Apex Legends Nintendo Switch, Season 8 Launch Trailer Length, Horizon's Old Ability #shorts

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The Gaming Merchant: Im live come say hi! https://youtu.be/Q3_8pHZKsXQ

Baby Yoda for President: ._.

Art1san: Dude switch launching is gonna add new lengths to crappy team mates, they'll literally be bots

Michael Looney: We not gonna talk about how that Gibraltar shield to a full on Leaver shot😬


Ryny: If they incress the horizon q cd then those changes seem decent

Dan Winters: Apex its trash

SunsetBurst 8605: The season 3 trailer will always be my favorite because they had my one of my favorite bands and songs play as the launch trailer song

ً ً: I think they going to update the graphic so it can be run on Nintendo like potato graphic, if this release does came out, I can now play apex a bit faster on my pc

Da Chill_boi: I am happy that apex is geting on the switch because I haven’t played apex in like 5 months bc I lost my pa4 controller

nehal waghamode: So basically horizon is pain from Naruto.

rhypinical: Switch performance: 2 fps 1k non-hd Pc fps: 120fps 8k ultra HD. Ok have fun switch players

Dum Guy: Dude sounds like Wallace from Wallace and Gromit XD

Michael Gray: Shhhhh, I know all the answers... wait for it....................blisk....is....horizons.......son....think about it

Aaron Gallegos: Man, that kraber shot on horizon tho 👀

Landyn Nichols: Omg im in this video

Darth Vader: Nintendo switch players....

WhyTheCM: Horizon's perfect where she is at the best balanced legend

Friendly Degenerate: You didn't even finish the game.

Lemon_Nade: Man imma need a new lore recap and all that this season flew by

You Didn't See Anything: Here before 300K subs, you've come along way on YouTube bud.

BuckThisGame: 0:18 Jason McCord said the same thing about cross-save, and we know we’re getting the switch release in season 8. Let’s hope we get cross-save boys.

SGT YUP: Why u didn't comment on the apex legends new lunch trailer

bokoli167: so they want to put it in nintendo switch but STILL no word on cross proggression cause they cba? typical EA

Jori Roberts: Man I just wanna know if Apex is coming to switch

Hylix Planet: Where is my cross progression

Madhuvan Yadav: If they made the horizon change that you mentioned that character will be completely useless.... They will be so stupid to do this.

Homa Edo: the horizon tatical change thats insaaaane plese add that respawn

oKraider-_-: Totally of topic on the vid but does anybody know why I can't buy lifelines bundle thate in the store rn

Gustavo Covian: Dont like how youre becoming a knock off watergothim

Mad1Pengu: Are the black bars on purpose?

K M: Hopefully they release apex legends on switch this season 8 so i can get my hands on nintendo switch lite haha im gonna buy instantly

Potato Titan: What they should also dp to horizon is that yes you can stick it to different directions i really like that idea but what they could also add to that is that if you keep L1 pressed for 3 seconds it will cause horizon to take her tachtiacal out and push the legend back kinda like her finisher you know how she puts it on her hand and pushes her enemy kinda like that but they should also to balance this idea make it so that she gets pushed a bit back too

Jonatan Aaby: So, I’m waiting

GooogleMan: What’s up with background video aspect ratio?

Henry Spooner: Horizon old tactical would be like her default finisher

_Eaten_Cabbage_: No. As a horizon main I completely disagree with the new tactical. What's wrong with respawn tho shes perfectly fine. Having the best win rate just means shes a good character. It doesnt mean she should be nerfed asap. ;'(

Tristan Hidalgo: It would be cool if Salvonian rebel NPCs would be scattered around the map trying to sabotage the Apex games by hunting down squads of Legends. They could finally give us some PVE and use the AI they already have in place that the firing range dummies use.

Reacon Assassin's: lul this video is the first video on youtube that I ever watch that has 480p with 60 frames

Chewy67541 Gamer: Whats the thumbnail i cant tell

Bruhify Army: All new legends will be lookin badass in the trailer but IRL lol

Mini Monkey Masher: Horizons old ability sounds broken on paper, since it would just a way better version of what she has now. You set it below you on the "push" function, and boom! You've got her current ability plus much, much more.

mav massey: For horizons tactical I'd like the idea of being able to place it on walls and stuff

Lost And found: When is the game play trailer

Albert Alberto: Horizon's ability is good as it is

Kadir Efe Demirkazan: When will the horizon ability will come

The Skirmisher: I like the old model for the TACTICAL much more out play

Crystal Cali: I would definitely prefer to be able to change the direction Horizon's tactical moved you. It would be useful in so many more situations, especially when you're in a more tight space on the map like the tubes underneath Olympus. It could be used kinda like Jett's dash in Valorant to reposition quickly in close range fights.

Ricechrispy0527: That Horizon concept sounds like it would be similar to when you could stick jump pads to Gibby's arm shield

Burns Phillip: Yang milih Allah SWT like.

