Full Episode: "Shae + Will" (Season 2 Premiere) | Family or Fiance | OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network

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Majek Majek: She's desperate. He's the normal "bail-me-out-of-the-mess-I've-made-of-my-life" BM. We'll see how it goes...Seen this movie before.

Canitha Sanders: Red🚩's 5 minutes in. He wasn't afraid of losing her if he told her he was married🤔 let alone he was married with no intention of getting a divorce🤔? Also I believe his Mother is still "Married" to his ex wife and had the audacity to say Lil Will doesn't like Shea, but then flipped it and said he doesn't want to be forced to like her. Will's family is a piece of work.

Sunny Side Rises Up: No one can change their past but that does not mean that you have to suffer in your future because of your past

Sunny Side Rises Up: I don't care about the BS that everyone else is concerned about what I am concerned about is why did his ex-wife and him get a divorce and why is he so quick to jump back into a marriage when he hasn't had time to heal

Melinda Mullins: what a beautiful response to eachother.god bless this awesome family we wish all of you the best.

Goddess Anese: Shae 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ she did not clear her bank account out for thisssss. this man is a SNEAKKKK. I truly pray the best for them though

Waterlove: Moms not evil, she's just mom

Waterlove: This is a disaster waiting to happen.

OH5311883: Is Shae really ready to go into a marriage with a full suit of Armor to battle her inlaws. Her mother in law seems battle ready and she can't win this battle with her.

Janet W: This union is going to fail. Wills mama is overstepping HOWEVER I do feel she is low key helping Shae. Parents know the character of their children. He is only successful based on the woman he gets with that's a man who can potentially leave a trail of broken hearts.

Foxxy Brown: She didn’t even Greet his parents but this is the man your marrying 🤔

Kesington Omoniyi: The fade in the grooms beard is everything...!!!

Ronisha Richards: Shae’s family didn’t notice anything or any red flags. Will is the primary person at fault for how things went. I think Shae should have at least greeted his family when they arrived. Will crying seemed fake and manipulative. Shae should have left him alone once she found out he was married. How he handled his previous marriage reveals a lot about his character. I wouldn’t have given his 60,000. Nope I wouldn’t have done it. I hope he pays her back. Will didn’t share pertinent details with his family. I hope they work out.

Patricia Lyn: Share is so gracious with her responses to his family

AshNicole: Not him manipulating her & her family! . His family realize it more than hers.

Eve: "When you know, you know". Yeah. I'm sure Will said that about his first wife, too.

Alicia Wallace: This man had a whole affair, cheated on his wife, lied about his divorce process and clearly still has the mentality of a 25 year old. Shea is just as silly and desperate. How do you allow yourself, as intelligent as you seem to be .. " help a man get through" his marriage? Love yourself.

Mimi Mwenyewe: The wrong family was apprehensive here. The bride's family should have been the skeptical & cautious one and they will probably come to regret ignoring the red flags. As for the groom he seems eager to talk smack about his parents & his kid to his gf and her family, and he will probably come to regret that.

hoochiebe1: He is gonna turn on her abd discard her just like he turned on his wife

Allen Williams: Chance

Tyra Martin: Wowww, girl leave him. He's a liar! He's using you...NEXT!

kateia gray: Where are the men on her side of the family? Then they had the audacity to mock 42 yrs of marriage while praising a man that was married while dating their relative🤔make it make sense...His momma said he was a liar, said he was still with his wife and said she wasn't prepared to meet the mistress and these women saw absolutely nothing wrong with any of it!!

Lauren Hall: Will crying was so disingenuous 😒

Aladi1st: Shea...sweetie a married man is off limits. Will is selfish and he will cheat on Shea too. I agree with Will's Mom, he needs to grow up. Will basically made her a side piece. Much prayer to all. Run girl run

FER: At least Will got sterilized... being the cowardly, predatory, weak male that he is.

