A House for Horse :: Hermitcraft #7 Season 8

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An Old Man Plays: 1:45 I hope thats true, if it is it's so cute lol

Kerem Başkan: Bdubs if you put the trap door on the outer block and open it they cant get out.

Duwang: Poor bdubs

Rishi Kasinath: Thanks for the ep

Marin Vukovic: Bdubs can you make costume horse armor like they did in YWC

corncutter: lol, I totally didn't think of just changing the pick either. Smart little girl. And wow, she's 6 already. Time flies.

Cynthia Schwab: You had to know this day was coming Bdubs!! Kids gotta Love em!!💖👍!!

Fjallräven: That moment at 7:40 where impulse is in the background trying not to cry... :D

Jase NyoFace: even your ad was entertaining!

John Westermark: 14:59 my new ringtone 😍😍

All Father: 18:55 lol iskall’s hard drive crash easter egg

Finn Lockington: The hermits don't do ad deals often, but when they do, you best bet they'll be funny

muhammed razy: 😄 😄 😄 😄

Charu Bawa: "Truly wonderful the mind of a child is" First yoda and now bdubs

Alyssa Fundal: HAHAHAA OMG Bdubs's 6 year old daughter realizing what we didn't is hilarious The Minecraft Genius Gene™ runs in the family

Korey Suzuchi: “Yeah just turn your recording off and slice their heads off..” -Bdubs 2021

Neko: I still love the redstone contraption Bdubs made its really unique and creative and i learned alot of redstone in redstone with Bbuds class !!!

Commissar Kordoshky: Bdubs is the ONLY ONE who I will watch adds from.

Mike raeger: BDubs must've dyed his hair to hide the grey again

Jude Lines: 5:31 thats no rocket my friends

Goat Loops: Your daughter is a genius HAHA!

K NMCW: Impy in the background

Pro4321: Love his cinematic intros

J Sluis: You are my favorite hermitcrafter. Love your personality and creativity. And high quality and entertaining videos. Great work!

Magic lives: Make like a two jump and if you can't do it make a difference road with slowness potion on that one

Elliot Evans: So what your saying is you make your kid read the comments?

Phil Taylor: Never stayed for a square space ad before...had to watch Bdubs struggle with the wall. Made me feel great sitting in my armchair.

Pratham Snehi: hardworking bdubs building irl wall nice

CeasingHornet40 :D: bdubs: oh yeah I did a smart Redstone thing :D his daughter: >:)

Michelle Friis Tun: Professional Minecrafter destroyed by his kid mwahahahahahaha 😂

Ferenc Huber: what is the intro music called? It is so badass!

niclpag: To be fair, if you hook up your stone generator to a hopper clock of some kind u would have a fully automatic stone and cobblestone afk farm.

Ian Zaldivar: you are such a great man bdubs <3

Steamrat: bdubs has such a calm and bubbly voice but he says stuff like "I like chopping their heads off" and " Now your imprisoned forever"

GamingSp0nge: Bdubs: I value my llamas Bdubs litterally last week: I’m going to have to do something to this llama that I can’t show on camera.

cuboidxmc: 7:28 I love how Impulse is just staring at them 😭😂

NoahMcNoahFace: That was the first sponsor that I have never skipped

Ahnaf Arik: Pearl and bdubs making a deal while impulse in the distance is breaking down in stream idk why that was just funny

Ian Zaldivar: Bdubs... I miss GenerikB <3 love you buddy <3

Koda Fox: Wow, I can't believe your daughter is 6 already. I still remember when you announced your wife was pregnant. Glad to hear she is contributing to the family business already! She'll be teaching you redstone soon

isha mahipal: bdubs' daughter is a genius

imdrowninghelp: i actually watch through this ad and i mostly dont do that, but it was too entertaining good job bdubs

Febreezee: LOVE the intro

Nick Lambert: Man even the ad is entertaining. This guy I tell you.. born to do this stuff.

Lady Shix: I love how Bdubs' own daughter undid his own revolutionization.

Aimee McGregor: That’s the Hermitcraft’s Fair Grounds! The building is beautiful

Sven Schreiber: Best add ever!😃

WD Foster: Would have been cheaper to build that retaining wall out of pure gold.

Holly Edwards: Cub did it

Nugget: A footage of Bdubs building irl, such a rare thing to see, must be preserved in a museum

William Lazenby: Me: Notice new HC episodes. Also Me: Frantically search for Bdubs

Bing Bing: You can still make the stone farm dual use by converting it to a basalt farm too

zombielizard218: I'm going to be honest. It never occurred to me you could use a non-silk pick on a stone generator to get cobblestone.


