The Chosen: Season 2 Official Trailer

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Walt Miller: This is just the trailer and I’m already feeling emotional

Joyce Lynette: So I'm guessing Quintus would be the one who says, "Truly He is the Son of God" at the cross. And FINALLY the wait is over😌 Thank you so much Chosen team! We love you ♥

Marlene Cappetto: Count me-in!!! Can’t wait to watch, support, and share with Fam&Friends this God-inspired, Spirit filled broadcast! I genuinely feel soooooo excited and grateful for the creation of The Chosen!!! May The Chosen continue to grow expotentially through out the world! !Amen! ✨ 🙏 ✨ 🙏 ✨ 🙏 ✨ 💖

Nicolas Teixeira: Lindo, lindo e lindo! Brazil!!!!1

Chris Holm: I’m really looking forward to watching season 2 after watching season 1 several times. What a wonderful Easter gift!

Stephanie Bogart: WOOHOO! I’m so ready!!!

Blugrass Bourbon: I don't believe in smartphones - I wouldn't want to watch on a small phone anyway. SOO...where can I buy season 2 to watch on my TV? DVD? MP4? Please advise.


EternalSnowWhite: Yes! I just discovered the first season last week and binge all the episodes. I am so happy the second season is coming!!! Thank you Lord for all you put in my life!

Silvia Helena: I know this Jesus's life Serie is changing lives around the globe! and they are changing forever!! Love what you do!!!

Jkm: This show has made me fall in love with Jesus all over again.

Nathan Prange: Excited for season 2!!

Gentiles Clinging To Jacob: Can’t wait

Tina Rustman: I can’t wait!!!!

ChaosMiles07: We are ready and looking forward.

Benedikte H: Season 1 of The Chosen is what has helped me through this first year of corona. Now I am SOOOO ready for season 2!!! 🥰😁❤️😁🥰😁❤️😁🥰

BlueWolf _GAMEZ: wholesome.

DaughterOfTheKing: oh my gosh I can't wait!!!

Jefferson Knapp: Loved it! I see Schmuel the Fool is back, too!

Lise Hearn: Can’t wait to watch this!

Little Rascal Eventing: Ah, I can't wait! This is gonna be so good!

Johnny Mac: I was truly worried there might be some kind of sophomore slump to this series. Hard to beat how great last season was. After watching this, I have a feeling this might be (somehow!) Even better than season 1!

Jace Cloud: Get the App... Watch Season 1... and Get ready for SEASON 2 starting on Easter Sunday!!!!

Nayanne Lopes: Muuuuito ansiosa!!

Anna Greiner: AHHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD!! I’m so pumped!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌💖💖💖💖💖💖 I CANT WAIT!!

Lauren Lattanze: Words just can not express the impact this has. Its a Revolution just as it should be

Coba Photography: Cannot wait!!!😁

Sara Delaney: YES!!!!! sooo excited for season 2

Rebecca Tuma: Excited for Season 2!!! 🙌🏼

Leigh LoMaglio: Such a well done show! You will not regret checking it out! It brings the Scripture to living color. Jesus is portrayed just like I imagine in my head and in my heart!

Libby Sherman: I can't wait to see season two!!!!

Elri Herselman: To see the story of Jesus like this and experience the journey and the miracles in this way is breathtaking, emotional and new. Thank you so much, The Chosen Team, for listening to God’s call and bringing this to life. May the story of Jesus and what He did for us be spread through the world like wild fire and may this reach and impact the lives of billions! I can’t wait for season 2!!

URK20CE1004 Hino Suu: Yessss.....! Its finally here!!

Cathy Hughes: I cannot wait for Season 2!! For once Easter will not be only the church gathering for a sermon, but the global church will gather to see "Jesus" in a new way!!

Peggy Anderson: This is such an amazing series! I can hardly wait!

Kathleen 7: Tears!!!

Hanna Ann: I'm already in tears.

Julie Lingren: I am both excited and terrified, knowing what lies ahead. This trailer, though... I have goosebumps on my goosebumps. Let's GO.

