Official Trailer: Season Two of "Family of Fiancé" Airs July 17 | Family or Fiancé | OWN

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Lovey b: It shouldn't take all this to get married.

Directed By D'Amour: One of the best most organic “docu-series” on air! So excited for this season it looks juicy!

Christine Adams: This is deep

Mo Glaspie: I'm glad this is coming back. I like this show. But trailer looks too drama filled for one season but I will be tuned in 👀 🍿

JT The Boss: I almost forgot about this show, glad it’s coming back though 🍿 ready‼️

Hutch Kimber: Why the therapist look a little....different. She looks a little more....ethnic this season. Nevertheless, great show.

Tendra: I been here since the beginning and every year it gets spicier

Angel Eyes33: This season looks....🍿🍿🍿

Renata Ward: The Men crying like crazy! The women going in!

Michelle Knight: This my show wish I went before I got married 🥴🤣

spiceboxify: i LOVE braids...but these freaking american wigs alone will make me not watch these shows...I grew up with people who haad hair. This is bothering my A.

Afrocentric Sage: I chose the fiancé. My family was already toxic.

Lisa Lisa: How the host have a slight resemblance of Wendy so....

JJ: um, this is odd! the young lady say take that wig off your head. so, what hell she's wear on her head? they all false hair with different name title and style.

Greer Dorsey: Oprah is allowing anything lol

Krystin Grant: She said f you go home go about my business I'm sorry I laughed so hard

Precious Owusu: I totally forgot about this show but I'm glad it's back.

Ms Jackson: oh this season look lit af

Daryl Syas: Incredibly Moving Experience

Joyce Holmes: The recondite beet intringuingly tie because digestion basally push against a vague beech. spurious, tedious utensil

justbusiness01: Love this show. Can’t wait for this season.

Kiernan O'Leary: “Cheating is subjective” 🤨sir find somebody else to play with.

DimpledNatural: I thought this was season 3

Sigurney Kirby: season 2? i thought this was season 3...

Alan Marilyn: The economic hardship , recession , unemployment and the loss of job caused by covid pandemic is enough to push people into financial ventures .

Tiffany C: Every couple should have some type of pre martial counseling minus the family

Tiffany C: One of my favorite shows

Lilly Mcintosh: Oh baby this season looks good with really good issues .and i love Tracy 🧡🙏

steph dcc: If you are going to be in national tv….invest in a good wig lol.

TheMochaangel: To whomever from OWN reading comments, please don’t turn this show into a version of love and hip hop ..I’m sensing the salacious drama for views already. This show had a level of decorum culturally, and the few (very few) times things got a little hood on the show, it was revered poorly. I don’t know what this next season holds but please don’t turn this show around

Mistye Winston: This is one of my favorite shows. Can't wait to watch each week.

Chelsea Johnson: I’m ready

Estrellitawilliams: This season is going to be fire!

Alimah Reads: Okay so, I’m the only one who sees Quaylon from Love after Lock up in the thumbnail??? Let me proceed..

ablackdaria TM: Soon as the men started crying I knew it was going to be LIT 😂


Cynthia Jones: Own viewers if you die today will you go to heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen, hated, used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? According to God's law, you're guilty, your headed for hell, ignorance will not be an excuse... But wait, God loves you, he made a way out for you, God's son Jesus died paying for your sin. God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Fola Dee: My favorite show!!!

Toni Alex: The relationship coach looks so different here. Resembles Wendy

sonyaethaniel: I'm getting Rachel Dolezal vibes from the therapist.

Mo Ross: This is my worst nightmare actually 🥲 I would hate for families to be at odds

Chantel Moore: I love this show

Vikriah Soutos: Sheesh…

msofray: Did the show provide these horrible wigs? Asking for a friend~~~~~~~~

Sefako 228: It's the gentleness in the women's couple that caught my eyes 🤩

Shasha Collins: Oh snap this season about to be lit. And I'll be here for it. I see you Tracey😉.

Kiki Beckles: That editing was amazing

Lela _78: I can’t wait

Dikéle: It's Family *or* Fiance

Val M: The video title is spelled wrong. It’s family or fiancé.

TheNurse&Nerd: Oohhh yeah We WILL BE DOING REACTION To This Season ❗😁

Chris Ke: Wowser

Tanisha Lee: This gonna be goooooddd

Billy Zee: Please friends, believe in science. Get you and your family members vaccinated before it's too late! Together we can defeat this deadly pandemic!

Jelly Bean: If they are having so much drama before the wedding why get married. No wonder divorce rate is so high people are crazy getting married for all the wrong reasons smh.

Kristie Anderson: So why is this video titled 'family of fiance?'

Janessa Vega: Idk why I like this show but I do, glad it’s coming. Back 😂😂

Taylor Duvernay: The one who said, " I don't wanna be in your house, I just want to #$%@ you like i have been doing " .....she takes the trophy home 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

AC: Wow some of the families and relationships..yikes. This season looks interesting to say the least. I hope all the couples find the peace they are looking for.

Stush Q: Okayyyyy Tracy looking good!

Sanele Matomela: Cheating is subjective, what??! 🙆🏾‍♀️

🍯 blood honey: The relationship coach looks "more Black" than previous seasons.🤔 Why is that? Is it the hair? Maybe the makeup...? Curious

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