Still to Come on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 11 | Bravo

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mary hamda: Look I can’t say Erica knew everything but I can say she was useing all that money I don’t think she was blind to her husbands scams he is a very powerful man that alone could have keep her silent remember he can very Easily cut her off and destroy her in a snap of a finger so ya I’m just saying.

GRA-EME D: I think Erika has stayed on this show to build her victim persona this season. She has been talking a lot about how she had no voice, it wasn’t her house, she had no control and knew nothing about the finances etc. -convenient story - but she forgets she flaunted spending money like no tomorrow for the past 4 seasons. 40k a month on her glam squad. That dumb loft apartment just to have a team of people sit around and tell her how beautiful she was. Erika, you showed us where the money went for years! No wonder they are coming after you for assets. You expected us to believe you walked out on all that one day because he was “degrading in front of you”…wouldn’t that be a reason to stay with someone if you were planning on holding his hand until he died? Holes and contradictions all over her story.

Michelle Collins: Erica is finally getting her karma for treating people the way she has. About time.

Edith Burr: Really she should be arrested she did it and she knew she's a gob shit if she had of spoken to me the way she did sutton seriously she would have got smacked in mouth who the hell does she think she is

Barbara Hughes: Erica knows where that money went her and Tom was spending it and know she is playing the Victim...They real Victims are the people was killed in the plane crash and their family...That was low what Erica and Tom did I hope they go to prison and pay every penny they stolen..She only sorry because they got caught...I never like her from the minute she was on the show. Her and Tom throwing the money 💰around...people lost there family members and past away these 2 are scumbags and Erica married Tom for money she didn't care about him she had her life and he had his and both stolen that money for themselves...What a disgrace they are.. stop faking it Erica we.know who and what you could you do that....🤥🤥🤨😤😡👿

Abbz Jordan: Erika really hate being called a liar. It would bug me too if I was telling the truth. But with her it's almost like she gets pissed that people don't believe her lies. She did it with Teddi when she said she had pretend amnesia and again with Sutton.

sergey peretyatko: why is everyone hating on erika so much? she wasnt a lawer she didnt work for the firm tom gets hardly any blame , but she is vilified...nothing is priven...she is just his wife ...this is another case of misogyny

Michelle Andrews: Sutton is weird as hell

Rick Laudy: Erica Jane fights like a stripper. Lol

Cindy Morales: Boo Hoo prison for the CROOKED ICE Queen 💩👹

Mamu Mau Mau: Oh joy eh fab fashionistas? The Real Fake House Wives of B. Hills season eleven!!!! Can you stand it gals? Can you stand the anticipation and the excitement??? Yea, all of these washed up over the hill cheerleaders are gonna make total fools of themselves again!!! Yea, so stock up on some low cal popcorn and diet soft drinks and have a ball!!!!!

erin schoch: I would have said with what broke bi***

Burgundy: I believe its going to be crystal, garcelle, erika -(andy)- kyle, sutton, dorit, rinna ... the only reason kyle is not switched with sutton is because kyle has always sat next to andy and I believe it will stay that way.

Peter Pan: Bravo needs to film the real housewives in prison. I’m pretty sure you have enough housewives in prisons for a full cast

fraz.: "Look at my life... I'm in a $10,000 a month house... Pray for me.."

dee dee: exactlly!!!!.... if he stole the money where is it???... the 2 planes!!! the $40,000 a month in glam!!!...the penthouse!!!..."the it's expensive to be me non existent music career!!!"

Brian Moore: Boo Hoo Ericka.. No one cares about YOUR life. How about the victims lives? the word victims has never come out of her mouth! All right, all right. See her on gthe next episode!

Jack Fitch: Kathy trying so hard to act dumb is tiring 🤡

IP: Damn, Erika really can act. Someone get her on a show with Eileen so she can work for the lifestyle the innocent victims provided her.

Tavo Dupré-Lpz: Why is every scared 😱 on Erika?? Give me a break!

