The Crown Season 4 | Playing Diana | Netflix

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Christine Wyatt: Charles always loved his mistress camilla snd not Diana

Carol Silva: It seems like the real "love story" was the love between Diana and the crowds, not Charles and Diana. It's ironic, considering how she was treated by the royal family, she was the one that became one of the most (if not the most) loved royals in history.

Maria Gil: She was vilely deceived, despised, misunderstood, in a cruel and selfish family. They tore her apart, they smashed it.. Charles and Camila even though they are such for which, they do not deserve inherit the throne. Both too vile.

hunnerdayEDT: That shot of her walking in the wedding dress as the archbishop speaks kinda feels like an excerpt from a horror movie since we now know how her ending.

Charlotte Vale: The voice of Archbishop of Canterbury creepy

Bilbo Baggins: It’s not a love story. It’s a tragedy. To be a love story Charles would need to love Diana. He didn’t. “What ever love means” (Charles). The only true love story is Charles and Camilla BUT Charles and Diana were a tragedy.

Gail Marstin: Its FICTION not fact. They should be ASHAMED of themselves for this programme. So many wrong things in it that people are taking seriously.

MrJuke79: Such a darker season Even the music reflects it.

Arbe Bitbit: We be eating Emma's performance as Diana. As we should because it's so damn good!!!

Glenn Davey: Why can't the royals behead people anymore? It would be much more interesting. Life is cheap and boring, and so are the royal family.

الشيشانيات أجمل بنات العالم: تشبه الأميرة ديانا بشكل فضيع

JK See: I dunno about emma and jillian..some scenes like MT's voice seemed so streched by jillian..and the shy movements by emma not so natural..and josh's cervical must hv ached..i wish they acted with some relaxation, not necessary to look like the real

Doll Face: Princess Diana is such a beautiful yet tragic person. A character that exists in a dark, fairytale such as life.

Dentzer81: No just imagine Princess Diana having hairy arm pits. Lol now that would of shocked that family.

Marie-Jeanne Dubreuil: Does anyone know which piece plays at 0:45?

Tim Abbott: I'm shook they were able to gain access and to use the original wedding dress

Jesus Freak: Charles said he didn’t realize he loved her until she died??? Is that for real??? This was much more than just fiction. There were definitely more facts than fiction. I was around when diana was and I watched and listened to all her Interviews. Now I want to get her 📚 book.

Erica DuLac: Have to say I was champing at the bit to see Gillian Anderson (one of my absolute favourite actors) as Thatcher and while she was epic, Emma as Diana was mind blowing and I had no expectations having never seen her in anything before. A beautiful, entertaining, spellbinding performance which made me miss Diana all over again.

Jason Lam: Kristen Stewart is already feeling close to Princess Diana ahead of playing her in her upcoming film, Spencer. The film is expected to take place over three days as Diana realizes she needs to end her marriage to Prince Charles while spending Christmas at Queen Elizabeth's Sandringham estate in the 1990s. In October, the actress opened up about how she's preparing for her highly anticipated portrayal of the late royal, particularly how she plans to nail the "intimidating" accent. "We don't start shooting until mid-January. The accent is intimidating as all hell because people know that voice, and it's so, so distinct and particular," Stewart said in an interview with InStyle. "I'm working on it now and already have my dialect coach."

Sevda Mont: What’s beautiful is how Emma herself is incredibly new to the film industry and she is thrusted into the spotlight by playing Diana, such a heavy duty to portray such a monumental person. Much alike Diana who was pushed into the spotlight after her marriage.

AYT ZZC: Emma did an amazing job with Diana!

Geo Skan: I just saw their portrayal of Bob Hawke and, wow, crrrriiiiinge... It's hilarious how so many Brits, who probably don't know any better, always seem to portray all Australians as "bogans"? (They should look that word up if they're going to paint them all up that way)

Joydeep Bhattacharya: For a single second I didn't feel she was anyone else than princess Diana herself and that's where Emma rocked it to a tee! 🙌🔥💖

Burger Man: If fake Queen Elizabeth thinks its scary because its like looking at real Diana imagine what the Real Queen Elizabeth will think

Jane Willis: What a total load of bollocks, it was the greatest non love story, or the greatest hate and dislike story, there was no love there at all and season 4 wasn't really very good at all. In real life Diana's wedding dress was disastrous, like a crumpled rag, in The Crown the dress was so much better. People say in real life how fashion conscious Emma Corrin is, in my opinion her dress sense is horrendous, she always looks as if she's in fancy dress for a bet. Series one and two were outstanding, series three was good, four was a great disappointment

Elijah Baz: I almost feel sorry for Prince Charles and Camilla as the reputation they fixed over the years are now tarnished by this show.

