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Jawetty: LMFAO, I just realized what bungo is doing. We killed crota and then his dad....but bungo is doing backsword's this time. OMEGA LUL

PY Elite Gaming: we all know we are just watching this to see zavala say “no”

Rodrigo Hernandez: Lol more poop coming this 9th for destiny 2

4EverKELZ: what if that ship is a new dungeon

hiTherez _: 2:15 Sweatcicle Kujo

Noodley Boi: Trinity ghoul was not good it needs a buff

Wyatt Flood: “The old Greek wars” 😂

dCali -: The “No Mega LoL” killed me

Wesley Ward: Sweat, you think Caiatl is hot? You'd fit in with the destiny r34 community.

Kaleb Johnson: there’s no fuckin way guardian games was a year ago

KamillenTee: There was this one quest on Venus in D1 with That Guardian who disappeared... the Secret quest reminds Me on this

VxSpiritZ Yuh: True

yackfou2412: What do you have on your face? Big pickles?

bootstrap925: season of the recycled content

Ethan Barr: "It's greek" that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard

Edoardo Beni: You pathetic, just 2 weeks ago this game was on decline, as you said. And now are u hyped? Are u exited for, literally, NOTHING. streamers are cancers

Dark Massacre: Love your vids and I liked and subscribed

haizay: Just release destiny 1 on pc I’m dying here man

Chris d: Here's the problem brother we've heard them say they stepped their game up but they have failed horribly bad. Like shadow Kiev oh we have a renewed vigour for the TVP we die broken trials and nothing else is been touched in over a year

john mac: I wish if that was the exact opposite. Allying with an enemy would look cool. I will say people will be unsatisfied with the content quickly.

Zinkbolt Wanton: A year long project at Bungie: 6 months on trailer, 3 months vacation, 3 months recycle

dovahkiin: I’m getting a future spin on Mongolian armour from khan era I kinda like it

Liam J Rowan: Season of the cabal again.. Again.. Again...again, with old old strikes and re used weapons

Jason Amundson: So D2's new boss is an angry warthog?

Death Crane: Palindrome hand cannons back

Blake Hughes: midnight coup reskin lets go

Matthew Papara: I swear if Bungie put as much time into creating activities in game as they did on season trailers we might actually have content to play all the way through a season without having to be drip-fed content

Rafael Tutoriais: Cabal Commander: BOW Zavala: NO Zavala 5mins later: Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Empress Caiatl . From what I can gather she commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. She's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

Chrystyan O'shea-Baker: wait, what if the ship is Ghauls ship?

arseniy daniel: Kind of upset we ain't getting a new exotic handcannon. We only got 2 this season

Litsavage 465: It’s not levi

HORIZON NEW: idc about the rest of video, you get my like for that win XP bluescreen

Gaige Iris: ur chat was so toxic they literally created shin godzilla in the pacific pacific ocean.

Xur_ Ace: Are we just not gonna talk about the return of the palindrome lol?

Wyatt Thigpen: Are we just gonna skip over 2:48 the damn palindrone!!

BlindDeagle: new strike is a huge win for the community

Harrison Mackinnon: I feel like this guy tries so hard to be like xqc and make his chat be just like his. Like he’s even copying his nose and hairline

Boats_ MK7: Sweat, lay off the meth

Caw Caw: I love how Aztecross and Sweaticle both said she is hot in the trailer

Jacob Leonard: You know everyone complains about them bringing stuff from d1 to D2, yet not everyone head played the first game so it’s new to them, and isn’t it better than having nothing? Like they are adding d1 stuff, on top of the new stuff so there is more stuff to do. They aren’t doing it cause they are lazy, they are doing it so there is more stuff to do in general

Greg Leonard: also the ship in the darkness of space, the cabal was bringing score up to the ship for experiments. that's why you saw the beef looking scorn

Greg Leonard: ticuu may become an issue in PvP. time will tell. 🤣🤣🤣

Brayden Arnold: the cabal ship in space i think is ghaul's ship from vanilla d2

Greg Leonard: the armor is not greek, its persian themed armor. but I will admit the armor look is a terrible look for d2 🤣 bungie some how always bring ugly looking ass armor into the game

MMX377: Empress Caiatl - "If you don't bow before me, I shall flash before you!!!" Zavala - "Wut? WAIT! NO!!! MY EYES!!! THEY'RE BURNING!!!"

Screeb.: 9:38 yknow, a cabal ship shrouded in darkness kinda reminds me of how a certain emperor obtained his powers...wonder if this means we're being invited to another one of calus' parties

Baguette: Y'all ready for the heat seeking bow and bootleg Mountaintop combo?

