Animal Kingdom: Smurf’s Will & Estate - Season 5, Episode 2 [CLIP] | TNT

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Caffeinated Nation: Ok - and hear me out on this - Smurf didn't leave her boys out of the will because she hated them. She did this to ensure they would still work and stay together after her death. If they all got her money and assets, they'd drift apart and spend it recklessly (looking at you, Craig). This way, they have to continue the "family business" to survive and lean on each other's skill sets.

Dick Riggles: How are these guys still broke? They should have enough to retire on. Great show, but a ton of plot holes. Especially how they thought giving those idiots back their gold would end well. Smurf also bizarrely screwing over her kids, but then again, my dad did that too, guess mental illness happens to a lot more people than you think.

socialismISstealing: Not a fan of the 3 weeks earlier bit. Season 5 sucks thanks to flashbacks we don't need em or want a delay in the story

Connor Hill: Gotta love how j just casually suggests the idea of killing her and there is just like a wtf pause

Aksel De La Rosa: OMG I forgot I recorded this…I’m going to watch this now since I’m out of work and eat dinner too

TwitchtvTrigun52: I have another way to view what smurf did, Smurf knew the boys would need a strong, leader of a woman just like herself to lead the boys. Remember, Smurfs biggest reason for doing what she did at the shootout was because she truly believes the boys cannot make it without a strong woman leading them. Smurf KNEW the boys would seek out pam, she knew they would get that will back and thats exactly what Jay is doing. Whats interesting about last episode was that Pam looks like she has more influence over young pope than smurf did back in the day, Young Pope did what pam said and respected her, would be cool if Pam became the new smurf and remind pope just how influential she was in his younger years. Pam just might become the new queen.

The Great Elephant: Smurf played them from beyond the grave. An awesome scene. And the tension between the crew is gonna end up bad...

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