Rick and Morty | Season 5 Finale: The Great Escape | Adult Swim UK 🇬🇧

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corax !: When he said the guards lick their face it kind of remind me of the scene in terminator 2 where the guard licks sarah connor face

Dariush Asadi: I thought Rickmurai Jack was the finale!

WorkdayFiddle: Ok that’s actually a very creative and impressive fight sequence

bumbling brook: This episode is so good it almost makes up for episode 4 almost

Bill Lee: It actually amazes me that no one was brutally killed (except that guy who got shocked in the head, maybe)

Rese Nese: This show went down hill after season 3

scottyCZ: This isn't the finale tho. What the hell?

Dudecccp: Nick and Morty forever and forever a hundred years Nick and Morty!

Donkey Kong: ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

Donkey Kong: ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

Donkey Kong: ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

LilRudeBoy: Um where am I supposed to watch if I don't have charter??

Yumpus Grumpus: Bro,it’s the Season 5 finale,and I’ve only watched the 2 first episodes? 🤦🏻‍♂️

אריאל גולני: Funny man

Ginja Ninja A.K.A FME2003: “The portal boys get a portal gun”, you son of a bitch I’m in

Oscar.: A la verga Morty en contro a su buen amigo para diflutar nuevas aventuras con el :D

Ravijntje: I got chills at the ending of ep 10

Earthworm Chewer: Jesus Christ loves you

Sonic Boi91: "They lick our faces when were tied down". Terminator reference?

Whofuckencares808: Need some women crotch hits in the next season. Tired of just watching men get hit there. 😒

☆CutThroat-AreLL☆: I wonder if we get a morty and summer episode. Build character for both

The Fat Punisher: This prison escape was foreshadowing..

John Earl: If Nick is trapped in a mental hospital, I guess he’s as free as a bird in a bird cage

Neko-chan: Nice

Segive: This show will never be as good as Superjail

Doggo Moredoggo: Why do I feel he’s gonna turn evil

Xexomaru: After a long wait... seasons are beciming shorter

Trinston Michaels: Trinston was here. .

Adam Maher: This episode honestly reminded me of peak Season 1 and 2 Rick and Morty. I really mean that.

jamie: Who the hell is this

tokei neko: This is not evil morty episode

Mason Playz: Who else thought this was going to be evil morty

ILoveKimPossibleAlot: This seems like a Jackie Chan movie but with extra steps.

GrowGreet: I've seen like other episode where rick and morty talks to the evil morty and he destroeys thee citadel but I didmt see this one did I see a ep from the future 😅

Stevie Obie: Morty has officially lost his mind.. Rick and Summer in future series 😏

Alex Pekala: Portal Boys sound like a boy band playing in their parents basement.

Salim Rehman: Morty looking for an enemy to teach rick a lesson.

beaniepq: Little fact: Nick is basically a "self-insert" character of the exec producer this season, Nick Rutherford. Also known for his work with Beck Bennett & Kyle Mooney in Good Neighbor, and in Dream Corp LLC.

Montesama314: In the central finite curve, Morty either gets attached to a sociopath or becomes one.

Hey! It’s Cheyenne: I wonder if this morty will ever make his own portal gun like evil morty did

RIXRADvidz: The Problems with Portals. Season 6 Episode 3 Elemortary Mr Watsrick U U Skip to My Universe Season 7 Episode 2 Rickin' in the Mortyear It's Yours Now, Morty Season 8 Episode 1 Bless the Mortys and the Childricks And All I Got Was .... Season 9 Episode 5 RickMort Jones' Diary And I Did It My Way Season 10 Series Finale Thelmort and Lourick

Skyrogue19: Morty, just because Rick screwed someone over doesn’t make them innocent.

Anonymous 9000: I don’t know wats going on cuz I didn’t even see ep 9 yet 😪

AJ54: I like how Morty has become such a bad ass

Gary Gray: morty swiping the keys and all this other shit is SUCH good development from the whiney fuck we started with

Mauro Collado: Reminds me Deadpool 2 scene of him and cable

Joshua Nf: This season was good..Idk why people hate this season. I haven’t hated a single season yet.

lothean: I've how rick told morty about his dead wife. Then says, now maybe everyone will talking about it. They planned that because that was like 2 episodes before this. Thats why we love rick and morty.

Pocket Bomb: Who's that guy Morty with?

Unknown Variable: The creativity of Rick and Morty never ceases to amaze me

kauê Campos: I wish that they had invested more on the portal boys then with that crow thing, Morty is such a badass when he wants to

Diego Medina: Fans: Morty is if not as smart but more than Rick. Meanwhile Morty on his own.

трыц тытыдыц: Even without Rick, Morty still find a dangerous reckless sociopath to hanging out with!

Stove Pipe: Reminds me of Spot from marvel and how he used y Portals to mess things up

EtherealRonin: Theory on episode 9 where we have a person in an insane asylum who claims to be partners with Rick, I mean knowing that there areinfinite Beth's and Jerrys, perhaps there's a reality where Jerry and Beth adopt a kid because they want to or Beth or Jerry isn't fertile (kinda makes sense for a Jerry out there who shoots blanks) so there's a version where Morty position in its own universe is replaced by an adopted child who grows up, not matching the brain waves of Rick and snaps because Rick doesn't want him to be his partner, Rick puts him in an insane asylum and boom, origin story theory. I find it weird Rick would hire a random dude who doesn't look like he has much to offer, I mean he has some good combat skills but idk, it would be a cool origin story

Cheerios😈👿: When will the next season come out.

Ginger Psycho: I wish they would put this on Netflix already 😭

West Wing: I wonder how long it'll take till the next season. Probably a year

Justin Banner: A portal in your hand? You son of a bitch, I'm in!

Kayhan Omer: Now we have to wait forever for season 6

Comical Realm Animations: Evil Morty's ways are terrible. But him being that desperate to get away from someone like Rick is completely understandable.

The Cosmic Freeway - Story & Animation: Rick and Morty writers figure out freshest super powers!!

bean bag: Shits been bad after season 3

kyle stewart: Poop

Mr Rex: Agreed

Dan Fosten: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Seraphim's FORGE-MASTER: Morrrrrrrtttyyyyyy

Filip Janiec: E

Intelli 6252: Indeed🙄

TinkyWinkyGaming: This episode was strange

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