P: The Crown seems to pride itself on its lavish sets and costumes, famous actors and actresses, etc. But YouTube comment sections reveal it to be beloved only of historically ignorant, fact-averse, sentimental people.

PJ Paran: I watched recaps of S1-3 just so i can watch S4 now. Because of Princess Diana.

Jay nchill: Everyone says that she overdoes sometimes ,Its so clear that they have made it more dramatic since its a tv series & its not just mimicking or a documentary . She is by far the best casting ever for diana's character

Ayne: just waiting for the crown cast to bag the awards 😌💅🏻

Messylin: WTF? 0:14 First of all, it wasn't a love story. Charles mistreated her. Secondly, it was the 20th century. Are these the idiots running television today?

Magnoleo svanovko: Her voice is exactly like princess diana's voice.

Dave Fisher: I wonder what Diana's siblings and other living relatives think of Emma Corrin playing her

steve mantiri: When Oscar winner Olivia Colman praise your performance, that tells a lot 😀

dev das: 0:58 I have no more stress thanks to, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

anuj shriwastav: 1:50 I no longer need my job because of, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

harry potter: 0:48 I can finally enjoy life because of, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

Lyre N.: Emma gave justice to her role as Princess Diana. As a novice, she did great alongside with some of the great actors we have around (like Olivia Coleman, Helena Bonham Carter, etc.) Honestly, I would love to see more of her, Josh, and Erin. I believe they will go far as actors.

Maryam Javed: The wedding scene really makes every one to miss their beat for a second

soundslike1life: I truly enjoy The Crown but I felt a bit uneasy about how Diana was portrayed as a whole in season 4. I am sure a lot of it actually happened one way or another, and that there is truth in many things, but I still felt the way she was portrayed wasn't the whole truth. She was indeed a victim of "royal games" that was her arranged marriage to Charles but I have seen real footage of her and Charles where they seem genuinely happy and playful together... and I say that without overlooking footage that does show her confused and unhappy as well. I feel like the better parts of their story was cut out and things in reality were much more complex. Obviously they had some good times, even if short-lived, since they have two children. And there is real footage from the time period that doesn't show Diana insecure, always feeling like an outsider. The portrayal, however nailed by Emma Corrin in many ways (looks, voice, presence, vulnerability) seems a bit skewed to me. I feel the writer really wanted to push the victim role and it's almost as if they sucked all strength out of Diana in the process. She dealt with the blow that was an unhappy marriage, she dealt with her eating disorder and whatever else but she was also very good at getting her message across when she wanted to. She knew what she was doing, especially after it became clear their marriage was a facade and managed to carve and clarify her role in the royal family. Maybe we see that side of Diana in the next season. I hope at least because I do feel that she grew into her power as years progressed, even if she was unhappy in the marriage. Perhaps season 4 portrayal is ok for the young Diana who was still looking for her role and had not yet come to grasp her power or realized fully what she could do with it. She was very determined in her own way when she did find that role, so I'm pretty sure that being a victim was not the thing that defined her as a woman, but rather her strength in the face of many difficulties. I guess we all have our own view of Diana and how we like to remember her. I know she was tormented and suffered a great deal, and that needs to be shown, but I also remember her strength and would have wanted that side of her to make an appearance as well. For me it will always be the combination of her vulnerability, compassion, determination and strength that lives on, rather than seeing her purely as a victim. Often people who are sensitive are thought to be extremely fragile but in reality they are stronger than those who put up a facade of strength. I think in the end, Diana was one of those people that was stronger than people really give her credit for. All that said, already waiting for season 5. Hurry up, lol

Miry Galas: Why did Lady Diana agreed to marry Charles? She knew she wasn't his true love.

