Apex Legends Season 10 Weapon Dragon Lmg + Heirloom Leak News

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Thordan Smash: What do you all think of the Dragon LMG and the heirloom? Spitfire may finally be in the carepackage....

Ph4ntom: Why do the devs hate Wattson? ;(

SonicThe EpicGamer: We should all play as the lowest pick rate legends to make them get heirlooms

logan10662: Im saving for watsons so they cam take their sweet time with it i feel the electricitygonma be an amazing affect

nasen bein: I hoped Ramparts heirloom would be a skateboardsized tactical cover. I would not care if it blocks a third of the screen while running, as long as i could slam people with a wall. The wrench was as predictable as it is boring.

Alex Silonov: i think the dragon omg is gonna a type of flame thrower i think it matches the recoil pattern and name and may even have to do with ramparts SPICY buff

Voorhees I3: The wrench is literally exactly what she needs for a heirloom I love playing rampart and I've been saying she needs a wrench heirloom since her launch I'm stoked that's fire

Rowan Hicks: As a Wattson main, I’m disgusted. I might just move on to other games if they keep this up. I’ve already started to move on and this is just helping me along my way

Coolerthana Frieza: If ramparts heirloom looks like that its going to be sad because it looks like gibbys

Devin Dixon: The League of Wattson Mains have come to a collective agreement that are spawn hates our baby

Monke._.: I don't even play wattson but come on respawn wattson mains have been waiting forever

Payton Christoffersen: I think the new LMG is going to be Awesome but a rampart Heirloom is dumb we have three legends before her who don’t have heirlooms and get picked more than her

Vybe Samurai: nobody: Respawn.. yeah we dont have enough automatic guns lets do more lmgs and smgs just ignore snipers they actually dont exist

Oli/ Olive/ Oliver: Not entirely a rampart main but I love playing her, and while a wrench isn't bad, I was a slight bit disappointed because I though something like a blowtorch would be cooler. Ik it doesnt make sense bc heirlooms are for melee'ing and maybe a blowtorch would be A Little Gruesome (or maybe I'm just violent. Or an arsonist), but I still think it's fitting and kinda unique

David Florez: Now I’m looking forward to the buff and the heirloom

Chu Jaeyoung: Wattson: Oh… ok… i’ll wait for next season…

Ivan alvarez: As a Rampart main, I’m so hyped! I’ve only played Apex for a month, but Rampart is definitely my fav legend😜

Cuthbert Serrant: Do you know apex legends is hacked I think it's crypto ot titanfall

TheNames Ben: How does revenant get an heirloom before crypto or wattson, both legends that came before him

johnny Abram: I cant be the only one that got anxiety when he said the spitfire could go in the pack. That means the prowler or the triple take comes back. 😭

ArmorMedic: The last thing we need is another lmg in the mix, pubs I slowly getting irritating because of the spitfire and devo. Now people are realizing that the hemlock still broken so is its single fire mode.

Dave Marcus: Idk why I watch the same shit 17 times. Like several other content creators will cover stuff like this and here I see it and think. Oh I wonder what this is about.

Jedi: “Wattson is too strong where she’s at, her win rate is too high” okay then why did her heirloom get skipped 😐 you don’t just skip a “strong” legends heirloom

kqad: I'm still waiting on my crypto heirloom

Tyme Ivie: where’s horizons heirloom at😔

Hazzah King: They don’t buff to sell heirlooms. The revenant buff was coupled with a nerf to his ult and tactical. Whether or not a legend gets a heirloom has little to do with if they are about to get buffed. If I’m not mistaken, gibi heirloom came with some pretty decent nerfs to the legend. People think that studios buff and nerf legends around shit like skins and heirlooms, but that’s only because of confirmation bias. We ignore all the times a legend was nerfed or buffed without a heirloom release, instead opting to focus on the few times when they do sync up. Same thing happens in league. Every patch comes with a ton of new skins for champs, the vast majority of whom don’t even get mentioned in the patch. Rarely will a skin release alongside a buff or nerf to a champion. But that dosent stop people from saying stupid shit like “oh wow I wonder why they buffed x champion. I bet it’s cuz they want to sell skin!” The skin and balance teams are usually separate from one another. A dev on the balance team isn’t being payed on how many skin sales they get. He is being payed to design a game that gets as much people playing as possible. So the incentive isn’t even there.

