Loki Kang Deleted Scenes and Season 2 Featurette Breakdown - Marvel Phase 4 Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Loki Kang Deleted Scenes video, Season 2 Featurette and more Easter Eggs. Post all your theories in the comments! Here's my Loki Alternate Ending video too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRteR_6m-ug&t=0s

Andrew Wright: I want to see how differently this new Kang programs Ms. Minutes.

All_Hail_AnniHilus_LordoftheNegativeZone: I was also thinking he could be Immortal while inside the citadel. The rock seems to be very important to what he has been doing.


Godnus Makamu: Question: Why is "multiple timelines" equal to "multiple universes" aka multiverse? Time is not physical and a universe is. Or will I need a lecture from Prof Hulk or the ancient one?

Gwydion Frost: Here's my theory, and I'm sticking to it. Ravonna brings Kang "the script" when he loses in the present, at the beginning of time when he first is establishing the TVA. This is the big giant loop. This is why he can claim reincarnation. Because every time this event happens, it has the information from the event that is being undone as the new variables for Kang to work with.

John the IV: So he wuz "Kang". Way to play into the meme

The_Red _Key: Going on the record now. 4th statue was a Loki statue, maybe even Sylvie statue.

Lee Matson: Ok seriously.....Spiderman us already marvel!! Lol

acetgif: Tic

Frank Castle: I thought I heard that there is a what if episode for every Mcu movie Ain't that right any more

Jonathan Major: so weird he has the same name as me haha mines major not majors tho

Kevin Khoo Kian Hock: Since the sacred timeline was moving in an eternal loop around the citadel; thus the end of time would eventually restart at the beginning of time. My theory is that the future end of MCU Phase 4 will see Loki + Sylvie time-traveling back to exact same point where they met Immortus and this time: choosing to accept his offer to govern the TVA. Hence, the 3 of them became The Time-Keepers ... 👨‍👧‍👦 Also, my opinion is that the 4th fallen statue in the tower is that of Kang The Conqueror. Its gigantic version was then resurrected at the end of the finale - replacing the 3 Time-Keepers ... 🗿

Brian: You can really see the Willy Wonka influence in Jonathan Majors performance.

A Robinson: I need more Loki I need more Sylvie I need more Möbius I need more Kang (any variant) I need more Phase 4 I need it now

helea darai: The heady north peripherally need because india elderly disagree till a right cooking. smart, changeable stocking

Fernando Garajalde: The citadel interior shots also reminded of the Skeksis castle from “The Dark Crystal” as well as that traveling mountain in “Krull”. Marvel really did its homework.

ToastmasterTim -: Could it be that Kang is the yin to Loki’s yang?

boheme321: My theory is that a side effect of keeping the sacred timeline whole was that it was preventing the formation of the Fantastic Four.

Blake: What's the theme music at the end of the video? I know it's for a Marvel movie or show. Can anyone answer that? Thank you

Mayor Zeus: we need an incursion

Simon Bohan: Brilliant acting

Irene Weber: The Kang(s) they introduce here is so powerful. I mean, he controls all of time or could destroy the whole multiverse. Which villain could be more powerful? Galactus? Hope we see him soon. But he is still "just" a destroyer of planets not the whole multiverse. Annihilus? The Beyonder? The MCU (or MCM?) Kang seems so extremely powerful. I mean the multiverse war could destroy everything, the whole multiverse

mick heaton: Majors is an absolutely wonderful choice to play Kang.

Tevin Murry: I’m going to be honest, Johnathan Majors is literally one of best actors in the business. Dude is sooo talented.

조ᄒᄂ: Wanda girl you can breathe now... its not you it was Sylvie all along who broke the multiverse 🤣

Bryan Ellis: I wonder if they'll use Kang and hit variant Kodos to bring the Simpsons into the MCU? :P

A little bit of Flexter: 💜💜💜

Shan P.: You don’t have to have Rama-Tut J.Majors remember variants for Loki some looked same some where different

Gareth Andrew: Can't wait to see Jonathan Majors playing different versions of Kang, its going to be awesome.

