Rick and Morty | Season 5 Finale Trailer | Adult Swim UK ??

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EvilestDeath: So what they just plan to keep rereleasing the same trailer for a month in different places? Lame

dodgers doon1130: Two crows, your fired🤣🤣

Nyota Mwuaji: Weird liquid detected Which is good.

J b: 6 years and 6 min...

Fundleduds: Can’t stop focusing on the Saint’s Row 3 background music that’s playing

Ms. Writer: Who is Rick without Morty? A man with two crows.

Marcelo Torrelio: Who is kyle haha i really wanna know

Stacy fred: When it comes to the world of investing,most people don't know where to start.fortunately,great investors of the past and present can provide us with guidance

Nikos Nikos: When will season 6 come out??? Actually

Joel Jamieson: Man I wish we got the new episode today, but we again must wait

Tanner Aitken: This season was good. A lot of people didn't like it but i thought it really only had one bad episode the entire season and the rest was really good

Trippless: How many times you gonna post this same clip?

Dillon Meyer: "Who is Rick without Morty?" The tagline for part 1. "Who is Morty without Rick?" The tagline for part 2.

Unusual Problems: 0:18 bruh

Dalek sec: Two parts?

Geoff O'Hart: Everyone assuming there's no way morty knows how to make portal fluid and that Rick is right to assume it won't work. Or that thats actually lime soda in that bottle

Ghostdialoog: Morty is gonna fuck Rick.... and this is the origin story of evil morty.

Enderboy 64: 😴 🍋 😎

Zekromium: I'm with Rick on this one. Morty used the portal gun without permission and thought he could replace the portal fluid with fucking Mountain Dew.

ricky spanish: I am Mr. Nimbus

lumpernukes: all your videos are awsome i watch every single one

Isaac Arias: I can't wait for the finale

SubliminalDrew: Are we being punished

The mandalorian Gaming Network: Please bring season 5 to HBO MAX

Enigmatic Gale: Is two crows Odin reference?

BärenTelevision DC: I want Reddit Cameo.

Noah Leopold: Am I the only one who doesn't think that this season was shit? Sure, it had like 1 or 2 bad episodes but the rest were fine in my opinion.

hot superheroine fight MARVELvsDC: very cool!

doggo froggo: Lmao they put Kyle on it like Mr nimbus was talking about

L L: 0:30 technically when you see all the shit that morty did do on his own, Rick is technically right not to trust him.... 0:30

Andrew Penny: So what is rick Odin now cuz two crows is kinda his thing.

MENTALLY TOXIC: Worst season ever, there was hardly any story continuity. Only thing was was bought from last season was bird person's rebirth. Other than that, everything was absolutely bullshit

zeoking silver: why no summer on there

Raiju Silver: Nobody’s going to question the fact it has been 6 years for them and Morty is still 14 years old? Did Rick permanently freeze everyone’s age?

taltigolt: here i thought there was a new trailer

Kemot300: Things that are better than Morty according to the wheel: - two crows - sentient sh*t - gene with donkey brains - garbage goober - bag of meat - half a Paul Giamatti - Kyle 2.0 - Jerry (spin again) Yet Summer and Beth are not even considered.

Joe Mama: Kinda hope this is an origin story for president Morty.

Kush Kuniss: This season has been a let down

peterviegal166: Rick and Morty season 5 is terrible.

bob jones: why is "who is rick without morty" censored

Strike Force Alpha: Why do we have to wait until the sixth of September???

Wolf Heart Gaming: First

Nobody Was Here: Is this the one hour special?

Doof Network: I like how Jerry is the one thing worse than Morty on that wheel.

vGet: 31

eternallegacy89: Lol dangerously toxic and you added it to my portal fluid? So his portal fluid isn't as dangerous as the crap he put in.

JocularSolid: Jesus finally

Ray bergendal: Evil morty

H -Town: Did the episodes from this season seem rushed to yall?

Ant Honey: So far I think Rick was kinda in the right here. LOL

Richie G: What's the point of this trailor?!?!!! It's everything we've seen already ffs I want to see some other stuff to get hyped about

Toby Lam: oh my god,

zeoking silver: and he never thought to ask summer

Tomb Kings: Why only 9 episodes?

Sam Barrett morris: Season 5 was garbage.