Kristina Daoud: I just feel bad for Erika :( what an abusive, manipulative, toxic relationship she had to be in for so long

P: Erika knows...her body language after she asked the question and crossed her arms. Just sayin

MyLoveIsBeauty104: I wish Erika the best of luck trying to come for Sutton while sitting in a cell. She’s so dramatic about this situation that she put herself in, but shows no sympathy for her victims.

Dane Hereford: "Look at me; Look at my f****** life." Okay girl, that's what we're doing! Lol

Olive Branch: Sutton has every right to question Ericas words. Maybe should done it privately though! Erica and Tom both knew that if they were getting in this deep they needed to hid that money. She is in denial because she believes her a$$ is covered. Believe me people who are in Tom's position of power never work alone! The fraud on this level would be next to impossible as far as tracking where that money really went. Laundered overseas never to be seen by anyone but them again

Emperor Palpatine: I’ll never get over Dorit’s (Doritos) fake British/Spanish/Chinese/Australian/South African/Irish/Scottish/French or whatever fake accent she pretends to have lol.

S B: I can’t think of a more ironic title for the channel that spews this shit than ‘Bravo’.

L Johnny: Wouldn't mind seeing Chrystal GO

L Johnny: Sutton is the best. Genuine w class x character

Belva Brooker: so....denise was a liar and she had to be destroyed.... and now erika is saying the thruth, and everybody that challenges her need to be destroyed?.... impossible story

Carlos Augusto Ferreira Kopp: Lisa is such a bad actress, that noise and fake laugh that she keeps doing are so annoying.

no one: A gold digger now it looks like she's going to have to dig for her gold

Howard #: Erica your face is a lie crocodiles tears .its time to come clean you are fake

Tuesdays Child: I hope they don't do what they did to LVP. When people are going through a crisis they are at their bottom and their rational mind goes. It isn't the time to judge. I hope someone steps up and makes sure Erika is ok. There will be a time to get all of your opinions out. I hope the victims get their money and I hope Tom makes it his duty to do that.

Dasch Dream: i’m sorry, but it’s annoying how garcelle is always ride or die for people who do really sketchy or awful things. it’s like, if that “friend” can’t handle or appreciate your honesty and disappointment, then that person is not your friend. aka, erica is not garcelle’s friend since in order to be erica’s friend, you have to literally walk on egg shells and go along with lies.

tori davis: Ericka was so aggressive with Sutton at that table, a little scary 2 watch...

Marc Marell: My Honest Opinion- I don’t think she knew the money was stolen. He was giving her money to fund her music career and of course she wasn’t going to ask questions; she married him for money. I think he knew that if the shyt hit the fan- they can easily take her down with him because of the optics.

A.A.P: Ever since Fish Lips Rinna and Gold digger Erika came on the show it has gone downhill. Loved it when Camille, Yolanda, Denise Richards and sure miss Lisa Vanderpump. It was classy and with style. Kathy Hilton is so passé and boring. Sutton knocks it out of the park. Love Vanderpump Dogs.

thomas rokos: Did they believe LVP?-Fuck Eric Jane-Do not pass go just go straight to prison

BARBARA west: What a happy woman I am now being free from HSV Is a great testimony for me all thanks to Dr IGUDIA on YouTube for curing me from HSV only by using his products which he sent to me

ASMR Isn’t Weird, Mark: In my opinion it is obvious that Erica is being disingenuous. When we (humans) cry we wipe our tears, and usually wipe our nose too. It’s an instinctive response, especially a personality like Erica who is stoic and hides her emotions to show her strength. She just lets the tears collect on her face, Erica has always been one of my favourites but I do think she’s being dishonest in this season.

hoiy vinosa: Erika wants sympathy and wants everyone to believe her crocodile 🐊 tears 😭 yet turns DEMONIC when questioned. Girl bye! Go take your cheap mascara somewhere else.


Mom says: So much respect for Sutton!!!! Erica threatens she’s coming for her. The ice queen isn’t known to be humble. Not one word about the victims suffering. It’s all; me,me,me....Guess what Erica? No one believes you....and they’re coming for You!

Lee Worsley: Poor erika... 🙄👀

Rahim Almawri: Love love Sutton.

