Pawn Stars: ILLEGAL Secret Service Docs are RISKY BUSINESS (Season 5) | History

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Pawn Stars: Watch all new episodes of Pawn Stars, returning Saturday, August 14 at 9/8c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at

Davxuh: Rick: No one knows who Howard McGrath is. Also Rick: People would love this stuff!

The Dude: That bill is worth more now that it is illegal IMHO>

Scott Fisher: Huge hype. Not true for the execution part

CatsMeowPaw: So a counterfeit bill is illegal to own, but what about counterfeit US coins? Surely the same would apply? Plenty of silver collecting Youtubers have Morgan dollars from China, and pretty much any coin shop has a collection of such coins too. They're obviously not selling or portraying them as the real thing, but to even have one in your possession is illegal? That's a bit crazy.

Josh Nobles: So fake its not even funny this show is a joke

Pocket Square: My boys and I met Chumlee last week at the pawn shop and he was the coolest guy ever. I was even a little rude to him at one point but he was a patient man. Thanks Chum, you're the best!

adamtr1121: They already have this uploaded

Bahamut_Aries: Can't counterfeit just be an art piece?

Naimul Sattar: Everything is harder to sell, always same line and con people

Yuyu: I bet Detective Carter LAPD and Detective Lee would want that Secret Service Credential

Kyle Kodnia: This episode was so dramatized there is no way that's illegal to own. Saying that's counterfeit is like saying a souvenir penny is counterfeit. So much hype.

Crackhead Ford: Rick is the kind of guy that likes 12 years for "fun"...

KLOL WTF: McGrath was a communist.

Pietro S: 5$ is my best offer

POCKET SAND: Rick: "I got some buddies who can determine if it's illegal to own..." *Secret Service agents appear and drags the seller away to never be seen again

Garl Gamp 237 doom: The us intelligence community has a lot more to do with television productions than most people realize.The pawn shop is likely no stranger to US alphabet agencies haha

RamenRamRod: Would it be fine to just donate the counterfeit bill to some museum?

bbowley2: It's not illegal to possess counterfeit currency. It's illegal to spend counterfeit money.

charliebad: What is 'cronyism'? TYIA...

Fake Name: In another episode they go on about how counterfeit money is legal as long it isn't being used as real money. That's what movie and tv shows use

Katya Kozlova: Is that what SS stands for? Secret Service = SS??

Mike Jones: It's not illegal to own counterfeit money it's only illegal if you try to spend it, that bill is only one sided anyways so it's not even a good copy you can go online and buy fake money that is one-sided that looks 100% identical to real money of course you can buy it where both sides of the bill are printed out but then the front would say prop money

Stoner4LIFE: I wonder how much a used Donald trump underwear is worth ??

Travis Johnson: Stores sell counterfeit money

Lan Tarryk Kozar: Rick: "This is a felony to even own." Corey: "The last thing I need is the feds coming in here." Rick: "What?" Corey: "What?"

Huntington Beach: Hey, snitch on yourself LOL

Lucid Dreamer: "Let me call my buddy who is an expert on counterfeits." Joe Biden, the counterfeit president wanders in and says "Is this the oval office?"

Boat Axe: The next day the guy calls the secret service, “I have a counterfeit bill”. “ You are under arrest “.

Oz: I love how Americans laugh and accept cronyism

Fr. Nathan Brooks+: Mark. An expert on an ornithopter, john wesley hardin's business card, wwii bomber jackets and now...drumroll... Secret service IDs and an alleged counterfeit bill. One may not be an expert witness on everything.


No One's Innocent: Can I just destroy it? "No." Well wtf!!? 😅

Scott Seman: The guy takes a note signed by the head of the Secret Service to the Secret Service to be disposed of😂

No One's Innocent: That was the funniest thing I've ever heard Corey say 😐

Truth Is Out There: Dear gentle readers……just a message to let you all know there were no tornadoes today. Baby Teddy is ok…….repeat…..Baby Teddy is ok!!!!

A F: Corey = d bag


Danish Moonrock: Over 5 minutes of PStars without Cory saying something is "creepy".....eeewwwwwww.

George: Legal nonsense. According to online law firm sites, merely having fake money isn't a crime. It becomes an offense if you know the bill is counterfeit, and you plan on using it to defraud someone else. In addition it isn't a complete bill, so no one would be fooled into thinking it was real, or take it in some monetary transaction.

Max's Raving Music Production's 123469: It is legal, long as you don't get caught 😉

Philip Chiu: The guy returns the bill to the feds and is never seen again 😎

Potus 2020: A collecter would grab that 10,wtf..

Ferg K: Mcgrath's fish house Rick.

5 5ense 5imulation: They also bought the counterfit

Russell Keske: My uncle was in the Secret Service and protected Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama. He would absolutely love this episode! (He now has a job in the Maryland state government as an attorney general and worked in the NYPD prior to and after 9/11.

Craig Orillie: Rick looking at the Museum Director like, STFU, i'm going to hustle this man..

Northern Alberta Hunters: Secret service agent watching this right now 😂😂😂

Brown Green: Yeah right, let it be known that you have a counterfeit bill. Ask George Floyd how that turned out for him.