Trey Thompson: with the whole horizon concept that still can be a different character in its own.

miguelinemag: I would love that if the Nintendo Switch version makes the graphics go lower than normal, they add a mode to put it like that on PC. (For low-end PCs)

Carrie Gottfried: The old horizon tactical concept is just nomads air jab from rainbow six siege

Jake Dav: I would definately like to see the original or old concept for horizons tactical because it would be more confusing than the one at the moment. I would like it to be more confusing because it would mean that horizon takes more intellegence and skill to play, something she lacks more than other legends at the moment if you look at her win and pick rate. However, I do think that this would be a combination of her ult and current tactical which would be quite OP so it would need some balancing.

NitrianRex: How do I contact EA about my lost Watson twitch skin?

Jared Rosenkrance: Add the old system but nerf her ability to strafe while staying in her gravity lift. If you try to strafe it will instantly kick you out of her lift.

Mr.Hunter.Robot: Why the hell is he uploading in this screen ratio?

Joseph Ransom: I pray respawn just takes a second to genuinely work on the audio, all match on kc audio was cutting in and out

salafadel: amazing video as always! will there be a reddit video tomorrow ???

Derrick kennedy: This man was frying in this video lol

JL Media: what was doing damage to you at 0:26

Stylish Steamy: You sound so gay when you say "Cheery O" 🤣

michael gallacher: What is ea help?? A website an app?? I never got my wraith skin

FunkyFreshYT: Honestly, the old concept is a better version of the current one. The current one only attaches to floors (Ceilings, rooftops etc. also count) and they send you upwards at a pace. This old concept not only pushes people, but sucks them in, and by the sounds of things it sounds like it can attach to any surface like walls and ceilings. God that would make some great ambushes and traps.

Dragon Ghost: Comment 80 also thanks for the info

Jesse Carstensen: Is this video supposed to be in portrait mode...?

Chickenleg8023: Imo season 3 had the best trailer, mainly cause it introduced me to NF

Mr. Alphabetamale: In the clip you played of gameplay, I felt the pain you felt when you hit the gibby sheild 😢😥

Manyawar: I'll take anything that fixes horizons footsteps

sLeEp iS foR wEakLiNGs: Fight night, Fuse introduction and season 8 trailer basically in a row! Heelll yea that's what I'm talking aboutt

The L Games: I can’t wait to actually use my switch 😅

truebaptistfilms: I feel just as much loss when thinking about the past as Horizon does. I wish I could figure out a way to use the Phase Runner to go back and play seasons 1-4 and get all the battle pass stuff...I’d even pay for all the overpriced collection events I missed...

Lamp Eater36: im a day one player and none of my stats trackers or anything from season one is on my account even though I played through that season its like all my seasonal stats started recording at season 2 would the ea thing be able to fix that?

احمد الزيلعي: I think the old horizon’s ability wouldn’t make people prefer her over wrath so yeah the new one are better for me cause they’re also doesn’t require a lot of thinking, definitely would’ve been awesome though


sanjay 309: 0:28 where is the termite?

Mitythunder: Sounds like horizons tactical was based off of a level in titanfall 2

The Rookie Wookiee: I actually prefer horizons concept tactical better than her regular tactical.

nine .99: brian

Olivia sanchez: Does it feel like fuse and octane would be good friends

Joshua Renard: Gaming merchant you blind why well becuase the lanch trailer just came out today heres the link for it its aint fake its true https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

Afganha: who cares about the nintendo switch. These youtubers keep flogging that around like we can barely wait for it to come out. No one will play it, its a waste of time and money for EA devs.

BoredBoredman: sound like horizon old ability made to troll player. Kinda like how caustic trap piss player off when they ran into it by accident

Andre Weingruber: Thank you

ThatOneGuy: Can’t wait for switch launch, my friend will finally be able to play!

Julianna Zimianitis: The trailers are releasing a week early. I wonder what they have up their sleeves? And I think that old Horizon ability would be very cool and very chaotic, but probably too OP.

Cris P bacon: I think you mean fuse and not horizon

Elvis Hye: im so hyped for the switch i can finally play in bed

Elvis Hye: the old horizon ability is cool

JaguarRix YT: Gaming merchant your content is really good Video idea first 2 weapons for the whole game challenge

CodsterGaming: I’m exited for the new trailer hope it has fuses ability’s in it

Zamir gaming 9977: I love you videos keep it up

Peridot.: yay! i get a launch trailer for my birthday tomorrow!

PlayerSlayer: No views 27 comments its happening again lol

Josh: on the fuze story from the outlands it was written that switch version comes out with s8 for a bit

Luke20 9612: Rip kings canyon

FahadPlays: Apex is getting released on February the 1st on switch if ur wondering👀💕

Alex Liu: Who is gonna buy fuse

Ultronic Rager: i would have prefared the old tac for horizon

Wally Fitzroy: Early

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