Marvel What If Season 2 Teaser Trailer Breakdown and Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Marvel What If Season 2 video and Easter Eggs for all the new Episodes they revealed! Let me know which new characters you want to see! Here's my Eternals Movie Review too!

Julian Habito: They should do What If Spider-Man Saved Uncle Ben.

Musab Ahmed: what if MJ got bitten by the radioactive spider would be sick

cybergigafactory: Great video. I can’t wait for the second season.

Andrew Sutton: Meh, hated season 1so won't bother with S2

Yash Agrawall: What if there were no wanda and quick silver

Mike Shadez: Source material and accuracy marvel

joseph castro: Live action ultron would be great in the mcu

Marcus Cannady: What If Deadpool created the school for special children

Blacklight Media: You’re such a cheat dude lol keep up the botted comment section. There is no trailer and no Easter eggs to be found in a trailer that doesn’t exist.

Manlu Gaming: What if?... Kevin Feige recognised Agents of shield as cannon MCU

clem christian: NICE !!

Frank R. III: I am excited to see where they take this!

Anti-HyperLink: What if Disney discovered the secret to the real multiverse? 🤣 The mouse is always listening.

Anti-HyperLink: I have CC turned on for some reason and "What If they're a Skrull?," appeared as "What If they're a squirrel?" 🤣🤣

Anti-HyperLink: Hank and Jan were both founding members of the team. It was Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, the Wasp, and Hulk, who left a few issues later. Cap came in a few issues after Hulk left.

Anti-HyperLink: Can someone explain to me what the hell Chadwick Boseman did to be seen as some kind of Messiah by everyone and be unreplaceable? Is it literally just because he died? Or because he was the first live action Black Panther? I understand that he was an inspiration, but lots of people are inspirational. It just doesn't make sense to me to never do the character ever again because the actor died. Do you they really think that's what we would've wanted? What kind of respect is that? Is it also because of his voice? Because I'm sure there's a voice double out there. Does that mean that if they ever revive EMH, we won't get one of my favourite characters from that show and the reason I was looking forward to Black Panther? Or could they do that because it was obviously another actor back then?

Anti-HyperLink: I hope this series has gotten people to read more comic books. That's always good.

Anti-HyperLink: They should do "What If Deadpool killed the Fox universe, but it's actually canon and that's how we get Deadpool?" That whole title. I should've ended the title after the comma, but it's funnier this way.

George Harvey: What if the Fantastic Four movies were good.

Anthony: I really really want to see an episode where t’challa convinces killmonger to set differences aside/killmonger breaks down and t’challa forgives him and they are duod as two black panthers. I think it’d be a pretty cool concept and I wanna see a killmonger that I don’t hate for being a dick.

RO: Definitely would be fun if Deadpool started narrating with the watcher, mostly annoying him and constantly breaking the fourth wall.

Justin Lamar: What if hulk had his son like he was supposed to on sakar

Arthur Chandler: Deadpool would be a perfect fit for the Marvel Zombies episodes, it could branch into a Deadpool corps tie in for future animated or live action media.

Progress: i feel like the origin episodes were better than the whole team up

Apple Monkey: What happen to zombie thanos? 🤨

Sam N: They really need to recast black panther… as sad as loosing Chadwick was burying his character buries his legacy

paul veness: I think the main question is. We have HS as the animated Spider-Gwen, but with Emma Stone potentially able to reprise her role as Gwen Stacey in the MCU, would you have her do the voice in 'What if Gwen Stacey joined the Deadpool' as Gwenpool?

A James: Wolverine is a Vampire

Csikós Krisztina: I qoute: "and they now got 2 seasons of What If...? underway" (1:30) Is he referring to Season 1 and 2 oder he referring to Season 2 and for a possible Season 3?

Mike Davies: That silver surfer with the infinity gauntlet would be doooooooope

Andres Guzman: Cool

Niq Gooch: What if Howard the Duck became a herald of Galactus?

