Horse Course :: Hermitcraft #4 Season 8

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Paul Mercer: "selective breeding"

Evo Cat: 7:18 Grian-The great villager heist

Sol Zaer: Sell the fast horses as "Plains horses" and the jumpers as "Mountain horses". Then the pretty ones as "Show horses". Sell all horses with leather armor and offer as season long dye service at the gas stations and sell nice armor on the side.

Divan Seyffert: The 'distance traveled by horse' stat is going to be interesting in stat poker this season.

Barundar Streams: You need to put a Llama rental advert sign on the road somewhere.

GAFNIR -: I would of called it All-Pack-A

Jon Doe: What about a 'course selection'? You could have a much larger courses and a selection of buttons or something that open/close different gates or pathways to change the course layout. Could also be a thing that happens mid-race where the course constantly changes.

Henry Blanton: I think each hermit should have one lodestone in each area just in case you get lost on the path you can just pull out a compass for each area

Oscar23: 29:03

Zachary Flowers: Whatever happened to generikb y’all never talk anymore

Jacob Gouin: Have you thought about using a clock that points towards your base for the road signs? They could be broken and rusted copper to further the time aesthetic

Prince Gummy: BDubs! I think mules can carry chests on their sides. You have to breed a donkey and horse. Idk if this is true or not

Kyrkis: So, are the shortcuts gonna be really high up so that jumpers can access them while the runners have to take the normal route to kind of balance them out?

The Rising Moon: I mean you could also breed up some mules by getting horses and donkeys

mohid shahzad: You can get 15 slot llamas

Kyrkis: People should make cyberpunk-like ad billboard clutters at the crossroads

Stephen Harvey: For super speed horses, throw a speed potion on the horses, then breed breed them while under the effect of the speed... The boosted stat will translate into a better base stat for the baby, and when you put a speed potion on the boosted baby, it will be faster still, and before long, you'll have a 0 stick horse with whatever jump you want

Caissy Maxwell: Pfft instead of selling horses you should just rent them out and have return stables at different points on the map

N L: That bed swipe from etho at the start was CLEAN

Stephanie Norden: Idea: have arches over the track droping arrows of slowness for the hermits to shoot at each other durring the race!

KysonElls: Can you do time-lapse for your builds

Doothious: the rng bdubs is talking about reminds me of the race on the shady oaks smp

Eva Barth: For the horse course race, one segment could let strong horses shine. Maybe extra danger with stalagmites. Of course, don't have the horses die, just give them a minimum health they can be at, preventing them from going forward until the horses are healed.

Lukas Commisso: I’m pretty sure that llamas can have up to 15 slots.

Jaeden: I really like you working together with Etho

PavelGS: For the Horse Course, you should realy do a real Hyppodrome vibe and organise competitions where people could either enter for the prize money or organize bets on the participants :D

VIKING RAGNAR: The clock needs to annoying covering up so much of the screen even on my 75inch TV!

Budda523: Maybe, if you hit a target or push a button in the horse race it throws a slowning potion a few meters ahead or behind.

DaftFader: Llamas can have upto 15 slots Bdubs. 😉

Artificial Bryan: Im looking forward to this horse race

CyberJelly: What song does he use for the intros?

Jakra Pup: What about horses with high health? Maybe have things that damage health, and have pit-stops to recover health, but slow you down. So high HP horses can keep going, but low HP horses have to stop and "refuel" or whatever...

FishBoi19: During that race I could just picture the horses saying “on your left”

Mahmoud z: Why no body making A Horse races ????

Heath Clark: Did anyone else see that keralis’s sign now says Keralis is Groot? Lol

Mel Quinn: The should be a all roads lead to boatum sign

Kaemonarch: Llamas can get up to 15 slots. Even if getting 12 and 15 slots (0.8% chance each) is way harder than getting 9 slots (32.8%) in the wild... You should definetively aim to try to get 15 slotters and then breed them. Once you get a 15 slotter, 20% of their kids will be 15 slotters. Please notice that right now, 1% of the kids of your 9 slotter will be 12 slotters... So yeah, that's a lot of breeding, but worth it, imo, if you go into the trouble of breeding llamas. Once you get that lucky 1% and get a 12 slotter, 25% of their kids will be 12% slotters themselves, with a 0.75% chance of getting a 15 slotter.

HelloItsYungPokemon: bdubs you could have some hills on the race track where if your horse is a good jumper it is quicker over the hills. So you have to choose do you want to be quicker over the hills or quicker on the flat track.

ZombieTaco514: So excited for the horse arena!

Luciole en chaussettes: I really like this project with horses and lama !

Ashley Kelsey: You should put droppers around the course that can drop slowing arrow or random splash potions

Minjae Kwon: The wealthy wool phenotypically argue because earthquake interestingly join in a verdant europe. faded, rhetorical fish

Ibe: You and etho should make like a “spin the wheel” with different types of prices. Some of the prices could be, fast horse, high jump horse, saddle, horse armor and etc.

