Loki Episode 6 Breakdown: What to Expect From Loki Season 2 | Marvel Canon Fodder

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Reinier Speek: That black widow spoiler is so scummy. How can you take your content so seriously and at the same time disregard the spoiler of the first Marvel movie in 2 years

Hoi Fung So: A great love story

victor chavez: Black widow spoilers AFTER showing the spoiler 😂

Jon Athanas: F you for spoiling Black widow. Some of us haven't seen it and only came here for loki breakdown

A BC: Is the Val storyline really different though? How does she know about stuff where no one was around?

iHeartTube: Lowered expectations

Pradeep singh: How on hell avengers will defeat Kong the Conquer

jon king: Great explanation 👌

Tucker Bowen: judging by his outfit and his base outside the timeline, it looks like this is technically Immortus, a Variant of Kang in the comics also, since these shows have been setting up the Young Avengers, we're probably going to see Iron Lad, another Kang Variant

TheDaybid: curse you, spoiled black widow out of nowhere

Mark Bellew: Spoiler for black widow halfway through…nice one!

Kevin Hone: That will be funny if the mask we're revealed!!!

ninjafukwan7: Thumbs down for the Black Widow spoiler!!

QuillnLgnd: Sylvie should use her mind control power to see He who remains/Kang past memories.

Chris Lawton: You spent 70% of your video not even mentioning what your video title says your video is about.

HiMyNameisKumi: This video is a 7/10

Gerald Griffin: Selfish Sylvie just released multiverse death and destructive because she wanted her own personal revenge, because of the hardships that she had to endure, she created war across all versions of reality. She is the most self absorbed Loki of them all.

Cap'n Peanut B. Crunch: PSA: This video includes a credits spoiler for Black Widow.

Aron Papernick: Thanks for spoiling Black Widow partway this video without a warning. Big 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

David Palmer: Thanks for the heads up about the Black Widow spoiler…..

Maximilian B: the first Marvel show that didn't disappoint with the reveal of the final villain

Jessica Winchester: Don't appreciate the spoiler warning for black widow after you say the spoiler. Come on, it hasn't barely been out a week now

Bino's Cycling Vlog: Wait...Loki was pushed before Kang was killed. There's no variant timeline yet. He could've been transported before he was arrested but it should be the timekeeper statue there.

piccoloxi: Why did you spoil black widow and then say spoiler alert, that's like a fire alarm alarming you when you're on fire. 👎👎👎👎👎

Alexander Krider: Thanks for the Black Widow spoiler warning. Appreciate it so much.

Jill Z: Sylvie didn't betray Loki - she was protecting him - unconditional love breeds hope for a better future for them both

sendercorp: Sendercorp, we bring peace, to the multiverse.

Gd2knw: Could u imagine a couple of years ago that a series kicked off phase 4? 🤩

CEE JEEZY: Hopefully, the MCU will introduce the teleporting, Nexus being THE MAN-THING.

Osadebe Divine: Don't get it twisted too me female loki is the villan

Md Shariful Islam: Imagine if inside the house was Kevin Feige, accompanied by CG versions of Stan Lee and Walt Disney.

MKB 144p: My guess is nothing.

Kurt Langberg: You know what it’s going to take to beat Kang the Conqueror and all his variants? The Council of Reeds! They have to bring in the Fantastic Four now!

Totenham: season 2 in 2023 wow everyone will forget that too long

Gadoux: Thx for the spoiler alert of black widow after the spoil.....

Kushel: Go from 7:20 to directly 7:30 avoid black widow spoilers, thank me later 😀

Niall Marsay: Dude your supposed to put spoiler warnings before you drop the spoiler. (and give us chance to pause/skip) Not drop the spoiler and joke about it after. I'm referring to the black widow spoiler at 7.30 which isn't big but is still rude and ign should be better than this considering your not just a YouTubeer

Alan Noriega: He just spoiled black widow

7DaysToRemember: Yup just spoil black widow man. That's cool.

reuben philip thomas: For sure we are now in the multiversal saga for the upcoming phases

BlackMask42080: Kang the conqueror is coming

Jesse Malone: Puts spoiler warning for black widow after the spoiler on a Loki video

Gods son Since 84: Hold up🤔 I thought the tva existed outside of the timeline. So how could there be a variant tva?

themattyice615: Typically spoiler alerts only work if you tell us before you give the soiler

Shantilal Parmar: For those who made assumption on Evil Loki being main villian you all fail big time lol

XRay Blaster: He Who Remains mentions that a variant of himself found Alioth, but soon after he started saying that he himself weaponized Alioth. So was he the variant who found out about the other universes?

Charlden Vanwyk: Ign just spoiled black widow for me man. Its only in cinema's and due to lockdown cant watch it .You cant say the spoiler and then afterwards say oh yes spoiler alert. What the F ign.

Samuel c137: Crazy this video wasn’t titled “should Disney+ be worried about the Valve Stream Deck?”