Disney V.: Straight up would be a good place for an adaptation of Deadpool kills the marvel universe

Bobafettdoesnotgiveaoof: Iron man was dieing in every episode and when he is going to get his own episode they don't do it 3:20

Andy Mulligan: I think they need to do alternate film ideas but have Deadpool appear in the background of them all, then afew episodes in he confronts the Watcher asking why he's a cartoon?! Then we finish the season with them trying to send Deadpool to the MCU as he's annoying everyone and messing up storylines

Loutzenheiser: Man, the season just finished and I'm already looking forward to season 2!

Kenneth Williams: The First season really could've used that Iron Man/Gamora episode.

Sean White: Deadpool, Thor, Spiderman, Kingo and Korg.

Odb: I hope season 2 is a lot better than the first because the first was incredibly mediocre, I’ll chalk it up to pandemic issues but it was underwhelming imo

Y C: strange is wanda!

Brian Hogg: It's almost like "Teaser Trailer" has no meaning anymore.

N A Cook: Hmm... has anyone considered that the "88 Averngers" could actually be a Hydra version? As in "88" tatoos used by white supremicists to stand for HH (Heil Hitler)... or, in this case, Hail Hydra... Just puttin' it out there...

Wally G: Would have been great to see spidey as the punisher

Ricardo Gonzalez: What if wolverine was an agent of shield

sox fourtyfive: I loved season 1 and I can't wait for season 2. Thanks for the breakdown video.

Jamie Mixxism Johnson: I would like what the if Shuri was Black Panther

Ryan Ellerbe: All the Deadpool’s

Brian: Even after watching all of What If season 1 a second time I'm not really that impressed with this show.

Mini_ FoxYT_3: What if Korg's first revolution was a success 🙌🏼

C Sanders: When is Ghost Rider getting a proper film????? Also, can we get a proper Punisher film or am I asking for too much?

DJ ODYSSEY: I heard Captain Carter may show up in Multiverse of Madness

CDickerson: What If...the Eternals helped out in Infinity War?

CDickerson: What If...the X-Men and Fantastic Four were part of Infinity War?


The Unkillable Cat: The watcher after season 1 be like: What the Fu-??

SLake Lake: They need to do a Howard the Duck episode! Maybe he will show up in Avengers '88.

Arturo Garcia: What if I send the power of wend 🌬️🪂 ⛈️😁👑

Zoren Knick: I would be interested to see an episode where Bucky fights captain carter

robertkaupa: Mannn... as long as they do at least EVERY single STORY possible then i will be satisfied 😌

Jotham Chin: I want what if…? Peter Quil killed Gamora

John Importuna: Thank you for video and breakdown

Beal Gates: What If The Hulk Smashed Black Widow lol

Beal Gates: Bruh so shaft is commissioner Gordon and the watcher mind blown lol

Brian Crays: What if?......They never made these horrible episodes and tarnished the marvel universe with piss poor writing and character developments!!! I LOVE MARVEL but these are just AWFUL!!!!

David B: Haley Atwell is going to look amazing suited up.

Ian Alexander: I want to see something with Hela. Why? Well because if you think about it, Odin is a really bad dad. He lies to Loki, not only locks up his daughter but makes everyone (except Frigga) forget her! Then he must have been an absent parent given how Thor was at the beginning of the MCU. So Maybe Malekith breaks her out and she saves Asgard? Or Doctor Strange dumps her somewhere given how with her power, you'd think he would have shown up right away. Plus, what if she wanted to lay low, regain her strength and then Blitz Asgard? Might she create her own Anti-Avengers from the incarcerated heroes. Hell, we know in canon the Wreckers got their power from Amora The Enchantress...Hela could do the same. That and I think an interesting one would be about what if the US weren't being racists ass-hats and allowed Issiah to be Captain America or at least a superhero in his own right back when there wasn't much in the way of heroes. I know in the Avengers Forever 12 part series we see Immortus prune a timeline with a Kennedy era Avengers ((Earth-9904). Could be interesting to see one with Dominic Fortune (Black Widow) Quasar (Thor) Gorilla Man (The Hulk) Human Robot (Iron Man) and Venus (???) - I really enjoyed when DC did their JLA: The New Frontier. Would be interesting to see something like that here.

