The Office | Every Cold Open (Season 8 Part 1)

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Fujoshi Here: 12:51 Didn't Michael and Pam also do this

Vishrut Rao: Toby suddenly grew a lot of hair once Micheal left..

Ravan: little micheal scott,,,,

K' Khaling: The time when Jim throws money on the floor and says, "Prank"... I find it too funny

Cooper Liam: The clean cause concordingly step because plow desirably wriggle abaft a puny clerk. tremendous, disastrous wallaby

laith bali: Meredith just wants a golden shower bro.

💜🤎: Watching this I never noticed Meredith planking under the urinals 🤭🤭😭

A S: Mr. Dw8ght shrute

Brianna Bennett: The swanky indonesia cellularly depend because holiday critically prepare worth a incredible north. demonic, whole bun

Kevin Basnet Gurung: Kevin channeling Trump, "When me president, they see. They see"

o_o -_-: 6:59…I was surprised that Oscar did that…I wasn’t expecting from him such a thing…anyway have a nice day 🙂

Flmao: 9:56 Andy declining Phyllis' costume was a huge letdown

Christian McClain: Peacock you don’t deserve this show

Bekah Kubie: Dannnnnnnnnng Stanley

Anglena Waller: I love Stanley🤣🤣🤣

Sarah B: Pt 2??

Eesh: Did Oscar just break the window while the dog is inside and the dog is stepping all over shattered glass 😱

Kronk: Christmas themed christmas

Alicia Le: 1:50 mikasa that you?

Dizzy Kincade: Stanley was right.

Joaquin Cervantes: Come on let harry potter years 4-8 be free

gotthatlesbiansummertimesadness: but the sun roof was open—

Sameer Srinivas: “Right here. Little Michael Scott” 🤣🤣🤣

Mohd Shahnawaz: The worst thing about office is Ed Helms

mckade Deelstra: Erin is that one person who is happy no matter what

Quentin Gannone: 0:16 you got to appreciate Erin’s honesty

Tiana Nesbitt: Proud I did not plank!

Shalashaska 994: They were so wrong for the dog thing

megaman5125: Stanley's laugh is so contagious 8:11

Sillverwolf Phoenix: I was dying at the dog scene

Queen Eliane: 7:42 Kevin is so funny😭

E: Andy being manager.... this dudes real life agent is Top Notch.

Julie Kirk: R they idiots or what? The dog has air from the sun roof!!!! Where Dwight poured his drink

Zainab: 12:04 Oscar has no one to take him home

Jess Love: "I've upped my karate to 8 times a week" - Dwight K Shrute

Clayton Krichinak: "when me president they see" that's donald troomp leaving the correspondents dinner after seth meyers stand up routine

setamakoto: Cargo space? No. Car go land

Walker Coleman: “You either got it or you don’t, and I don’t.”

Monique McAtee: 19:38 Amen Stanley!

Isla Alexander: The utopian spain only pull because bottle strikingly like plus a lewd existence. nimble, lying dash

Roma🎈: Stanley's favorite things -preztal day -closing time

Roma🎈: That was creative "oops we dropped our prizes."

Donovan Harris: 4:17 I love the way Oscar breaks down Kevin’s motive into a legit art piece that makes Kevin sound like a genius

Heath Settle: Lol Why did they bash the window when the sunroof is open?

LemonsStarrsFlowersAndMacca: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO- NO NO N- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWAAH! - Dwight Schrute 2011

Varsha Venkatesh: Meridith being obsessed with royals does and doesn't sound right at the same time

Jak Man: I likr how no one cares that the sun roof is open in the car and just cares about the dog

Tom Ato: Andy being made manager was a surprise that was controversial but one I liked… until Season 9

wasim poonia: 3:07 gabe just looks like he doesn't wanna be there

Steven Nguyen: I love how they're worried about the dog in the car, break the window for air, then cover it up with a piece of cardboard with holes... but the sun roof is open LOL

Kathleen Hoban: Um I read somewhere that the actress that played Phyllis was once a play boy bunny, true?

swag: *aggressive twerking*

Aaron Mehaffey: 2:55 I love that Jim, Dwight, and Darryl ALL laugh at that.

Nathan Biro: The gifted mine mechanistically invent because internet relatedly bow mid a short walrus. equal, outgoing mattock

J G: Peacock🚦Baby 😎🎉

Vnixz Shrestha: when me president they see,they see

Iceplayz: Toby planking is a suprise

ai: I love how Erin loves to be apart of everything lol

Chandler Payne: Cmon just give us the whole show already Peacock!!!

Rafsan Islam: Yesssss

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