The Owl House Season 2 Will Be DARKER Than Before

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maximum overdrive: The emperor is sans


Witchdoc: Oh I thought the palismen was the witch sac attached to a witches heart

Neil Messersmith: I'm ok with evil demonic magic but damn for a kids show on disney I really think the owl house should of been on nickelodeon instead of disney channel since disney is supposed to target younger viewers and up

angus mcculloch: king is bill cypher new form duh not a titan

Lilithium: Are you sure that's a broken palisman and not.... the bile gland of a witch? Y'know, where they produce and store all the magic in their body? If it were a palisman wouldn't it have the foot marking of one, like how Luz was able to tell the Vampire Queen was one?

Grell Suttcliff: The homophobic Christian's are quaking

DeltaFox: ALMOST 1M yaaa

éclair: Fuck this opening, good cartoons are not all dark and continuity. We have animaniacs as proof.

Cherryblossom ink: Okay I just watch 😂😅😂🤣🤣episode 12of crag of the creek and I just saw something so nasty 🤢 yet funny 😆 and messed up and makes no cents it just made me laugh 😆 and grossed me out at the same time OMG 😆 why omg 😆 why why did they do that at the end I feel like hurling but at the same time it’s just to funny the ending was just to much 😆

Scientasy-Guy: I hope there will be a plottwist that King is actually pretty powerful

Sparrow: I for one welcome our grim dark cartoon overlords. we should push the boundaries, I wanna see blood, death, and sex in cartoons, I want Eda to dance butt naked under the moon to perform a ritual. allowing cartoons to lose their edge is the reason we had to sacrifice OG Teen Titans for TT GO, an abomination of a beloved series. no more brain dead animation, I want cartoons to be made for adult audiences like in the old days.

MrDemoApple: HAIL SATAN!!!

Gavin Parker: I mean come ON!!! This front picture is AMAZINGLY WHAT I WANT !!!!!! Lues mom DIES age 56... lus has gone MAD with darkness ya that will be an amazing back story fir lus

Izuku Midoriya: It’s even more terrifying for homophobic people. They might not like Luz or Amity.

The Soldier: Me just excited for a season 2

kyo UwU: I wonder if there will be war

kyo UwU: Yay

Rinya Skyline: Is there a link to the picture at 7:54 cause I went through and couldn't find it to save my life.

catzster :3: If it wasn't already

페리도트5XG: Dark cartoons have become my life. Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Infinity Train and now The Owl House. IDK if this is good or bad haha Hey wait vox--why did U insert that traumatic SU clip I almost forgot about that!!! -NOOOO-

loser with no life :D: Scarry dark cartoon go 'brrr'

Layne Martin: 1, star tackles genocide, 2 I think having the popular girl sacrificing one of her friends or trying to sacrifice amenity... recognizable but not pivotal character...

Alleson Price: I love toh

Hunter Elder: All I know, is that if the Owl House goes darker than Weirdmageddon on a regular basis, I'm going to be a little disturbed.

Jack Sithlord: Just hope they don’t take themselves TOO seriously

Little Miss Gemini: Wait so is it gonna be basically Gravity Falls type of horrific ness, or is it gonna be...worse. Because I love this show and I’m a little nervous o_o Pls respond cuz I needa know ;-;

The Kitty House: *Clone wars flash back INTENSIFIES*

Amazing Spiderman Fan 2002: Dark and edginess doesn't make a show great.

Amazing Spiderman Fan 2002: Will there be a tournament arc?

Mike eagle: Why was there an ad for a loli pulling up her skirt before this

JOSUE DOMINGUEZ - DE LA TORRE: I actually dig the original luz weapon, good concept, good choice.. GOOD BLOODSHED!!!!!!!!

Duff Nugget: More like it will be more asser

Applebook Pro: I think there is going to be an uprising against Belos.

