The Mega Mountain :: Hermitcraft #5 Season 8

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Ezekiel Daniels: Omg I see the cover and I think stranger things

DEFIB: Bdubs, the horse felt faster because the speed effect increases your FOV. However, the arrow hit you, not your horse, so you actually aren’t any faster when riding. Lower the dispenser by one block to hit the horse and that will work perfectly.

Baldwin xu: The pass n gas no offence sounds like passing gas 😂

Andrew Ibrahim: "Aha so u need a clock....... A FEW??!?!" got me laughing

Apollo: Bdubs: Look at the season 6 area and mountain *shows season 7 base*

Alekay Argote: I need the final cut of the Big Eye Pass N' Gass add

Logan B: Big B-eye

DANGERED Species: Damn Bubbles

Ronald Felix: "That's inbreeding that's bad", omg I was laughing so hard

xyrsh: Mojang: We'll delay the release of caves and cliffs update Bdubs: no biggie, I'll just build my own mountain - as per usual.

astrowebs: My god.. when that creeper showed up, I got a flashback to the pillager raid at the Japanese wool shop...

Malika Rai: bdubs is now clockrupt 🤣🤣

FiddleRiddle DiddleDiddle: "We'll do something to that that I can't show you."

Henry Olson: BDUBS! use gray carpet on the ultra rare llamas and it gives them glasses!

Brad Wooo: I'm loving the hermits using the new cam functions!

Lucas Harvey: 10 llamas, 15 slots each, equals 150 extra slots. Each filled with shulker boxes, you get 150 x 27, which is 4050 extra slots in total. That could be pretty useful!

CelenaOpal: Bdubs make sure you get upfront down/insurance payments on your llamas becauze of how much accident prone some hermits are *coughSCARcough* :P

zinkerfall: Why does the mini mountain look like the front of the blackrock cards in hearthstone?

Daniel: 13:12 idk what it was but that presentation was hilarious

ZeroFox75: "So what did you do today at work honey?" "I stared at a computer breeding llamas and filmed a commercial for gas..."

King Ghidorah: I think you should use dark grey wool for the 15 stoters, 'cuz dark grey wool have glasses

Ephemeral Panacea: Fly Me To The Moon 3:45 Mac Miller 2021 Leaks 0

Something about Butterflies: The video editting have been really top notch this season, like something out of a good tv series. keep it up bdubs!

William Jr: I am the Lord I speak to the trees you better flee because The Lorax is armed

Kalode: Bdubs u need to rename rent-a-pack to Rent-al-paca even though they’re actually llamas not alpacas

Mackenzie Lewis: Bdubs every season: "where is my custom mountain gonna go this time" lol

wyatt sellers: Get an armor stand to stand bhind the counter

RunningGriffin: I DIED for 20 minutes watching that Pass N' Gas AD LOL

xerodiu: Where was the intro music!!!!

twocheeky: i absolutely adore bdubs and keralis’ terms of endearment for eachother 🥺 “thank you so much sweetie” from Bdubs when Keralis said he put beds in each gas station for Bdubs

Cole Smith: BDubs: Beats things to death with whatever is in his hand for food or to defend himself "I'll do something to this one that you can't see off-camera." Mumbo: "I'm not going to kill a single mob this season!" * Detonates End crystals in a group of pigs one too many times for it to really still just be a test * The duality of pacifism.

EzDUBS: B-dubs doesn’t remember what season it it😂

W̵̧̋A̸̚ͅR̶͎̍D̴̛͍: Congrats on the llamas Bdubs! :D

Sir Tain Lee: Call the15's ULTRA's. Rent out the 12's.

luke Sturgiss: I'm getting major Beyonc? Vibes from the reinvigorated horses this season :)

ELTEHo: You should craft like a gazillion clocks for the next time pearl and keralis arrives


Daniel Heaven: I'm really loving the new video format with the transitions and music, they always add a little ✨extra✨

liam x: a measly clock.

hatman &MONSTER: Llamas!

Understanding YourExperiences: Do purple for the 15 slot ones

Pure_Bread_Lizard: You should make the 15 slot llamas Chinese red

Lord Unknown: Number of clocks in his hands corresponds to the episode number. That's a neat way to know which episode a clip is from.

Abod Abod: Really another mountain buddy ?

Sir Tain Lee: Imagine his wealth having legs, able to walk off a cliff, and go splat. If Boo is there, we can watch him scramble to chop trees, to make 150 chests, as his life savings evaporate before his tear-filled eyes. Of course, there's also fire...

