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Metaphor: Get GFUEL for 10% off with the code "METAPHOR": http://gfuel.ly/336TuON

Lore staj: That intro was so cringe. Cannot believe that guy wilfully recorded himself doing it.

Repulsive Lime: I lost a game to the same guy SneakyTurtle got 2nd dam

Henrique Sa: hi metaphor i'm using desert eglee with akinbo in warzone and it's pretty strong, can you use it?

Repulsive Lime: Yoo the guy in the first part of the vid need to calm tf down 💀💀💀man lost words but kept on talkin wth 😭

Lore staj: Uppity up.

MySuperkings: The guy in the intro wants to clean up the scruff

Lorder shocker1.0: the first clip is me every time i lose the gulag

Matt Jones: " I just flat lined that guy" I almost spit out my drink! LMAO

call me ISHY: meta would be bunny hopin in the millitary

Rob: Says hes not complaining about controller players. Proceeds to complain about controller players

Jojo fat: banger video

Idk: for a second I thought I clicked on a markiplier vid on accident

Jerome: 11:27 Meta's intro POV

xSatudarah: If controller is actually better, why don’t you just use it?


Federix 7: I flatlined them💀💀😭

Adrian Blood: Yooo, 7:23 and 8:13 😂😂😂😂

Adrian Blood: You're so underrated metaphor, like the fact you don't have even half a million subs blows my mind... no disrespect to swagg but you deserve the kind of success he does, you make damn near daily posts and your gameplay is as good as it gets. Wish you the best man

OnsideOrpheus 83: Meta: dont snipe me.... Dont drive by me either. Meta the next game: Dont coexist next to me...

nils: How could he move/ change directions so fast in the beginning clip?

Budd McStudd: Mans in the clip was dog water

Cathal Brady: Maybe do a killing twitch streamers video they usually get good views

Reflex The got: Imagine saying ever gun is good i you use only one gun pair cid

Xeri0n: dat intro had me dying XDDDDDDDDDDD

Andrew Maderer: Hey guys! It's stickertonsten from the intro! I just want to say no actual hard feelings for killing me in Warzone all just in the moment rage in an enraging battle royale. And I'm glad so many people found that clip entertaining. I am absolutely honored to be featured on such a talented creators channel even if it is me being destroyed.

KookiesForTae: I literally ran into sneakyturtle two different times on Rebirth 😂😂

Dustin Theus: 11:00 Fortnite and high skill ceiling? My man, you'll have to try planetside 2. Even a Pro like you would have his difficulty against those vets.

Slekta80: What?!? Imagine taking a game that serious like the guy in the intro🤣🤣🤣

BEN UCHIHA: The Best SMG Gun of all or To Say The Best 😊 Good Video Friend 👌

shea togher: Walls

Cameron Duff: Goat

TheAccentMan: Console controller players are cool pc controller players are not cool. End of

Bu: Nasty. That's all I can say anymore is nasty.

Rendale William: Killed markiplier in the intro. Rip

Colton Smith: This is some of your better content in a long time.

Anders Myhre: endgame bro, lol

Keriz Sama: Love u bro

Los: New FFAR blueprint video?

Anders Myhre: wf the first clip tho,LMFAOOO!!!!

M P: Huskerrs is a cheater my man

Omar Zeyada: What is his intro song named

Erfan Mohajeri: 3:16 another "oh shit" sound effect for u guys.

Trevor Hook: His shot was really on today

De ViceCrimsin: That guy in the intro got upset over basic game mechanics... lol. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but... Everything he did there was a mistake. He got hella greedy for Meta. Took a gamble. And failed. I'm pretty sure he knows too cuz he took a hot minute to find something to say, lol.

Arturo Daniel Pacheco Ruales: 4:37 haxxor

Jeffrey Ma: What was your favorite season in league and why? All time favorite champ for jungling?

Matt Wiederholt: Funniest fucking intro ever😂😂😂

OmgitzzFAde: I just made that class

Calvairo's here: Bro wtf was that intro??

Kingsley Zissou: sweet gameplay, one of the best in a while

Caleb Garrow: Lol!

Bobby Hummel: The end tho😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀

KRaTo_S: great video. maybe next video use the ffar its actually still good as a sniper support

Francis Chan: So insane with the snipes bro!

Ignacio Maturana: omg i laughed so hard when he flatlined rofl

Ian: does anyone just lipbites when meta does smth spicy

Yusuf Lalee: 10:45 should have been the intro

Kingsky1: Imagine just seeing yourself raging in a random vid😂

Jaden Warner: That guy in the starting was tight

parker cox: Snipes were going crazy this game

Dalton: Holy shit this is the most cracked out ive seen you in awhile.

Cheng Qi Ong: every game: meta: *pfffffffffffft fartsound*

ChuckDiesel: Back in the algorithm!

who_tf_asked?: If you guys go to my channel you can see a teamwipe with the gun in rebirth oh and I'd like to explain the first guy I killed looks like I was hacking but I had the screen centered on the guy as I was vaulting the window😭😭😭

Reese Thompson: Not quite a compilation, but I appreciate the intro. Had me rolling.

Darien: That guy needs to stop playing first person shooters…. 😂😂

Rodolfo Reyes S.: I really don't like when you make fart noises in the endgame chat

Matthew Hillock: Starting clip ftw

Aidan Rose: Controller players reach the ceiling. Metaphor is on the roof.

huff jer: His new gamer tag should be: [honst] metaphor also great vids bro

Ryan Reviews: that intro guy SUCKS baad 😂

Jerry Mennona: This might be a noob question but.. Why does it look like he has 6 perks?

sapir taliasman: I watch every video you had for like more then a year, I'm a soldier in the Israeli army and when I have breaks I watch your stream/videos, great content, thank you for grinding for us🙏❤

ZanXkye-_-: Who’s better him or tfue

Joonas Rantala: PRRRR

mAnA alhssan: Nothing's better than watching your episode when I wake up🤤❤️❤️

Tsuma: I'm new to warzone can somebody explain to me why he has an extra set of 3 perks that are all of yellowish tint under his first 3 perks? Thanks!

Jordan Vela: So many crazy snipes in both gameplays

Mark Mccarville: moo 🐮

Jordan Vela: That poor guy at 3:03 got absolutely flicked on. RIP

paul_h13: That's some good old cracked metaphor with the KAR98!

fire ninja: At first I was like woah wtf my boy metaphor was missing like that ?? I wasn’t paying attention but when I seen that dude I was like ohhhhhh ok makes sense my bad metaphor

Mike D: Meta, would you ever snipe in a respawn game just for fun, and post it? I imagine you'd just slap the lobby with the kar and I would honestly love to watch that

Irony: @metaphor what operator skin is that?

KuroBushi: The guy wants you to join the military 😭😭

Cameron Moore: The dresser in the background of that loser’s stream 😭 so priceless. ‘Loved’ “I dropped your PR that game.” “You sound like a loser”

khalifa ali: meta is cracked beyond repair

Captain Moser: Luv the mac

Oskar Mercado: Farting comments at the end made my day jaja, gg's meta.

karim saka: That last bit of the vid was so funny 😂😂😂

CaptainJack : Metaphor is a legend I just wanna go for a beer with him 👍🏼👍🏼

Jalen Walker: Ima controllers player and What’s crazy is I never think about oh the dude that killed me was a keyboard and mouse or controllers. I just die and be like alright he’s good or I’m bad. Ppl need to just play the game and stop complaining

CaptainJack : GOD !!!!!!

Isy and Ryan: I play fortnite I agree with you need skill to play the game

joey mangrum: Pellington

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