Barrett Birks: hey buddy, get your head out of your ass for 5 seconds, the stigma of cartoons being edgy is never a good idea, and if you want to help stop it, stop making 60 theory videos about how Luz is dad died and became Belos, or wanting to turn light hearted and fun shows into awful edgelord bate

RO DP: I rlly like the Hexside episodes and hopefully get more

RO DP: I rlly hope so I’m expecting big things for season 2

Christian Warrior: ok but the question is: WHEN CAN I SEE IT AND WHERE CAN I SEE IT?? T^T

RobProb X: Okay

xenne.: Can’t wait for the loud house to have every members have an identity crisis

thekakkuris: now i wonder if the owl house art style will turn into a semi realistic walking dead game style like in the thumbnail-

Lancelot Hall: Season 2 shouldn't maybe be in disney Channel anymore, fuck disney channel (except for their good cartoon shows) and there stupid censorship, WHAT HAPPEND TO THE GOOD OL DAYS OF CARTOON DARK HUMOR

n0qhwx .O.: Make a video about Kick Buttbtowski

Arturo Fajardo: Does anyone know where I can watch the owl house for free?

Flux: as a good friend said DEATH DEATH AND BLOOD

Paradox Free: I would actually hope for something closer to Harry Potter, where the academics in Hogwarts slowly losing importance over time.

Ruthie R: I love the passion in his voice whenever he speaks on cartoons, gives me hope for the next generation.

Nawaf Alsaleh Studios: I think the owl house should revive on that, we have Amphibia for now on, we don’t care about owl house anymore

Toprem: 0:16 - what show is this? I don't mind Hexside since the school is a magic one in the magic world, the school in Star on the other hand was boring af since it was a normal world one. I wasn't even all that thrilled with the first season of Star, while Owl House is just fucking great.

Sharon Melter: This mama is ready for trauma!!!!!!!!

orran animates: Oh shiddscikle

godricnecro: Emperor Bellows: **Eye starts glowing** "It's a beautiful day outside..."

Snow Hunter: The animation of Owl House bamboozled me as much as it attracted me with its engaging characters and narrative.

PaiCult: Not to be mean but for some reason when you started talking like this made my head hurt and idk why ;;

Victoria Burroughs: I really hope my boi Gus gets some character development. There's just so much you can do with his character! For starters (and correct me if I'm wrong), Gus has only has his dad, with his mom nowhere to be found. Did she die? Did she abandon them? Is she in league with some dark forces against her will? Also, his powers as an illusionist. What are the limits of his magic, and how was will he use it to help his friends? Most importantly, how will Gus, the happy go lucky comic relief, deal with all the chaos that is bound to happen in the next season? Also, I can't wait to see how Gus's, Willow's, and Luz's friendship strengthens (or potentially weakens?!) throughout the show. I'm all for Lumity and the exploration of LGBTQ themes. I just hope the golden trio doesn't get shafted along the way...

Nicole Terrero: I also think maybe a main character might die and belos might be human why dose he need palismin blood for magic dose it seem wierd

Nicole Terrero: Well blue eyes or eye I have my eye on a character like sans for undertale

GrenHoho :D: Be remembering over the garden wall and the lore of it *crys*

Leobardo Melgoza: I would want to see the other demons like in kings book

frick your chicken strips: when is it coming out?

SilhouetteNimiane: I was really disappointed starting season one because it was so light-hearted. The second half of the season got more interesting and a little darker and it was such an improvement. I really want that to continue.

Breanna Davis: Luz being able to talk to the titan

Kimberley Jaime: Murder 👏 Murder 👏 Murder 👏

Farhan: I mean, it's about witches and demons, what did you expect?

Serpent Boi: I just need a good story, I don’t care if it’s dark, I just need to love it.

Jack rock: Oh man can you imagine they actually go that far getting so dark it'd be really cool luz actually have a bad as a weapon with glyphs on it and I like to believe the final battle will change luz kind of like lamelo from Tokyo ghoul

KryptoGuy 201: What if Luz has like a breakdown and cuts a hair to like a side cut. And I think next season will go more in depth with the darker side of the Boiling Isles. Like the savage age. Or like if Amity is forced to pick Luz or her family and their dreams. I think we might even see a couple of deaths. What if King or Hooty were like Luz and were a human and became something because of a curse or something they did. And willow and amity’s friendship can be because of a rivalry or status. We saw in the episode of Willows memories we saw that Willow’s parents are both men. And the blights probably didn’t want their status to be ruined because their child was hanging around another child’s who parents were out of the regular being on the Isles. And we might even see a climatic battle with a witch who has been through enough to kill herself. And a man who wants power. And I think the Unity day might work but it might unite the 2 worlds like Star v.s. The forces of evil. Those are my thoughts

