Random Teammates Are Making Solo Apex Impossible! - Apex Legends Season 9

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Zekken: Ive been playing with randoms since day one, i know the struggle.

Jason of J&J's: Don't play with random team mates then, got 100s of followers who'd play with you 🙄

KamiNoH3ntai: temp's definition of bad is missing a few shots while im out here missing full mags lol

Kyle Mckeever: Love to run a game with you👌💯

Briana M: The end cracked me up lmao “he didn’t do a point of damage??!”

Kieran Berton: randomly got this video in my recommended, but I enjoyed it immensely. Your commentary is fun and your gameplay was so intelligent, I can't believe how well you out-maneuvered so many of those teams in downtown and made it look easy, and your movement to stay out of LOS of so many people in that endgame for so long and almost survive to top 3 is insane. gg

Ydoc sseyd: Idk what to do because if I have one decent game I get thrown with Dimond Master and Pred. But my randoms are level 55 with 12 kills. I got a wraith sweat with 17000+ actually one shot and both teammates lost the 2v1 then I had 1v3 that team. I'm seriously thinking about dropping this game. Does anyone know if I can get a refund for all my skins.

Devonte Wise: 9:14 I was not expecting pathy to say that 😭😭😭 how'd you get that rich?

Thomas Morton: You should make a discord to help this problem

Princess Lightning: My Question to that Octane is Why The HELL DID YOU LEAVE WHEN U WAS GOING TO GET RESPAWNED

Remington: This man woke up and chose to speak facts

xXxassmonkey69xXx: How tf did you reload that spitfire to 44 bullets with only 4 in reserve😩glitch

KAnYe1608: Shieldless in Seattle - didn't hear it in a while 😍

Liam Fitzgerald: Itemp is sounding more and more like pathfinder

Aislinn: Oh man, yea it’s frustrating. And this is gonna be controversial in this environment and saying this without knowing the actual teammate at all obviously, but just, imagine logging on apex after a long day at your regular 9 to 5, being put on a team with a big youtuber, Not having a good game At All in a lobby way out of your skill level, and then having that game posted on yt by the big youtuber basically saying that teammates like this make apex impossible to solo. Even if it’s “no hate for the teammate“ from the content creator’s part. Love the content usually but this one… not so much. Good game tho

Karen: My heart shattered with that kraber shot...Rich tried his best

TDH Hellian: Before I even watch this, I just want to say: ANYTHING stupid or unhelpful that causes the game to be thrown, that these randoms do has probably happened to me, at least a dozen times a day, every single day, since season 0. And I've probably had to deal with worse.

Paddy oleary: All I play is random squads and I’m usually on my own before half the game is over it’s a joke. I really wish they would start banning people

Scott Byrne: As someone who has played solo since the start of the game it's just getting worse and worse half of your random teammates eigher just new and think they can just tell u how to play and just mess up or u get the person who just doesn't care about teamwork and runs solo into a 3rd party just to spam ping enemy here enemy here just to bad u get the odd game here and there where its good

Synysterslim: Anyone else confused on what happened to his purple extended heavy on the spitfire?

AtticusCane: I'm pretty sure that squad around 11:30 minutes thought they were getting teamed up on. They had NO idea where Rich was....🤣🤣

Jubei Gonzalez: Make a discord for your viewer's to play with eachother, matchmaking has just been the worst for the longest no mic, afk, or just not in your league so it's always a 1v2 or 1v3

Zack Jarvis: a random teammate left shocking not

Gigi valentine: I genuinely think it’s anxiety I leave because I feel like there gonna start being mean to me 🤣

Jonny Graham: I really wonder, does Rich commentate these live during his game? Or does he narrate them afterward? Cause if he just records this all the way through every time then he’s got flow.

