The Great Start of Rick and Morty Season 5

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captainmidnight: What did you think of the episode?

Kevin May: I think what I loved about this episode was how sporadic the set up was to have Morty going back in time to see huge differences in time and it was all because of how the husband thought he was giving a nice gesture to helping Morty when it could have only been perceived in real time as him abandoning his family and you all know the rest, this along with Morty's confusion, but to also remind the audience he is determined to get it done, and how he has become more like rick and could care less about anyone who attacks him. this is just off the top of my head but I would not hate it if we get more of everyone else besides rick and how he affects them, because I do think Rick's character might be getting stale cause at this point he has experienced everything he wants to, shown that he's pretty awful and that he is ready to pull the plug whenever. Not to say that there is nothing left to do with his character but we are getting a glimpse into everyone else, including jessica.

Kurt Van Ecstasy: Nimbus reminds me of the guy from rocky horror picture show

Sorcha Sorley: i want the questions answered, just really slowly

Jonathan Martinez: Nimbus is just a decoy

Sour Zebra: Look no one cares about my opinion but episode 2 season 5 was pretty bad like it had no story

MarzMusic: The sexual and romantic tension between Nimbus and Rick is profound.

Casey Clark: This was obviously a way to end the whole unrequited romance thing with Jessica, she has resolved its best they be friends this opens Morty up for other love interests down the line.

The Mission: He's Mister Nimbus he controls the police

dj will: Namor...obscure???? Sorry no he's not.

Lantern's Own: You hit the Nail on the Head! Captain Midnight.

Patricio Tabarius: The funny beast prognostically bubble because balinese psychophysically unite by a damp detail. smelly, spotted anteater

Adam Cool: Honestly I prefer any back story stuff to just go unanswered. Just personally more fun for me and my own head cannon then to just have all the answers in front of me.

Spencer Ray: Jessica literally says "Was I just an object in another story?" during her time god monologue. In the post credits scene Beth and Jerry said rick wouldn't understand but Mr. Nimbus said yes he would

BrochATron: A thing about Jessica never really being a big character, does no one remember the Rick and Morty episode where Rick and Morty get the toxicity removed from them, and in the end Jessica shows up with Rick to save Morty, and they bicker almost like they have some kind of unknown, I wouldn't say friendship but like alliance that no one knows about, and that Jessica might know some of Ricks other Morty's or something? because its not really brought up, but I was always curious about it.

AmatMiguel: "I'm so bad at telling people about the bell thing" That's something I actually like about your channel though! Please don't become like other channels and obsessively ask people to like comment and subscribe; you're better than that!

flukey5: Too bad EP2 sucked.

Twitsik: right opinions

Will Hain: I want to know how Mr nimbus got into the Narnia world in time to save them - surely a 20 second gap between Rick, Morty and Jessica being pulled in would be 100s of years in the portal, like when Morty comes back to briefly gather weapons, then drops back in to a much different world than the one he left behind.

TheSpectrumProject: Namor being called obscure is odd to hear

hoiy vinosa: Mr. Nimbus knew the canonical background of Rick Sanchez, he's literally more powerful than an entire galactic government

courier11sec: Dude... Roiland = Roy Land. Come on...

Jonathan Graber: it was okay. The character arcs feel completely without value since it doesn't matter what happens, it can just be rewinded or changed later. it was a fun episode, but since dan harmon is less involved in the writing, the show is really struggling.

Amiro: i want backstory. good video btw

Keyara Be Playing: Wonder if Mr.Nimbus was in the lost Atlantis episode

Irene McNelis: So I have several questions if anyone has answers Im missing: - Why is it that Jessica had to endure thousands of years when Morty came after her after only a second? The first man to come with Morty came back to find a young child of his, so it couldn't have been more than 15 years. Morty came after Jessica way faster than that so why did she have to wait so long? - Why is it that the wine aged faster in that dimension but not Morty? I thought Morty would die when he walked in and out the first time but it only ages the wine and not him??

Lemonborn 0909: Nimbus looks like a cross between Namor and Brandon Rogers

Tony Browner: Hey what did you think of episode two from season 5? Two good episodes in a row, or just me?

Yggdrasil Ynternational: "on the surface" "if we go a bit deeper"

Pensive Scarlet: I hope they do more with the humor about sex positivity. I am sex positive to a fault, so I'm in need of a few good humored jabs, pokes, and feet pushed against my face as I'm told how naughty I am.

