The Chosen: Season 2 Finale Official Trailer

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EJ Beil: Jesus - Entering the crowd from a STAGE? These guys keep on messing with True Events ! Your making Jesus look like a snake oil saleman handing out notices about his sermons and appearing from backstage. Disturbing. Why not be TRUE TO THE GOSPELS what is wrong with that? Wasn't enough material for you? Good Grief.

Suzanne Pierson: Nope! The truth is out Jesus was never his name and he was black. 501c3 Churches SCAM is discovered and you're never getting that genie back in the bottle. Yahoshua Mashika is here 💜 Universal World Court indexing 🌎 Come and live in Yah Allah's new kingdom Yahoshua has brought about now! Yes! He has been seated June 28,2010 as the highest authority on earth as Ad Hoc Chief Justice of the Universal World Court 🌎 And the government shall be upon his shoulders. World Global Reset Restoration Network 🕊 Family 👪❤ is the New beginning for the righteous people who index out of the corrupt Beast System of Antichrist and we are biaficated sovereign people of YHWH. He said he has come in clouds of confusion and chaos 😜 and that there is no rapture! By the Holy Spirit of YAH ALLAH you have seen this in radio waves of the internet and phones 📱 🙃 lightning fast. Six times in the book of Revelation it says you must be indexed in the Lamb's Book of Life. Therefore obey Yahoshua Mashika's international law to index for peace ✌. It's free! Revelation 1:14-15 YHWH IS "burnished bronze refined in a furnace 🔥" Yahoshua is created in Yah's image; he is bona-fide with many proofs including DNA. Hebrew Israelites are the Very Elect. Not jews. The truth about all these things being taught is on Yahoshua Mashika's calls 5x per week.

K L: "it's time !!!". Darn right it's time. Time for Jesus to return for his Church !!!

Allison: Suggestion- sell garden flags "Come and See" for The Chosen "hosts" to hang on lawn, hang from porch, or hang in windows.. extending the invitation to meet JESUS as personal Savior, Redeemer, Lord in The Chosen parties... GOD bless all cast & crew & all who would respond to the call to be chosen, accepted, loved by GOD- forgiven...

Valerie Young: This show is so amazing - I cry during every episode. I love it so much.

Catherine Decker: I am sooooooooo excited and sad at the same time. I love the Chosen and the entire Chosen team! Thank you, thank you and thank you. Yehovah Bless you and keep you!

Praise Jesus: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 God bless you 😇🙏

the 3 movie makers: Every body is asking " when is Judas Iscariot coming, when is Judas Iscariot coming?!?!. All I want to know is " when is Bartholomew coming?!!?.

Ginjo Tomson Pala: ❤️🧡💚

IAM DAVID: 🇮🇱🕎🇮🇱 Till the End of days keep preaching the Gospel of JESUS 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿IAM DAVIDSHIVAN 🇮🇳

Hello Berean: Binge Jesus? The white washing of Christianity marches on. The gentrification of faith spreads wide.

Willy Wantoknow: Been looking forward to this particular episode all season.

Dylan Thomas [dyl11hbk]: ❤️ Awesome ❤️ nd waiting for next...

Carlos Mendoza: Why they put this purple thing wrapped around Jesus?

Rachel Potter: Oh my I can hardly wait. Praise to our Heavenly Father for all He has done and given us. I love my Jesus. ❤️❤️❤️

Favour Tom: Oh heart...

Paul Curcione: Sermon on the Mount time….can’t wait. I guess it will be around season 5-6 before we get to my favorite sermon….the Olivet Discourse Sermon! By the way, I absolutely love what The Chosen is doing….emphasizing the humanity of not only Christ, but of His followers too. Great, great concept, and much needed. It makes this very refreshing and unique. MAY God CONTINUE TO BLESS AND USE THE CHOSEN FOR HIS GLORY AND THE GOOD OF MANKIND! Thank you!

Mike Palladino: I truly can’t wait! Such a GREAT POWERFUL show! Thanks Dallas and GodBless You All!🙏😊🤙

Ronnie Bincer: You guys are doing an AWESOME job, keep it up! & Thank You

marissa ramirez: But which one is Judas?

SVS15EEE011 JOHN JOSHY: Its not the crew, its the great plan of god.. And we all are witnessing it...😍😍

Best Friend: TIME IS SHORTENING - People...we need to fund the upcoming series YOU NEED to share these videos and do as the disciples did - encourage, teach to save our loved ones, neighbours..those who have not heard the words of Jesus the Christ Our Lord God wondrous Holy Ghost

Marco: The great controversy between Christ and Satan, that has been carried forward for nearly six thousand years, is soon to close; and the wicked one redoubles his efforts to defeat the work of Christ in man's behalf and to fasten souls in his snares. To hold the people in darkness and impenitence till the Saviour's mediation is ended, and there is no longer a sacrifice for sin, is the object which he seeks to accomplish. When there is no special effort made to resist his power, when indifference prevails in the church and the world, Satan is not concerned; for he is in no danger of losing those whom he is leading captive at his will. But when the attention is called to eternal things, and souls are inquiring, “What must I do to be saved?” he is on the ground, seeking to match his power against the power of Christ and to counteract the influence of the Holy Spirit... Satan well knows that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer and the searching of the Scriptures, will be overcome by his attacks. Therefore he invents every possible device to engross the mind. ~The Great Controversy pg.518

susan driver: Cannot wait. So excited.