A MMOD: I give it a month

Strafer: DCS raid layer incoming

3: this new antagonist’s voice acting sounds so lazy lmao

Cbandit: since there are on;y 2 exotics planned i am hoping for new secret 20 minute mission

Cbandit: turn yoour volume down boys

Joe Leach: *sees literally the most interesting/biggest story moment in the trailer* 'aha lol jumpscare time to move on'

Logan McCowan: Sweat is the most relatable person

Shaddykack: Sweat did kill him....canonically. Daz true sweat, Daz true.

Sr.MemesAlot: Hi mr sweet circle

DiamondIsIconic: the daughter of calus memes are here

Ellie Wunderlich: I can’t tell if your actually happy/excited or just being sarcastic the whole time-

Gaafdovjun Gaming: I believe that armor is a mix of Persian armor and Pagliacci

Quavospotatoes: Lovin the stache

Goochie104: When is Randal the Vandal going to get his time for Glory?

Pew pew Patrol: Zavala: Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defences, take this beast out, and break their grip of Freehold.

thegoatboy43 grt;mb;prw: pogu old tower

Flakez Is vibing: Bruh

nmikk10: The cabal: *has been butt fucked by one guardian over and over* Also the cabal: "bow before me"

Evan Vazquez: 2:44 return of VoG?

Dominick Stroebel: Is it just me or did I see the palindrome

Atomic Sloth12: Congrats on hitting 300k sweat

Avery Englert: Howdy

Yuki: 9:50 maybe it was the aphelion that took it over, the ones that were mentioned in Forsaken and then never mentioned again

Alex Brook: As somebody who works at Home Depot, thanks for the PTSD inducing intro music.

Adrian Magallanes: 7:33 we’re getting first curse im calling it right now

Fergy Th: All hive are girls btw

Tony Stark: The amount of sarcasm hurts me

Ali: Ali-A thumbnail type beat.

Qwoza: I didn’t know eow titan was the new bad guy lmao

Lamonte Theo: Okay but why not form an alliance. It literally makes no sense to fight them. The darkness is the main enemy.

Im a 2004: What about atheonn

Hobo Joey319: I see sweat is also attracted to tall women with hats

Jay Weber: Ah yes, 10 minutes of sweat screaming in my ears

Maff Few: Urghg reaction videos are so forced and over the top. Sorry bud

ICY, house of traders: Sweat the ship in space is actually one of calus's ships, he is still out there

VivaElJustin: Sweat doesn’t like anything lol

A k: Sweat be like LOUD FUNNY

Aaron Rios: Also the idiot who said it was Greek themed he is wrong its Persian themed

Colin K: SRL with guardian games? PauseChamp? That armor is similar...

Aaron Rios: So underwhelming and deleted d2 bc of all the bs

Immoral Boi: BUNGIE : "Hey, you guys remember Trinity Ghoul?" Playerbase : "Y- Yeah?" BUNGIE : "*_WANNA SEE ME DO IT AGAIN?_*" Playerbase : "Please don't..." BUNGIE : "Wehereyouwe'relisteningwe'resendingyourfeedbacktothedevswe'rereadingyourfeedbackwedon'tactuallycare Destiny's best days are ahead... So we've decided to nerf Fusion Rifles.

Truly Peyton: I like the Home Depot music in the background at the beginning

Vagrant Ender: You have anti cheat, its called bungie who just banned over 500,000 players and ip addresses

Rexalas Brachya: Too much unoriginality in this dlc, I have no regrets quitting

Picard FTW: "The hive God was driven back" "but HER influence emerges" Um what...oryx was a bro..and if HER influence emerges wouldn't we have driven back a hive goddess??!?? ...what in the actual fuck is bungie talking about ?

Chicken Wang: Zavala will get us into shit like this, than tell US to fight it not him

SirSpooky925: Osiris: they dnt have light here Sweat: no thats space they dont have electricity Me: loosing my shit 🤪😅

The Jc ™: the trailer just looks as over done and ott as all the others theyve done gives me 0 hope for the season. honestly dont see this game lasting till light fall.

Dezii Pacheco: This is how lil content they add that they have to put parts of the season out at different times because they dont want you to beat it in a day

Kyle Little: I want the bow

Orbiter Plays: Obeying sweats wishes for me to comment

Logan Cundiff: All I’m saying is, is that the destiny community asked for the cosmodrome strikes back 🤭🤭

Mason Chambers: 2:48 Palindrome.

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