Offroad369: Looking forward to season 2 and more. Praise God

Carol Edwards: Come to the Well of Living Water. Your soul thirsts for Christ !

Elizabeth Zywicki: The second season will begin on Sunday --- what a series, so touching!

Ivan Prutki: Does anyone know whose song this is?

Shalini GV: Can't wait... OMG this is awesome 😊 Love from India... All the best Team chosen

nancybustos: Currently rewatching season 1 for the third time! I can’t wait to watch the first episode of season 2 on Easter Sunday 🐣🐑 Thank you to everyone involved in the creation of this show! And thank you to you, the person who is reading my comment, for supporting them! Thank you if you supported by donating and purchasing shirts, etc. let’s keep supporting!!!

Anna Jacob: One of the Post-it Notes I put up at work this (pandemic) year was John 1:5 - "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." This trailer echoes this verse for me.

Justine White: Already crying!! Thank you for this gift!!!♥️♥️♥️

BG: Crying. Thank you, Jesus!

Ava Mainville: Jesus is changing lives through this show! Cannot wait until Sunday!!!

stangowner07: Looks great.

Leah F: so excited!

Vikki Csaszar: The Chosen keeps getting better and better. Watch and see.

Tuesday Rosales: The most incredible series!

_Sara___Smiles_: What a beautiful trailer! 😍 I am so so excited to watch the first episode! 💞 Perfect for Easter Sunday! 💞💞💞

Katherine Freeze: I am so excited for season 2!!! I am like the samaritan woman ... I'm going to tell everyone!!!!

Kelly Beedle: We can hardly wait to see Season 2. Your efforts will bless so many!

Jill Huizenga: I am so excited!!! Get the Chosen app today! Open your mind and heart and let this beautiful story take hold. I promise it's worth it!

Andre Coetzee: I can not wait until this comes

Nikabella: Can't wait 🙏🙌

Дима Мигович: I have birthday on April 4th,so thank you for this gift!!!

Kathy S: With tears flowing down my face, this show has the most beautiful portrayal of Jesus and those that meet Him. I absolutely loved the first season and look so forward to Season 2. Thank you Lord for the vision you gave Dallas for this show.

Tshegofatso Kungoane: Ohhhh my soul I can't wait 😭🙌🏾

The Last Generation: Looking forward to it, but please stop using the pagan traditions like "Easter/Ishtar" or "Christmas/Saturnalia" Call it, what it is: *PASSOVER LAMB* HE is the passover Lamb, the Holy Lamb of God!!! We do not celebrate it in the OT way but in the NT through the spirit. (Exodus 12: 15–25; 1 Corinthians 5: 4-9, Zechariah 14: 15-19, ask them WHO is this in Isaiah 53, Psalm 22) _John 1:29_ *29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world* _1 Peter 1:19_ *19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* _Revelation 12:11_ *11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death* _Revelation 21: 23_ *23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof* _Revelation 19: 7_ *7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready* _Revelation 14:1_ *1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads* _Revelation 7: 17_ *17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes* _Revelation 5: 4-6_ *4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon* *5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof* *6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth* _Genesis 22:8_ (Thats a Prophecy) *8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together* Further Study: Lev 23: 4-20 EX 23: 15; Numbers 9: 14 EX 13: 7-9 (mark of God vs mark of the beast) Matt 26: 26-28 Luke 22: 7-10 God bless you

Angelin Dhivya: The Chosen is obviously the Choice of God, he paved the way for this kind of Revival. Not even one person who saw The Chosen is left untouched. Many non believers I know, have come into light, for our God knows the right way to bring his fish to the net. This is really triggering the revival within self and this is needed for all of us, who are weary and are heavy laden, God bless each and every one who is a part of The Chosen and guide them more with his wish and will. Amen 🌼❤

Theresa Cannady: Love this series. Best display of what Jesus and the disciples personalities may have been. So on-point with the gospel while showing the humanness of the people who came in contact with Jesus. Today, He still chooses average people, broken people, hurting people and gives us an eternity perspective of what holiness is.

