Official Trailer: "Queen Sugar" Season 6 | Queen Sugar | Oprah Winfrey Network

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Cray-D_rsa: That's so cool

Cray-D_rsa: You and the girl I'm inlove with share the same birthday

domajoh: Can't wait!!!

Akhona Langa: Parker is back 😭

rwiamhere: My first question, where is Calvin? it looks like since he turned himself, maybe doing time in jail for what he did....thus yet another new love interest for Nova...oh boy, how long will this last? I was hoping her and Calvin would work it forward to Season 6!

Melinda Lamar: Oh yeah, I can't wait!!! Glad we don't have to wait another year. Looks like Nova is moving on after she had to eat crow about Calvin.

Karen Kertley: Can’t wait

Angela: I can’t wait!!!!!

Deborah Frazier: Micah was in a story line l read last year with his male partner. I was wondering if they would do a story about his sexuality. I know he probably was getting tired of playing a heterosexual male.

Nina Westlake: The music is a bit distracting. Glad this is back though

WordsWritten By Me: I can't even. The pregnancy. Prosper and his daughter and grandson. Charlie and Davis back together. RA possibly involved in legal trouble. The Blue return. I cannot wait. My family.

leesha4u: Oh gosh, Here we go!

K C: What song is this?

diMizza09: so were not gonna observe the new 'hi yella' in St Joe?even aunt vi looks a shade lighter...ok

melinda Barker: Can't wait

AshleyDenise: Didn't expect Season 6 to come back so quickly but I'm here for it!!!

Shanice Sweetsmile: If y’all send RA back to prison we riot at Dawn 😂 I love that Charley and David are working it out. I’m rooting for them. He’s been the one constant in her life when all those other relationships fail. Ralph Angel and Darla are my faves

Crystal Nworie: September can't get here fast enough! Uuuuugggghh

Brandi: Can’t wait!!

Nia Imani: I love this sugar

Tanya Gadlen: Cant wait 👍🏾

Keia's Kloset: I knew after David took care of Charlie while she was sick with Covid, she was catching feelings for him again...I actually saw her going back to him and besides he wants her back as well.

Jabrelle Jenee’: I love Queen Sugar, but I must say I need Green Leaf with it lol as a unit

Teri Prasaguet: Omgggggg my favorite show!!!! Been a long time

Michael D. Williams III: I just beginning season 2 thanks to Hulu been down in the dumps dealing with deep sadness and grief. Lately, I’ll pick back up on this series soon as I can. One of the best series on television...💫

Melissa Ramsey: Aww snap this season is going to be fire 🔥

Khol Milk: Look like the character Micah is gay now. Art imitating life . He is in real life. Ralph Angel at a point where he tired of being broke .

KhloM: Ralph Angel…

Jennifer Lowry: Oh Lort!

Laïla Pierre: Ralph angel can never have piece in this series and I really wished Calvin would have been a forever thing

Tiffany C: I’m ready

Nella M: My favorite tv show of all times ❤ can't wait

Sage Valentine: See you in September.

may s: Ralph what the hell is you doing

Ashley B: No more Calvin 😩😩😩

LaNomsa: XULA ♥️

Kopano Marumo: I. CANNOT. WAIT

Stephanie Awuah: Oh man not Ralph Angel😣. You know it's okay to ask family for help if they as generous and loving as his fam is and then make a plan to pay back even if in instalments. Nothing wrong with asking for help. Hmmm. This trailer 😂 can't wait

Alicia Dyle: Yes I love this show

Brittany Bost: Can’t wait!!!! I’m going to be so shocked if Micah is gay omg.

Melinda Dupas: Now I need to catch up on season 5 😩😩

KAYE: So, yall not gonna post it on hulu😫

John Arnold: DON’T DO IT RALPH ANGEL!!! DON’T DO IT!!!!!!

D Young: Can’t wait ❤️!

Christopher Chisholm: Really Charly?? You getting back with "whatmajigum"??

Denita Johnson: Yessssss, can't wait! Nooo Ralph Angel!

Dee Rich: Already?! I need to finish Season 5!

SonitaLuv & Family: I have goosebumps. Finally something to good to look forward on TV. Thank you OWN 🙏🏾

IB HE: OMG Not Parker and Sam Landry!!!🤬 Why RA Why???????😒 Baby Blue Returns!!!🤗

Cindy Morgan: Thank you for last season. It was so therapeutic. You handled our struggles with tenderness, love and understanding. Please do not disappoint this season. We need more feel good moments. Last season hit the right balance. We saw covid issues yes, but we also saw marriage and love and a relationship for Charlie (Amen). Don't think I want to see Ralph in more legal trouble and a confused Micah.

Maurice Etheridge: I see the writers are going to give Micah a sexual identity storyline which will be a good representation since he is an actual member of the LGBTQ community.

A Mo: Why they always messing with Ralph Angel? why can't he just be happy😡

Dura Dun: Okay the son is going to be bi or gay it seems or he is confused about it. Okay. Either way, looks good like the other seasons, cant wait.


Private Person: I'm counting down.💃🎉💃🎊

M J: So happy!!

Private Person: I take it Calvin will be out of the picture.🍿🍿🎉

Yanny Yaz: Oh no Ralph Angel, what is you doing?!

Geraldine Warren: Wait ! I was ALL in because the struggle was handled the right way. WHY OH WHY did you have to flip the script 🤔

kristalfan4life: Can’t wait!

kalethia antoine: Can't wait

Online Shopper: Wait Charlie & Davis back together? Dear Lord, can Charlie be happy for once? Nova… RA???

ms addie: Lawd have mercy he going down the wrong road again! 🤣

chiffon jones: Can't wait, wish it was starting now

Wilfridah Shana: Yes yes can't wait.

Damilola Mosadomi: Yes, I can't wait !!!!!! 🙌

LofiSis: Can we get full episodes of sweetie pie on here please and thank you

Trini Treats: I can't wait.

TJ Johnson: 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 I can’t wait

fatima miller: Can't wait

Elesa Hylton: Yes, I can't wait

Jhavoy Pryce: Thank God! That last season seemed a bit conclusive, I was worried chile😭

Its Me Ms. Alpha: Yay!! Ive been waiting

Vova Nikitin: Dear person, who reads it. Yes, I mean exactly you! Maybe we don't know each other. Still, I want to say, that I believe in you! You will certainly achieve your dreams and your happiness! Just don't give up and be honest with yourself! Now you have at least one person who constantly believes in you, which means you are fated to realize your dreams! No doubts here ^) *Best wishes for you ❤️ from a small YouTuber.....*

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