Chillah Thomas: I love Erika's voice

peter-james wright: Erika literally cannot afford to speak to people like that 🤦🏽‍♂️

prine234: I'm having a hard time believing that Erika knew nothing - absolute nothing - about her husband's dealings.

M T: Rinna throwing her head back and closing her eyes while Erika is threatening Sutton is a serious MOMENT.

JJ D: What exactly has Erika done to prove she could ruin someone's life???? 🤔Just bc she has a resting B face and a deep monotone voice?🤷🏾‍♀️

Lauryn Michelle: If Erika ever told me she was "coming for me" I would laugh out loud. All bark and no bite.

TL Nab: Erika needs to be brought to her knees by her cast members. She is guilty as hell along with her husband. Shame on the cast members for pretending Erika is innocent. They both used that money and lived a good life while victims of the deceased family went to their graves in a horrid plane crash. They both need to pay that money back.

Tera Armstrong: Crystal needs to go..I hate the way she talks to Sutton.

Blavasky Petrovska: Ericka, you are just a thief, accomplice and a HUSTLER! what your husband did you knew! and you are a gold digger but your bubble burst on national TV. THEY NEED TO LOCK YOU UP TOO!

Kathy Essex: I believe Erica knows a lot more than she is wanting anyone to think.

Rodrigo Fernández: Best season EVER

life is beautiful: If he stole money she want to know where the money is? that is the money you have spending for years

Alison W: Hey Erika, you know what you can kiss? Deez Nuts! 😁

Alison W: Boo F'ing hoo Erika. Nobody needs to bow down to you for the consequences of your life and decisions.

Mary Zylema: Erica's putting on the show of a life time. Part of me thinks she knew some but not all. We will 👀

Swan Lake: Erika showing her true nasty colors. This is the REAL Erika. The selfish Erika that chose her need to be famous over her own child. I love Sutton but I wish she had a backbone bc you let that piece of trash talk to me like that she’s getting it back 10 fold. I honestly don’t think I could sit there. Lawd I’d be cuffed bc I’d be in her face!

Scott: Erika is one tough cookie

TwentyThree: Lisa rinna very quiet

Dr. Ing. Alja Medici pl. OLY: Poor Erica is such a victim, woe is her, like seriously, look at her life after she stole from actual real life VICTIMS; ORPHANS AND WIDOWS.

Pank UniKarn: She knew

K A: Erika's son is a cop. Go arrest your Mom for all her crimes!

M Rodriguez: Erica is all fake ‘tough’ with Sutton because she knows Sutton will back down. But anyone else would have easily told that gold-digging, corrupt, lying, talentless con artist off.and challenged her. She’s not going to do anything to anyone because she’s not even in a position at this point, to avoid the law. Her threats are empty as her bank account will soon be (and rightfully) too.

Beth davis: Erika going to be fired from real house wives and all her clothes and shoes and jewels are going to be sold and money will go to the peaple tom ripped off...

Joyce Scanlan: Watch the housewife and the hustler on utube and then you will hate them and cry for their victims 🌺

Holly Is Your Friend Stranger: Sutton is a breath of fresh air. I really like her!! I'm glad they kept her on here! 🥰 AND Cry on Erica, cry on. TALKING ABOUT "I would like to know were the money is myself?" _You're wearing it!_ Talking about "look at me, look at my f-ck'n life." You did that, you & your husband not them. So the whole "I'm bout it, imma throw a threat at you, then say it is a promise? Here is promise. Your going to have to pay back every victim you took from. You knew, who doesn't know what their partner is doing? Especially after all the seasons of trusting 'Tom.' Come on.... that's like saying his phone is locked and you don't know the password. Please, you're the type to have the lock on the phone, girl. You known what he was doing. You were living for it, living with it, and damn sure living off of it. Until it all came out. Now you want to throw the tears on? Ahht, AHHT. Then when it all came out. You called people haters, & basically bullied people. Who were making memes. Not even mean one's. Just nice memes. Then when they ask for credit. You wanta say they are just using you for your name. Honey, you were using victims for the name "Erica Jane" nobody knew who you were until RHOBH and someone knew you before that?? Then they should be ashamed for listening to such awful music. 🤣🤣