MrPro 510: If Disney takes the owl house down let’s go attack them

Actually_Noah: He's like hell yeah children nightmares

End Of The line: They gonna say motherf

NoMoreDLC: Everybody:expecting owl House season 2 to be as dark as possible Disney:more amity gay panics,take it or leave it

Josuealopez 3: So Ur saying this: Disney: how much darker Season 2 is gonna get Dana: YES

Slapstick Genius: The owl house will be full blown Narutaru for kids!

MasterMazeProductions: I think Dana might blow up Hexside high school in a future season, either as a hogwarts style stand your ground against evil type thing, an Eda screw the system type thing, or a punishment from Belos against the school helping Luz and Eda in some way

TrionyxGaming: New season of TheOwlHouse: has good story telling, great plot and character development Literally 80% of the fandom: *hAHa LuamiTY goEs bRrrRrR* But in all seriousness, i want more theories and assumptions about what's to come next about the story, i genuinally dont care about ships, but more of the story.

Niara Hancock: Heck yes

Unstoppable Plays!: Somewhere out there lilly peet is scowling lol

Alex Afton: “A giant dead corpse’’ Ah yes nice dirt soil

GalaxySquid 01: There was one episode where it explained that you can combine different types of magic. What if you can combine different types of magic to make new ones? If this theory is true then what If the Emperor did that and he wants all the witches to only have one type of magic so he can remain the most powerful witch. He would hide the fact that you can combine magic because it would be simple to and he would no longer hold any power if this secret got out.

baked waffles: Yes

Christopher Harris: this was so funny

Titan Randle: Shouldn't the main focus of the owl house be the people the island and the parents the back storys and most importantly the magic of the owl house

Just Watching: I always thought that Luz would would grow stronger by drawing and/or eventually tattooing glyphs onto her skin, in order to use magic more easily.

Tyto Tech: I fully expect Eda to die in a later season like 2012 splinter or pretty much any other cartoon o.p master.

watertommyz: I don't want grimdark for the sake of dark. I like things to be grounded. No need to be mean spirited, but no need to shy away from harsh realities either. It's a balance.

Bronwyn Bruntley: Anyone have the links to those concept arts? Particularly the one with Luz and the giant eye. I’ve been looking around and I can’t find it

DoubleX Alchemist: It the real question is that when is the next season coming out


Ron Morris: After what infinity train did with book 3 I honestly expect cartoons in general to start getting alot more dark.

A Person: I think in season 2 there will be many backstorys and i think we are gonna get to know the blights a little bit better

AgentownshipRebelion: I really don't care about how dark a story is. As long as it's well written. It can be light, chill and still enjoyable, memorable and worthwhile. Just going dark doesn't make something good.

The Pyromaniac: I personally don’t care if the cartoon is too dark to say, but if it has a good story with lore that goes fairy deep then I’m am def in. Things like Steven Universe and Gravity Falls find that perfect medium between the two. Great action, story and humour. With some more serious undertones

Peter Guntheroth: I really miss the scary cartoons I grew up with like Invader Zim and COurage the Cowardly Dog. I like it when cartoons can make me feel something other than banal, saccharine placidity. I like plenty of feel-good toons but FFS children are allowed to feel more than one emotion while being entertained.

Aidan Thomey: Maybe this season's dark plot twist is Hooty dying while trying to protect his family? (Luz, Eda, King) That could be a good catalyst for his backstory!

CWDTrixie: So, Owl House will follow every other Disney property now. Kind of getting bored of the same scenario over and over again from these show runners. Will not be impressed till any of these shows truly goes dark, like you see in several anime.

Pamelq Taylor: Damn Roundtable are you thirsty for Blood Over Intent style magick @6:08!

CJ R: Is there any news on the release date for season 2 🤔

Mike Gorlewski: I think Luz’s Mom is going to die.

Night God356: Roundtable are you going to to do the gumball chronicles ancestor act episode?

RadMarshmellow Animations: I’m predicting that The Emperor is going to be human...

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