STRANGE EVENT TRIGGERS STAMPEDE | The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (Season 2) | History

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HISTORY: Watch all new episodes of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, Tuesdays at 9/8c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at

mike v: Minerals in the ground are creating a large natural battery. That explains all the electrical phenomena they are seeing. Uranium is also mined in Utah and may be a factor. Logical explanations if they just look for them.

Mark Tessier: There's nothing there. Its just a way of making money. Im guessing in 10 years time, the show will be off the air with absolutely no evidence found except for a large amount of smart media.

david lawrence: Cattle stampede ?.....a 100' run ? How scary ...... then they came right back ............Funny !

Cosmic Road: I do weekly reviews of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch on my own fledgling channel.

Dad Caylor: The moneybag should get out of the suit and relax.

Katherina Mariela Cosmelli Yagüe: When can we see these chapters in Chile? I am a faithful follower of the channel

Suzanne Davis: Watch the sky in infrared for ufo's . Some of them you can't see normally but they're showing up in infared, day or night. This guy on you tube films them but I can't remember his name. Secure team has a few of them though.

Johan van der Merwe: can you please get a camera stabilizer? or just turn down the amount of shake you put into this episode, because I cannot watch it any more as I am getting motion sick from it. I guess I will just have to listen to the episode.

alt coin: Dragon may be the most annoying person on TV.

arthur smith: i want to know why the government hasn't stepped in yet if it were anywhere else the fbi military would be all over it that means they know what it is full stop

Donald Corderoy: Good to see the sound is so much better

Darrell Default: Hustry

Majapahit Study Club: Is the best master

M Wing: Is it possible that this site is centered on one the giant magnetic field arms that stretch out from the earth ? The effects could seem on and off because of magnetic flux. IF that is the case , it makes me also wonder if a field of that size may be slightly bending space/time ? :O)

Joe: Can you have dragon do security work and not act like he's a scientist?? He gets on my nerves when he gives his scientific ideas to scientist that have actual degrees and do scientific stuff for a living. And what kind of security carries a gun without a bullet proof vest??!!! If there's a way to kill him off the show...PLEASE DO IT!!!!

Rocky 007: I love watching this show. I hope they will find the truth soon

Daniel Gamache: Holding a compass over a metal fence and wondering why it deflects.

NEIL Urwin: Another Really Good Video All The Best Too Team.

Unknown Stranger: You can only see them with infrared cameras just sayin

Unknown Stranger: Who is the guy in the suit 😂 Haha

StellaMatutina: Ok I say the next step Is to set up a very high voltage system Using the XYZ scanner (space borne antenna measurements) And a x-ray telescope pointed at the spot where you see the lights in the sky fade in and out.. If there is a portal that has been opened, The X-ray spectrum telescope with a filter spectrometer pointed at the portal, should see straight into the opening and bypass the earths atmosphere witch is opaque to the X-ray telescope while inside the earths atmosphere, so there should be no barrier for the X-ray telescope when the portal is opened... Therefore no need to have the telescope attached to a rocket.. You can have the telescope stationed on the ground.. But don't blame me If the M. I. B. pay you all a visit..

Richard S: Why did no one walk over the field and take a closer look to see if anything had caused the cattle to move? A snake or other predator could have spooked them .

Steve Day: Seriously "History" channel, when are you going to stop showing this rubbish?

Remiel Acosta - FilipinoSurvivalist: With an open mind and the information available, i always considered the possibility of higher intelligences that are here on this world for a purpose... We can only wait for revelations from Some groups or organizations that we are now aware of who have taken the initiative to gain knowledge about these phenomenom... There is a purpose why information may not be shared yet, and there may be a right time for all of us to know whats going on and if the master plan of this existence would allow..... For the seekers like me we keep watch and increase our knowledge, awareness and be at the forefront of this truth quest

Scott Behl: MORE TUNNELS ????

brentonjoseph: It was Bigfoot.

Samantha Lynne: Dragon don't mess around, just mess around and find out....he's serious, the way he takes his job. This was an AMAZING episode, as they all are. I honestly believe that there are multiple dimensions and things that are also unseen and even unknown to modern day man......I am also reminded of a "green screen", like they use on T.V to put behind things and be "invisible" and then I think of ALL of the "green" around us (grass, trees, etc) and also the "go away green" and the “no-see-um green” colors that Disney uses in it's parks, that could be hiding all kinds of things from our eyes too, in plain sight. If that can happen with a few shades of green, imagine the possibilities of EVERYTHING ELSE....JUST SAYING

SHIV SHANKAR DIHINGIA: The most untrustable show ever watched. I used DirectTV login from AT&T and watched at 6:30 AM IST (Tuesday 9/8C) every single episode with lots of advertisements..... waste my time

Gregory Jeofrin: history channel is a joke right now.

