THE WITCHER Season 2 Trailer (2021)
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Redh's Pixel Art and Poetry: Yennifer awakes*
Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border,
marcelly karine: Voltei que só, coloquei eme câmera lenta, mas na verdade eu só precisava ver até o final pra yennefer aparecer 🤡🤡🤡
shanouboubou: Just in this trailer, I can see more of Freya's acting skill than in all of season 1. She seems like a pretty freaking amazing actress.
Vida McCurdy: Dads of the year..the Mandolorian and the Witcher..clap clap clap
Imperial Histati: Aye, I was here first
Jeffrey Centeno-Jerviss: The goosebumps I just got my lawd
Tasnima 123: Ciri looks so different in this trailer, her hair looked better and more real last season.
SAMMY SAILO: Not bad but i think it would be great if they are much more like the game
Areeba Asad: Jaskier better be in season 2
Tedhi: December….. 😭😭😭
Mwape Kapambwe: DECEMBER?????????????????????????
Willy Souza: DECEMBER? WTF NETFLIX? And if you are reading this in December thinking: "This dude have issues"... well... Read the date douchbag in the future!
Kronaeon: Excuse me.. Where the FUCK is Jaskier? I will not watch this show.. Where is Jaisker, is he safe? Is he alright?
harsh rajnish: I wish the makers of the show could exactly make like witcher 3 wild hunt .. damn that was one hell of a game.. ❤️😍
Lee- Ray: kinda wish they would change the yennifer actress. im not completely sure why, but she just doesn't sit right with me, especially only just completing the witcher 3 game.
Hey India: इस witcher पर करो रहमत ओ रहमत ऐ घाटी
miriam apple: THROBBING
Blair Unabridged: I got fucking chills!
Daud Ahmad: Ops
Junior Assis: The Witcher temporada 2 Season 2 yessss
monkey dluffy: The same words I heard before 🤔 : when I tell you to run u run when I tell you to hide u hide Dumbledore to Harry Potter 😅
cyric2010: I like everything but the race-swapping.
Valen Antonov: "The world is changing.. " Every trailer ever
Maryu Daiku: I've said at the time: with Henry Cavill The Witcher isn't The Witcher my friends. Thanks.
Justice In Gaming_JIG: Damn 17th December ahhh so far away.
V0x: Took so long we forgot the story line
Rayhaan Omar: Still kinda wish Mark Hamill was playing Vesemir
gabriel.: Wind‘s howling
Mr. Goodtimes: Yes yes yes
ryan lane: I haven't been this excited for a TV show since like season 6 of game of thrones
Princess 13: Warning : the jab is the mark of the beast ; satan claim war against humanity .... Be aware be prepare for what's coming
MariaVosa: 1:53 - Finally! You were starting to worry me Netflix.
Евгений Чера: Gerald: Are you ready for this? Ciri:..... Me: YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS I'M READY!!!!!!
Chetan Shah: So they arrive in winterfell?
Chris Woo: Hmm.
Андрей Сильков: Мне одному кажется, что Цири играет другая актриса?
abdul qadir: Finally here we go again..
Christian Petersen: Vesemir🇩🇰
Jarooosa: So glad no "hmms" were spoilt for season two.
Krispo Moon: why they didn't show vasemir face??got damn it...
Şekip Sultani: Come on where’s jaskier??
Adrian Vaduva: The trailer looks amazing, though seeing Jaskier for only 1 frame is not nearly enough!
Mabeth Tan: It's going to be a merry christmas for me after all.
sebastiano bruno: Will be there the HIT "Toss a coin to your witcher" yet? 😍😍😍
Simon Awarun: Yennefer❤️
Abatoni chantal: GOT: the Winter is Coming WITCHER FANS: December is coming
ComedieTarte: to be honest i had really high hops and i'm kinda disappointed with this trailer
Bhimu R: Power and purpose
Die Dampfbrasse: deppressing how wrong they get the Ciri character, turning her into an insecure, sad, joyless little whiner for this adaptation is just wrong.