Kevin Hobbs: Stop saying the “MCU” we’re in the MCM now!

Yamcha Crater: Loki knows how to enchant now to some degree which will help him convert people at new TVA.

Sherry_ar: What to expect from loki season 2 IGN - 7

Mister SoMeister Backup: (Spoiler alert) the war between other realms

Karan Choudhary: What if in Thor love and thunder, lady Jane/ lady Thor is a variant and not the Jane that we all saw in the movies!!!???🤯🤯 And....in season 2 of Loki, we might see lady Thor and lady Loki reunited.

Hamza Abdullahi: Thanks for ruining Black Widow for me, and saying spoilers after you already spoiled it!

silent assassin: Now that he is dead we can have dc vs marvel 😂😂

climateproductions: That Black Widow spoiler with no warning in the week the movie premieres is uncalled for and NOT cool

Dean Schofield: More errors in power scaling and more attempts to 'subvert our expectations' via women yawn

makon89: Sylvie didn't betray Loki, they never agreed on the path to take to begin with, they were both clear on that. There's a difference between betrayal and disagreement.

LEE TAR YUN: Love his kang castle background, anyone know where to get it 😂


Alfi Glasse's Kun[456]: Loki Seasons 2?!?! The Kang stone maybe Head Blue Purple Helmet Seasons 2 is Kang Meet Dr Doom Episode 7 Ending Silver Surfer

Silvio Victor Campos: Pickle Rick!

Mourya Manohar: They control time, they control space, they control multiverse but how are they so human with human bodies and its limitations


Erevos: loki falling in love with sylvie is the ultimate narcissus moment. or if pull out the plot twist that she is in fact amora in the second season.

Junior Mynos: Renslayer is off on a mission for He who remains. Remember Ms. Minutes had uploaded files to Renslayer on the directive of He who Remains which suggests that he had a plan b in place just in case the Lokis chose to kill him. His chill attitude towards Sylvie killing him means he's confident to return upon the success of Renslayer's mission.

Eduardo Vitiello: The cheeky spoiler of the black widow wasn't necessary

Harikrishnan S: hey,whats that bgm at 58 sec in?

Reed Spachek: Thanks for the Black Widow spoiler warning after the spoiler... Really cool, very helpful

Graphik: What to expect? More disappointment probably

Caleb Mueller: WOW, that blatant Black Widow spoiler. Thanks, IGN. Would it have been that hard to put the warning first?

Aliyu Attah: If Kang the conqueror is all about conquering universes then why would he need the TVA?

Asadbek Turayev: We expect multi worlds

Connor J: What to expect from season 2? Hopefully the rest of season 1...

Kendri Nawaskoro: The meeting between Kang, Loki, Sylvie kinda symbolizes Adam & Eve meeting with the Devil in the Bible (as seen Kang eating an apple; the apple of Eden reference). Kang talks bla bla, trying to warn them and stuff, but eventually, Sylvie killed him (Eve took the "apple") and cause chaos (causing the "original sin" to happened) to the timeline

Said: Semangat TirtoID!

Ka Kiu Kung: LokiSylvie/SylvieLoki

Monaka San: We just dont know what to expect

Martin Arku: Yeah thanks for the 1 second spoiler warning for black widow🙄

Eddie Spears: Just causally spoils Black Widow AND THEN says spoiler alert....... Seriously....... tf

MCPhatman: The question is are there variant TOAST or did their memories get changed again or has the TVA been changed by Kang?

Ark -S: Loki would have learned the mind control power from Sylvie

Romney the 1st aka Barbados: They should had gave us 10 episodes

Jacob Allerton: Marvel's Loki season 2 would come next Wednesday probably.

Ark -S: He got killed so it will loop to the war again and again one of the variant will end the war and maintain the timeline Checkout my kang montage on my channel

Adarsh jain: Who want Andrew maguire and Tobey Garfield in spiderman no way home like below.

P: after seen season 1 season 2 won't be Loki PS: Loki stays low-key

Eithan: That spoiler for Black Widow wasn't nice.

Ste-evo: Didn't silvi send loki back to the TVA before she killed kang, so shouldn't he be in the same TVA???

crazybiscut: The living tribunal is probably in the cards now if not soon latter down the road.

simplyrecommended: What to expect Glorious purpose. For all time Always

Jeet Kumar: NOW loki and sylvie are burdened with the glorious purpose of knowing the horrors they have unleashed on the multiverse,.

william coburn: Bonk

Elibbb1111: It's all start cause hulk don't want to take the stairs

xCoA: Lol nice spoils for black widow in there. Really appreciate it :)


Rotan Ebannaw: What to expect from season 2: Better reviews

Jalen Portis: Only 1 TVA. If every branch has a TVA what would they be pruning? Why would they have the same pruned agents?

Ewan Callister: Loki did a far better job at dealing with defying fate & destiny, alternate timelines & realities than Kingdom Hearts does.

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