Mickey Johno: He played this role so well really over the top but it worked brilliantly. Why do you think that one statue was destroyed in kangs place? Edit nevermind you sort of answered my question


Trickster cuptea: I like kangs.. he is so coolll

DarthCedrix: Seems like Marvel wanted to do its version of the Arrowverse multiverse, reverse flash, etc. and all that CW did but on another scale

Jonathan Chriqui: you speak BS

Tom Bachxoglou: It will be interesting to see him as different versions of the character

Scott -O: I hope they don’t disappoint us with Kang like they have done with a lot of the other villains in the MCU

Ozma Richardson: I love how stoked Jonathan Majors seems about his role!! I have a feeling he is going to chew lots of scenery and I'm here for it

Eddie T: It'll be great to watch the action go from TV to movies back to TV. They should've made the agents of shield and Peggy Carter canon. Glad they're getting the hang of it. #lovetheMCU

Smesh: How is nathanial richards a black man when hes an ancestor of reed richards?

YourFriendlyNeighborhoodDeadpool: There is always time for everything

Snehankit Pattnaik: Kang as a Pharaoh should show up in eternals in the past

Wesley Foy: I know this has been said before but I think it bears repeating that Jonathan Majors is friggin' awesome as Kang.

Marco Rivera: How to introduce a badass villain the marvel way: kill them

Natalie Paquette: I hope we get to see Kang with his helmet/mask

&y Diaz: Such an amazing actor! Wow! I was super impressed! Never heard of Jonathan Majors prior to Loki, but yes I am a fan 100%.

Haskell Hollier: So kang is more dangerous than the celestials in the MCU ????? He's even before them?

G K: Why did He who remains just give up? It just seems weird that he either wants Loki and Sylvie to replace him or kill him because he's tired? Did he just go mad, or wanted chaos? Especially after correcting everything. That's the part that doesn't quite make sense.

Mike Wein: HEy Charlie...I think you missed a reference or Eastern Egg to Immortus' play to the Lokis, that they can take over the evil institution, as essentially a prize for killing a different god. They did that in the ANGEL TV series, season 4. And the Powers that be, who are all evil deamons, alllowed the group to run the evil law firm Wolfram & Hart. thtoughout Season 5! It was a pretty good episode.

G K: Jonathan's acting was great, like Tom said I'm very interested to see his performance to Kang.

Leticia Vasquez: I thought about this when I first seen the Lokis walk into the castle. All the gold etched into all the cracks and crevices. Reminded me about something I read about how China or somewhere, that when something useful accidentally breaks like a bowl or a vase it would get repaired with gold. They used the gold to glue the pieces together instead of being wasteful and throwing it away. "It builds character", I remember reading in that article.

Zachary Foley: This clothes…. Didn’t notice that…

ivan karim: What if they change Moon Knight's backstory a little bit..like instead of receiving powers from an actual Egyptian God..he was experimented on by Rama Tut..and the Egyptian God whom everyone thought to have in connection with Moon Knight is nothing more than a Robot like those Time Keeper dummies..and considering the mental imbalance of Moon Knight, he actually might have taken them seriously.

Chetan Shetty: Since Loki went back to a reality where Kang the Conqueror is ruling the TVA, is it possible for us to see Loki in Antman Quantumania? 🤔

Dirtymane1: I’m probably over thinking this but I’m still unclear as to how the original TVA was changed to the version with the Kang Statue? And the fact no one knows who Loki is? If it supposedly sits/sat outside of time & space; then shouldn’t Silvie’s actions have had no affect on it and the people inside? 🤔

Blueberry Guardian: Im no scientist here, but Variants are a multiverse thing, not a timeline thing, so why was it purging the timeline? When past, present, and future you, is still you? However when its the multiverse, then there can be variants. So the tva was actually taking out other complete Multiverses? He who remains controls this timeline and guides people on this line to where he wants, but the variants he kills are from other universes. All the loki variants are from the multiverse. So there was two different things going on in this show, but yet were only talking about timelines, because even when timeline branches, it is still the same person not a variant. Who understands and can talk about it with me?

The Jazz King: Super excited to see him retutn in Antman 3.

Iconman 88: The castle defences still work and would stop who ever kang wanted not to enter but because loki and sylvie where mwnt to be there he paved the way for them so he had no use for the defences to be used

Shubham kumar Sharma: one new catch loki does not know tony stark is dead

Shoopus: "Why wouldn't I just do an exploding floor?" And the way Tom looks down That should have been in the final cut

Wishva krish: When he said another multiverse war Im like WTF can’t wait to see the multiverse war in phase 4

GangstaBiscuit: With this new change to the MCU both Iron Man and Black Widow can be revived

TheLifeOnHigh: I found Major’s portrayal underwhelming and just silly.

SOLOSOUNDS: What happened to original mobius ?? What does this new tva do if there is no sacred timeline to protect ??

Casayuran Remeses P.: Maybe that's why the eternals didn't interfere until now because they know that kang is a threat to them.