Man With A Plan: It's the quickest shot in the trailer but 1:37 and there is our boy jaskier
Samaghik Samurai: *Just tell me when the dad jokes starts.*
Ariani Suharto: Yennefer
What Game: cmon netflix whip it out big boy
Not your Dinner: Dying for this to hurry up and come out! Loved the last season!
Aleksa Ristić: Demo d production, shit theme for kids
NICHLINE: I know its stupid but man I ship them lol
Rogue Theory: Damn seems like we have had to wait forever for season 2 of the Witcher and season 4 of Yellowstone
Aabra Dabra: Why trailer is so early??? How am I supposed to wait till december now, Netflix?!
Mariana Ludueña: Jaskier! I'm so happy! I'm looking forward to seeing him more frequently in this season, he is my favourite character ^^. I even saw Dara at 1:36, or at least he looks like Dara.
Gokhan sarıhan: i wish i was emilia clarke
AnimeWheel: So everyone loves Geralt huh
glo kokou: Where is jennefer
Thunderspear 22: If there's no Leshen, I riot. Who's with me?
Luis: Dang it, I'm the 666,664th viewer
Eric: This show was shit. All over the place and couldn’t figure out wtf was going on.
MrGlobbits: So will season 2 actually be about Witchers instead of following Yenn everywhere?
Jyotisingh Jyotisingh: It seems like I’m waiting for the season two since ages
ian rough: DECEMBER !!!!!!! bugger
KPA Prima: I hope that they are don't screw it up like season 1. That book is one of the greats and it deserves more quality and love.
JKepkin: Бред сука
kylar stern: i hope this season we are going to get more of the characteristic music. not the ones that not blend in the background and we almost instantly forget about it. all i remember from season one was "toss a coin". This series lacks of good music
Sameer Khan: Very very disappointed😞 I didn't expect that... Season 1 was awesome... But this trailer became me sad... Expectations crushed😫
Harshil Shah: Never thought that Henry cavill suits better as Witcher than as a superman.
Николай Ханзо: Stop fucking up your lips Ciri
Николай Ханзо: Ламберт лаберт
M S: Bad music
Fritzy Aguilar: Henryyyy😍😍😍😍
Joshua Carfi: Hoping they focus on the monsters too, like a ton of them please..not just the Father daughter story.
Salana Btch: Tissai screaming yennefer is so heartfelt wtf
Harsha: Finally!!! December or not I'm glad it's happening!!!
Shahbaj Husain: just one word "awsome"
Ryan West: I couldn't finish Season One. I found it a _bit_ slow, but way worse than that was how helplessly confused I got over the timeline in ep three (or maybe later): They were jumping into flashbacks without telling us... while I was still learning who everyone was... and that queen in the flashback looked exactly like the queen who apparently died in episode one. So I'm trying to figure out if _that_ scene was in the future, or if we were _wrong_ about her death, and _everyone knows and is having a party about it....?_ I honestly couldn't continue the show after that. But this trailer is so excellent that I'm reconsidering everything I thought I knew.
Victoria A: I am so ready for this ! This is gonna be EPIC ! :3
Nigerian Debbie: This IS ITTT GUYS GO CRAZY TIME🤲
Lee Mcknight: I can't wait to watch the next season soon I can't wait
eddie Towers: The concept of the first season was good but the acting was bad. Seems pretty much more of the same, here, too.
English with Movies: They have captured yennefer. Are they crazy to get themselves killed by her?
Bell Cramell: when?
pepet itik: cant wait for this movie 🤤🤤
The Scene: Finally wait is end Henry cavil angerness is like bombs 💣💣💣💣💣
too muhh: Maybe geralt will have more than 10 lines in this one
S F: Wish Henry Caville wasn't known ephebophile, makes it sadly kinda creepy.
Jon Bolton: Looks like Winterfell is getting zhushed up
PAIN: Is It follows the same story as game?
diksha malhotra: Jaskier better be there
Syamsudin: Did they change the actress for playing the princess?
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