Онджерляй Зубастый: The mountain looks like a stick bug

Clark V: Shulker boxes: imma bout to end this man's whole career

Nikki Braun: I had to Google what a 360 no scope was .... bahahahahahaha

spo0pti: mojang: * release the caves and cliffs update fully * grian and bdubs: fine, i’ll do it myself

Monkey D Demon: Arrow hit playeeeer

shivam mishra: Holi shhh...... 😬😳🤣🤣🤣

Carl Jerome Aquilos: 7:25 who is that hiding behind the wall

Bakari wolf: Start watching the hermits episode: Wow this is so amazing I would love to do something like this! How they get along, how they play just so cool. Near the end of the episode: Ok... yeah I suck at minecraft there's no way I could do this. Yikes he's going to do what?!

*_*: b dubs could u add captions

*_*: y there no caption :((

FarmandSMC: 0:28 bdubs”…” Me: laughs in adult

Nick Henrici: Make your Skin into an creeper and hide somewhere by an online player

Misha: Bdub's Mega Base: Magic Mountain

Voltron101: Nobody Bdubs off camera: we can't talk about it

Evil_eyegaming d: I wonder if this slot can't be done with the donkeys to ?

Alee Raza: bdubs when you build the mountain you should make a cave under the mountain like a cool cave with the lush caves

Qaassim Mahmood: I am loving the intros

Baldwin xu: When he said “I’m guessing will take zero hours of my trusty Time Machine bed” The shovel immediately went from green durability to red lol

Soul: DO "BIG EYES BUY!!!"

DonkeyCub: They defently need to add that the llamas follow only the same color llama. Would make them alot more usefull

Perlainnit: I was watching you while exploring u found a lama and it was 15 slots 😭

Christian Lee: Am I the only one that really wants an edited version of the ad?? lmao Would be so good

Naren: Bdubs, u should clarify that was ur season 7 mountain in ur next episode for new viewers

benispoy2: The big eyes should make a server wide scavenger hunt that forces the other hermits to use your roads and the pass n gas!!!

MistaDawg1101: I half expected the commercial to open with "how big do you want it???"

DoritoTime: Seeing the same scenes again from different Hermits' POVs is a lot more interesting than I expected

Dorian Roberts: Lmao I wonder if bdubs will remember that donkeys and mules exist and have 15 slots no matter what

Syrkyth: Nonono! A pack of llamas isn't just 150 stack of materials . . . it's 150 *shulker boxes* full of material! 4050 buckets of lava! 4050 full 64 stacks = 259,200 blocks There's going to be so much stuff in one caravan that it should have its own gravity well. Wow.

SKKennell: Omg, have you seen hermitcraft Animatics???!!! There's an epic one with you in to the song of "sing to me" and its amazing!!!! Other hermits make a cameo but you should totally check them all out!!!!

RegalPlays: it’d be cool to rebuild the shipwreck to be more intricate and detailed

Constantinople πόλη: that creeper in minute 7 is scaring me as well..

Zeek: Tangos exit from the llama farm had me dying...

Rik _ Bruinshoofd: Imagne putting 150 shulkerboxes in the lama's. Thats 4050 slots of items

Zeek: Over 4000 slots with a full pack of maxed llamas full of shulkers!!!

Wolf Rot: something like calling them "E Fishing Sea IV" and "Pro Action" would be nice on the signs

Robert Kirkpatrick: The first take on the Pass 'N Gas commercial was a little off the wall, but was totally the best one

38 AYUSH NEGI: Dear Mr Bdubs, I think you forget that you build that giant mountain in season 7 not in season 6😁

Joe Kreigh: Just came to say I’m loving the thumbnails for this season.

Jena H: i've heard auto dirt farms are possible now somehow with the rooted dirt. that'd be a good thing to look into since it looks like you're going to need a lot of dirt :)

Brian Arnold: Redstone sight blockers by tango to reset the llamas pack pathing could be a good idea

ComaDustFire: Bdubs: its a three slot Me: wait you're not gonna kill it? You should kill it. Bdubs: well do something with that that I cant show you. Me: me so we are going to kill it. Good.

Blaxe Frost: BDubs, Master of the Mountain Ranges, please teach us your technique for making the greatest mountains in all of minecraft!

Daniela Chavez: If bdubs makes a clock shop he will be the richest man in hermitcraft

ABHAY THIND: Use black or grey carpet for 15 slots lama and see magic

The Brawl Brothers: Nobody what season is this? Bdubs: season 8 Also bdubs: last season was season 6

Ian Pearson: Bdub's learns llama genetics.

Joseph Rojas: The gang trying to film a commercial is my last 3 braincells during a test

Zed Plug: If bdubs got all 186 shulcker boxes needed to fill his and all 10 , 15 slot llamas inventory he could carry roughly 321,408 blocks or a quarter million blocks and then some

Vrail 013: 15 slot Llama, Bdubs version of masuda method breeding haha

Dawoud Abdul Aziz: Bdubs with sunglasses now looks even more shady 😂

Tetsujin: 18:00 - A time machine bed? I guess we'll be seeing time laps on Hermitcraft again after all!

Jomnys: that commercial was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. all of them are so naturally funny

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