Beautifully Accepted: Haha this video is perfect as is every Bdubs video... but omgosh, that Squarespace ad was GOLD! 😂

Pearl K: What if you had the horse racing track include betting on the horses too? That could potentially bring in more diamonds :D

sirociper z: It wasn't Cub, it was Moleman! He aims to cause confusion and tomfoolery aplenty!🥳

Maxwell Howland: Hey BDubs, did you per chance watch Love, Death + Robots? Your recent intro and transition aesthetic really remind me of the show and I love it!

Ethanial Again: His kid is going places lol

SimplyCookie: Instead of selling horses you should sell the ability to breed with them, so people can try out horses then pay to breed their horse with it, or pay for two horses so they can try to get their own good horse

therubykid 2.0: When bdubs uses a crafting table to dye leather instead of a cauldron 😂

Raynebowmo: I'm sorry I thought exactly the same thing about the stone generator

James Fullmer: Ok, I don't normally care for sponsored ads, but that made me laugh.

bánh xèo đặc biệt: really loving the new season hope youre having fun as well

BlockMan: I hate my life. I know you didn’t see it, but I spent some time just compacting the stone gen and always getting annoyed every time I realized I missed some other way to make the gen smaller. Now I see it was all pointless. The true compaction was just switching your pick :(

Javier Serpa: I'm loving the new intro and thumbnail, it took me some time but now I'm really diggin'it.

ShanyRayquaza: the horse station thingy that xisuma did with slabs might be better than the fence gates

Damian A: the AI won't jump over open trap door. they are better than fences for animal pens since you dont need to carpet the top

HP Magic: Bdubs, what’s that ending music you always play called?

Starbird14: Work smarter not harder.

Alexandre Géhin: I think it would be great to have the exterior of the stables to be as xisuma made his drop offs ! One half slab on the bottom and on the top of 2 blocks and horses don't go through while you can ride them without suffocating !

TheOneBored: Bdubs....the sleep king...the llama breeder, somehow missed the opportunity to call them pajama llamas

HP Magic: Lol how ironic, he has a retaining wall in his sponsored section as I’m putting off working on my own.

Scaring The Crow: Ngl if Bdubs made an arts and craft or just a channel where he builds things around his house, I'd totally watch that.

Charlotte Roy: Truly, from the mouths of babes does the wisdom come

ufospiral: I wish I lived somewhere so green

T.A.G: I been trying to grow llamas from seeds for years total scam

Ana-Cristina Sinclair: That commercial was 🤌🏽 perfect 🤣🤣

Russell Griffing: That’s the best sponsor video I’ve ever seen

Not Ryan: i am loving the hair bdubs!!

David Zellers: You should call the horse course a “chourse”

Cytus X: Another week to wait for next episode

Dave Andrews: Don’t most horses look 10 feet tall since you’re so short? Asking for a friend.

Amir Hossein Maghsoodi: You could try to add a third functionality to the generator so it also makes basalt

Marble Tree: If the horse at the fair looked 10 feet tall to him, its because the horse was actually 6 feet tall. Bdubs is 3 feet tall, for anyone that didnt know.

Julian Emery: I'm still a teeny bit confused why you joined both clubs. X3 Wouldn't joining the YWC make joining the NWC pointless? I mean, the NWC is basically a challenge (with milestone rewards) to see how long you can go without flying, and considering you're planning on going horseback this season it kinda lines up nicely. Plus, you get medals. :3

seismocraft: Here is an idea for mount bdubs: It used to be a secret alien base camp with ufos and what not it was destroyed by a big chemical explosion . Recently a farmer living nearby discovered a big entrance to it .

Nathan King: Bdubs Im getting Lululemon adverts because of your horse ❤️

ictogon: Bdubs you should wear a broken elytra ;-)

Citation Needed: “Installed” is an underrated horse joke! I don’t know if you meant to make it, but it made me smile

T: ngl I was hoping this thumbnail would be purple lol

T: I love when u post so much

Ollie Wildman: Loved the sponsor add

Georgina Toland: Horse Head Farms should sponsor the Horse Races.

The SpicyDiamond: Lmao! Imagine realizing u could've just used a different pickaxe after building a useless farm!

The Rising Moon: Why not make a custom leather Arma for the horse so that way it matches your hoody and you can even give the horse a Hoody

Justin: If I was looking to sponsor someone, it would be BDubs. He puts so much effort even into his sponsor ads; what a great entertainer.

Jayden Hall: Levefolex

Tyler Brown: 6 year old double genius. Not smart alec. Genius alec. Like her papa.

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