Rhox Omega: Whole series was a tad disappointing for me. Glad a lot ended up liking it. Jeff was/is golden.

S W I F T: Did wolverine just murder cyclopes?

Horusromulus: Very sad we will never have a live action story with Black Panther and Ironman working together.

John Taggart: What If: Ed Norton wasn’t fired and Mark Ruffalo never became the Hulk

Speed Boy: They should do what if Spider-Man was the sorcerer Supreme

Eduardo Daniel Kucharsky Terrazas: What if The Hulk wasn`t nerfed soooo much for the MCU? What if the next phases of the MCU tried to not shit so much on Ironman's intellect (Tony Stark)?.

David von Doom: What if.... Thor aimed for the head?

Spaammz: Apparently the iron man and gamora one is what if iron man didnt come out of the portal during the battle of new york

Lexlow 7: Marvel 1612

Daniel F Williams: What If… Shang Chi took over the Ten Rings (organization and artifact) What if…Black Widow stayed with Red Room What if … the Eternals helped against Thanos What if… Bucky became Captain America What if… took over for He Who Remains

YouTube Recommendations: i wanna see WHAT IF THE OTHER HALF OF THE UNIVERSE GOT Vanished

Digenis GR: I am so down for an episode "what if... in Avegners: Endgame portal scene Marvel could use all it's heroes"

Nerd Villa: I just hope season 2 has a few more upbeat episodes 🤞🏻

Bertha Garcia: I want Tony centric, what if he didn’t become iron man.

Winter Winter: What If… after Banner first turned into The Hulk, he never changed back.

theloniousMac: Yawn. I could go for, what if Captain America came back? What if Black Widow didn’t die? What if Tony Stark lived? What if The Hulk kicked Thanos’s ass like he should have? What if Thor went for the head? What if people didn’t use words like mantle, titular, and trope? What if, whoa, wait, who was that Asian girl with red hair sitting next to Wolverine?

arvind champ: The voice actor looks more like The Watcher than The Watcher himself

Bob Greenwade: Still going with these, hoping at least one becomes part of Season 3: What if Wanda had accepted Agatha's tutelage? What if Quicksilver had survived his injuries? What if the other half had been snapped? (That last one is one I'd happily write for the show, given any sort of decent chance.) New ones: What if the spider had bitten Ned Leeds? What if Obadiah Stane had won? What if John Walker hadn't taken the Super-Soldier Serum? What if Hope Van Dyne had become Ant-Woman? I also think we'll see Prince Loki during the second or third season of the Loki series... though the Season 1 character I'm most eager to see in live action is Zombie Hunter Scott Lang.

MICHAEL CHEVILLOT: What if Harry Osborn became Spider-Man?? I think that was a comic issue and what if Cap did not go into the ice and lived out his years

lupus canis: What if Marvel never goes broke and the MCU starts with all the characters.

musiq note: Umm there better be Xmen in the next season

Mickey Johno: They got the right person to voice the watcher it turned out brilliant and seeing the watcher fighting was awesome.

Eric D. Frazier: There better be more than 3 seasons.... How about 20 seasons!!!!

Leslie Taylor: Dead pool , dare devil , woveren.

XENO MATTER3000: Some ideas: What if killmongers dad wasn’t bad What if Black widow died(in the universe the other black widow was put into) What if iron man didn’t reveal who he was What if Loki won What if captain marvel stayed on earth What if the other half got snapped

Dr.Bonkers: What if the villains how to save the world

Andrew Rafael: What if hank pym when into the quantum realm instead of Janet van dyne?

Andrew Rafael: One more idea for an episode: what if Howard & Maria stark survived their attack from winter soldier?

Andrew Rafael: We miss seeing your face in your videos, hope you show up again

Andrew Rafael: I think there should be an episode where: What If… iron man died during the battle of New York?

nylegal718: Excited for the next season...they killed it with the first episode.

Brian Rogalski: I was underwhelmed with WhatIf to be honest.

John Charles: 0:32 HOLD ON! I missed the in the show... Some Hawkeye artist doesn't understand how bows work. That's not how you shoot one.

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