S Wacchow: Withstanding facts, British tax payers shall consider (btw One in Five Brits want the abolishment of the British monarchy) demanding an optional tax credit for not willing to pay for these royal subjects who are jobless and earn absurd salaries just showing up on parades and cutting ribbons. The royal gene pools is getting shallower and drying up. While 'God may save the Queen,' her offspring need a lot of God blessings, based on their traits, lifestyles and behavior. Three cheers for the British people!

Sardar Hussain: 1:37 I stopped my job thanks to, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

mia: she did soooooooo well !!

Christine Blake: I think the Royal Family is upset because the Portrays them how they really are. I don’t know why they’re getting so upset because how they treated princess Diana when she died everything was televised it showed exactly how the royal family acted so them getting mad because I want to link it with fiction instead of reality know it’s reality they just mad because they been caught out in the open with the pants down

Jacqueline Mullan: The establishment where asked to be invoved in the show, 'The Crown,' and withdrew. Im sure there regretting it now..... it's great drama and deserves an Emmy. A total betrayal of Diana by her cold, unloving, unfathful, dreadfull coward of a husband and inlaws As i blame their parents as they should have stoped the wedding of Charles and Diana immediately. He also should never become king or his mistress throughout his whole marriage and now wife become Queen.Disgraceful how Diana was treated by them all they where totaly jealous of her beauty and popularity.There is no dought they had her murdered as she knew too much espically concerning the BBC's Jimmy Saville behaviour and being a close friend of Prince Charles. Diana had to go like others, Jill Dando to protect the bbc and monachy's reputation.Also expecting a baby to a Muslim didnt go down to well iether espically with the two young prince's one day future king..... So they had to act very fast before Diana started showing and announcing her engagement so very sad the truth is eventually coming to light and Diana will get justice for her death.......

MedveRPGgaming: So me and my partner watched series 1 and 2. Was OK. Started series 3 tonight and the actors / actresses they got in are awful. It's put me off wanting to watch anymore. 3-1 maybe the end for us. Who the guy who plays the queen's husband? By far the worst, he barely opens his mouth when speaking! Joke. Oh well. Goodnight.

lasbagman1: Perfect casting. Emma Corrin captured Diana’s essence and sweetness.

anuj shriwastav: 0:18 I stopped my 9-5 thanks to, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

oopik00: Was he even interested in her? I didn’t realize it could be this bad. I agree, Emma was brilliant in this role.

A: She did great as the young Diana. But she is so youthful, it’s hard to age her through a fast moving season!

Victrola66: Emma is a true gem in this series, however the writing of Diana’s character could have been better. Unless you know some of the details about her life, you have no idea why she is so much in need of attention and support. From Diana’s interviews I know that the marriage was not always bad, however the series mainly focuses on the bad times, which I think is basically a statement from the creators. All praises to Emma and Josh for the fantastic job they did, still I felt that storyline was cut short too much.

day dreaming awweline: The chemisty emma and josh had in dancing scene was amazing

Mrmrjonte: I wonder if he has even seen season four if he calls that a love story.

Rima Hossain: 0:20 I stopped my work thanks to, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

WelshWitch: Don't think i'll ever forgive the emannuels for drowning her in that bloody awful wedding dress.

Isabella Whitehair-Hook: I’m so sad that Emma Corrin is already done playing Diana she did such a good job. I wish they would just make her look older by using make up for the next season instead of replacing her

Samir Muhammad: she needs to get some recognition after this. couple oscars maybe?

Originella: I absolutely hated that Anne was just allowed to say whatever she wanted about Diana in this production, without consequence of any kind. Of course, she was an adult, but one hopes that adults know better. But, apparently, that's not always the case.

Margaret L: One of the best seasons of any show....periodt! Emma was incredible! Really looking forward to S5 and S6 with Elizabeth Debicki because Peter Morgan is just brilliant at penning these scripts!

d prince: I love emma... and i love how many people love her by playing diana almost everybody agree that she nailed the role.... if you see someone disagrees you know they just hating for attention... 🙄

Dicky Satiaputra: Emma bener bener menghayati karakter ❤❤

Krezcely Borja: I need more of this woman!