Born Dying: Turn it in to the secret service. Shut up man just keep it. Its now a nuke

Gabe Ramirez: Everything is going to be hard to sell.... LOL 😂. How do these guys stay in business with everything being that hard to sell??!!!

Ill B BACK: If your man said i need 600 bucks he would of squeezed another 100 out of him

Shake Me: I don’t think this would be considered counterfeit. Only one side appears complete. Other side looks like a notepad

ZackTheMuffinMan: :)

Saxon Ray: Give me that $10 I'm not scared!!

Moises Cerda: “The last thing I need is the feds coming through the door of this place” Corey worried about his and chums meth stash

U.S. Militia: Civilians can’t own counterfeit bills but it’s okay for government employees to pass them around as keepsakes and God knows what else. 🙄

Muskan Khan: All staged and fake. This show is entirely fake always

BRENTAMANIA89: Why couldn't you just shred the counterfeit bill I mean sending it to the secret service or whatever are they really going to care that you shredded it

MTSPORTSCARDS: Seems like it would only be 1/2 illegal

Darion Buck: That secret service joke from Cory was painful writing.

Misfit 636: Rerun!!!!!😭

James Ritch: Rick isn't the best salesman he just gets stupid customers who are either looking to be on TV or looking to make a quick buck

Timothy Butler: Did he turn it in, Or, Does he still have it?

Crazyadam _la: The most i can do is 15 years and i'm taking a big risk...

Joseph K: The Secret Service docs were not illegal, the counterfeit bill was. Pawn Stars #1 at clickbait titles

AJFromTarget: This guy looks like Dr strange

BIGGIS: I would burn that bill.

Gary530: Plot twist: Sir you're under arrest

unknown far far away usa: ion kno why they call themselves " secret " as well, everybody know's whom they are, it's just a ploy for arrestment!!!

Tommy Gunz: When Mark comes in, you know you won't even get a offer. Rick will just low-ball you if it's legit.

Michael Harris: Im pretty sure this guy committed a crime simply offering that bill for sale much less buying it yadda yada. He'll need that 500 bucks to towards bail.

Eric Gonzalez: The secret service is secret because the services they provide are secretive

Trump 2020: It is completely legal to own counterfeit money as long as you don't try to pass it off as really money.

Mayur: Best I can do is take your money 💰

Miles Brown: 2:45 I like how Corey but his hand through his Shirt before touching the Fake Dollar😂😂😂

Yashveer Singh: Collectors love stuff like this 📞✨

Lloyd Senior: ‘Hello is the secret service there please?’ ‘Speaking’ ‘ I’ve got a fake 20 here’

Dave Wenners: I would have checked more into that half finished bill. I just did a quick check in my state. If it’s not a completed fake it can actually be kept. Obviously you can’t spend it. I don’t know if it’s a state or federal one though.

Syd Clark: Rick always cuts any buyers asking amount, in half. Rick would only offer $5 for a $10.

Keith Weller: I said "not gonna happen" exactly when he did 😂

I play games: Nice

Josh Pull: The dull divorced visually plant because distance informally support beyond a enormous yak. zany, accidental cucumber

JasonVoorhees10100: Id keep the bill and just frame it on the blank side ... the cia isnt gunna show up and arrest you over half a fake 10$ bill 😆

TH3 M0NK: How is it counterfeit if it's only printed on one side? With signatures and all?

Singsing Thingsung: First comment from India

BeastMode3.0: poop chain

Francois DuPont: Here the expert does not know what qualifies as counterfeit. It should be self evident that the probability of at least one viewer solving each case is much greater than one expert solving them all. This goes to show the perils of the strange culture of appeal to authority mixed with personality cults being shoved down our throats. The only cost efficient way to find the truth is situations like this is a prediction market. Replace the experts by asking auditors to bet on outcome. Keep the market calibrated by thoroughly investigating a small random sample of cases. That’ll make the show more interactive while bringing a much needed desire for truth back into our culture.

Mikey Alexander: 4:56 " ..... *not gonna happen* . "

Johnny Suede: Secret Service: *exists* Customer: need to turn in counterfeit bill.

WHATS REAL: Nobody has a secret today, Google rats everybody OUT 😂😂

Alex Douglas: Let me make a phone call just wait here, feds bust in ten minutes later

TrunkJunky: Wow. It's surreal to know that people can still be executed for counterfeiting U.S. currency in this day and age.

Pyre Dynasty: So everyone who signed that bill committed a crime. Get the time machine.

Otto Skorzeny: Like the federal government is going to waste their time and resources going after a fake $10 bill that's missing the other half...

acorn sucks: The price is right.

inside wrestling: Rick:These kind of things can get me into hot water. Rick's wife: oh baby hot tub tonight! 💕😘

tightywhity: It's not counterfeit if printed on only one side. I can't believe the expert or anyone in that pawn shop did not know this.

GreatMaximus: Honestly I think that collectable is worth more than just selling 500 that guy got scammed 🤣🤣🤣

trip: you can have counterfeit money if its only printed on one side, I'm surprised rick doesn't know that

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