A Finished Mountain! :: Hermitcraft #6 Season 8

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Deign Bryan Hilario: I really love your mountain Bdubs! Wish I could have the same building technique as yours.

Kyle Marr: I think Bdubs and mumbo have the same image in their mind for their builds🤣

Magic Machines: The cobblestone and stone generator is genuinely cool. I actually like watching to design process of the contraption.

Fier Aragon: If I remember you can’t insta mine cobble right? So why don’t you just make a stone only generator and swap between a silk touch and non silk touch pick so you can always insta mine

JenJen: That’s a really pink thumbnail! Lol

Daniel 4EVAR: "Redstone with BDubs" and some some snacks . (Chef's kiss)

Charlie Fusong Chen: Hermitcraft season 8 is full of surprises. First Mumbo actually makes a successful shop, then Bdubs “revolutionized” Minecraft

BiddyBoii: Good business decision: give customers from the no wings club that have higher medals discounts so they use the roads more and spend more because they use the roads more and you will also draw more people to use no wings for the discounts $$$ just thinking capitalism 😁

Leander Heine: Can't you just build a stone generator and mine it with or without silk touch?

Wim Vergult: is he subtly adding an offhand clock for each hermitcraft episode? lol

XPRykan: You thank us for watching but nobody is watching more than you. Except maybe Tangos iron farm zombies. You've got a big lead on them though so it's okay!

Solei: You open with you built a mountain. LEGEND!!!!!

Connor Joss: This is insane!! Looks absolutely awesome

James Iliffe: Taking into account the HOOJ quantity of blocks it would take; I wonder if it would be quicker to build a mountain like that solid from the base up?🤔

Sean LooLoo: I was thinking: WOW this is so smart nobody done it before! But then I remembered you could just use a normal pickaxe instead of the silk touch one to mine at a stone generator to get cobblestone too.

Gamer Gaming: That mountain u create w/mix of deepslate is amazing

TheGappology: Should call it Big Eye Magic Mountain and put mini games inside! Like a theme park

JP III: Epic mountain build and revolutionized redstone in 1 video. You are a legend!

Lucas Marciniak: I think we all need more "Redstone with Bdubs" in our lives.

Hector Torrents: You could fill the inside of the mountain lava casting

Fluffy: How ironic that the No Wings Club HQ is "floatem" in the air while the Yes Wings Club HQ is on the ground.

Jacqui Hoyle: Bdubs appreciating his mountain and complimenting her is very cute :)

Alex Turnbull: Couldn’t you just make a stone generator and then use a non silk touch pick when you want cobble stone

Richard Egan: Khazad-dun!

yung zuckerberg: bdubs went sicko mode lol

Louis Jones: Wouldn't it have been easier to just make a smooth stone generator and just swap out out to non silk touch pick to get cobble?

Martin W: Uhm … so to get cobblestone … why wouldn’t you just use a non silk touch pickaxe on the stone to instamine it and get cobblestone from it? 🤔 I love the redstone with bdubs sections! And man your video editing skills are out of this world! Love em! Ty bdubs!

$h€z@ñ: Remember :Don't tell Etho

Liam Wright: Wow Bdubs, insane skills, not only quick but a beautiful mountain from distance

Janice de los Reyes: Rewatching the opening again rn with high quality because its so dang cool 😻

Zakaria kachani: Bdubs is incredible

Farah Schneider: Bdubbs playing the smart game with the clubs, I love it!

Elijah Hall: This season of Hermitcraft is by far the best. I love how most of the hermits aren't getting hung up on in game achievements and milestones, they're really telling a story. It's not about moving onto endgame playstyle. It's about telling a story while you get there. If every season of hermitcraft to come is influenced by this style, it's definitely the beginning of Hermitcraft becoming so much bigger than anyone could have imagined.

PrimordialVision: Big Eyes the Science Guys

Soraiya Wood: Bro how the mountain went up faster then you can mine netherack haste 2

M W: 2:02 oh god please don't tell Etho

Scarlett: you should create tower/floating gas stations for wings club patrons

Sally Smith: you should raise the price for the xp repair despenserand then have a club discount. Advertise to the NYC saying it’s only for them and advertise to the NYC saying the discount is only for them too. The on the dispenser say 2 diamonds or 1 diamond club price.

Paravetje: You revolushed minecraft!

LeviathanOmega: A Big Eye-ron farm. Yes.

Erin Carelse: Hey bdubs

Jasper Kohn: Netherite❌ Huge mountain ✅

Xandros999: Maybe we'll see the Club Bdub.... The exclusive club for people who are members of a club.

Binod Kumar: The three of you can make a mini golf in that mountain and give a special services to the pass-n-gass customers. 😀😀It will be epiccc.

Anders Åstrand: Haha. Why take the simple route and use a non-silk touch pick for harvesting if you want cobble when you can make it complicated? 😂 The mountain looks truly amazing btw.

shivam mishra: Did anybody else realise bdubs made rainbow from 6 thumbnails of his videos😎👌❤️

Farah Schneider: I love redstone with Bdubbs

Gormula: ops i must hava fallen asleep last night in my bed watching you on my phone

Pelpe: Nothing better than a Bdoubs Redstone Tutorial. 😅

Scroty McBoogerballs: You just went and built this whole mountain in one episode. That's it, I an offically lost for words

Daniel Wiltshire: Buds are you ever gonna do your bdouble0live stuff :) I miss being in your life is that weird hahaha

MR NOBODY: bdubs with red stone is funny

Grote SmurfBV: Grians cave base could easily fit inside you’re mountain xD, imagine how epic it would be to have grians cave base inside of there!

