The Flash Season 7 Episode 18 Finale Ending - Season 8 Teaser and Easter Eggs Breakdown

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my The Flash Season 7 Finale video and Easter Eggs wrap up. Reminder about the big budget DC HBO Max Movie Spinoffs they're doing next year too! Here's my new Loki Season 2 Teaser video and Deleted Scenes!

Chau Quansheng Namchoom: The show has gone to shit. The entire season was pure shit. I laughed my ass off when they started making speed force lightsaber and did that until the end. The show has become so cringy and shitty, just like the last season of Black Lightning. I had to skip watch the entire season. 42 minutes turned into at the very best 15 minutes if you actually look for watchable moments. And why aren't you making videos on Superman & Lois? That show is pure gold. It's the best show from CW right now. I cannot stress how amazing this show is?!

Scott Mcgreavy: They need to end this show. It’s so bad.

Josh: Barry has never done that before and from what we've seen he takes months to learn and practise new skills, HOW THE HELL HE MANAGE TO DO THAT???

Matthew Hernandez: Finally, the Flash is about speed again!!! Finally new abilities! This was an awesome episode!

Andrew SYH: In correction: -TechnoVibe- MechaVibe (named by Abracadabra)


UZU KAMI: What I don't get is why the hell is Thawn helping Barry.. shouldn't he be working with Godspeed kill Barry and then Godspeed?

David Shmavid: I would fucking love/hate to be a fly on the wall while they were writing and filming this episode, they mist all kind of know how awful it is right?

Mohammed Jammeh: May The Speed Force Be With You.

Rugga Monteiro: Appreciate ya bro , need to get on the redhood trailer too

Sean Winkfield: I don’t watch this but as long as I’ve been alive I’ve never seen the Flash create a lightsaber.🤨???

Ayanda Mabhena: they need to stop now. They have run out of ideas. This is painful

Jump Cut Films: Heart still has his powers but his memories have been wiped

korutesu: dear god imagine someone watching from season 1 and skipping to s7 💀

MELEE.69: Is this star wars now? 😂 😂 😂

Heyy Flux: I’m so mad you made me rewatch the ending lmao 🤣

SHAH SQUAD: Starwars: the flash awakens

GreenBoy: Thay had all kind of star wars stuff

Bradley J. Fortner: I quit watching this show years ago. Once Barry became a supporting character in his own show, I was done. It now looks like that was a wise decision. That lightning-saber BS is ridiculous.

Navneeth S: Will you be doing Titans S3?

Vounne Rahouelle Ubaldo: They probably didn't know where to take the show and were like "Fuck it, we have light sabers now because light sabers are cool"

Maz: they just need to end this series

thelast Sith: Power Rangers much?

thelast Sith: Lmao what in the fuck.

Melodious Ramblings: This show has become laughable at this point… it needs to end before it’s canceled

Ayiz A: What is This Flash Star Wars?? The hell I know I have not watched season 7 but WHAT THR HELL!!??!

Hudsey78: I think 8 should be the final season. Would love to see them branch out into a couple DC smaller shows. Like Star Girl, but the HBO Max stuff will be the main force for DC TV.

Miguel Leger: DC finally doing Disney shit, except it's on CW. The DC movies don't have cool stuff like this, even The Suicide Squad looks lame.

Salahaddin Rozhbayani: I haven’t watched the flash since season 3 but WTF they have swords🗡 now 😳

TheTeleporter101: They have lightsabers now? Wtf happened to this show?!😂

Mundoin: It was the second season somewhere in the middle I completely forgot this show existed.

TD F: Does anyone actually watch this sh*t?

SaulC 420: Bloody hell am I seeing things… Charlie’s done a video on the flash!!!! About time

BladeHideInBush: In comics some speedsters can create weapons using speedforce i think

Dhruv: When someone who's been doing videoes for the show since even before the show had started, has stopped them, you know the show has gone bad.

da guy: *sees flash lightsabers* me: CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT THE HEL IS GOING ON!!!

SeparatioNxiety: 7:40 They're actually calling him Mecha-Vibe !

youngsim 100: Only 47 dislike I expected more

DogeGamingRblx: Me: Saw the lighting swords Also me: Star Wars!?

Alyff Selamat: What about kristen kramer?

Super-Z: This is a lame show that keeps getting lamer every season.

Justin Deliwe: 7:08 What people forget was that Wally was able to conjure a flower with the speed force so its not at all surprising

Epyon: Speed force swords??? Badass!! Thawne and Barry working together?badass(although would be super op) the show is just too😬 for me to watch. Idk if it’s the acting or the costume or the budget. Flash has all the ingredients for greatness but they have the three fastest in the universe standing still larping 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

J-man 1017: Woooow why do they look like they're practicing like isn't this flash why does he move like 90 yr old woman

BunderChowed: Hate to say this but CW now looks dated in comparison to the new Marvel and soon to be release HBO series.

SilentMagician7: So they’ve run out of ideas, I see.

vince ng: What did Barry call thawne when he saved him?