Ha Dao: Season 2 finale has not yet realeased and I already can't wait for Season 3!

Nadine Duncan: The Chosen is amazing. What I don't understand is why are we still crowdfunding.. I have contributed a few times. There have to be people with deeper pockets who want to see the series come through to its completion. My fear is that all the actors will not be able to sustain 7 seasons and the Integrity of the series will be compromised. We can't just be to the point of funding season 3 and episode 7. Something is wrong here. There seems to be so much promotion of merch, and devotionals, and books, and hats, and t-shirts. Jesus is getting lost. Help us find him again.

DistortedAudio: Was the scene where Jesus walks through the curtain, symbolic to parting the veil?

Andrea Zabinki: We are in the last days. The Bible is 100% correct and it's all there! Please repent of your sins, ask Jesus to come into your heart, know that he is the true living God! You do not want to be left here in the Tribulation! It's coming and it's coming soon! God Bless! If you are spiritually dead you will not see where we are, if you come to Jesus now, he will reveal the truth! We are still in the grace period, please do NOT RISK YOUR SOUL!!

Natty Divine: So we have Peter Andrew John James Thomas Simon Philip Thaddeus And I think Bartholomew.. But where's Judah?

Bella G: Have you casted Judas?

Tanner Sakraida: I like the idea of the show but they shouldn’t have casted him as the typical looking Jesus that’s a white washed version. Cool trailer tho😂

Color The Magic: Thank you for this most precious gift in these biblical times of epic change, deep soul growth, and planetary liberation. Much gratitude and many blessings to all of you on The Chosen team!


Fluffy Furball777: I'm so excited!! Sad for the season to be over though!

Kevin Craig: This version of Jesus is more like a new age guru holding seminar or conferences.

Grace Jackson: He is risen and coming soon

Tammy Heck: God bless all of you for spreading his word.

Joseph O.: We (and they) get to see Zebedee and Eden again 😩❤️

Hey Praise the lord: Excited 😍😍😍

Yoooooo: Good movie. Check out Tom McDonald tomorrow 🔥🔥🔥

christine weldon: This is the most important thing that has happened since Jesus saved us from our sins. The World is watching ! Keep praying for Dallas and this ministry. God Bless

Ramon Gonzalez: I love this portrayal of Jesus! He’s pure love. He has a disarming way about him that makes me want to be that way! I love you Jesus! This is only how we can imagine you! I know you’re a thousand times greater! All Glory to you Lord Jesus!

Front Porch Ministries: I can't wait!!! <3

theresa notte: This is a very emoshional program that makes you think how blessed we are to know that God loves us all the time. HE is waiting for us to reach out and acnolage HIM and HIS SON.

Hilda Bower: I am not ready to experience what is coming. The pain Jesus is going to go through is hard to watch. 😭

infinityBBC: i have to chuckle a little bit to so often see on The Chosen videos here on YouTube, hundreds of thousands Likes along side a smidgen of 50~150 Dislikes. while it is comical to a degree, it's also sad that the masses among the world stumbling in this darkness we witness occurring at an exponential rate remain without ears to hear & eyes to see — they truly need our prayers rather than our ridicule (even though the world ridicules us for believing the TRUTH of God, rather than the falsehoods of this present satanic world). as followers of Jesus Christ, Yahshua Messiah, we must rise above our carnal ways and pray for the blind daily. 🙏🏼😎❤️

Steph Hustead: I can't wait for this...this is an exciting episode but also a deeply saddened one..I know it's the season finale and I will now have to wait for season 3..🥺😫😭🤧 This is the only series that I will actually continue to watch after waiting a long period of time to see the next season and as far as I am concerned that speaks AMAZING VOLUMES!!! I get bored and lose interest in other series waiting on the next season; this just makes my anxiety meter keep rising and I'm actually ok with that..anticipation is not my friend in most cases..

Celia Santa Ana: It’s Matthew who recorded this in the Scriptures: loaves and fishes to feed 5000!

Martin Ramos: Onlygodisonenotjesus

Malou Peni: I can't wait! Wow! Congratulations for yiur hardwork and perseverance! God bless you all!😇🙏

Tyler Douglass: Master it’s time what honor to say that to the creator of everything.

Sandra Templeton: Goosebumps!

Pat Crawford: Looking forward to this episode, it’s going to be a good one. Wish it started a little later for those of us on the west coast but I will just have to catch it after the live episode.

Suzanne Dill: Looking forward to this but feeling sad as well.

