Cobra Kai Season 4 Is FINISHED?!

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Hbomb king: maybe october

Hbomb king: idk

Probir Lahiri: Season 4 teaser date announcement in first week of August, the trailer by Mid September and the final season by October end. This is my thought.

Nate Myhill: 16th of December

Gavgav Dominguez: I hope it comes out tomorrow hahahah u wish

Cathryn Downs: I hope it come out soon

cobra kai shorts: September

MrSirMeowMix: Either October or early November

Ephraim Lehani EL9: September 👑💪🏽😎no *DOUBT*

Jmoneyotb: Hopefully a date announcement teaser wil be released in the next few weeks and hope we get a October release🙏🏾

Josy Ramires Ramos: I don’t know when it’s gonna come out but I legit think cobra Kai is going to win

Dylan Reyes: What’s the sound you use for your intro?

Pedro C: Release Thanksgiving with previews in September and October. Netflix will release this Thanksgiving and then they have other big names being released at Christmas. It will keep people interested in Netflix especially over the holidays.

Åīdęñ Rãmøś: The guy on the top is Falafel Phill from Kick’n It

Diego's Vlogs: Bruh why tf is it 10 episodes again make it 15 or 20

kenan king 836: 2O22

ilu Dhuka: I can’t wait hopefully it comes in either October or November

Weak souce: Mid September

Ligma BaIIs Bltch: im thinking next teaser within 2 weeks itll be her and im thinking it will be out in either late august or anywhere in september

Kasey Bourgeois: That’s fil from kickin it

Riley Thomas: i cant whate till season 4 of cobra kia come's out

Xavier Betts: Probably September

Not Jinx: cobra kai most likly be released august 1 2021

TJ skits🤣🤪🤬😬😳🤑😎: I think it will be realesd around thanksgiving

God: I say mid setember

Cobra Kai Never Dies: Cobra Kai is the best show ever made the directors are geniuses#Cobra Kai Never Dies

hoffaaa: I’m saying some time mid september

Cash Gerhardt: I'm a huge cobra kai fan I say around September on labor day weekend

Lisa Knadler: The end of this year Before the end of the year

alextheredninjagamer plazola: Is in November

Kurapika Siwa: October, there might be a Halloween special to represent the beginning of cobra kai when it was first season, when miguel first started learning.

Radioman2094: It's gonna be released supposedly in October or November from what i heard

L8S: I thought that it was finished already

Inflamethegame: October

Ron Nelson: Should be released NLT mid September

Bradley Ingram: Hope by mid/end August or maybe early/mid September

Liam Bertin: Cobra Kia season 4 can be out mid august

my world: Is this in the Nederland

Z ZomaticZ Z: Come on I'm tired of seeing the same season over give us season 4 now

Karma Mf: December or anytime between October-December

Mequa:0: Go follow out Logan Paul

Mequa:0: August 17 or August 18

Squonk: December 19th

Mark Fay: October

😎Rodrigo🤗: Tou louco esperando a temporada 4 sair

ZODIAC SQUAD: Init, and why does he put on a a robot voice

Kellie Wright: We Love Cobra Kai in my family, we say middle September to early October. Very good show, we're so ready to see more acton, thrills and possible romantic, so ready for season 45 if possible....

TreyTg n friends : yuh

vxie: cobra kai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ismail Kerrouf: Let’s get him to, 20K Subs.



The Limster: YEEES

Connor Sherman: Good content

Ashton Erby: I think it could be here in about a few weeks or 2 months

SaBi HrA: When's the you going to come in? for Slovakia or czechia?

John Bostock: Sounds good

Neenon: wow

Brandon George: Ok nice

Luis D Rivera Torres: First cool

Laina Rasier: Can I have a give away

Laina Rasier: Hi

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