Sydney Denekamp: Please cover Shadow and Bone I am begging you <3

SubZero Raider: At least a decade?!?

Tears In Rain: After the second episod yesterday, I'm 80% this season is going to be about Rick's backstory - Beth's mother has already been mentioned twice and I feel like that's going to have some meaning. Though it is Rick and Morty, so who knows.

coolvips: Episode was great. I think it's better to leave some ambiguity about Rick's past. Not knowing makes it more interesting.

L P: Thought that episode was elite. 2nd episode was mehh

Justin Sarvela: funny because Neymor is rumored to be the antagonist in the new Black Panther movie.

latrese calvert: Jerry would totally sleep with nimbus if he wasn’t married!

JBlu: Time god jessica, distructive omen cat, and evil morty. It’ll all tie in one day.

Gabe: They should’ve had the futuristic sci-fi society have police and nimbus still control them

NoToe: Honestly, I've enjoyed both episodes that are out right now Season 5 so far feels like what seasons 3+4 wanted to be

B Gweed: You're spot on on Neymor the Submariner! I vaguely remember the cartoon as a kid in the 80's (or at least the title) and there is a YouTube snip where he banned humans from the sea. Makes sense on why Rick couldn't be in the ocean.

Kenny Wang: You sound like a teenage Joe Rogan

drink water: So basically Nimbus is ha'satan. Lives in the marine kingdom...controls the etc etc

AnimalCwackaz: I remember after seeing the very first season, I said i bet this show turns hypersexual in later seasons. I am a genius.

Ах*енный критик Ютуба: This episode was great. But I kind of miss the old Rick thought. They really nerfed him. He was some kind of evil "fucked up god" and now he is just weak old man that is trying to be sarcastic sometimes and has some sci-fi releated stuff in the garage

Grey man: The moral should be just enjoying the episode, don't read too much into it.

D S: Rick, Nimbuz and Rick wife had three some

Tremaine McKinney: I was thinking namor but I didn't catch the reed and rick thing

Felicosa -: What happened to clone beth?

RKO Kalap: Plot twist Numbus and Rick we're in a relationship that included Diane. Hence why in the ending Jerry and Beth requested Nimbus don’t tell Rick “He won't understand.” to which Nimbus replies “He will.”

MindsOfConflict MOC: I genuinely love how Rick says Morty’s name every 5 seconds

Victor T.: I thought Rick and Morty fell off in season 5

Weedspagon: He's Mr. Nimbus, he controls the police!

scott chegg: I have a feeling episode 2 was meant to be episode 1 but the concept was pretty weak compared to episode 1 so they switched it, reason: the whole family plus space Beth are on their way back from trip they said they would take at the end of season 4 while the decoy families all killed each other. It was a good call to make the swap, would have been a weak opening, the whole scenario is just a nihilists wet dream because nothing in the whole episode mattered at all. Fingers crossed ep 2 is the only bad apple because I also have a feeling rick & morty is gonna take a nose dive in quality this season, I’ve never been able to figure out an entire episode 6 mins in before, not a good sign.

Bungalow Feuhler: The show is very tightly written. They say and show so much, so quickly. I suppose that’s why it tricks you to feel prematurely enlightened/smart. Portal created a similar feeling in the player.

Evil Greg: Mr. Nimbus “knows,” how to control the police! I thought we all saw the same show… guess not… jk. 😂

milk box: rick and nimbus totally fucked

Sam Walsh: I always feel bad for Namor. Gets straight up copied by DC but everyone thinks he's the copy.

NachYO: Rick and Morty is the Simpsons of our generation

isaac: I just want morty to have a win😔 smh

Vydex: mr nimbus carries

Peer Mediator: I really enjoyed that they went Rick as a genius but still at times vulnerable like in the first two seasons. It really got uninteresting and boring when they specifically began stating he was the "smartest man in the universe" and based stories around that.

just jack: Idk what he knows but I know he controls the police

James M. McGill: Please, do a video about Mad Men.

clydefrosch: How is namir obscure he's in every marvel series all the time...

Thunda Down Unda: It was good

icecream social: Lol tisk tisk young feeble boy

Keanu Reeves: Calling right now: Mr. Nimbus killed Diane in the threesome they had.

2stepjoey: love that they grew Jessica as a character. I felt so bad for morty though. at least morty got a kiss before she became a time lord. Mr. Nimbus was dope and I do think they're going to let some of the side characters breath more and develop.