GCA: Will is not a real man 1. He had an affair 2 . He was not honest with his parents 3. He lied to Shae and did not tell her he was married 4. He did not tell his parents Shae was coming to meet them 5. He took money from Shae for his bad business mistake. Real men would not have taken the money. Real men own their responsibility and would not take money to bail them out. Real men figure it out and not take money to get out. I wonder if he would still be with Shae if she did not give him money for his lawsuit?😡 6. Shae needs to discover her self esteem and self worth. 7. Clearly Will did not resolve the issues from the marriage he was in 8. I don’t know how Shae was helping him through a divorce, she needed to leave him alone until he dealt with that divorce and made sure reconciliation was not going to happen with his current ex-wife and/or his divorce was final; this is going to be Shae’s role in Wills life- a door mat to be walked on and used. I don’t believe they will make it because the foundation was built on lies, deception, and affairs. Shae had no consideration for Wills kids or his ex wife when she was messing around with Will before his divorce. That shows where Shae’ s self esteem and self worth was - NON EXISTENT!!!! Shae is getting a front row seat of what is going to happen to her. She just doesn’t see it yet. ☹️☹️☹️☹️

QueenXimora: I'm not convinced they will last. He needs to pay her back & start over. I'm not giving NOBODY 60gs. She better had a contract drawn up that she owns @ least 40% of this company PERIOD. If she didn't shes F$#@ed & Wills mom still NOT here for it🙄

Amber Nashay: Will mama is the BEST!!

Touche: I love this show!

Devin Bucks: Shae seems like a cool girl, hope Will doesn't mess this one up.

F.A.N. FukAName: Like how they opened up at the end

F.A.N. FukAName: He’s a momma boy and momma is a bully. He has to check his mom with love and Ol girl is young so can she take his family loves his ex wife too much.

enikitaclark: His family is so disrespectful

Sunny Bright: I really like this therapist. She’s so likable and observing and calming.

Sunny Bright: It was extremely rude of Shae not speak to his parents and brother. Such a Drama Queen moment. However Shaw’s mom is the true gem. Such a sweet foxy young looking mature lady! Both of the mothers are beautiful of course.

TishaPisha: He's problematic. He lacks transparency. He's extremely immature. She should run. But I don't like how she and her family were in attack mode towards his family. Not cool. They were talking so negatively about them based on one interaction with her, which was a misunderstanding on his part. She better run!

miracles everywhere: To be honest you can’t blame everything on him or on her he lied she accepted umm kinda a pair right , I hate when people make it the man or just the woman fault in these situations and no shade to her but she was cold to that black family almost seems a little snobby to me . He was definitely wrong for all his lies not a good candidate at all but she right with … birds of a feather what ?……………………………………….

Iesha Upshaw: They’re not gonna last at all.

Iesha Upshaw: She said “strictly business “ Girl stop lying

SheSpksDvine007: That flower shop scene was beautiful that's what they needed

SheSpksDvine007: Shea said the block activity was disrespectful but she found out a real truth. He was still with his wife and the wife thought that they were still married and working things out.

SheSpksDvine007: I'm sorry but I know Shea's family is trying to stick up for her and protect her but they're knocking Wills family down. Shea and company need to have some compassion will was still married when he got with her so the optics do t look good. She could look as if she broke up his family.

dimitry pierre: What wrong with the host she looking not nice

Alex Richie: Will should have communicated things with his parents before bringing another woman into his family relationship and there basically being mean to his fiancé because of it................... His clearly scared of his parents and looks like he always has been .

Tammykins Inspirational: This was a beautiful episode!

Antonio I: They won’t last. The whole purpose of this experience is to try to be welcoming to air out differences. Shae started the whole episode off on bad vibes by being disrespectful. And I get that they have bad blood, but if the whole purpose of this thing is to TRY to develop a connection, being unwelcoming and disrespectful wasn’t the way to go. Even if she didn’t want to hug, an acknowledgment of some kind would have been good. Plus her family did the same thing when they came in and completely ignored Will’s family. The entire episode starting in tension, when that didn’t need to be. Will needs to put Shae and his family in a position where they can discuss their issues. It’s obvious that she’s not well received by them, while her family seems to love him.

Chinaj Fine: Aaaaww🤩.. Its the way those mothers Hugged in the end that warmed my heart😃👏🏼

Conscious Anfesia Shapsnikoff: Shae's mother is reckless with Shae. Mothers are supposed to be wise and have a 3rd eye. Wil made Shae a mistress. This alone is enough for Shae's family not to be onboard with their relationship. Yet, Will's mother tried to warn Shae/her mother and sister and the dumb friend that Will needs to get his life together before involving another woman. Will is a liar and a manipulator. He swindled money from Shae for his business. He doesn't care about her, but he loves how she financially provides for him.

Karen Evans: Jesus is coming why are people still arguing an hating each other dont be deceived

Beau33: Will needs to throw away those ugly beards

Beau33: The fiancé looks desperate and cheap. Her foundation and wig are so 99cents. I see why she thinks dating a man who is married is a big deal and why she thinks she won.