The Spectrum: as a wattson main i am very sad shes been out for 2 years now and still has no heirloom :(

Lorena Cruz: The gaming Merchant: ah yes

_ CatzAndCoffee _: There’s a new heirloom: 😁 It’s not for crypto, wattson, or loba: 😢 I’m a valk main, and a wattson sub so if I’m getting an heirloom it would be for wattson this is kinda sad

turtlerr r: New rampart buff: infinite ammo aslong as you have a gun

Punk Last: If they make a watson heirloom... I'll finally actually maybe ....probably not buy a heirloom

FierceBlade 101: Rampart, Crypto, and Watson needs buffs and they’re the next three to get heirlooms so

Felix Castelo: That's true rampart mains are going to spam

EdgyInkling: Wtf ? A Wrench ? It should be a chainsaw, that shoots fire from 2 flame throwers at the sides each time you attack with it!

Space Weather: There is absolutely no way to fix wattson because there isn’t anything wrong. her kit works extremely well but isn’t the most fun or exciting or readily useful like other tactical abilities. the only way to make her more fun and have a higher pick rate is to rework her but that would literally destroy the small playerbase she has. i believe that’s the reason they don’t touch her or they are just blind and enjoy neglecting her. her kit however weak in power still is effective at its job to keep enemies at bay. people say they don’t run into them and that they are useless but wattson mains like myself know they work as intended people don’t cross them and allow you to keep distance or buy time or people do and get stunned and gunned down. The only buff she needs to make her waaaay more useful is remove the timer from her nodes so that she can exert her utility and fence entire buildings faster. having her pylon down allows her to do so somewhat but you still have to wait or return to the pylon to make her nodes charge faster which wastes time and with the no shortage of mobility legends this gives them ample time to breach before she can get all 12 down. also 12 isn’t enough especially since you need 2 to activate the tactical some areas are huge and would increase her open field utility if she could place all twelve at once.

Soratron: the rampart hierloom looks closer to brigitte’s mace than a wrench imo

JaceProdigy 17: No love for Crypto yet again! This is the reason why I can't main him. I love playing him soo much but nothing but neglect from Respawn. *cries*

NBD_xlRoronoa-: Im a wattson main and honestly I'm kind of annoyed that rampart is getting an heirloom before her

LoaF: Bruh give my loba a heirloom

LyvanUp: Did the spitfire get a buff? I feel like it’s still good and it’s every where now.

田波貸す毛Tanami's Alt.: Rampart is an Engineer Main

GearDiego23: I want that rampart Hairloom

banded12: That heirloom fucking ass lmaooooo

Coolyoself: People need to realize that whenever the Bangalore heirloom got leaked it was still a rough design so it looked like crap and no one liked it, but they turned a simple shape into an amazing heirloom. They can do the same here and turn this rough shape into an amazing heirloom, plus, everyone wanted revenants heirloom to be a piece of glass, at least this heirloom makes sense.

UpstageBeast: Spitting bullets like fire ? Like a Spitfire? Lol I want the dragon lmg to be an lmg that acts like a sniper so you release all the bullets in one shot or like a mortar shell, just for the laughs.

Sempai: The way that crypto not getting not much popularity i think he’s gonna be the last legend to get a heirloom

Evan TheDeer: As a Rampart main Im getting happy chemicals Into my brain

Brett Truax: Swear to god if I get a wrench as a heirloom I’m going to be extremely pissed

Nitro: Another LMG, just what apex needs 😂

Tee- Boppin_Em814: I got my heirloom!! Bout 2half weeks ago!! '''After spending a hundred on apex packs throughout time and I finally got it!! After 5,200 games Ive Been Lev 500 like Since end of season 5 mayb season 6

Olppaemi: I am glad its not Watson because i will pay for all the event and i am still not ready

Ͳ: At this point I'm expecting the wattson heirloom to come out in season 15

Aimik: Next heirloom will be for Loba or depending on season 10 pick rate Wattson or Crypto. I dont think they will drop Ramparts heirloom next season

ALPINE: Watson's Heirloom should be a lightsaber lmfao

shtupurgnamakit: I was really bummed that it wasn't Watton's heirloom this season. I thought she was due. I saw some electric tool concepts on Reddit and I've joked with friends it could be a Nessie plush toy.

