Battlefield Top Plays Episode 2 (Season 2)

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mich grim: Américan weapon with a russian optic?

Branden Cadwallader: 3:13 Look at that concentration.

GravelsNotAFood: It's not fair... PC players get headshots SOO much easier then us Console plebs...

Jim Francis Meza: I'm jacked out of my mind! Pure adrenaline....

Hunter Noah: Music 1st clip please?

冉胜凯: 中国人民发来贺电!

KiloGaming Nation: 9...I vote 9.  Even if he was using the M16A3, that clip was pretty.

MYST Channel: Nice episode ! (just one thing : the fact that we only see MPX, K10, and a few M416, (snipers excepted) on every top play is the proof that weapon/class balance is totally fucked up in hardline. The mpx is ridiculous everyone use it since the beta, the k10 patch was a joke and it's useless to uses any assault rifle against the M416... and why play assault anyway when mechanic class is stronger ? Just glad we have some funny weapons like the knockout, the T62, to make the game more funny

Devin Hoffman: Ok

Greg E: 3 weeks since the top plays - where's the love!?

osvaldo sanchez: .300 knockout***

Greg Petty: Does anyone know why he calls it the 308 knockout? It clearly says .300 Knockout when you get a kill with it. (Or in the load out menu)

HideTheFart: Is BF4 on PS3 still populated?

ron williams: i miss bf3 such a good game still

MrStealYourFrog: Do people still play bf3 bc i really liked that game but i started playing bf just when bf4 was launched and i like bf3 more

John West: You have like an americanized scottish accent lol

Jinky: wait the bomber has tow missiles?

Aaron: Could someone please explain how I send in a clip after I've uploaded the video to youtube? Do I just send Mooney the link the video or what?

Aidan Hynes: Omg, i miss bf3 so much, i loved that game, cant really play it anymore cause I don't have a pc and it's broken on console

ok then: i came from cod and hardline is WAAAAYYYYY better then bc2

ok then: lol "go outside you fat fuck"

FullMetalBiscuit: Clip 5 isn't Caspian Border :P Also, anyone else skipping the Hardline clips? No interest in them at all :/

yam odentz: In the last clip... assist count as kill 182? wtf hahahaha

Max Manning: .300 knockout not .308 knockout

Red: The comment in the chat box at 5:00, SOMEONE'S MAAAD ;)

Buy me Skittles: You don't need to apologize for enjoying Hardline- it's fast paced, infantry based fun with interesting new game modes.  Those that prefer more military based action still have BF4 that's getting new content soon and is FINALLY somewhat stable, and Battlefront is on the Horizon- plenty of Battlefield to go around.

PhotoJared: Is it just me or does #4 have some weird movements going on? Like WAY to straight of drags. Like the collateral kill, just looks weird....

Don Zalinski: You sound a little disappointed

Aleks Pandurevic: As if these don't pop up In my feed

taylor zecca: Finaly top 10 plays back to normal I come on everyweek to watch your top 10 plays my altime favorite top plays on you tube great to have it back keep them coming love your channel moony

Rob Thelion: bigMooney06 your the best. Love this one Thanks.

Luka T: ummm its the .300 knockout not the .308 knockout

Eric Rocha: @bigMooney06 mooney i miss the old you the one who would post everyday and played the game instead of posting other people do competetive shit. thats borring i loved coming home and seeing a bonus round and watched the all. thay are the best hope you read this because i loved the old you. now it always seems like your down and sad. but its just my opinion.. Take care bro.☺

Norman of the Tempest: Just nothing like a good BF3 clip.

LordMDFK: o: amazing like everytime haha

Ghost Gaming: I think you forgot to link everybody's Channels this episode.

Assassin Island: Please watch my montage!

Impulse Gaming: very glad to see some fellow ps4 players up towards the top!!!

The Federal Republic of Aurelia: IMO people using the tryhard m16/m416 shouldn't be on top plays. Like if you want to watch that sort of stuff go watch some cod channel

ReDemoN: bigMooney, long time ago you had the Top Plays EXTRA with the other good clips that didnt manage to be the top 10 but were very good afterall... the EXTRA Top Plays would be welcome if you want to make top plays without commentaries :D just an idea :D

PhillHammer: Hey Big Mooney am  I allowed to send you clips of CSGO?

Austin Mesnard: MORE BOOGLY OGLLY!

Ortu Ignis: good episode, cheers

Fishbeaverduck: You didn't sound happy Mooney. It is a good thing that you listen to your audience but I really hope you're not throwning yourself under the bus here. You should create content that makes you happy. Sorry the new format didn't work out for you, good luck and keep it up!

JohnEGOGaming: Love this series.

SpagettyLettuce: The .300 Knockout was a bitch to unlock but it definitely is worth it. I found the perfect spots on Everglades to set your camera for the camera coins. I got 3 in 1 game

Noble Actual: I love the commentary


sen_ jin: Nice Vid m8!! Like all of your Uploads are incredible :D keep on doing the things you like Bro!!!