Shawshank60: So Erica is still making threats, and these weak woman just backdown

AR: A lot of people are shitting on Erica for not sharing any of this in earlier seasons... trust me when you feel like you don't bring anything to the table in a relationship especially financially, you just smile and coast by and one day you snap especially if the relationship doesn't work. Do I think Tom is guilty? Yes. Do I think Erica had been in a rut of a marriage and had put the tough girl act, YES

JJ 🔥: Erika is such a narcissist & bully . It’s revolting

JamieL: Karma baby

Oma Veira: Kyle tell your husband to shut up, because he is next, “ saying there is a bunch of lies out there”. Does he knows something we don’t know” and I really think because you are on the show, he has a saying over the news. The news out there is more believable than Erika and Tom.

Agent COCO: Sorry Erika we see THE LIES in your eyes 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 Shame on you and Tom😏

Ernesto Garcia: Not Garcelle coming for Dorit 🤣

Cynthia D: Garcelle❤️

KAYE: Where are the GIFs YT sheeeessshhh

Dan Xy: The money he stole is in your bank account Erika. It’s documented.

Kathy Jones: It makes me laugh every time she says look at my life. She is living in a 9,000$ a month house. She drives a range rover. Has an endless supply of clothes, shoes and handbags. And people are supposed to feel sorry for her??????

New York VEGAS: Erika threatened Sutton on National TV. Erika don't you know that's a crime. You threaten to come for her and you said you would do it.

To The Lighthouse: You lost me as a viewer, Bravo. We all know they stole millions from vulnerable clients, & you're here turning it into trailers & teasers. Super sh*tty of you to capitalize & profit from the ABUSE of clients like this. I guess there's nothing you won't stoop to, but for me this is the end of the road. You should be apologizing for airing this, but instead you've placed Tom & Erika Jayne at the centre of your whole season. Horrible.

Terry Buckalew: time for Erika to go too mean

mahogany soul: And in what way could Erika POSSIBLY come for Sutton? 🤣

UWSGRRRL: Why didn’t Erika save some money over the 20 year marriage. Foolish to spend, spend spend & not save for a rainy day.

Brion02: How boring would this season be without Sutton. She carried the first half with Crystal and now Crystal needs a breather, but Sutton is still full steam ahead onto Erika! Give her a raise! haha...

winmaw tun: Look at me. Look at my fucking life. Then Its not a threat .

Enas El Ibiary: Now after the judgement it's hard to say anything. But each time an add just like this one air Ericka saying i will come for you, she say it as if she is a gangster belong to one of the families😅😅. What she will do!!!!! bury her 6 feet under😅😅😅, she did a disservice to her self talking like a criminal, where is her PR? What ever happened the 100% truth is she binefited of it all.

carly T.: My reply to Erika would of been. 'Then come for me because you are a liar'

Bongeka Masango: Rinna's glam this season has been everything 🥰🥰. Also can we give Kathy a diamond, she is soooo funny, I need to see more of her.

Brooklyn: Erika wants to come out of this like she’s living a Steel Magnolias movie 😂 Plus it’s funny when she turns on the female trucker voice, trashy not classy. 😆

BUTLERU: Ericka better have her ducks in row. This issue is only gonna get worse in court, and in the media. I don't know whether she knew, but this is too much. God, bless the family's. Amen!

Saraiii Ochoa: Im sorry but Erica Pathetic they are a bunch of thieves...and she belongs in prison along with her Demented husband...her life imagine the victims

beverly dunlap: Nasty

Levi Lee: SHE KNEW EVERYTHING. SHE KNEW EVERYTHING. SHE KNEW EVERYTHING. I hope they’re keeping looking for more.... Because that’s a lot of shit under the carpet. ☺️

T Mann: “Look at me. Look at my fucking life” as she is sitting in a multi million dollar home, having a beautiful dinner worth thousands (food and liquor), with professional hair and makeup on, huge diamonds, designer clothes, on a television show she’s being paid to be on.. boohoo erika. Poor u

Annie: I believe ericka!! I wish her all the best and she will survive on her own for sure especially when all this covid talk is over!!

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