HITMAN 3 - Season of Sloth Announcement Trailer - Nintendo Switch

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dbzfanatic27: These cloud games are amazing. I can run most of them at full speed with just a hotspot.

Squee does Game: I wish they had ported Blood money and Absolution to Switch. At least we could play it anywhere.


pirate of the MD: Super

Galaxy kc: That's why there's 7 deadly sins collection 4 more will come out soon

Gabriel Barnett: HITMAN FOR SMASH


MGTOW ANONYMOUS: *U think u can dislike the comments on video b4 this 1 and it will prevent us from replying to it?? Fuhk u nintendo 8)))))*

Yvendous: I thought it said Seth Everman

Nicolas Rodriguez: Soundtrack?? Please

Raven: Seth everman lookingass

Broski Whyyy: Cloud gaming sucks

7DSCYS: Is it a cloud?

Slevin Kelevra: Очень круто нафиг мне это знать если у нас нет такого

psylencecy: Please, community, don't support cloud games...this is not the future we want!

Bryan Kopkin: Seth everman

Jkdabomb10A: I’m the bald guy.

André Alécio: Cloud version?! Ugh! No, thanks.

EnigMajicc: Is it still a cloud game stoll or is it a physical copy or just digital now?

wiwi woku: Cassette ?

Mutant: Waluigi for smash


Maestro Drake's Metal Men: Is it possible to divide these games into "chapters" and DL them separately for offline play?

Ashlin Grey: Glad to see Seth Everman reprising his role as agent 47

war waring: cloud version?

Testify: Disappointed this wasn't a Seth Everman video

TheOnetrueJoey: Is this is a cloud game?

Nintendorak Yamato: Can’t wait to see how it could run on the Switch Pro

Nintendorak Yamato: Nintendo switch is pushing the limits

DarkQueenHelba: I thought it was Seth Everman in the thumbnail at first...

Ricardo Purnell: Lo

Ricardo Purnell: Lo

Josue Varela: Is this a cloud version ?

Diogo Vasconcelos: Cloud Version para todos? NÃO!

ZeusWeus: I'd care if it wasn't a cloud game.

Sloth: So am I playable or not

Henriko Magnifico: Is that Seth Everman

Komiksowy Człowiek: Hello seth

Oshi !: Dislike cloud version 🤢🤮

Julie Cooper: 🤚🤚🤚🙌🙌🙌🤲

Manuel, Orlando, Martinez Manuel, Orlando, Martinez: Not if they made you work to hard it was a sin and get nicknamed as you know what.

Julie Cooper: 🤣🤣🤣😋🥰

Julie Cooper: 3

Julie Cooper: 😅😅😅

Julie Cooper: 🥂🥂🥂

Julie Cooper: 🤯🤯🤯


Julie Cooper: 🤑🤑🤑🤑

John Ross: Hopefully it isn’t another cloud game

Red Platinum Gamer: WOW that's a surprise 😮 Hi I very happy. nice👍

CoolDudeWhatsCol: When will fall guys come out ??

Sinteleon: Let's not forget the Switch is perfectly usable as a thin client.

Over Toasted: They need to make these cloud versions more apparent that they are cloud versions.

Max Pops: If only this game was on Switch

Taiku Xie: that was very good of Nintendo trailer game, this is so amazing.

Billy Williams: Man dlc can not afford it

Zac _: Cloud gaming is nice (when it works) but you should be able to rent it atleast so you fully know if your internet can handel it.

Dennis Fucking Wilson: Pitbull is worth 100 million and yet he's killing people for money🤔🤨

TonyKanameKuran: Not bad... even in performance mode at 60fps, I am deeply impressed!

Zaden: Hitman... ON THE SWITCH?! :D

Jony Acuna: These types of game ruin the main appeal of the switch which is playing games anywhere on the go.

Don David: Games like these are a failure on switch As amazing cloud is, switchs selling point is being able to take it anywhere I applaud Doom eternal, witcher 3, and outerworlds (although not so good) for still making their games being able to be in the hardware itself And these cloud games cannot be tallied in future game preservations Its like these games were never actually on switch

Medalion: Wow speaking of sloth... this trailer is weeks late from Nintendo

DMANIACK05: Nah I’m good I don’t like lagging

Distorted Cards: Looks like someone found their Innersloth

Toprak Altun: İs this another cloud vers ?

Madara Uchiha: I want gta 5 on switch 🤦

am DJ: фц онлайн

Hunter Jay: Can’t wait for this to actually run natively on the Switch Pro.

JRR31984: (ie what comes AFTER "the red boots"....?!)

Spider Shaq: Let’s not forget that hitman 3 isn’t really on switch

JRR31984: (ie what does appreciation for what was, really look like....?)

JRR31984: Ahh "sloth", a moment where pigs think that they understand their anger vs their purpose-- vs everyone else's.

Falkyn: I never knew I need this, but here we are

Xavier: Season of Sid the Sloth

omar pikm: hitman

Junior Cr: Cloud ?

infinityKnight: Wait... this is not SethEverman's channel...

ericbazinga: Please stop with the cloud games Nintendo

Thomas Palazzolo: So the Hitman is now Chibi-Robo.

Bad Latency: Still not paying the same as a full price purchase to rent a game via streaming. The pricing structure is ludicrous Nintendo. I'm not a fan of streaming over actual physical media in general, but I'm certainly not paying the same price for both and anyone who does is an idiot.

Gloohmy: i honestly thought it was Seth Everman on the thumbnail lol

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

Alberto Zamorano: Que chulo se ve!!!!

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

Loresmith: Seth Everman

Mumbles Speedtalker: To bad it's a cloud game I personally dont have the best connection to play this .

Kenrick Eason: Add Scorpion (MK), Master Chief and Crash Bandicoot to Smash Bros.

GREEN BOYS TV: farming simulator 19 nintendo switch

Juan Cruz Otero: I know that it doesn’t depend on Nintendo but I would like to be able to play these kind of games all around the world and not just when I’m close to a server. That day I’m going to celebrate cloud gaming as it deserves.

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