The One: Are you making a Titans season 3 video?

ryan shields: Shoutout Hearst Castle, that place is awesome

eag1967: You gonna do a video about how some people have connected the wandavision finale with Loki finale as far as how it synchs

Khris Williams: This episode you put on .... extraordinary !and better break down with wise simplicity. Looking for the next one. Majors insert 🔥🔥🔥

NYG1991: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier was still the best series in my opinion. Bucky’s redemption arc was great.

Don Kenneth Bardillon: Jonathan Majors - What a guy.

pablo pablo: New Kang thats supposed to take over - is it gonna be the same guy that was killed by Sylvie or is it some different version from a different timeline that is gonna win ? And why was there already a new statue of Kang in the TVA - no matter the timeline its not a year 3000 so he wasnt born yet- the timelines started in 2022

Shashank Sharma: Even though I loved Jonathan Majors as "He Who Remains". Tbh I just don't see him as a Villian and that too one as menacing as Kang. 😅🙌

Siyatshaheb: Still need to know why Loki kissing Sylvy was causing such a big branched time line

Alejandro 43: Jonathan majors is one of the best actors currently

Challah at Me Bakeries GA., Cottage Foods: Dang, Charlie. Your prediction/observation of the Immortus version being portrayed may actually be deeper than anyone realized. Immortus was sent to monitor all time between the time of the Egyptians up though and beyond modern day (IRL). And then all the subtle hints of Egyptian artifacts here and when Loki first got to the void. That is INCREDIBLE! I am very excited for the upcoming season. Just..with the levels of writing, who knows what can be next?!?

Brookelynn: I thought I was getting wizard of oz vibez

Sid Vaidya: How has he lived for millions of years he doesn't has any super power right?

Sam 94: WE WAS KANGZ!!!!

Jay Bee: Lots to work with. In season two, we should get some more movement on connections with the other phase.

micky mouse: woooww... he should be the villain for Farcry 7

TheXOPHAR: I don’t see Antman defeating Kang the conqueror tbh they are teasing him being the big bad guy from phase 4 and the main villain from Antman 3 is him? Unless it’s a civil war type of movie (a lot of characters in Antman 3) I don’t think it’s a great idea to put him as the main villain

Irrevenant_: "if you could see in the fourth dimension, you would see him moving up and down the timeline" DUDE PLEASE STOP MAKING SHIT UP AND STATING IT AS FACT

Kiel The Kollector: His (Majors) acting in this was so nuanced and incredible. I wonder if others saw it the way I did

JustKuyaJudy: Casting Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror is one of Marvel Studios' best decision every for its Multiverse Saga. 😃

Don Gee: The “nice nose” compliment was beautifully executed

Kevin Patriquin: Jonathan Majors is an amazing actor. It makes me very excited to see what he will do if they show multiple variants of Kang .

Morgan Richardson: UGH I want to see all of Majors' takes.

World Building Fanatic: When do you think Loki season 2 will happen? 2022? 23? 24?

Bob Gnarley: I hope we see other versions of coulson too

Panic Jupiter: Where is the original video?

Mshina Sherman: This is awesome ok does Kang have sex with both Loki's? Is this a spoiler? Anal doo dee everywhere!

Michael Araiza: Kane. Most horrible acting ever seen .

Dominic Mendoza: Wait hang on. Im shocked that no one pointing this out. He doesnt want to give up his throne at first. If so, why does he send miss minutes to offer to place Loki and Sylvie together on the timeline if they turn back? He did not want them to get to him. Think about it. When he says uh guys I fibbed a minute ago ehem I said i knew how it all plays out. He lied to them within seconds of meeting them. He who remains cannot be trusted anything that come out of his mouth. This entire speech was a lie. He didnt want someone to take over. But also I think once he was caught hes kinda like ok I surrender guys. But the offering Loki Sylvie to take over the TVA. That was what Loki said in the first episode. An illusion. A desparate attempt to keep power. Thats all it was but once her realizes that Sylvie isnt gonna take his offers hes kinda like well just.kill then and get it over with. This guy is a trickster on a level even above Loki. So nothing he says is what it seems.

Timothy1225: at the end of loki when we see the 63 branches, what does it mean when 2 separate branches cross(not the branch specifically 2 different branches crossing into each other? incursions anyone?

Red Panda: He Who Remains is basically a living Tesseract. It figures, that’s why Loki was so hell bent on finding him…

Carla Souza: The castle reminded me of mordor

Nerd watch 101: We didn’t think JM would show up in Loki either just saying bro!! LMFAO!! 😅😂🤣

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