Pawn Stars: Rebecca’s BRUTAL Appraisal of "Walden" First Edition (Season 5) | History

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Gerald Caponetti: Rebecca said $100 at auction. He must not believe Rebecca to offer $125 or…maybe it’s a gift for his pal Chumley.

Panzer Chicken: Haha even pretty ladies like Rebecca know how to shake hands with Chum, thats awesome!

L'arcane: Rebecca <3

Diane Nannini: Strength in silence Chumlee, big love to you

Prince Edmund, Duke of Edinburgh: 1:36 lol

Tee Jay: *closes out video as soon as Rebecca leaves*


Rob S: I like how the appraisal always starts promising, but ends with a kick in the nuts

anonymous: Gameloft book 📚

Bendangzulu Pongen: I have an idea, next season all about books. Hey, I didn't say Rebecca. I said books.

Ty Jeffries: I don’t know when this was filmed, but I sold the same book on eBay about 3 months ago and it sold for 800

alez gun: Hello

OnkarAdventure: 189

DeViiaTe - Ryo 芭月涼: Mmmm mommy becca

jame yelnoc: Rebecca: "The guys usually call me down when they havent been laid in awhile." 😅

BUD WHITE: Thanks. I just bought this book for about 4 bucks. Cheers.

Dave Man: When Corey said,,, is that true!? 😆))

Philip Chiu: Magic word today is "Rebecca" 😃

globofgreen: He really spoiled the book smh 🤦‍♂️

Saurabh Kumar: Rebecca... I LOVE YOU❤️❤️

Jacked Kerouac: Now that book's worth $20 less from his greasy fingers touching it everywhere

CatsMeowPaw: It says 1886 on the spine. First edition? Surely the guy can't be that dumb.

newking70: Que the Rebecca stalking wierdos.

MILLCITY FLEXXX: I’m just here for Rebecca I love her 😍

Aneesh Asokan: Rebba rebbaa 😘😘😘😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥

r e d: Cory: you’ve never read in your life Chumlee: seriously you gotta say that on tv?

Truth Is Out There: I think it’s funny that chums lees used to ditch class and now he is a multimillionaire and drives a rolls Royce and a Lamborghini!!!! This PROVES school is for losers!!!! Thank you pawn stars!!!!

Gary Schumacher: Rebecca is so smart and so very pretty.

Truth Is Out There: I am told that chums lees actually used to date Rebecca

Truth Is Out There: The last book I read was about DB COOPER. He was a famous bank robber who jumped out of a plane over Washington in the mountains and disappeared with all the money. Me and my friend and colleague Baby Teddy are going next month to find DB COOPER!!!! We studied the maps and know where he is!!!! When we find him we will also get a huge reward and have lots of money!!!! We are TEAM UFO!!!!

Truth Is Out There: Dearest Rebecca…….Please marry me. Sincerely yours, the GREAT LUCK DUCK, KING OF THE UNIVERSE FOR INFINITY,, DIVINE RULER OF TIME AND SPACE AND QUANTUM PHYSICS AND MASTER OF COMMENT NUMBER 153!!!! Thank you pawn stars!!!

Truth Is Out There: Good evening gentle readers. I am the great Luck Duck. I am officially King of the Universe for Infinity. I also am the most lucky of all times. Of final information I am most importantly the president and grand poo-bah of our local Chums Lees and dinky dog fan club. I wish to announce I am comment number 153. This is an extremely lucky number and extremely rare. All shall bow before me as I am the great LUCK DUCK!!!! Soon I will also be president elect of our local Rebecca club. I win every time!!! Thank you pawn stars!!!

Truth Is Out There: Hi Rebecca!!!!

Truth Is Out There: I am proud to say I never herd of this book ever

Truth Is Out There: It’s a good thing those idiots called in Rebecca!!!! She saved them a fortune. Also I am the greatest!!!

DALG Guitars: Rebecca can give me bad news any day of the week!

METALMAN4Wii: Does Rebecca have a Fans Only Page?

Michael Olinger: 🌹Rebecca 🌹

Micks: lol

David Geiger: Can't take $125 for a book?

Da'q'ua'n Negronius: Surprised Corey even offered that much knowing it sold at auction for $100

A T: I'm an appraiser of Rebecca clips... This one gentlemen, is a first edition

ImmortalTen: a Rebecca episode? say no more!