Shitpost Crusader: Every time people act like the leaked heirlooms are bad, then once they're in game, with full texture, animations and special effects people immediately change their opinion, I won't be surprised if this heirloom comes out to be sick

Martinthomas San Juan: I want my krypto heirloom give us a samurai katana!!!!!

Tokyo Weeb: I'm both a crypto and wattson main rip 😭

Wrecking Vi: Ppl sleep on Rampart, she is the best defensive legend now.

Bastian BEAR: Thordan is me again the server lag and ping I don’t this my FPS is but just server lag and ping it almost been a week they haven’t fix this or is it only on me??? I got video proof and screen shot I really can’t play the game and have fun ;( I need help

The Diezel: Back in the day I used to win a game at least once every day, now it's rare if I do it once a week. I am being constantly put in predator or master lobbies, with players who have 20 bombs, 4k badges etc. while I have a K/D of <1!! Not to mention all the smurf accounts. I have never been so disappointed in this game and I am playing this game since launch

Beatle Zeus: I’m excited for the new lmg Because I have been very bored with the selection lately

Christopher Carrillo: I heard you respond to 90% of comments aye ;) Ily

Hannah School: I think it could be the wrench bc of the leaks and when I was playing Loba, Rampart goes in my black market and she took out a wrench and started singing in it (but I hope Wattson and Crypto get theirs first and that Wattson gets a nessie)

Daniel Lopez: Bro why are they just gonna skip Wattson and crypto

moist boii: So they r just gona give rampart a hairloom and forget about wattson

The Great Baebino: Im gonna die of old age before my boi Crypto gets any kind of love. Hes just the tactical for Hack.

EJ's Cookies: Oh i want that wrench. Even if you're an engineer or just like to fix stuff, Just hitting peops with your wrench will make your day.

Jonathan Fuentes: And loba

Malik Garrick: Please someone tell me the name of the movie

Outbreak Prime: Bro I Can't Wait For The Blob Rampart Banner Pose.

EZN Gen: I know what you guys are thinking about the Wrench heirloom, but counter point https://youtu.be/PYBoH68cVoY... (it’s a scene from Friday)

Soup Bowl: Wattson mains watching Valk get an heirloom in season 14, still not getting a buff or heirloom: 🗿

Ethan: So If the spitfire gonna be in the care package, does tht mean the prowler finna come back?👉👈

cobalt colour: put thermite in dragon lmg and give it to rampart and 3 squads go boom!

Donavan Nathan: I assumed she would get a wrench and have been saying this within my friend group for like a month, I am one excited rampart main, it would be amazing to smack people with a wrench lmfao

Rithwik Vinod: This is just sad I was hoping for a crypto heirloom..... But the least the could do is give Watson an heirloom...... Why rampart???😭😭

little pog champ: I’m not a Wattson or crypto main but I think they should get the next heirloom

Blaine Shupp: I’m excited for the dragon lmg but I think we all know that the gaming merchant is going to LOVE the heirloom

Miguel: I was telling randoms that the spitfire is going into the care pack next season but they laugh & said the gun isn't worthy for it but now may think twice since no nerf brings the power down & the fact it got nerfed 6 times & is still good

Fortnite /Beyblade Cooperations: Rampart gets a heirloom before crypto and wattson? Sad stuff

alireza kalaie: Sadly I am not going to play the game until the skill base matchmaking get fixed beacuse I am not having great time playing the even I am kinda excited for these new things but the games is not something I wanted so I quit until that moment .about care package speedfire you guys are all f***ed up . Any weapons that goes into care psckage with become better like buffs so it gonna be opier but rarer

KOOLEY!: Straight booty cheeks they not going by seasons, like Watson should’ve gotten hers before almost any other season character besides octane and the OGs.

