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Metaphor: Get GFUEL for 10% off with the code "METAPHOR" : http://gfuel.ly/336TuON

Ronald Lopez: Shout out to Frozone for this build first. Great video Meta.

Itskiller 9gamer: I feel like hes Commentating over his vids

AdamCant Gaming: Someone please count how many times he says “like” in this video

Bovornpot Thaosiri: Play the game so aggressively while casually talking with the friends 😂😂 .

Chris Michael: Love the laid back vibe I get from this. Sick gameplay

dExoleer: Bro i can’t do a 20kill’s on plunder :(

Seydo :P: give that sens or else

Sara Valestein: lmao I made this build myself

craz0boy: Sickkkkkk

Harald Stålberg: poggers


zzooky: nooooo now there gonna nerf it

Max Lime: GG

Crayola Freestyles: 6:57 ayo

Bobby Pham: you got so lucky so many times lol


Toveors YTgamer: How many times metaphor said LIKE

booce: If I had a nickel every time you said like I could pay off the entire state of Californias rent

BearDown 4Ever: Random, but I was playing random duos yesterday and my teammate and I made to top 80ish and I win the gulag and spam A to pull out my parachute and I get sniped right away lol mid air, I spectate... And he was hacking lmaoo. He was on one side of the map and his teammate on the other both hacking. They end the game with 78 combined kills. When the game ended, we were all on hot mics and the trash talk was insane lmaoo

Tomaž Pirman: Just hooooow do you down people with 10 shots of Milano on 40meters ??? all hits connect headshot or wtf.?

Sofiane mahamdi: Mac10 or milano ?

blaze blackbird: Frozone started this Milano

Nada: what about the bizon? i think its pretty decent now it got buffed

Dimitris Koutras: can anyone tell me what meta was talking about? like who was it they were talking about,what happened?

The Dark Knight: Don't be shocked with SMGs as an AR. One of the first things we had was a shotgun as pistol xD

mos tafa: And they were roommates

Fantomet 2016: Please use your sniper more bro🤟

Exopurg G: @Metaphor the type 63 is the best it reminds me of the dmr meta but with increased recoil but if they buff the task force this shit going to hit hard

mrynslijk: someone please count how many times "like" was said

Akbar: 4:30 That kill was insane

RaZe-T 303: Bro the PKM Stock on the AK feels so weird to me. I only can Use the last Stock

Angelo Walsh: Loadout bro Loadout!!!

snaetos: for real though you right, twitch main page is literally just robots pretending to be people. so incredibly safe with 0 personality.

JuicyBurger 1305: and like, just like..... more like than vid

Z4K4R1Y4: 4:48 the amount of times u said like makes me think your name should be simile

Nikolas Nicolaevitsch: Superb gameplay man!

Marcin Kowal: new amax no cap

Robert Severino: The entire game you only looking exactly where people are. You suck

Paddy van Zuydam: Metaphor bringing back the cutcoms

Tim: You never needed the 55 rnd btw

Tim: You could run this next to your Kar too

josh king: the milano is one of the best guns now it got an update keep up with the meta gay boy

Lore staj: Informative.

Pierre BELLON: Audio sounds good bro

Pravin Sharma: Today's gameplay was soo satisfying

Val of Arabia: The amount of “like” i heard in this video...

Jim_ karvel: Next video use the lc10 as an ar

ibrahim.hejazi: 4:55 the amount of time he said like i forgot the definition and meaning of the word

Samyar Inanloo: 7:18 I'm dead ( but I'm alive)

punk7h gaming: Warzone as if late has been almost unplayable. Out of 20 games tonight 15 had hackers. It's really getting old

OSD Goku: Like

Brayden Kelley: Lil bro was having a conversation while dropping a 30 using the Milano as a primary


Mitch: I love how metaphor is so casual while just running round slapping people about

St0rm: milano for rebirth @Metaphor ??

Robert Koren: this weapon balance is nuts .... AR are used as SMG and SMG as AR .....

Kamil Sórma: In your hands, every weapon is overpowered ; D

Soorly: "I'll take that five gifted" the timing😂

milan dsn: Loved to here scummy wummy in the background, most underrated player ever.

Smash _0140: Oden?

ttvdestrory3r4: Plug your socials then cuts to outro

UwUox: He's playing and talking... He win every fight HOW

AroX _: Bro wtf ur talking whole game and just easily getting those kills ur insane(:

Schobe-wan Kenobi: What skin is that

Nenad Petkovic: Easye 30 drop, but what happend in a game against the best players ???

Forknifeboy J: Like like like

GoldenProdigy: Meta please do a mk carbine video🙏🏼🙏🏼

Nathan Gebremedhin Woldeselassie: 4:50 can someone give me a ‘like count’ because that was insane

Owen Barnwell: How fucking lucky can you possibly get on the final circle. Like holy shit

Bu: Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting, my guy.

Sean Nakamoto: This dude is casually just talking to his buddies while playing, and drops a 30 bomb.

SnOwDaRk440 7u7: Is it bustin jeanelle?

da hassler: Playing this since the Milano Buff and IT IS CLAPPIN !

MaxJoG: this build beams so much! im so glad i tried it

Pit N: When we will see Simphony use and win with some weapons which are not meta or full build.. never

Skur: In next videos most the class in spanish please

HSG GH05Ty: Still waiting for the day I can snipe with metaphor in a duo….

NisHi: what are they talking about ? ... I'm trying to catch whats the subject but with all those cuts couldnt do it

CryptoMaster: Count the amount of times he said ‘like’

logic*on*kush: Idk about warzone anymore!

simezra: bro, you got to work on that "like"

Anuel AA: Are you using the Milano as an AR as a troll or is it actually good ? Im sorry i haven’t played since last season

Lethal l: All 30 kills with the milano 😂 that gun acted as long and close range tf!

MuhLogan: "PLUG YOUR SOCIALS! PLUG YOUR SOCIALS!" instantly cuts video lmfao

Kj_best Gordon: You should do a podcast

Luke The Gamer Dude: Milano: look at me look at me, I am the assault rifle now

Nguyen Chi Nhan: the AK being a secondary for a Milano lmao what a time to be alive

The retarded American child: 4:48 Take a shot every time he says "like"

Carlos Guzman: Can we talk about how Meta played 1300 LoL games in 71 days? That must have been so painful

Dominic Paulow: What Is The Op you use? Nice vid btw

Victor Cedillo: New word for good OverPowered.

Anthony Anderson: I thought Metaphor was cracked til I saw him against the other streamers in WSOW.... Still enjoy his videos tho

crispy: smg as ar and an ar as an smg, what the fuckis warzone rn

Emanuele Prete: Bro from 4.52 at 5.08 u start abusing of the word "like" damn haha good game play btw❤️

senturystv: Watching that intro live was legendary

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