Egbert Groothuis: Thought this was a gordon ramsay video

Linda Chandler: Tesla

Jonn Solis: Put go pros on all the cows

C D: It's life Jim but not as we know it.

Martha Cable: The satanic government knows what's going on.

Elizabeth Riddle: My summary of this season 2. BuLLCRAP SUPREME..

Steve Willis: Nothing like used tv salesmen.

Justin Santos: this show is better than oak island. fight me.

Chris Lindsay: All this talk of a portal but I didn't see Travis or anyone suggest an experiment involving time dilation. Why not synchronize two clocks on the ground. Then send one of them up on those rockets and compare the times after it comes back down? Every physicist should know Einstein's theory of relativity

Robin Graham: Why do we pay for Discovery plus where we can watch the first season of this but yet we can NOT watch the second season on something we pay for.......WHY????????

Frank Echevarria: Travis mentioned a great point as to the areas of sightings. Then you wonder why are they showing up above these crater sites? They must be looking for something. That something must be the impacted asteroid itself that possibly they are using and maybe needing as a fuel source. Just an a hypothesis but they need to be coming to these areas for a purpose. They may be seeking something in the minerals that impacted.

Geoffrey William Bradley: How come the the grass never seems to be eaten down makes you wonder

Gee Speller: Natives spirits

Russell Baril Jr: Get rid of the suit! He's a sore thumb that sticks out!

Barry V: You guys need to open a resort. Dizzy land

Arch Angel: You guys are so brave even being there, let alone digging up danger!

Daniel Jusino: My question is, do any ranch hands watching this see this type of activity that could explain this or do they act like that sometimes? I feel like sometimes they bank off the fact that their target viewers most likely aren’t ranch hands or that have ranch experience so is this normalish behavior? They make it seem like the animals aren’t capable of doing this behavior otherwise

Linda Begovich: I think Travis Eric and the others would get more done if History Channel would just let them do what they want to do without stopping and having to do special scenes that the director wants. So much more would probably be accomplished.

Heather Crinean: VIP OFF RANCH DATA our constellation last night in Wa state was SW instead of NW. I have had compass anomalies up here too. I do not doubt 💯that the ranch already had these. I just want you all to have ALL the data. The porch can be explained by protection from the Lord too. Angels

JASON HUMPHRY: Cows are pretty intelligent when I lived in Garden Prairie IL there was a bad lighting storm once and a cow got stuck it was left out for the insurance adjuster to make a assessment all the other cows morned its death and would walk up to it to pay there respects it was the craziest thing I ever saw

Wendy Bies: This ain't no Yellowstone movie

66jediknight: It is Demonic activity

Deb Hunter: Portal just camp out and look for it!!

Equinox79: So strange days

Kane McGee Music: It’s all way below your feet fellas

ENAIRAMA1: You need to do a remote viewing on the ranch and strange events. Even though there is a book about it, do a new one, so it will aid in the investigation. That is the best bet, I think.

Ignacio Madrid: That's what happen when you do too much drugs mr. PhD

Bro Row: They are preparing the way for the invasion of the demons pretending to be aliens.

Belle Ange: I love this series. May sound weird but I don't watch much TV. I watch this series which the season ended last night and I love watching Ancient Aliens. Thats it.


HJ Grobbelaar: Need a season 3 please history

Maria Kelly: Everytime I hear Travis talk I get this almost overwhelming urge to yell "Yehaw!"

Ed Mu: maybe go see???

Michael Montgomery: but kudos to you guys what your doing it is important !!

Andrew Acton: I would do a topographical survey of the area. From 20 years ago and compare it to every year leading up to the present day. Volcanic activity or Underground Caves could be a thing.

Opie **: I use to like this show but its so boring and they show same thing. We haven't seen anything concrete for so much fuss on the ranch

MeChannel: Dear History channel, we need Season 3, Season 4 and Season 100. And please make every season at least 25 episodes, not 10! Humanity needs to know the answers to the mysteries of the Skinwalker Ranch!

