The Office | Every Cold Open (Season 8 Part 2)

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m: Nellie was the worst

Henry Chen: Gabe is so similar to Jared Dunn

fenixrising1972: I was Angela after I had my kids. Lost a few friends because of it.

Hershel Krustofsky: HAhAhAhAHAHAHaHAH

TotosTales: The hot chocolate opener is just my absolute favourite - it’s so sweet, and harmless, and the end is so cute where she’s happy and then Jim gets her a hot chocolate and it’s just lovely 🥰

Sam Lava: Creed makes u laugh by sayin hey hello

Hoodini Soar: No one is talking about how sweet Phyllis is.

The Theory of JAD: Don't mean to be that guy but you forgot the cold open to Free Family Portrait Studio, where Oscar makes the "it gets better" video.

Oddy_ Nuff: It's sad how people never noticed Creed. For me Creed was the best cunning character...


Julien Doisneau - Gilliouard: Andy overreacting about the racoon is the cringest thing ever, makes me hate his character..

Doug Day: Erin is still best girl. Always has been, always will be.

Yannick Naert: Note to self: feed baby more

Super Builder: there's jim there's Dwight there's Erin then there's Kevin *oh yeah*

Kevin Killen: DATE ME ➡️ !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

Tamed: Oh yeah!

Charisa Martin: "We gossiped all night" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ivan Urena: A triangular tablet so great

veenu gupta: Everyone smacked at Kevin for breaking the streak but they all really wanted someone to break the streak so they could let go.

Infernal Zeus: You gotta be crazy to open the chest … Everyone turns to Creed

SonNitsuga TheSavage: Hipster Erin is mega hot!!!!

Andros Flaherty: How do Jim find the time for all the pranks.

Vansh Garg: Jim Dwight and Gabe standing together like some normal dudes until you realize John Krasinski is 6'3'' and scale it all up😂😂

Tanish Upreti: *OH YEAH*

D Gray: meatball stanley & pretzel day stanley are the best stanleys

MamaOcat: Imma love you down the stairs tonight

Mark Irwin: "My hands are tied."

Lil Yeet: What even is a cold open?

Angel Sauza: Pam bullying Ryan is comedy gold. It's like Jim vs. Dwight but less serious and random.

Izzy Floyd: Ew Angela

DozerWrench: A member of your staff posted my personal information on social media. This is a clear violation of your terms of use agreement. You guarantee that you would not share my information with the third party. I have sent multiple emails with a screenshot of said post. I've messaged you on all forms of social media and only received automated responses. Your "live chat" is just a bot. You have no customer service number. The post needs to be removed and I want an explanation on why this happened.

Angel Sauza: I wonder how many products the people camping along Erin outside the Sabre store would buy...

Zacky Mohmand: Stanley cackling after Dwight found his stapler... funniest thing Stanley ever did after yelling at Ryan.

Zwei4815: Not sure whether Oscar or Angela is worse.

Amarpreet: I just realized this video has been up just for 4 hours and I already watched it twice 😅

Janagama Bhaveth: Dwight: i dont need your help.. (starts taking support from jim shoulder )lol

Angelina Valdez: I dislike how they made Andy come Michael when Michael hit Meredith when he’s giving the news the Dwight was gonna be vp of saber

Fernando Alector Molina Medellin: Neither of those looks like any person that has ever existed or been dreamt of in the history of human insanity...

manasvi khanna 64: Angela's eye roll after Pam said to the balloon "its time to come home,buddy" was 😂😂

River Cannon: Nineteenth!

Arnold Painter: Dwight dog and Dwight… it’s UNCANNY 😂

Cecilia Casani: A quiet place

pandatwee: The beginning of a quiet place.

Attilioes: 15:52 that mug handling still bugging me

Filip K: Nellie is the worst character

Silver Comet: We need more Dwight Dog!!

Andrew: Ellie made Andy's character so much worse. Personally I think she was by far the worst character to be introduced.

boomer vibes: Doggo dwight

Udayraj Thorat: I miss Michael :/

Ada Brown: Perfect time for a office video

Alicia Wrensford: Unbelievable UNBELIEVABLE

956StreetMedia: I’m early lol nice

Matthew Faas: Andy is so annoying

Abhishek Singhania: 10:49 Pam thinking did Jim do something

Siddhesh Kotkar: Oh how i missed Michael in season 8 ! T---T

Siddhesh Kotkar: OH YEAH!

justanotherchannel: stanley eating meatballs from a plastic bag out of dwight's drawer and stapler is everyone's pandemic mood

Alavya Shanker: Well no paid attention when Erin was hurt and asked for help😶

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