Snehankit Pattnaik: I was so excited to see the reverse flash! I hope next season gets better. Thawn stabbing godspeed was reverse of his death in flashpoint

Julian Summers: Skew all you haters those lightning swords were sick as hell

Rowe Productions: Sucks to see it’s gotten so bad 😳😥

Pammi Sivakumar: The Flash Wars : Revenge of the Thawne (Prime / First version of Thawne)

Harshwardhan Patil T-125: Finally a flash breakdown. Really miss these


Arshad: season 1 will be the best of all

theoneme94: lol, what a joke this show has become

Saturday Onafa: im so happy i stopped watching this show years ago lol watching your well done video on this shows season 7 finale makes me sad they still keep doing the same thing every season

dudeat1320: Like many others, I did not like the lightning sabers. However, I liked Nora's lightning whip for some reason

Ivan Jardel: So hes just gonna let him run ? 😂😂😂😂 this guy is a Goofy 😂😂😂😂

Karlo Blažek: Barry's faster, but let's the Reverse Flash go. Makes sense 😅

Dem James: Who’s mina???

Deadpool: Star-flash.⚡

UghItsJaylon: no more seasons please.

Ronak Agarwal: So after God Speed Deaths Flash is suddenly Faster.. What a CRAP Show Flash has become

Disposable_Hero: Please let the show finish! The show is getting real cringy.

Tan Soon Aun: Wow... After missing 2 seasons because of disinterest... The flash became a jedi? Lmao

Jeff Peng: traveled back in time to present day

HunterRyan30: This was so funny to me and not in a good way with the lightning sabers. But I was glad to see thawn again Edit: I hope that thawn kill Flash at the end of this series

YoyoTanya: Fast & Furious, The Flash. Why anything that start with speed are getting weird over time?

Peace Men: who still watches the flash?

robert hammond: Mecha vibe but same difference lll

Arifin Haji: Speedsters have schwarts now? Whoa

The Conservative Kid: i wonder were they got the inspiration for that fight hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Johann Adam Weishaupt: So they can suddenly use flashsabers. So his son is suddenly singing. So Godspeed just suddenly lost. So Barry is suddenly faster than Thawne. So Thawne suddenly has a body again. So… who the heck writes this crap?

KamiAnime S: I honestly did not like this episode it was a five out of 10 for me this is because I like to see in the reverse flash again which was lit and I hope next season if it’s the series finale focuses all on him I hated the villain of the season or this half of the season and also making the speed force Barry’s mom and also the other forces plus I do not like this depiction of Bart at all. And the lightsaber stuff with the ending was kind of cool I guess. But this episode with a five out of 10 simple as that I would go a lower but I can’t because I like some shit out of it so yeah but if you take that shit out it would be either a three or two

Carlos Gimenez Colmenares: Charlie, are you going to do videos about Superman and Lois finale?. Great video btw

Aaron Lee: I have no words

The chef steffon: Sucks the writing for the show went downhill I cannot get over the lightsaber battle lmao that was so bad.

Magma: come to the speed force , we have cookies🍪

Coli: only watched till season 3 and I rarely abort shows. Seemed to be the right choice :D

Ah Uzzol: Shit gone shiter.

Carlos Gimenez Colmenares: RF killing Godspeed because Eobard Thawne believes he's the only one who can kill Barry is the most Reverse Flash thing to do

David Mills: Definitely worse end yet and there has been some bad ones but the lightsabre fight looked stupid and finally bring thorne back in the lamest way possible.

the smartest man in the world: What the hell happened to this show

A CEM: this has to be some kind of parody no way they just pulled light sabers out of their hands

6wheelz9: thank you so much for doin' this vid, i miss you doing arrowverse vids.

Coolahh Kelly: Did you guys catch the sacred timeline reference in the lightsabers?

josh skinner: This was pretty good can't wait for season 8

Sylar: This show should've ended about 4 seasons ago

RaJohn In Europe: Lame

beeny bigbaws: the siuts there wearing are fuckin terrible really really cheap lookin

Micah Tairea: I haven’t watched flash since the season with savitar, and I can already tell that it’s gotten shit

Sammy D'Onofrio: Omg, they're making a season 8? Who the fuck still watches this show? It's so crap. Haven't seen it in a couple of years. Can't believe it's still on! I guess there still are little 13-year-old girls that watch this and think it's cool. LOL. With so much variety on superhero shows CW just needs to fold.

crimsonking440: But wait... If Barry is THAT much faster than thawne how did thawne help him in that fight at all?

ReaperOmega2187: This show got really bad really quick.

DoomTrain: I think people give Season 7 a bit too much criticism. YOu have to remember that they're filming in Vancouver, BC. And Covid guidlines were extremely limited. The crossover next year is going to be dedicated to the fans who stuck through with season 7. I think the restrictions finally loosened up in the final 2 episodes of 7. Sure it was kind of messy before that, but what comic show isn't? The actual comics can get pretty convoluted .

Wolfiethehero Productions: Charlie… Cisco is Mecha-Vibe (not Techno-Vibe)

Page Nomad Writing: it genuinely makes me very sad how hard it is to defend this show anymore. I'm sick of Barry being this mopey self-hating bummer, there hasn't been a "fun" episode in SOOO long. The corny goofy dial has been turned to 11 for too long, such a damn shame

Killerx: I feel like that actors didn’t even like the season them self

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