Beau33: What is she doing with a man 13 years older, he met while he was married? Recipe for disaster

FUTURE MRS HUSBAND: She didn't even embrace his family when they arrived :(

JÆ MOOD: Will - classic narcissist Shae- naive “kids telling you they love you, girl you are not their mother I have never told another woman aunt or anything that I love them when I was a child ....” that statement was strange she’s in trouble ....

T.C.: Lol. People in the comments complaining about his mom. Meanwhile he is a liar and the fiance is desperate and pathetic.

Alisha Williams: I didn't see anything wring with what Will brother said about his vasectomy...yes bring it to the l8ght and put all cards on the table...it is funny how mama eased up once Will told her Shay wiped out her bank account to help his business...I guess Shay will handle the child support too...shame!

Dionna: I can understand her being protective of her son. But she can’t be mad at the young lady for what he didn’t tell her truthfully. Just the wrong way to deal with it

Tatiana Correia: Why is she so stand offish? No manners AT ALL WHO RAISED YOU????? and you want to marry their son? 👀👀👀 Nah fam the ladies have no maners. People don't realise his family knows him better.

Shinnel Floyd: WOW 😮.... I love JOHN... He’s the only sound minded person there... They are only talking but nobody is listening 👂

Ashyvette: They won’t last.

Addrienne: Anything you trying to build while you are still MARRIED will fail, its just a matter of when? Period

aristotletheskull: Will's mom only became cool with Shae once he told her about them 6 figures she was holding. Will's mom is an elitist ( at least in her own mind). How in the hell does she have the nerve to call another person trifling and bottom feeders? That's why one of Shae 's question was "what do you own?" Very superficial and materialistic in nature. She only soften up once she realized Shae had some $$$. Now everything Gucci🤔

ryan Amari: I wonder what industries they are in professionally

Tanisha Hall: His mom inferred that he was still living with his wife while dating Shae and that he didn’t end things with his wife properly. 17:10 I think he probably didn’t communicate with his wife that he wanted to move on to another relationship. He was being sneaky with his wife and with Shae. Shae wasn’t much better because she did say that once she found out she was there with him to “help him get through it.” She acknowledged that he was still in that relationship but he “Didn’t want to be in that relationship, and was Ready to end it. 16:44. She should have let him go and let him handle his marriage business on his own as a man. Something tells me he probably would still be with his wife if he didn’t have her “helping him get through it.” I bet he made decisions based on the fact that he had her there taking care of him in different ways, which made it easier for him to leave his marriage. Seems to me he was moving very selfish and foul and didn’t properly end things with his wife which caused pain for his mom who felt like she was betraying her daughter-in-law by meeting with the “mistress” at the dinner. If things don’t work out with Shae he will attach himself to another women to “help him get out of their marriage” too. He moves like a charming parasite attaching himself to a host.

A Thomas: Shea needs to leave this guy alone. First of all he wasn’t honest with her or his family. Blindsided his parents by introducing Shea but never told his parents that he’s introducing her as his new lady…although he’s older, he’s obviously immature… she’s young, beautiful, no kids, no drama… what is he offering? Nothing from what I see.

Nini Prom: If a woman with way more money than Shea comes by 🤔 He will leave.

E B: That was rude of Shae to disrespect Will's family when they first came in. But its great that they worked things out !

Antoinette Bailey: She comes as a packaged deal for him but doesn't come as a packaged deal for her. She's building him up a repairing him from his last marriage. Oh hell to the nah girl. This is not it

ryan Amari: How does he not know when he was divorced …

ryan Amari: Would narcissist be the proper pronoun for Will

Munouime Aldras: Wow! Can't believe he admitted he wiped out her account. He's definitely with her for her financial status.

Jordan Woods: The Brides mom remind me of Simpson of Ashford and Simpson group.

Katrina Deago: They do not need to get married. His family is holding her accountable for his past which isnt fair. Shae will be miserable is that marriage because he is a puppet on a string as far as his parents are concerned. He is selfish and deceitful . He didnt present her to his family in the right way .


MsZoomification: Shae is too pretty to have been that desperate.