Elle Lupin: Wattson, Crypto, AND Loba mains all have the right to be upset if the Rampart heirloom is next, since in season ten it’ll be her fourth season in the game, while Wattson’s coming up on her tenth season. (It would be her eighth, cryptos seventh, and Loba’s fifth by next season) I just feel like Rampart’s too new to the game to get an heirloom. Wattson mains that have been mailing her since her release particularly have reason to be upset, since it’s been two years since she’s been released (roughly) and there’s not even a design for hers in the files, while I’m pretty sure Rampart’s has been around since at least late season eight. This is just my opinion on the things going on

mer: Imagine if you could attach a thermite to the dragon LMG and make it cause burn damage

Cryptomane1: Before I get mad I’ll throw a kill quip from a bp: “all I saw were zeros and ones” zero and one makes ten =season 10

Xxapex MomentsxX: This is stupid as a wattson main I’m annoyed 😡

Cryptomane1: Is this a fu***ng joke 🤬 rampart heirloom really ?

Ezekiel Shaw: I know it would be kinda copying but i really want to see a valorant sort of style dragon model as a legandary. that would be so cool

Dante Skullcrusher: that wrench is legit just engineer's from tf2 lmao

Wildchild: I'm stoked for the wrench I think it fits her perfectly

Juicy Doubles: That heirloom looks dumb as hell

Brando2clutch: Omg it all makes sense…. I think im on to something here. Complete theory of my own but .The community is in uproar about the watson nerf and skipping her heirloom… revenant heirloom drops along with buff making him fun to play so they can maximize profit like you said. Maybe watson isn’t as strong as they claim her to be they just don’t have the right buff to make her not op but also have more people play her casually so when her heirloom comes they maximize profit again same with crypto he has needed a rework for forever yet here he is with the same abilities

Jack fico: So stupid. They could just buff watts now and give her heirloom= lots of sales

go nk: Im excited to pay 160$ for a wrench when i can get one from my local home depot for 10$

Don Favio Alvarez: I think crypto or wattson deserve a heirloom no one even plays rampart as much.

John F: talking out my ass here but maybe they are going off pick rate for heirlooms? more sales? could be why wattson and crpto are skipped over in my opinion.

Alfie Towler: The clip of the rampart heirloom is probably the heirloom in early development

Aedan Rivas: Hi thordan smash thank you for reading my comment btw i can't remember when but i remember i comment. Like i said on my last comment i have a suggestion about on apex legends and its about to pathfinder heirloom too. Okay, my suggestion in pathfinder heirloom is they must put more quality. Why? Coz its not fair that everyone of legend has cool and good heirloom like wraith, revenant, lifeline, bangalore, and the others. Welp pathfinder has a bad heirloom and quality and its nonsense. Im not saying the BOXING GLOVES the boxing gloves is ok and cool its just dont have quality and it really nonsense. Im not saying EA must make another story to make a new pathfinder heirloom. Im saying just upgrade the qualitys. And why its nonsense? Im going to repeat that the BOXING GLOVES is have a sense but when you use that's is the nonsense like when you jump then melee on your animation will be going to punch but on enemy or teammates animation is kick. Its nonsense right coz path has a BOXING GLOVES but he going to kick people. And if you compare the quality of the others heirloom psthfinder heirloom is no match. Maybe some people will pick the path heirloom but not because they like the quality they just want the heirloom. But am not saying nobody likes the quality of pathfinder heirlomm im saying so many dont like the quality of heirloom. Im not doing this for my self and i dont really care on quality i just want his heirloom coz im pathfinder main im doing this for other people coz i saw the pathfinder and its on top five so somebody have care on quality and somebody dont have really care on quality. Sooo, so many playing path and fans but his heirloom quality is not really good and its nonsense and i think pathfinder pickrate will be more higher on future . Some path main will going to think its waste of heirloom coz the quality is bad and they will think much better the wraith one or the others and it will be worth it but they still want to stay to be pathfinder main but if they buy the other heirloom and they always using pathfinder always and not even use the heirloom that they buy i know its okay to not use always there main. So thats why EA must improved the path heirloom coz its not fair like if you compare it to revenant wraith pathfinder is not really match to their heirloom i hope you read this comment even its really much xd and i hope you send this to EA or request it coz path heirloom is really nonsense btw can you comment if its ok or not its ok if not i just want to know if you read coz i take to long to type this request to EA and sorry if my grammars is wrong im trying my best to improve my english

JusticeForFire: Yup I’m crypto main

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