Invincible Season 2 Teaser 2022 Breakdown and Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Invincible Season 2 video Breakdown and Easter Eggs from Robert Kirkman. I'll do more Invincible Season 2 videos this year. Post all your predictions in the comments! Here's my new Thor 4 Love and Thunder First Look video too!

Yella Crusha: My favourite reveal is the guardian of the globe cleaning up all of blood from the first season


Raimie Nater: Is thragg gonna show up

badtemper88: I need this show to keep going till the story is over. This is my favorite comic and the show is awesome.

J.O.R.D: I actually felt for Levy because at first he didn’t want Mark to die, he was sympathetic to him and was willing to shut down his machine in order to save Mark’s life at the cost of the multiple Mauler twins but then when he survived he was just a twisted man with brains all over him 🧠😂

Harmless Potato: I hope this series goes on for as long as possible

Ashton Neu: That’s literally just the end of invincible season 1, if there’s no new content to make don’t make it ffs fade into obscurity like all the commentary channels do.

J.O.R.D: Angstrom Levy yesss I cant wait for that arc, let’s see if they tease to certain crossovers like they did in the comics when Angstrom is throwing Mark into different dimensions

J.O.R.D: I’m interested to see how many more changes for better we see in the show as some things in the book are just underplayed or not really addressed properly which is why I love the show, it does a great job adapting and condensing some of the story arcs but also keeping the key elements in the right place

J.O.R.D: I’m almost done reading the comics only a couple of issues to go, and I can’t wait to see what comes next in these next few seasons as this one was just off the charts amazing and there’s SO much more to come for those who aren’t reading the books, so go read them 😅🤓

darklourd: 8:30 - "Battle Beast COULD probably kill a Vultrumite". Lol in webcomics, guy is a literal World Buster. He WILL body 3 omni mans in one night without breaking a sweat. Good thing he didnt rescue Mark during that scene coz he is 100% dead meat. He will eat any Vultrumite as a snack. The only Vultrumite that is on par/stronger with him is the strongest Vultrumite Thragg.

DeadShot!: Omniman looks like Tom Selleck

DeadShot!: Invincible and Demon Slayer and The Seven Deadly Sins were the best animations I have watched in the last year.

Kenneth Goldsmith: Really enjoyed watching this

614Supercool: Other than Batman: The Animated Series this is the best first season of a superhero cartoon I've ever seen.

allp84: So here's a nitpick. The one eyed alien dude (Allen) mistakenly visited earth and later came back to warn Mark of Viltrumites. While visiting earth, he did not get into contact with any humans. Humans apparently have the same appearance as Viltrumites. So when he's battling Mark in space, why didnt he connect that Mark is in fact a Viltrumite? Or do 99% of alien species look exactly like humans? In the worst case, when he actually found out later on that Earth was targetted by Viltrumites, wouldnt he then immediately connect the dots with his past battle and deduce that Mark is one? Why would he go back alone and warn Mark?

Mickey Johno: I've really enjoyed this I didn't realise its jk who voices him. The way he flies through that portal and destroys that planet and his wife says oh so he'll be late for dinner then 🤣


Jimmy DcRiKet: The show artstyle looks like something you'd see on a disney show (ultimate Spider-Man, avengers assemble....) So for the full first episode you think it's just a kid show, but the final scene at the end hit people like a train

Dan Rulz: Love this show I've recommend it to all my friends

Anandhu Gopan: That legendary outro theme gives me goosebumps everytime!

Spud: Would be cool if they show invincible go to the marvel universe like in the comics

Dr Phot: The Upload GOAT lives!

Jamall: wait there might be some angstrom levi?!

coderedtonio: Best American animated show since Justice League Unlimited and Batman Beyond 🍿🍿🔥💯💯💯💯💯

Yung Apollo inc: Is he like the leader from the hulk comics

RTG GAMING: If we need a guy to spoil is Tom Holland

Barney Stinson: Saw this yesterday and this was so awesome a must watch series. Better than DC verse movies. Should make a live adaptation .

RTG GAMING: Thx sooo much I have been waiting

Vassago: I am new to super hero animation, there are other shows that come close to this ?

Pieter De Necker: You almost have 4 million subs 😱😱😱😘

John Aidan Lequiron: I think angstrom won't appear on Season 2 yet, he'll most likely be teased on season 2 and appear on season 3

Edgar Blue: Crazy how Amazon can get in the ring with the big dogs with these juggernaut shows like Invincible and The Boys

Arafat Rahman: I hope they pay off that Martian imposter that sneaked into the spaceship and came to earth..

Awaken King: I read the comic and it's a mess

Charlie Garcia: I can’t wait till we get to see mark meet his half brother after his dad made a new family after leaving earth

Oreo chef: Bro they literally took the superman story and flip it. But still like the show

Kidd Troy: Why are you spoiling it

midoribushi: I discovered this by accident but it was an awesome happy accident! This show is epic! Need to read the comics as well.

Jon Penister: Charlie are you done with Tbe Flash?

Robert Angus: I think this will be how it goes Season 1 - Omni-Man Season 2 - Angstrom Levy Season 3 - Conquest Season 4 - Anissa Season 5 - Thragg

Super Kevv: Multiverse cool imagine other versions of omniman

John Von: Will they do the Robot betrayal arc?

MRV: I can’t wait for Invincible season 2 😱

John Von: I hope if Mark's pure Black-Blue costume shows up, it affects the title screen hehe that would be awesome

SEAshley: i want to watch it now!!

