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Metaphor: Get GFUEL for 10% off with the code "METAPHOR":

Mj Israel: use jo wo's build. the mobility is dope

Ben Jacobsen: I have been using this gun for so long and I was undefeatabe

Pierre BELLON: 17:44 what a great shot

SPENCER _40: Its changing time .. we want to see metaphor dominating some multiplayer lobbys

justin phillips: Is the nail gun still good

Adeedas: Hey Metaphor! That was me in the vid for your 2nd gameplay. Hopefully no hard feelings man. I was having a frustrating Warzone that day. I'm a fan of your content. Keep up the good work. 👍👍

Vincent Den exter: Everytime im vibing with the intro man

JayysWrld-: I got on warzone at 5am because why not then i get a bounty and got SH!! on by meta with the swiss :( sbmm? finna uninstall

Jayt408: Let's see you pull out something none use like the fuckin holger n vlk

Johnathan Lilly: I dont know what the hell i just watched in the beginning lol

FunnyBusiness: That flashbang at 10:57 flashed me irl

Gregory Mavropoulos: The laugh at the start was madddd 😂😂😂

Leon: 4:14 why is ur Grafik so bad

Trenton Welch: At this point he is a anticheat

Kaktuszbacsi: Van kukim

lonwabo tshabane: Can u plssss use the SWISS

Jack Shepherd: Always watch you're videos and clearly see the levels to your skill, I am a bot I play a few hours a week on a old xbox one haha I always try gun builds I see but for me I'm simply too slow 🐌 Favourite class right now is akimbo ak Cw ak47 3x build Cw ak74u DT - OK - Tracker I find these hard to control but it's satisfying getting double and triple kills with it. Keep it up meta

Shahruq Sarfaraz: The intro was too toxic :P

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Lore staj: That intro was a little mean though.

Romain R.: Ok so now, who’ll win in a 1vs1 ? Mac 10 or MP5 MW ?

De ViceCrimsin: The Paid actor reference/joke in the intro was a masterpiece

maestro_7: Why u bully him😠😠

L Punkt: 14:04 Almost got me editor, almost got me.

Jayden Mutume: you’re a menace for the first clip

slumpz: That’s my loadout and I even made a vid on it too! Good vid tho

Gabriel Gaugain: What are the 3 other perks that you have in your setup?

Cuong Nguyen: 4:22 haha🤣🤣

Hyuzuchiha_snake: Day 2 of trying to get metaphor to use the kilo 141

Reinaldo Sanchez bman: nooooo jajajajajaja🤣🤣🤣

Lucas Aguilar: Your wallhack is so obvious 🤣

Will Paris: I just want the old warzone back :( And a new map And dead silence to be taken out And stopping power to be taken out And no aim assist on melees Is that too much to ask?

felipefortinif: You play too much meta hahahha great vid man

xkravez: Little late on the watch today but ALWAYS BANGER GAMEPLAYS! I say it every vid meta keep it up

AdrianDjCrush: That's messed up bro, never had to do the guy like that

Jorel Zapata: It’s funny how he did that guy like because that is what pro Warzone players do to Methaphor on rivals 🤷🏻‍♂️

95 fik: can you send me your cronus script bro?

Saied Barbosa: 3:32 i like how he stepped back cuz he thot it was gonna gas him like last time😂

cat dog: I would die to see metaphor cod damek and dfalt run a trio together.

Snayk: metasavage

Jake Bartsch: What perks would you recommend using right now I’m debating in between ghost and high alert And also quick fix and eod

Beans guy: O god the troll lol

Kenny Sparrow: Brooooo the disrespect at the beginning 🤣🤣 that poor guy

Best@It: 🔥

David Black: Bro... you have a 5kd. Anything you pick up is a meta gun.

Tronerse Beagle: and the way you died in gameplay three is just karma for the intro clip, good vid as always meta

MewVirus98: You probably made that dude in the beginning uninstall warzone and unplug his system. Did him super dirty 😂🤣

Nuba Revoredo: Whats up with these 2008 graphics? o_O

Barney Acaron: Like boss

Pedro Marinho: 14:48 best trick shot ever

Chinedu Ukaonu: That bait was funny af 😂

Zack Leonard: Metaphor is Different. I'm differently abled :^)

Jeffrey Ma: The level of disrespect is unreal lol, love to see it

Noah Peterson: Plz

Noah Peterson: Play search and destroy

Frank Guzman: that ttv guy stream sniped you after you sniped him off white lol

Frank Guzman: Great gameplay, great commentary and great editing! your videos are getting better and better man

Jack Grennan: Endings so relatable 🤣

Jalyn Williams: Im a good supporter metaphor but 9:06 look sus I seen a little lock on it looks like but this is the first time your aim is normal any other time

Jason Varze: Great games! Dead silence is gay

Kendall Smith: The disrespect 😤😂

Johnny Meyers: That 200M+ no scope tho!

Cheng Qi Ong: hey Meta, noticed you got quick fix as your first perk in your game 2.. or game 1. not sure if you meant to do that but just thought of mentioning it as you died to the c4 + explosion from the car :/ would things be diff tho if you have eod on?

FiiZGiN: Y’all clowns if you don’t think this is a vpn. I’m not ignoring the fact that he is an amazing player btw.

Joseph Dandrea: Can we get a PPS video? :D

Manakuski: A way to improve your content would be to run the textures in graphics settings at least at normal. Some of the textures in the gameplay just look downright ugly and awful. I'm just gonna say it that it's not so nice to watch, although yes it's nice gameplaywise.

wooptidoo: lmao that intro had me crackin

Waylon Ringing Shield: I need the p90

erect: Imagine chest loot kali sticks

Daylen Hua: That's toooxicc brooo hes just a little boy

call me savie: crazy how the mp5 made a big comeback

Chris Kelley: lets go meta gl today

salvador trujillo: when you were going after that guy with the ppsh at airport and said “huh” when he disappeared i literally died 😂

Fynn Waltereit: Why would you even try?

Mike Crazy: Lol that was (COLD BLOODED) Rick James voice.

mike kallio: This was best vid For a while 👍 keep up for daily uploads

Anders Myhre: those no scopes tho

Yusuf Lalee: i missed the superstore manager

Shae: My daily dose of metaphor - premuim content - love it every day - keep going :)

TheAcdTV: algo

KuroBushi: You didn't need to mess with that poor guy LOL and also wtf was up with your textures at the start

ryze: the second you said gotta go i got an ad.

SnooZ: Poor lil bot:(

Motmus_YT Motmus: 9:25 that lil bop!

Andrew Ramos: You have taught me how to be aggressive and snipe love your videos keep up the fire context🙏

Cole Crum: Ur going to hell

n0ah: You wrong for that😐

Squidward !: That opening scene was naughty 😂 love it

Lucca Pagani Montenegro: Day 71 of helping the algorithm

Pizzawithnosauce 1: Dad I got my first 30 bomb the other day ❤️ Also you’re the GOAT

avocadoseveryday: Metaphor please use the M4a1 socom rounds

toycannon 22: Cancelled for cyberbullying sir LOL

lawrencev: Daddy chill

Ishaan Jain: Day 2 of asking for a killing twitch streamers vid. That fake nosc was 🔥 on the editor's part 😂

Draden Hall: When he said he was mc twisted, did anyone else say holy mc shit

prime_jord: The gunny was given today no doubt

Brallan Herrera: Poor bot 😂

neverknew07: Cant help but feel bad for the bot in the intro

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