Danny Dan: Hey bro, different living room, Rick had different bionic parts when the robot bird took his weapons, different ray gun, different portal, different Rick and Morty I argue maybe the origin story of evil Morty... just a theory

Simon Kitt Music: "Don't establish canonical back story with me!" Classic self referential rick n morty gold.

Kevin Burke: You're way off. Nimbus is Frankenfurter from RHPS....

Benjamin Jenkins: No they need to give us a little more on the backstory for them to earn not completely giving us a full reveal. Like it would be nice to actually see Rick and his wife be happy in a few flashbacks BUT, if they decide to leave out pieces of that backstory than they should not reveal how she died or left. Stuff like that.

Tiparium: I know it's a strongly divided issue but I think Rick and Morty needs to have a one to three season long story that ties things together and establishes a backstory loose enough that it leaves a lot of wiggle room, and then the show needs to end. Every show gets stale eventually, and the writers have created such a good opportunity for lore creation that leaving it on the table is just a waste. But at the same time, once that resource is tapped there really isn't anywhere to go. If any show could put together a solid endgame, it's Rick and Morty.

Corvon Thomas: Great video, mic has a little too much high end btw

Devon Martin: Why are the old characters always ripped?

D K: The time stuff and Jessica’s development as a time god was very similar to invincible and the aliens invaders, and Rudy and monster girl getting stuck in their dimension.

One Crogs: The backstory needs to serve de comedy or else is a waste of time

Whyntir: First person I found who actually pointed out that Nimbus having intimate knowledge of Diane and even Rick's personal history heavily implies they were all sleeping together. Like, idk that tidbit actually makes me really interested in him as a character and I hope to see him again. The point of him being the only person to put Rick into a submissive position is a huge selling point for me

Guano Guy: Nimbus is clearly Namor. It's all the hedonism bits and ego.

Lucid Love: I think that there should definitely be backstory but that they should also leave some things shrouded in mystery while still fleshing the story out

ringing91: "f*ck off! I'm a time god now." Was a great line.

Joell Macias: The fine wine thing is probably the creators saying the longer apart the seasons are the better the show gets 😳

Bashful ray: Love the fantasy magic moments

Celly: I thought "Time God Jessica" was a hilarious overly complex joke about Morty FINALLY gets a chance to impress her and she's totally into him and then by the end of the evening she changes her mind and doesn't want anything to do with him again. I can think of more than a few women who changed their mind in a matter of minutes for seeming no apparent but somehow incredibly nuanced reasons in their head and thought it was a brilliant sci Fi play on that situation

Charlie Papa: I’d love to see Rick past, like it would be an interesting way to see what made him the Rick we all know

App Racing Legend: I just want to see what they come up with next.

Being Alex: I wonder if we'll ever get to see who/what Rick's father is all about. That should be interesting.

Ccouchmasterr: Fight. Fuck. Flee.

Alejandro Arturo Pumpido: I loved Nimbus in this episode!

Yak Head Gaming: I dont think we should ever get much if any backstory in to rick that what makes him stand out more to me, is his past is a total mystery and the tiny glimpses we have seen are so chaotic and random that it leaves it open enough for him to reveal he used to do X in the past and we would believe it, if we see to much of his past we would lose that

Rob Spiess: 0:24 I just noticed the "Doc and Mharti" video on the crystal in the upper-left corner. A nod to the original (NSFW) parody of Back to the Future that spawned Rick and Morty.

Space Citizen: The B plots the best. That why solar opposites stays fresh

The Intelligent Gamer: morty causing so much inner turmoil within the other world was some good dark humor

Ian: I don’t think you want to explore too deeply into side characters. The simpsons was ruined when they did episodes all about Moe, or Wiggim or groundskeeper Willy. They even did one all about Gill ffs. It’s takes away the mystery and dynamic of the side characters if you examine them too deeply. It’s better to have a hint at their personality and fill in the blanks in your own mind, not have it laid bare.

countzero87: Also the Council of Rick's is a spoof of the Council of Reeds

Isabella Marie: I need to know more about ricks past backstories are my shit

Luigithemushroom: mr nimbus saying his name is actually hilarious

justaMimic: I think exploring the background and history of Rick is a great way for them to keep things fresh, often times you see shows get into the more lore driven side of things later on in the series when not so many care anymore But they’ve done a good job of just slowly trinkling it in through the entire series

Ian Shannon: Jessica gave me “the impossible girl” from doctor who vibes.

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