The Wanderer: This is a perfect example of why you need a resident expert like Rebecca. Facts and figures, only. And a ton of hotness, to boot

Black7Studios: Why does Cory raise his arm up so high when going in for handshakes? 🤣


Nunez Frankie: Chum way richer than that guy

Sick Stuff: Rebecca has an only fans now

Waterlooplein1: I sincerely wish more people would do what he did-take it home.

pigGRAYs hombakd: How many times did Pawn Stars start with "so what do we got here"?

Ricardo Ibarra: I know chum ain’t hitting that

Mike Cronis: Did anyone else get a little excited about the video title? I love it when Rebecca is expertly judge-y.

NP148: I see "Rebecca" in the title and I click right away

Todd The Humble: Bad camera man should have showed her walking away full body lmfao.

Santtu Moilanen: Cory is a pawntshap? thougt he was an house

Hydra: Chumlee probably never read dr Seuss green eyes and ham

13mmxiii: Old Man’s stunt double at 1.38

MissLilRedRooster: Chum and Rebecca's handshake. ❤

myclium man2: i see a book i click for Rebecca

Flavio Silva: The Rebbeca comments are so stupid...wankers

Chuckles: Gentlemen of refinement and _excellent taste,_ we meet again.

Batty Son: Rebecca's the real star of the show, she's personable, knowledgeable, fair not to forget she's very easy on the eyes.

Tee Dawg: How come every show when the expert comes in, the first thing they ask is what do we have here? Like they wasn't told exactly what they were coming to look at prior.

Jim Clarke: Rebecca rules 😍

Kyle Kodnia: 2:58 chumlee looks OFF

Marcelo Ferdinannd: Camon Man. Give chum sum credit

Ryan Graham: Rebecca aint even that cute lol and if you dont have a good knowledge of books good luck holding a good convo

Patrick Conkright: Anyone notice or mention the guy in the background channeling the "Old Man" (may he rest in piece) with that outfit he is wearing?

Chris Cruz: Looks like Rebecca's a heart breaker in more than one way lol

t3k luh: Rebecca is married, leave her alone

Jason Wallace: Rebecca needs her own show. And i mean only fans show.

Zach Good: "You have a 9th edition paperback copy of _Twilight_ that you bought at the train station last week for $8.99? Yeah, I don't know anything about how much that'd be worth, let me call in Rebecca." - Me if I owned a pawn shop

808AllDay: This is the episode where Chum had finally had enough of the disrespect, lost some weight, gained some knowledge, and is a better salesman than Corey is today.

CJ's Kayak Fishing: "I read it. I have no use for it. It was crap."

Dokta Psykh: I like Rebecca. What I don't like is how she keeps making fun of the pawn stars for not knowing about certain books but then gets mad if a customer questions her appraisal. She doesn't know everything about everything either.

chopsddy3: Hippies could live for six months on $100. (if they grew their own weed)😆

youtube commentator: I got a book she can read

Jays Reviews: Why is this video at like 10 FPS

Dominic Preas: rebecca 🤤

ajmittendorf: I hated "Walden."

Abdulrahman Hussein Ali Ali: What the heck! I’m not trolling I thought Rebecca was a transgender

Ersy V: least we got to see rebeccccaaaa

Stephen Mellick: Anyone else notice the look Rebecca gave the seller right before shaking his hand? I think she was into him!

Brent Baker: Chumlee looks like he never had a bath in his life

supimsatan: Video starts at 1:44.

cchavezjr7: This is one of those episodes she did this weird powdering of her eyebrows. It's a bit strange.

Mc CANDLE: Mommy Rebecca

NEEDCheese: Let ME go give her...a call.

Karl Brady: IF the title has the word "Rebecca", I'm watching

swarnim subba: When there is a book my heart beats coz rebbica will defenetly come 🥰🥰

Mr Tav: I adore Rebecca, she is so... Uhm... Married, yes she is definitely married oh boi!

Duh2042: I see Rebecca, I click

Chris McCloud: I love Rebecca!!!

Colton: I'm a simple man. I see Rebecca in the title and I click.

Del Boy: Rebecca :**************

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