Ceford Davis: Will mother is controlling her son period,just like she control her husband

Ashley Gibson: I'm sorry, but I'm with Will's mother..I'm not gonna support shadiness..That man was MARRIED. Period. And Will truffling. He left his wife because he met a PYT. Just a mess! And then to dismiss his child's feelings as the child being manipulative. Now ain't that the pot calling the kettle black! 😂..This whole situation is a no for me. And Shae's mama only cares that she got a ring. Nothing else matters..just a mess 🤦🏾‍♀️

Bri Harden: I promise you they won’t last ! You can’t build a foundation with a “BOY” who was married when y’all met and can’t even stand up for you or up to his parents !And she’s so naive it’s sad baby RUN!!!! He ain’t it

Ebony W: My 2 cents: 1. The host looks too thin…like almost gaunt. 2. It’s interesting that the Will’s family was expecting a warm reception from the fiancé when they weren’t warm and receptive themselves. I think people forget about the group dynamics…1 person is less likely to approach a group of people of which they’ve had a less than pleasurable experience previously. Verses a group of people addressing one person. (The fiancé definitely was wrong for dismissing herself, it wouldn’t have cost her anything to give a “hello how are you”) 3. Where are the men in the fiancé’s family? There needed to be a man there to call Will out on his inconsistency and lack of leadership and protection. It’s clear that the women have bought into Will hook line and sinker. And didn’t have the presence of mind to full engage him beyond what they know.

Reign2002: Considering how cold his parents were to her in the past..its kinda messed up they EXPECT a warm hug like it never happened..they didnt greet ger but EXPECTED her to make the first move

dana williams: How rude of Shae and Will to treat his family like that in the beginning! His fam doesn’t live in the same state, Will & Shae live in the same city as her fam so the bond WILL BE stronger. He is out of line, I can only imagine how messy their home life will be once they get married especially with the co-parenting … and his tears were fake they dried up waaaay to quick

OVERCOMER IAM: Wow Shae is a beautiful young woman who accepted lies and deceit from a man. How is God suppose to bless their union when it's based on Adultery. Will is a liar and very deceitful. Her family didn't know he had a vasectomy and her sister was to aggressive.

dana williams: I’m only 15 minutes into the episode… I would’ve left if I were Will’s family

Javannah Melissa: I don’t mean to laugh, but Will’s sobs have me rolling 😂

t carll: He has been snipped and she really wants kids??????? He was Married? She gave him money to bail his Business out??? Gurl bye

Sofie 27: That was very disrespectful of the groom to be. No greetings to you husband to be family. No matter what the circumstances may be respect should be respect. I personally think that the groom to be is insecure.

Marcus Scott Balahari: If it doesn't start out right, it won't end well. Messy!

Tina Sebastian: That's right Mama Will

xigh: chaaaal. and shae family not even advocating or vetting for her.

womnofdestiny: So they were still living together?

Skylar Dawn: This family dynamic is going to fall. He's with her out of obligations. He feel like he owes because of the 60g she dropped for his business. She probably told her family what she did, not the full amount. But that she help him through a financial crisis. She should have addressed his parents when they came in. It's rude of her to just stand there. He should have done more to make his parents feel welcome and comfortable. They won't last

Dr. 100 PurrScent: Hmmm...its easy to see the energy brewing from Will's Mother. However, it's concerning how Will fails to manage that energy. He doesn't seem as transparent and accountable as he needs to be. He is not very protective of her as she is of him. It seems as if she is being forced answer questions quick and prove herself. She was presented properly to his parents. I'm not sure how well he deals with conflict. I believe he loves Shea, and the energy he absorbs from her. The question is can he reciprocate it and sustain it for the long haul? I'm not trying to shade him. It's not easy going through life, especially when you have hard tribulations in your back pocket. Everyone deserves to be HAPPY. I hope he can match Shea's energy. I hope he can commit to being a strong healthy father. I hope he can be a pleasant and positive co-parent with his ex-wife and make amends to reach a safe space with in this new dynamic. Shea seems to really want to win because the people most important to Will are gunning for her. It is not my place to say if it is worth the fight. She has decided it is, and I hope it is. I hope both succeed and find Joy in the way they hope. I hope their families continue to support them in this journey and create the village our Ancestors inspired us to have. Either way, God will work it out for the Best of ALL. I am a Fan of Black Love, wherever it can Grow & Thrive. When Black People are Free to Love and have Safe Spaces to express the thoughts and concerns, the World Wins!

kayla: Wooow these families are mean.

Oni Giri: I feel like Will is irresponsible and taking advantage of Shae. Shae and her family are too idealistic with Will and need to see the red flags. Will's mom is right! Will needs to get himself together first and stop relying on women to uplift him and be his backbone. Will's brother Jonathan also made some good points about having children in the future. I felt he was looking out for Shae. I really liked how Will's family did not enable him and held his feet to the fire. All in all it was a great episode and both families are beautiful!

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