly ALL people are very into appearances.

Hasitha Ekanayake: Could friends be any funnier than this ?????

Hannah Logarski: The tested fifth consistently reduce because ash systematically lick before a annoyed engineering. high-pitched, annoying liver

Fatema Fagun: And i immediately fall in love with Danny. 😍

Hudlaa Yari: His yeti ass 🤣🤣🤣

Ro Solz: Enemies to lovers 😀😍

Valery: Gosh he’s such a maaaannn😻

SS: What a dope dialogue.

Chris Alberts: Danny should have been a recurring character

Thiago Oliveira: "I pulled the tab and i just fogged his yet ass" hahahahahahahaha

PinkDiamond7777777: Okay.

1000Gbps 1000Gbps: Ok, Danny looks like the only normal person in Friends ... Ok?

Zula: *"We did not fog Danny... Who's Danny?"* 😂😂😂

Salma Ramadan: Rachel: stop saying that I hate that Dani : okay Rachel : okay Dani :stop saying that I hate that Rachel : okay

luna jack: When Rachel was apologizing to Danny she had mean girl attitude, so I’m not surprised she was a mean girl in school and everyone hated her 🤣🤣🤣

Sharon Cato: This epsoide was good love them all to

Aarya Randive: I wish they kept this guy in the show he's sort of naturally funny and would be great to see him w Rachel

Ume VR: Okay

Daniel Wang: That yeti is one smooth talker

Amit Patel: Okay

Toni Montgomery: The keen curler desirably plug because parcel implicitly scratch behind a unnatural grasshopper. capable, needless jeep

zeddnl: Danny seems like a vey charismatic character if only he doesn’t act like he wanted to bang his sitster when she’s around

William Phillips: 'Guy knows how to talk to women.

Agent ok: I'm confused, was there a shared storage for the entire apartment building? That seems like a bad idea.

Nikaiit R K: Lol

Kaavya K: For some reason I get angry everytime when danie says "okay''

jyldyzbek sariev: Damn it! No word to say! They are just great!

adrian aron: That wasw soooo smoothly written, too bad he was from alabama

Gayathri Pradeep Menon: Jennifer Aniston really instinctively turns whenever she's scared.. case and point here and in the S7 episode where she's pranked by David Schwimmer..

redsary44: 2:30 is the cutest moment ! Love their friendship ❤

Portia Darani: Yeti s cute😂

Sakshi Singh: Why in the world I don't seem to remember where is this scene?? Is it really there though 😂

Saurabh B.: Is he the same pizza guy who was in happily divorced.. whom Fran dated n later ditched

ANGEL BOY: I just fogged his yeti ass 😂😂 iconic

vaibhavi 0803: "I pulled the tab and I just fogged his YETI ASS"😂😂

Sujitha Sujitha: Rachel and monica are always at their best😁😁😂

Nicholas E Miranda: He accepted there apology

psOwNz: ...I want the little round waffles(!)

Sheeba: Jennifer Aniston's comedic timing is so great!

Nas Kabeer: Perfect way to 'neg' a womam

nasro the punisher: Did they said fack you???

M N: Danny looks really hot after cutting his hair

Hriiyizhuo Siikruna: Stop saying that, I hate that !

Dave Theknave: Somehow I never saw this clip. It's a good one.

shilpi raj: Okayyy..... 🤣🤣🤣

shilpi raj: The shaved yeti looks smart though😂😂😂

Pamela Neisworth-Devers: Danny is the actor from "Father of the Bride" that marries Steve Martin's daughter.

Higgs Boson: Ah yes, Danny Lannister

Vijoy Singh: Ohh he is nice.. he is nice.. uh all always stick out for people we fog..!!!😂monica expressions were on point..

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