Holding because I cant seem to remove this.: Look, its easy to figure out. Cover the entire ranch with 4K cameras and stream it live over the Internet. Imagine what could be found by a million 24 hour viewers. Next, fire the guy that thinks the ranch is eating his brain, he is useless if he just leaves every-time the work starts. Fire the dude that want to be called ‘dragon’, he is a certified idiot with a gun. Then, get university’s to send researchers to do proper evaluations. Get rid of the $25.00 RTL dongles you call spectrum analyzers. Stop using cheap TV antennas and get some quality antennas capable of receiving all those microwave frequencies you say are present. There is a huge microwave amateur radio presence all around you, find out if their work coincides with yours. There is so much wrong with the way this is being done it makes serious people laugh.

J G: So dramatic 🤔it was a mouse 🐁 people, cow's don't like mice.

Dadson worldwide: At 6:66 do you see 👀 that thing in upper right corner ? Just in that frame

VerdeMorte: It's a well water tester that was either dumped illegally or lost buried without being properly disposed of, it gives off high doses of radiation and animals can sense harmful wavelengths imperceptible to humanity without equipment. *Well, that's the logical approach explanation, but I can't think of one for the organ removal.*

Oscar Mayer: What, cows running like deer? iPhone malfunctioning apps? Not true readings! Tape measures not reaching the ground? Crazy things are happening on searching for Bigfoot. I mean skin walker ranch.

Rick Jones: It's such a strong phenomenon it found its way to the History Channel. No reenactments here. :-)

PicoNano: I love this show.

CosmicOcean: Want to know what’s going on there? Ask Robert Bigelow. No more secrets!

Tammy Huennerkopf: Many communities have been built on older cities. I wonder if something is below you.

Mara Milas: Aliens only attack spook and dissect cows in north America, phew I'm glad l don't live there.😂🤣

mick mccrory: If there's a UFO buried there, & you have a backhoe on site, why are you shooting model rockets into the air.? Dig deep enough .... you might find wood.

RC Tapia: There is a UFO portal on that ranch its obvious by all the phenomenon happening there. So what are they going to do when they capture the undeniable truth?

Lindy Brown: I was a tour guide at the Oregon Vortex for 7 years. The area is only an acre so the effects aren't as wide spread as skin walker ranch but variations of the magnetic field occurred just like this. Compasses spin or point in opposite directions. Even gravity changes inside the area. I think that the electromagnetic grid has a stronger flux now because the poles are due to shift. So these anomalies are becoming more predominant in the areas where the electromagnetic grid is already stronger.

hose A: are u afraid of getting the paranormal people involved?

Lane Mimnaugh: The fact is: beings from other galaxies are taking organs for themselves or to create other creatures that can give birth .Birth to what, God only knows. ✌🏼

Jeff Miller: Hey or maybe it was a snake

Ty Spiller: Same old same old...

Trudy Clay: I wonder if the magnetic anomalies could if nomalies could be associated with polar shelf with polar shift where you have faults magnetic North faults magnetic North occurring around the globe during around the globe during the shift

bernard bertrand: were here for aliens and bigfoot NOT uncalibrated iphone compasses. whack

Yell O Simmon: Alien walkers,,,among us..

USMC Mustang: This is what it looks like, when morons gather together to try to figure out what happens when Coyotes spook the cows .... and then discover that their gadgets malfunction, because of the giant uranium deposit under the ground....

Victa Beer: You got Aliens

Rebeccah Johnson: I don’t know Bobby Bones is amazing and I like the reasoning behind his show. ♥️😇

Paul Furtado: Burger King

M M: What's it like standing nxt to a cloaked Starship? No i don't mean Grace Slick in a muu muu Actually the radioactive emissions from any craft travelling thru " space" would fry that field.... But what if there's a permanently cloaked base in proximity of all the Iridium they are mining ⚒

olé kike: is it something (metal?) in the soil, that causes these magnetic changes?

Ciaran McCormack: Better be a season 3 of this.

d7: Lol this is dumb

SRT 123: What a coinkidink, just so happened to have a film crew sitting there to catch this random even.

Adam Hunt: Could the reason that they can move that way is because they can manipulate the magnetic field in a specific spot and then amplify it ???? Is that how they get around so simply and without our understanding of physics ? Like putting two opposing magnets together or trying to but then amplified?

Melinda Unknown: Young people would be drinking and gettin freaky in a group……middle aged folk try to figure out paranormal things in a group…….old folks in a group talk about pills, the conditions of their kidneys, and who died last week..

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