CPD98: It's still funny, but not as good as seasons 1-3

Sean Rutherford: “Only because you don’t trust me!” Remember when he activated the assassin in the Statue of Liberty? Or caused a giant sperm attack by lying to Rick where he trusted Marty’s word?

Lawgx: I like to think the whole not trusting Morty with the portal gun ingredient is a reference to that one Rick who died because "he's math were off", 1 tiny mistake could literally evaporate morty

Lucas Cariquitan: “Sorry Rick, I was too busy cranking 90s”

Cesar Victoriano: I’m just gonna throw out the name Evil Morty and watch you guys lose your minds trying to factor him in. Remember this is a two parter.

Parsa Abdollahpour: Why do they show this over and over?

WARLOCKGOD: Morty knows the danger of portal fluids if it's not right he's seen what can happen Why Try to mix It with lime soda I hope they explain that's if not that's dumb Rick said the dangerous throughout the series if the portal fluids is not right

Anonymous Invader: Morty you should’ve known better than to lie to Rick EXHIBIT A: the horse semen incident!!!!!!

manas yendluri: i didnt notice this, but rick isnt burping anymore

Tin Goldfish: Not that anyone asked,, but I hate season 5 because it made Morty so unlikable.

ch hh: Uses portal gun without permission..."You don't trust me!" No shit

Chasformer: Morty just came back from Boob world.

se7ennin: The suspense dammit!

colin8696908: Season 5 what a rollercoaster, 2 great episodes. Followed by the worst episode Dan Harmon has ever created followed by 2 mediocre episodes and 1 above average one since as I thought Thanksgiving episode was pretty good.

The0mega79: Man, so many fan theories flying about for this season.

Malachite Hawk: 0:09 Considering where the mark is, did Morty really think Rick wouldn’t notice how low the liquid is even is there wasn’t a mark

Nxrst: so it says two part, does that mean two episodes in one sitting or what?

shyguy4no1: Can we take a second to realize he almost had HALF of THE Paul Giamatti? We almost had him folks...

Luc de Vries: Hopefully it can save this mediocre season!

Ryutaku Zaki: I’ll pass. thank you.

Elizabeth Lingurar: I give Rick 27 minutes.

Montesama314: Lime soda in a portal gun. Well, it's a good thing Rick and Morty don't ever actually USE that thing, since messing with the formula and going through a bad portal can destroy your body and scatter them across the multiverse. OH WAIT, THEY USE IT A LOT.

Montesama314: Jesus, it's like Morty has some self-sabotage microchip in his head that clicks on every few days when he has an idea. I can't tell if he gets his self-destructive tendencies from Jerry, Beth, or Rick.

Dârkreaper: where is evil morty?

DR Ez: What did that trailer actually add?

mariopikaman1: Oh, I didn't know Rick was a Blackwings player

Nicolas Mansilla: I mean, rick is right. Don't you guys remember what happened to that one Rick in the citadel who used defective portal fluid?

William Reilly: I just started watching Rick and Morty a couple days ago, I have seen all of the episodes up until Season 5 Episode 8. Poor Bird Person 😭😭😭. Evil Tammy 😠😠😠. Depressed Rick 😭😭😭.

sadlobster1: Something tells me this will be the final straw that brings Beth to FINALLY kick her father out of her life

devilpupbear09: I was half expecting Morty to fill it up with his DNA 🧬

Darius Impey: Morty should of known that putting random soda in the portal gun wasn't going to work whilst how it could of dangerous gone wrong.

Unknown Variable: 1 hour season finale basically means a TV Rick and Morty movie

Ackza𒀖: That sucked wtf

Ackza𒀖: I honestly didn't even watch this last season except for the free episodes and dude... this shit sucks now . I don't even care . I'll make my own better cartoons bro

Super Teppich: Hard Rick Café

Nee Rock Jung Rana: Rick and 2 Crows Season 6

W A jendo: Easily the worst season so far.

Mécha Marv: Lime soda is more toxic than Portal fluid.

kaan tube plus 2: evil morty coming please

Carl Johnson: Deez nuts

Iron mat: Doubt he'll last without Morty, we know how much Rick loves Morty

Nick Taylor: I can't believe the seasons already over

Big Donnie: Bingus likes sussy balls

ZEY PD: aight

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