Dorothy Mihailiuc: Literally had goosebumps the whole trailer. I’m sooo excited to watch it !!! 😍😍😍😍😍

Calvin Sass: The Sermon on the mount is the Greatest reformation mankind ever experienced...With the Law Giver speaking boldly "You have heard that it was said...But I say unto you"...after that the Sanhedrin lost their minds😂...Blasphemy Oh Blasphemy!!....You speaking with the King man, chill😪...Jesus is the Best😃

Rachel Bridges: I've always been a follower of Jesus, yet I have chosen my own so many times that lead to dark places. The Chosen series has opened my heart and eyes to wanting to study the Bible and Hebrew and now I am completely different! I have a hunger and thirst for Jesus and an excitement everyday to stay close to him and learn about my Savior! God bless

Ros Ferguson: Yeeehaaah... 💖🙏💖

Beverly Lloyd: The Chosen helps me fall in love with Jesus over and over again !

Simon Frayne: I want my people to participate in the healing of the world. AWESOME. Over to us to do it in HIM !!!!

Mary Hutchinson: I can hardly wait for the Season 2 finale! This is the best tv show to ever be made. I am absolutely hooked on it, and tell everyone I know about it. It's so anointed by God! If you haven't seen it, please check it out. You don't know what you're missing!!!

Diana George: NOOOO.. Season 2 ended too fast! Waiting for season 3 <3 Love and Blessings to you guys. You'll are changing the world!

YourLawInMyHeart: Yes! Yes!! and......YESSS!!! To the Lord, our God! Yes to the true King, our Jesus! Can you hear us, World?? Can you hear us, Master of Lies and Deception??

Angelica Torres: By fr The most beautiful series I love you Jesus


Angelsbear3: Yeah. Can't wait.

Teddy David: 💪ets gooooooooooooo!!!🔥🔥🔥

krystal lanterman: I can't wait!!!! I'm so excited! This show has changed the way I look at JESUS AND his Disciples

Dai Broederlow: Bless your heart.

Renee-Claude Tanguay: Thank you for sharing it on YouTube 😊

Angelle Hull: ♥️

Caleb Nathanael Nettles: Totally looked like Simon and Mary were rubbing face at 0:51 freaked me out for a second lol

Musical Medicine #arrayartist: Oh I can't wait!

K's Corner: Amazing!

Emily B: I wish they would do an episode about Lazarus in next season

Laurie Marie Turcotte: This is bittersweet. I can’t wait for the finale, but I don’t want this to end! The writing is incredible! I love seeing Jesus with the children! He is so much fun!♥️

Doomsday Clown: He is such a white man!

Maria Fides Layaoen: Am excited to see the finale episode but sad that Season 2 is ending. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in Season 3.

Mary Johnston: praise God for this program. May God bless everyone involved in the show!

Ann Marie Muglia: The Chosen has brought me closer to my faith in Jesus

Benji Braden: Thank you for all you do, The Chosen team, amazing show

Kevin Drago: The greatest show ever made. Can’t believe season two is almost over, keep up the good work as you are bringing millions and millions to Christ.

Marybeth: Love how Peter calls the Lord "Master" Looking forward to watching

Francine Côté: I just can’t wait ! I just can’t wait ! Each episode is a celebration for the soul 😌!

Joni Kelly L.M.T.: SO excited!

Theresa Schlamowitz: can't wait! really looking forward!


Mary-Ann Boyle: John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Thank you for shining the light of Jesus during these dark times.

Lincoln Lawyer: Why is Jesus always portrayed as a white man as well as those around him. We know these people in this time and area were very dark almost black in complexion. Just asking?

Shawn Rhem: These is going to be biblical.

Betty Watson: My soul loves this show. Thank you. I cry, I chuckle & receive a blessing with every episode.

Bunny Harrison: My anticipation to see and hear the Sermon on the Mount is almost unbearable! We know the many who traveled to TX to be part of this marvelous happening -- just the same as those first century people gathered to see Jesus! I will be there Sunday July 11th, 8 PM, armed with my tissues and notepad. Then, we start the watch for the beginning of Season 3! Blessings on The Chosen and The Chosen Army!

Maria: 🐠🐠🐠 sweet John 🥺 the finale looks great!

Shannon C: So exciting, amazing, moving. May God bless all who watch.

Pamela Clare: I don't know what my sister and I are going to do with ourselves once Season 2 is over. I've been donating as often as I can—I've got two surgeries coming up—but waiting for Season 3 is going to be SO HARD. This is such an incredible series.

Elijah McKnight: This sitcom is one of the best I've ever seen of ANYTHING. I look forward to every new episode. I'm also looking forward to purchasing the seasons for my family for Christmas. God bless all of you. You're touching lives. You're changing lives. Through the prayers of the saints and Mother of God may your work continue to be a blessing!

Joe Pilimai: I liked and then I unliked it and then liked it ten more times. I. Can. Not. Wait!!!!!

dawn i.e.: Ready?

Liam Miller: The subtitles in the "The Chosen" app are not working. Could you guys please fix it? Thanks 🙏

R Lamp: This anticipation is Joyful. Knowing the outcome is life changing in itself but The Chosen presentation actually draws me into the feeling that I'm right there with them talking to Jesus. btw, having the words in caption is a must for understanding each word spoken. There is a definite demand for closed caption, since many conversations in the past episodes have not been understood 😑

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