Floris Dekker: You can maybe make little spaces for "pit stops" where the runners can heal their horses, this way the horses with more health can run longer. This can add another twist to the race.

matt: Today i noticed bdub's offhand clocks show the episode's number

Januarius: This is the first time I saw it rain on a hermits video

fad Aaab: The lively television puzzlingly dare because amusement ipsilaterally calculate but a happy quit. narrow, miniature rail

Anton nicht aus Tirol: Wjats about donkeys or mules? You cam attach chest to them and ride them too

HoodieDog Z: Dog

Some Blue Stuff: For signposts on the road it would probs be easiest to use hermit heads and arrows to quickly see where people are

Memeteam: You could make it where people wager if they think their horse will win and you take a little bit of the wager

random guy: Well that was boring

Matt Simpson: 13:34 ‘Keralis is Groot’ lol

mohid shahzad: Everyone can have their cuatom banners similar to the nether hub in season 3

Caleb Pillai: Mules, you can ride them.

stevanavich: Why settle for 9 slot llama when you could breed up some 15 slot llamas!?

Gamez2Much: Maybe instead of selling horses you can rent a horse just an idea

Raklain Quirk: You went to the horse speed tester and did not even test your horses! BTW Lulu was already tested and is actual a slow horse.

Mr X: Bdubs worries about them being brown

Kittenoffury 06: What if you did a horse event like a fashion show evry month to keep people hooked on horses increasing profits:p

Anna Bailetti: I love the horse course idea, and having the players reach some mechanisms to alter your opponents path along the way, sounds sooo fun. I cant wait to see it.

Ethan McCormack: Medieval F1

Harendu Santhila: Add some tasks while horse race like player has to do somethings by getting off of the horse

NTT GTJ: I have a sugestion for the horse race, what if there would be a part where if the horse would be too fast he would get splashed with slownes or something like that

Neal J Roberts: Caravan of Llamas sounds great! And Courses for Horses

Bairn O' Nessie: You can get Llamas with 15 storage. My current world I've bred a herd of 10 to give an extra 150 stacks mobile storage.

johnny andreasen: One of the oldest horserace from Denmark, seek on youtube for " Hubertusjagt i dyreskoven. " you will love the inspiration.

Omega Primer: I think Tango was planning on selling horses as well! Partnership? Or Competition?

Omega Primer: Love the Llamas

ᏒᎪhuᏞ tαlpαdє: MATILDA!!!!!1

Omega Primer: Tango horses are faster than yours

ליאל דדון: Poor squakers, trying to follow bdubs around

Ryan Bates: this video in a nutshell lama horse lama horse "that looks cool"

J M: Sorry. No more hermitcraft server for me. Xisuma brought to light that TFC is homophobic and in his apology he compared homosexuality to beastility, so I looked into it and all conversation about it on reddit and in comments just get blocked and removed. So now I'm sketchy on the whole crew. This is my unsub message. You're gonna delete this anyway. Peace out.

Austin Nerd: You could make a tunnel with slowness potions or something. And giv it a 4 block ceiling. That way jump horses can avoid the slowness

Fungle Stump: You could use donkeys instead of llamas

Rafta Music: Ethos Horse makes HUGE jumps!

Darcyispog123: Have h guys thought of any portal designs that u can build together? I mean the three hooligans need a hooliganistic (new word) portal

Kavusick Ram: maybe you could make the horse course all over the map like a grand race

Darcyispog123: On some hermit helping hermits streams u should all team up and decorate the roads (texture the path, foliage, terraforming or just builds to bring it to life, like scar and his wagons although I think many hermits will our shops on the roads

Cory Coad: Bdubs is selling tango business idea to etho while standing at tango business start-up, tango won't be happy with his big eye partner

carn109: Imagine if there was a Horse Dealership!

Tommanic: Bdubs, so you know Llamas can have up to 15 slots, it's unfortunately VERY rare to find or breed but once you have one 15 slot you can breed more easily

BloodHunter462: U need to make a llama train!

Okamisamaa: Thanks Bdubs this was fun ^^

Keleara: horse walk show, kinda like a fashion show, any hermit can sign up w/ their horse and walk down an aisle to show them off, and everyone votes for the best one! or a horse Olympics ;)

Domenic Correa: you could host a monthly race and have the other hermits bet on who wins the races and have a small prize for all the individual winners and then latter on have a giant finals race with the top hermits and racers and have a big prize for it

Frank Carino: Bdubz, would you consider a little change in weather and maybe some night? We never get to see what the place looks like in those conditions. Would be a welcome change !

Kurt voelker: Use dispensers as the Mario kart boxes for random potion effects and make off road with soul sand

Jakob Yates: did bdubs cuss and bleep it out at 21:42?

Chance Price: Etho bonus episode

Viktor Nicht: Bdoubs you beautiful face, this was another amazing episode! Thanks a lot for being as great as you are

J Ross: So creative!

Pliku Kuro: Bdubs with a quickdraw on etho when he tried to sleep

kishdoodles: i do enjoy the number of clocks you have being a sort of indication of the episode number :O

Code Xander: @bdubs I suggest instead of selling horses you and etho breed. Setup two really good ones and have the hermits pay to breed them to get a horse so it’s random. That way if they get a bad one you can make more diamonds 💎 off another breeding session 😀😀😀😀 big brain diamonds 💎💎💎💎

SNEH CHAO: ngl this was a really boring video

Kaitlyn Marinos: As far as the llamas go, they are actually capable of having 15 slots, not 9. Hopefully Bdubs knows/sees this :D

ConvexSpys 8335: You should add betting to the horse racing and the house "the owners of the track" take a 5% cut or so of the winnings.

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