DreadJesterBatthink: Good to see that gamertag font look clearer.  Good man, Mooney. :) Btw, have you tried asking anyone to help sort/edit those clips you seem to be overloaded with?

kedzill2: Big Mooney Assignment Hunter: .300 knockout episode 12- Almost got that 5th camera coin

R C: It's Kaisar Railroad, not Caspian Border.

scoobtoober29: Yep I prefer this way. TY love it.

andy kane: top notch yet again

Tarzandottir: It is really great that you listen to your subscribers. A huge thumbs up from me!

Max Tak: clip 9 was insane

The LvlZero: My clip isn't here :(

Avenir BF: Who wants more BF3 top plays :)

ellyot: Wow that Phaeld guy killing streak is sick #3

Luca Cecere: I don't know what it is about the bf3 clips, but i kinda enjoy them way more than the bf4/hardline clips

Andrew Brown: hey mate glad its back to normal but hey ya have to try new things

BC2 acolyte: Yo mooney, the 5th clip was kiasar railroad from the end game dlc.

James McMullan: If you got all your blood vessels and lay them in a line, you'd be dead.

Cornelius Kellermayr: 1:12 And they say BF4 netcode is bad.

WicksyOnPS5: And btw +bigMooney06, I saw a brand new white Ferrari in town last week, numberplate BI8 MNY. Did you finally cash in some YouTube monay? Lololol

ArchieITFC: Man, every top plays clip ive seen on pc there is ALWAYS someone calling hacker in the top right chat lmao. Are they actually that common? Or is it just whiny bitches not being able to accept players are better than them.

WicksyOnPS5: As Mooney raised the subject.. I'm quite happy that PS4 DOESN'T have the chat box. The amount of racist comments, hackusations, swearing & general disgusting behaviour it allows is not missed. Also, Fairfight is working overtime right now on PC! Almost every video I watch has a steady stream of bans being handed out. What kind of community are we a part of?

Brekk1e: Wiii :D

Richard Avila: I like so much this channel, your style commenting the videos is always funny and interesting. You are very good, Mr. bigMooney06.

Paul Merkel: i think you pronounce xerator like ex-erator because he is the brother of xHoho, would kind of make sense.

fpshooterfull: i am glad that you just went back to what made you popular to begin with. NOT sure what you were thinking by showing the same clip twice? Didn't make sense. Why fix something that ain't broke? You said you wanted to try something different? Well how did that work out for ya? Just don't change the format. Just leave it how it is.. Show a good list of top 10 plays.. END OF STORY.

Kobi Poage: i got an assist on someone who i hit with my car in BFH

Xerator: yay, thanks for featuring me, it's been a while! :D And I don't even know how to say my name, don't worry :D

Bromant1ctube: Dude, last 3 videos you've been explaining the top plays. We get it

Reloaded l Battlefield: 7:00 @Xerator You're welcome :)

bakenfat: Nice PTFO clips. Didn't really care about your new format as I didn't watch those, much rather wait for full episodes.....even if the upload comes late.

Guilherme Raposo: Thanks for showing my clip, mooney, keep up the good work.

pezco.: Xerator is the older brother of xHOHO

Zino Roos: still good. But I wanna see more Bf4 plays. Ya did a good job

SYMBIOT3: Wow that outro clip where that guy rendedefib'd that jet pilot was pretty insane

MrMamba45: Much better good sir!!!!

xVenge4nce: How is it not fair that he kills everyone in metro? Its their stupidity. His team was getting raped so he goes for a flank.

Tobbles: Caspian border?

Timää: Do a Killcount please ;)

Kleriker Nero: Clip from Will T Fox is the best.

Tom Shepherd: dude, i really loved the music and the clips on the other videos you've done, so what you could do is save a few clips and then use them in one of those videos?  Just an idea :)

Aaron: So much better with no repeat clips. Thanks mooney


Albahri: Thanks Big Mooney xD

Darren Malone: Yay....I'm on Top Plays. Clip #8, top of the opposition leaderboard :)

Geoffrey BangBang: Great job keep up the good work!

Homeless Guy [CSGO]: @bigMooney06 Why not keep the voting system though, but slightly different? Like, at the end of each episode, you allow people to vote, and then you announce the winner in the next episode? :D

DM7Games: You could mix it up by uploading another top 5 of special shorter clips that didn't quite make it into the top 10 for the week, they could be based more on lucky shots and impressive tricks rather than long killstreaks and great movement etc...

Bubba DeVille: anyone know the name of the track playing on number 8 (Lumphini Garden)?

M4GP1E: Quality Top plays bro!!

Delta Bravo: no epic shots? just long vids of objective plays?

Frihaks: you dont say "xzerator" but "x erator".Well maybe,i think

DAZZLA: good video Mooney

Ryan Kelley: Is no one going to comment on the 182 kill assist at the end?

Famey: We can't blame you for wanting something new homie.

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