Rube King: I feel like i'm better off loading in to a game with no teammate lately ngl

Lunis1992: I would not care how much damage a player i matchmade had but STOP GOING IN 1V3ING THE ENEMY

Frazberries: I saw the title and immediately clicked on it to see how bad of teammates you are getting two

Dopemanricky: I apologize in advanced to anyone who gets teamed with me the next few days because I havnt played in 2 months. I promise I don't suck

Ethan Barnes: I would really like a solos mode with maybe 45 or 50 players instead of 60 so it’s not as chaotic. But solos would be great. It would be much more efficient to get challenges done and would be nice to play while waiting for friends to get online and such

Sebastian Meiers: I don’t understand why the Octane left when you had his banner and were looking right at the Res Beacon…. You had clearly shown him that you were willing to keep picking him up???

J Slay: Isn't it amazing how people will leave even when they're paired with the kill leader. Why would you not be interested in continuing a game with someone who looks like they may be in route to victory?!

Robert Van Eyk: At least you're good enough to still have a good game experience. Not really possible when very average players are continually in the same situation.

Andreas dam: play with me i get atleast 290

Leon jewells: His panic looting takes the vault key killed me. Literally in tears

Peter Lammerts: bro, there were 3 full blue shields you never pinged for your teammate before he went down.

Gryffon Rider: Excuse me this mans found a duos game meanwhile it’s either have 4 people in duos still trying to get a duos game 20 minutes later or it’s 5 seconds flat and you got 2 team mates in trios. Why do Australians hate duos mode. Sad pepe

TotalFuze: Most people in that lobby look lost lmao

Anthony Morris: Try playing trios when both random teammates just die right at the start, your lucky most times to even get 3 kills

PRoDiGY: I hit diamond 3 with random good enough for me

Fahad Saeedi: Wrist teammate ever

Faaris Fowzi: Please continue solo videos

Ahjin Guild: Ayo I dont care what anyone thinks, That was fuckin disrespectful. How can you do that to My man Itemp. Nah bruh he deserves a ban for 24hrs.

Dannyboy: I can't be one to talk about bad teammates since my skill fluxuates between a grapple god and emptying a full R99 clip into the wall, but that Octane really was having a really bad off day that match. He should've stuck around though. No matter how bad you are, you should always stay in the match. Imagine if Itemp had a teammate to shoot that Loba. Slight chance she would've gotten downed, but that chance is still higher than if you leave mid match.

VinnyUnMasked: I think they should make solos and see how it goes for 3-4 days

GPEART1: Broken is my go to as well! I dunno why no one lands there most of the time.

MonsterGshot: Welcome to the everyday life of a solo lmfao

Jim Q: 10:18 didn't you have a purple heavy mag on the spitfire??

J Maqueda: I don't mind playing with randoms. You'll never know what you'll get. That's part the fun for me. I only play auto fill on Xbox. My Revenant has 35 wins this season. It's possible to win. I don't often get frustrated playing. After all, Apex is just a game

Paul Marlin: Guy had 0 shield heals all game, Every box was cleared out before he got near it. First box he gets that's not already looted is about 7:50. Rich had 5 batts at one point and this dude had an almost empty purple because of no batts/cells.

Tim Jensen: That was disgusting.

Ross Byrne: The worst part about solo pub stomping is randoms going down and then the tidal wave of "ping ping ping ping....ur TRASH REZ MEEEEEE....ping ping ping " funny how its always the downed player calling every1 trash 😆 🤣

Kameron Alexander: Shield less in Seattle 😂

13 th: 12:12 when you drop down on the edge of the map and while you reach this location - there's only graveyard of boxes and last squad of monsters murdering all around. I never rotate to fragment east because if I meet someone there, I'l definitely have no chance to survive.

Mark C: Welcome to my world..

The prop: how good is the controller aim assist

Ivan Horvat: My random teammates in ranked are literally idiots with special needs, i cant do it anymore

RetroNeil: Apex solo experience is miserable, and the manipulative matchmaking doesn't help.