Codynara Gaming: "I raised it up cause I felt like crops shouldn't be levelled with the waterline." *details baby*

Kenny Miller: Any time anyones on near this mountain, no ones mob farms are gonna work except docs xD

David Spangler: That’s an awesome cave build!

Luka Dragneel: You can make some caves in the mountain and have your shops thier...

Pelpe: Yeah.. he build a mountain.. nothing special.. in episode 6 already.. tzz.. WTF?! 😱😱😂

Titan Turner: the industrial district for the big eyes should be inside the mountain

phee: HOW???

jeyam subbiah: 27:31 oh yeah it will have a purpose. And you will be their first guest

Ryan Young: Does Bdouble0100 play with auto jump?

AASHRITH BABU NETHI SOSH: Are you kidding me Bdubs ?.....You literally built aa whole mountain overnitght...Salute to your dedication !

Miigor: These timeskips are getting wilder and wilder.

Thomas Jollans: “revolouched Minecraft” - what are you doing bdubs, calling your genius machines “louche” behind their backs

Ruben Hinze: Bdubs calling himself a narcissist is the opposite of a narcissist calling himself humble

Vedanth Naidu: When Bdubs realises that all he needed was a stone generator.....and he just needed to change the type of pickaxe he used for mining to get different blocks (cobble and stone), he won't be happy. Sorry for making you unhappy bdubs.

ltloxA: The real test is figuring out which misstakes were on purpose.

a.random.person: That redstone with bdubs sequence had me laughing constantly. Very relatable lol.

Bagas Irfan Nur Rizki: oh my lord. i just got it. B double O = BOO my mind's blown...

Ilan Schreiber: Actually you only need stone, just mine it without a silk touch pick and you get cobble to

Coyote81: BDUDS! You need a Balloon that flys above the pumps, advertising the Elytra repair spot and prices. Yea, people on the path can see, but how is someone flying suppose to see the signs.

666wurm: The mountain should hold one of Tango's crazy game districts. That could be fun.

Beefy: uh why not just make a stone generator and then use a pick without silk touch for cobble?

ltloxA: I refuse to believe that ti...oh, wait. He just "did some building of camera" Now it makes sense.

Ana Grce: Yes, he revelised minecraft

Valdir Bruxel Jr.: 9:08 midkey mouse ?

Henry Michmerhuizen: Instead of requiring pearl to not breed the lamas add a clause saying that all offspring of Rent a lama's Lama are legally owned by rent a lama. So if she breeds them then you just get more lama's

Advait Mohan: bdubs be like : beacon beacon beacon its insta mine you guys . beacon beacon beacon

Christopher A: Hey Bdubs, did you know your efficiency will increase if you use a haste beacon?

Asger D. Rasmussen: i suppose we shouldn't tell bdubs he could just have made a stone generator and then not use silk touch...

Eläke: I'm smelling a new civil war brewing between No Wings Club and Yes Wings Club...

Zed Quincey: you finished the mountain in 1 week?! that blow my mind. you're insane. respect!

Juan Amado: you raise farm up? you should have lowered ocean!

museumbathroom: "ive been around the block" you guys are getting a little too used to puns :)

Ansh: Ending: I think we'll put a little doc here Me: Wait what?! You're going to put a little DocM77 here? *Rewinds and watches closely* Me: Ohhhh! *Bursts out laughing* Great video Bdubs! Lots of love from India.

Berkle: Whenever I do anything technical I just remember the movie Meet the Robinsons. Keep moving foward

Ruben Hinze: Grian: Eh, I'll get to the back of the mansion at some point Bdubs: HA HA HA... puny mortal

Shaylee Elise: um... Pardon?

Ruben Hinze: The ULTIMATE "So I did a little building off camera"

Jan Derick Malelang: This is beyond amazing. The texture inside the mountain is actually quite glorious at its own right now. I like the way it subconsciously became an actually nice natural cave underneath. Just light up the place and chonk it up here and there with a few layers of the same block palette (just so it won't be an empty husk). Maybe even dig below to and add a bit of depth and character. Man what a build and all the vision for this all sounds amazing. Truly magnificent <3

subodh Basnet: bdouble beats mumbo in redstone

BudgetBuilt: Bdubs you should be proud of your machine! I will probably end up making one in my world!!

Tomas Piliponis: I am just 4 minutes into the video and I can already say that you are totally crazy person. In the best possible meaning of "crazy"... but still - crazy. That mountain looks amazing. Very natural and epic at the same time. Kudos!

SunDry Marchy: Love how in the outro Bdubs just vibes with the music lol

Rota: They said Rome wasn’t built in a day. I don’t think Bdubs was listening.

Cooper Larkan: i love how he just shows the mountian for like 5 minutes then spends 20 minutes making a stone gen😭

Leos Ecke: I can't get over the fact how cool this mountain looks with the dark parts of the deeplsate

ExxPlore: Um how about just a stone generator and don't use Silk Touch to get cobble? Then again, that's way too simple

SunDry Marchy: 27:00 My goodness, Pearl wasn't joking when she promised something special

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