Nathan Thornsbury: I'm thinking Conquest being played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Cosmic Ninja: I feel like this is comics game of thrones....lots of death coming

Donnie M: Hold up, its pronounced angstrom leevee? I've been reading the comics wrong this whole time...

DarkHollowOG: Let’s not forget when invincible and Spider-Man teamed up

TK_Drako: I need my guy to get with AdamEve

SappManSensei: Battle beast is amazing

Saucey: alright guys... hear me out... this might sound strange... but I’m proposing... we skip all that boring stuff and fast track the new season from 2022 to tomorrow. How does that sound?

MattsCreative: this is the most poorly animated show ive seen like bad flash animation wow

dessert: Angstrom Levy? Marvel cross over maybe? That would be awesome Mark and spider man

Game Jam: Interestingly, the whe teaser is revolving around problems CAUSED by Invincible himself, which is the logical next step from having to deal with everyone else's problems

Lkgpuanimho 0: I just want to see more of Demon DarkBlood.

xC_Lowkk x: We have to get happy gilmore actors in here for some humor lol Id love to hear a character as steve bushemy Or adam sandler as a smart ass in the galactic council lol

Mr. Ambiguoso: I love how the title card on each episode got bloodier and bloodier until it was COATED for the finale

jaden yuki: I'm scared

Lkgpuanimho 0: Invincible and Omniman fight made MOS look like a childplay.

Bryan Barron: Let’s go I can’t wait for this

Lkgpuanimho 0: Kids in 2013: Ugh, Superman killed people Kids in 2016: Ugh, Batman killed people Kids in 2019: Ugh, Homelander killed people Kids in 2021: Ugh, Omniman killed people Kids just need to grow a pair.

Francisco Guardado: Emergency Awesome Your videos are great! I cannot help but notice you haven’t made The Flash review videos. I know they have ruined many tv shows and movies because of stupid wokeness. Is that the reason?

Mark Schamber: I was hoping they would avoid the 'multiverse' aspect of the comics. I'm kinda tired of multiverse's.

Jerard Matthew Gaerlan: I just finished the whole Invincible comics and it was a blast. Excited for Season 2

Tony Tran: Can’t wait

We are Gogeta: 😅I hope mark gets some improvement because he get beat up alot for someone named invincible

Choe Zaan: The music❤

Marianne Johnson: The mauler twins getting put back in jail was a deliberate setup for Angstrom. He had to break the Mauler Twins out to set his plans in motion.

Self-Education Methodology: 👋👏👏👏

IM_ NETO: Bro you said late next year😅 that's too damn long.

idk_a.username12: angstrom levy also sent mark to spider-man’s universe

Danny Kost: I can’t wait for more Battle Beast

alex cloyd: Mephisto???

Twin Station: Dude this show is one of the most amazing pieces of art I've ever seen. The season finally was so awesome! I made each of my 3 kids watch I've watched it 4 times lol. I can't wait for season 2. This show and the boys are in my top 3 super hero shows.

Llewellyn James Kinnaird: Omniman crushes a Mans head... "Look what you did Mark. "

peadarmacc: I haven't read the comic so I could be just shouting into the wind with this theory but I think in order to get mark to become more powerful he will end up traveling to the alien timetravellers home world like his dad did for a few dozens of years and will come back as an older more experienced hero. In earth's time it will only be a few weeks. Can't wait for s2

Llewellyn James Kinnaird: All I want is more battle beast

Marianne Johnson: I pray they make a live action movie.

Ricky Thompson: Oliver Grayson's actor is listed on imdb

sandy ahirwar: Loved that show... Waiting for next season.

Tony Arzeno: Will u do any reviews on the The Bad Batch?

Iskinder Bucari: I just finished the comic book story. It was a fun ride. Looking forward to see how the Animated show works out. As much as I enjoyed the comic, the t.v. show was vastly better, in my opinion.

Tevya Smolka: Yay invincible

Kellz: i feel like the "Live action adaptation" will be used to tell the "Reboot" story. how cool would that be after the animated series is over?

Randy Schwing: Can they do a spinoff series with that fish aquaman character...he was really sh*t...🤣🤣🤣

Deejay Ampo: What issue do I read after season 1?

LuvHateLuv: can't wrap my head around why anyone would dislike your videos, so informative and in depth always! ty for all you do man!

Randy Johnson: Paradise is the best song I've heard in years and Invincible is the best show on streaming right now. Season 2 will bring Invincible into pop culture and if they ever do a live action show or movie it will be huge!!

Da1ManGangBang: binged all episodes today what did I miss?

Novek30: i started reading the comics after i watched the show


Thanos 1634: This show is so great, and I really shows how the superhero genre doesn’t need to be live action to be great.

Justin: can someone explain why charlie isnt covering bad batch?

Brian Daleske: I hope that Second Season of (INVINCIBLE) cartoon show series has ten episodes made for it instead of just eight. I also hope that somewhere in one of the episodes of 2nd. Season (INVINCIBLE) series (Mark aka Invincible) discovers that he needs to head back to the planet he previously visited, and so that way he can eliminate all of the parasite alien creatures.

movado0379: I just finished season 1, wow!!! What a series this is! How many seasons do you think they will do?

Zoref M: but this is just a copy from DC they have all the DC characters lol how is this not copyright

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