Rincy Mathew: Liked this video even before watching. Excited to watch the first episode. God bless you all. From India.

VALERIE HANSEN: I can hardly wait for this new season of The Chosen to begin. It has literally changed my life, for the better, and continues to do so as I watch and watch and watch. As someone else said on FB, it's as if the Bible was in black and white before and is in full color now that we have been introduced to The Chosen. What an amazing blessing!

Kim Calvi: Come, fall in love with Jesus!!!

redwriter05: Thank you Jesus that you did all this for me!

Mariel 14: Can't wait am so so excited and looking forward to watching Season 2.😃LOVE LOVE The Chosen! Watching from the Philippines❤️❤️

Moreblessing Mlambo: Glory be to God 🙏

Terri Johnson: We can't wait to watch the first episode of Season 2 on Easter Sunday. This series is so, so good. It helps us to better grasp that Jesus was real, flesh and blood, a man who walked on this earth 2,000 years ago, yet not just man... God. (catches my breath)

Lisa Tobler Campbell: I’ve watched this many times now and I remember how excited I was watching the Christmas special when this all first started. It stirred my heart and Spirit just like this trailer does! Can’t wait for Season 2!

Vikram Chatterjee: Goosebumps ❤️❤️👌

Stavan Christian: Tears...🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 So excited...can't wait for season 2...😍😍😍😍😍

Stavan Christian: Tears...🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 So excited...can't wait for season 2...😍😍😍😍😍

Joyful Michelle: I am thrilled that the trailer is finally out. If just the trailer gives me goosebumps, I can't even imagine what the entire season will do. So good to see Photina and her husband together.

Joel Price: A Vitamin B-12 shot to the soul. So excited for this season.

MamaJoy: This is going to be amazing!! Cannot wait to see the new season! So powerful!!

Carly Parks: Looks awesome! So excited to watch this! Love how you guys stay biblical.

Matthew Ayman: ♥️

sm6jesse: So excited for Season 2!

Sarah Crossway: I’m so excited to watch season 2!!!! ❤️ You guys are so amazing.

Kelly Mitchell: I watched this trailer over and over the other Night when it was on the chosen‘s live stream. How can you not be excited about the premiere of season two?!?!?

rashikaesther m: Jesus the only savior born for the sinners to be saved.........

Maria Faith Joseph: Oh my heart!! 😭😭😭 I'm waiting, waiting, waiting! BRING. IT. ON!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍

Cranky Grandma: I’m glad to see Quintus back! I just love him. And Gaius! So happy to see him again. I love that ending!

Christina Ayed: SO looking forward to this! 🙏

Garden of Eden: So excited to see the new season!!!

Andrea: I'm so excited!!! :D

Gingerbrettman: In less than 5 days? No way!

Mary Ann McLane: The Chosen has changed my life in too many ways to count. Praise God for such talented cast and crew, and letting me live in these days to experience this😀💖💕🎶

Kadeem Brown: Pharisee: If he were suppose to be healed God would have done it Himself God the Son: That is an interesting point

YaYa Jackson: This certainly brings me even closer to my Elohim...i know it shouldn't be an us and them...but the world truly feels that way now...and the Most High YAHUAH has said "Be ye Separate"....i thank you Dallas and crew for this beautiful trailer...i can't wait for episode 1...Blessings!

Nick Anderson: Thanks so much for this trailer! 🙂🙏

Bob Duemig: We are so excited for season 2. This is a beautiful realistic series! God has guided it all.

Samuel Carvalho: Oh goshhhh I lost my mind at 2 points of this video. 1) "that's an interesting point" 2) "Jesus of Nazareth, we finally meet"

Mari Mendez: I’m so excited for season 2!

Darrell Perez: On duty. Just saw this, trying to contain my tears. CANT

Mich C: Everything is just better than before and before was already great😩🤧😭

Mel Wheaton: Hallelujah!

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