RedVIII: I laughed way too hard at the "Shieldless in Seattle" line.

Jay O: Nothing new here bruh! Hate playing solo!!

Mahdi Kohcheri: i thought i'm bad LOL

thubprint: Leaves when you’re inches from the respawn???? SMH

Delaney Charlie: its always a miss in every online game because most gamers are complete shite with no talent

Ernst-Magne Olafson Pedersen: The Octane must have been trolling you Rich😂

Aztec: 0 damage ooft

Hermes Job: @13:04: No need to brag man, but that's a lot of kills, lol!🤣

Dan Jones: Yeah I've had some bad games but that random teammate wasn't, he literally was a zero/low skill player.

Michael Rivera: Pinned down by Robinhood and Chris Kyle 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Just that apple you killed Yesterday: A level 1 backpack at the start of a game is more rare than heirloom shards

DocTyro: The most annoying thing in the game is when you're reached the respawn beacon and teammate left. That in my book ranks higher than rage quit and toxic.

Cassandra Amber: 3.3000 kills, wow rich

Comic Kodi: LMAO! How’d that boy drop zero damage? I ask that, but I’ve been getting a lot of similar teammates. Even games will win, after fighting like 8 teams and then I realize I was hard carrying the whole time, all the while I thought my teammates were good. 😂

KillerAssasin: This has been a big problem for me. Seems the only time I get a good random is when he is an octane

jordan battle: I feel your pain can’t carry every game teammates make dumb decisions but I follow like a good teammate🤦🏾‍♂️

Bony Hawks Toe Skater: My teammates contributions when I solo are actually shocking.....and beyond tragic.

a: The lost lifeline was the champion… what???

Norreanelucy Padmencie: Rubbish teammate ever, can't do shit then left a game, what a trash

Cloud Macchiato: That's tough.

youvebeen hacked: Funny thing is ea probably don't care about this absurd matchmaking. They might fix this considering apex has a lot of players and has brought ea a lot of money

Dillon L: That octane went down more than a stripper on Friday night.

Adam DeRose: I've been laughing about that Chris Kyle and Robin Hood comment for the last 20 mins 😂🤣💀 Love the content/channel man!

Alex C: Sbmm is the worst, why we get put in lobbies with people with more kills that Rich is a joke. Get rid of red evo shields too, it just promotes sweaty yolo quitters that immediately go back to the lobby when they’re down to start the next game

Flux: SBM in pubs has to go. Put it in ranked, DEVS. I wanna get off work and unwind with some casual pub-stomping action. I bet 99 percent of APEX players will agree! Thumbs up if want SBM out of pub lobs and put in ranked only!!

Ned Hunt: Try the 2x on the r9 it’s so good

LunaToons Gaming: Your videos are always the best

Muk Mowf: If you play solo like me and worry about what your teammates are doing your not really soloing. Your playing with ransoms. Me I go off on my own, if they follow cool they don’t cool. They survive long enough then help them if not fodder for the canon

Ben Pietersen: Where did your extended heavy mag go? Was the lobby too easy so you decided to challenge yourself?

ricmar70: Lol. LazyXXL just trolled everybody :D

Fernando Villegas: @itempplays did you even notice the lifeline creeping up @ 9:30

WTFx: seemed like you were playing bots until the final 3 squads TBH

Red Lion: Can you use the r99 alchemist skin day 19

TheDoctorFPS: Team mate was a BOT!

Shade Seph: Solo queue players get fucked in Apex!!!

Victor Cabrera: Octane teammates have tested my patience lately they get our team killed smh

Digital Unlocked BD: can i play with u? i need a coach... umm tired of playing with random....


odd T.: I love how ransoms play like it’s pub while in rank’d

odd T.: I love when the random thinks they have people watching them stream and jump hot

odd T.: I love when your random teammates loot while your shooting

Peter Enis: Yesterday my dog died and my girlfriend broke up with me still felt better than solo q in apex^^

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