Kazi Zahanara Helen: So many Dianas coming up in a short time. Emma Corrin, Elizabeth Debici, Kristen Stewart.

Pantita Palittapongarnpim: Emma's performance is so brilliant. I can't wait to see her in her next project. Watching her really drive home one thing, though. If you pull back from it being Charles and Diana, this is essentially a child bride being married to a powerful and wealthy man. (I know technically she was of legal age but just barely when they started dating, and the age gap is frightening.) That has never led to anything good as far as I can tell.

steve mantiri: Who ever spotted & cast Emma Corrin, we thank you 👍👍👍 👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏

Gilda Terrazas: She did a wonderful job playing Diana, I hope we can see her in more netflix projects. She and Josh have an amazing chemistry, I love them 💞

tedfaun: God it's good, isn't it!

Julz 301: Just finished watching 'Diana in her words' on Netflix. Charles and Diana's relationship was far worse than The Crown portrayed it.

Gayatri Sharma: she is marvelous

Imran Becks: A fairytale love and wedding that quickly ended in tragedy. 😢😢😢😢😢 No thanks to Camilla, the Duchess of homewrecker.

Alis Prospero: Diana. She was too good for this world. 👑 💕

Sofia LA: emma and josh has a great chemistry together. i hope they will have another series

Alex Joynes: Emma was stunning in this role.

abrokenrain: Love how Peter Morgan said Charles and *Princess* Diana lol

Lucas: They did a fantastic job, at first I thought it’s really Diana.

Rhys O'C: It’s not even a love story

XxElls xX: i need an princess diana spin off

Xavier Cruze: Emma corrin in that Diana hair looks so gorgeous and cute.

Tony Bittar: Well, the only love story on this season is Charles' and Camilla's. The poor Diana starred a horror movie.

Eman Nnn: How queen elizabeth is still alive? Can you imagine her grandchildrens have kids

First Studio Entertainment: Fun fact : Prince William and the Queen Elizabeth II is not happy with the season 4

fatima zehra: How is it a lovestory of 21st century?? Shouldn't it be 20th century?

Namrata Bheemge: Kristen Stewart must be taking notes. Emma killed it. I hope Kristen does too.

ben gland: Juste make a whole season with Emma and Josh on Diana and Chatles story

ברק א: 0:15 but it happend in the end of the 20th century.

pun 0: Quite possibly the best season of the crown so far! Fantastic execution of all plot lines! & it’s true! It hits hard when you realise how young Lady Di actually was! Wonderful season, Well done team!

parkourrr r: I am already waiting for season5😭

Olivia M: Emma played Diana so brilliantly, it’s very rare. I know another actress has been cast to take over next season but it’s such a shame.

91clarie: I'm still unsure how to feel about Kristen Stewart playing her in the upcoming biopic "Spencer"

Nicolas: I should tell you this Netflix, the casting is SPOT ON, Bravo :), she is excellent, she is real :)

BlaketheOwl: A truly stunning portrayal of an actual historical figure. Although she doesn't look just like her, it is an extraordinarily built mask that we the audience buy into; because the spirit of Diana seems to actually be there; moving through the actress and throughout the scenes. Can't wait to finish this season, and look forward to the next!

T Lu: Emma is so stunning and she executed beautifully her role as young Princess Diana. Isn’t she? 👑😍

alwishy: Such a huge responsibility for Netflix to get this right! Starting to cringe about season 5 already.

T Lu: You earned it and you deserve this, Emma! We need more of you and congratulations on your success! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 ✨✨✨

JudyCZ: Not sure I'd call Diana's and Charles's story a love story. I'd actually be okay with calling Charles's and Camilla's story a love story but he and Diana were more of a tragedy without much love (at least from him).

Hasan Fahreza: Heyyyyy we need full behind the scene....

Tracy Davison: I truly enjoyed this season! I skipped the last 3 episodes In Season 3 for it! Damn😂❤️

Kaykaew Thamtaratarnkul: Watching behind-the-scene clip after watched the entire series makes my life complete. Thank you, Netflix.

Patrick Fabermann: She should be in the house of the dragon.

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